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Do You Even Know Who You Are?

Do You Even Know Who You Are?


Information is power only when you have access to it, and you know how to use that knowledge to produce result. "My people perish for lack of knowledge." Hosea 4:6

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The speaker starts by celebrating Father's Day and honoring fathers who represent God in their homes and communities. The topic of the sermon is "Do You Even Know?" The speaker emphasizes the importance of knowledge and how lack of knowledge can lead to destruction. He uses the example of Juneteenth to illustrate how lack of knowledge can keep people in bondage. He also mentions a law that provides benefits for veterans but many are unaware of it. The speaker then applies this concept to believers, stating that many are unaware of the power and identity they have in God. He urges believers to seek knowledge and understand who they are in God. The speaker concludes by expressing concern for those who are living aimlessly and in bondage because they don't know their true identity as kings and priests unto God. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! Hallelujah! People of God, praise God! It's another glorious Sunday, Father's Day 2023, and again it's a marvelous joy and a precious honor to be able to bring God's Word on this day. It's always an opportunity to learn for us, and we trust that God will teach us so that we can teach as many as are within the sound of my voice this evening. Today is a day that fathers are celebrated. It's a day that we reserve to celebrate the men, the fathers in our lives, and to recognize them and to acknowledge God for the fathers in the homes. And so today to all the fathers who are doing exactly what God has ordained for them to do, which is to represent God in their homes, in their ministries, in the lives of their children, to be an example to the younger generation of who God wants the men to be, to be leaders, to be mentors, and to all the fathers who are doing this taking their roles in the community seriously and who understand the assignment that being a father is a divine assignment, we honor you. We honor you. And to those who are yet to come into the truth of the light of what it means to be a father, to those fathers who are yet to catch up to be ambassadors for God in the lives of their children, to those fathers who need to show up and need to do the right thing, we pray for strength for you. We pray for grace for you. We pray that God will give you the enablement to step up and be all that God has called you to be so that you can reap the benefits of being a father. Amen. So today we're going to talk about a subject I have titled, Do You Even Know? This is a subject that we need to talk about a lot more than we do as believers and as voices in the community, as voices in the space to amplify certain things for transformation, for the purposes of transformation. So my subject today is, Do You Even Know? I have two anchor scriptures. I have two anchor scriptures that we're going to use today. The first one is from the book of Hosea, Hosea 4-6, where the Bible says, My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. And the Bible says, Because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you from being priests for me. That's a powerful word right there. I'm going to read it again. This is the Lord speaking. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. And because of this, because you have rejected knowledge, because you lack knowledge, because you are not pursuing knowledge, therefore you lack knowledge, I, God, will also reject you from being priests for me. Which ties back to what we just said earlier about men who are representatives for God. Men, the fathers, are priests for God in their homes, in their communities. And so a father who lacks that knowledge is going to be rejected by God because the role of being a father is an assignment from God. And so as a father, if you don't know this, you lack this knowledge, God is saying in this word right here, that He will reject you from being a priest for God. Amen. So my second scripture, second anchor scripture, can be found in the book of Psalms 49, verse 20. Psalms 49, 20 says, Man that is in honor and understands not, is like the beasts that perish. Man that is in honor and understandeth not, is like the beasts that perish. Holy Spirit, we appreciate you. We welcome you. We reverence you. We acknowledge that all power and all wisdom and all knowledge belongs to you. Tonight I ask for your help for impartation. I ask that you will open up the avalanche of grace upon me. Teach me and teach through me. Let the words of my mouth be acceptable unto God. Let the words of God in my mouth not fall to the ground. As many as will hear my voice, the voice of angels, let the breath of God take this word to open hearts, understanding hearts, so that transformation shall take place, beginning from the speaker. In Jesus' name. Amen. So today, I'm going to talk a little bit about the story of Juneteenth. Because Juneteenth, as many might know, is being celebrated more and more now, more widely. And that's because Juneteenth is a very strategic event. And Juneteenth really celebrates the story of slaves, African slaves in Texas, in Galveston, Texas, who after the proclamation, the abolition of slavery, were unaware. They didn't know that slavery had been abolished. And for three years, enslaved people from Africa, originally from Africa, by this time now, these were descendants of slaves. So, slavery had been abolished in the United States, and many slaves had been set free, because now by law, slavery was no longer accepted. But in Galveston, Texas, the slaves in Galveston, Texas, didn't know that slavery was now abolished. And they continued to work as slaves for slave masters, who knew that slavery was abolished, but they didn't tell their slaves. And so for three years, freed people, freed people who had now been freed by law, were still bound in slavery because of lack of knowledge. And they were perishing in slavery. So slave masters who had the knowledge, but didn't share. The slaves continued in harsh circumstances of slavery. They continued in unpaid labor. They continued as normal, as if they were actual slaves, but they were not slaves anymore. They were free. Until the word came to them, you are no longer slaves. You are free now. And then they left their masters and they walked away free. So what that means is that, even though it took about three years for these slaves to come into knowledge of the truth, and walk away from slavery because now they were free by law, if it had taken longer, if this knowledge, this information, this light, this truth, didn't get to them at all, three years, five years, ten years, if they never came into knowledge of their liberty, they could have died slaves. They could have continued in slavery. And their slave masters wouldn't have told them. They may have died slaves, even though free, but because they didn't know, they would have perished as slaves. And even their offspring may have continued in slavery after their death. Why? Because of lack of knowledge. And so like these liberated slaves, who continued in slavery because they didn't have knowledge, there are many today, many even believers, today who are hellbound, in captivity of the mind, of the soul, of the body, there are many who are bound in their economy. You are enslaved. Someone listening to me right now, is enslaved and is unaware. Someone is unaware that what is holding them bound, has been abolished by the blood of Jesus Christ. What is holding your economy bound right now? What is holding your mind bound right now? Maybe to drugs, to addictions, maybe something is even holding your soul bound, you are bound in your soul. Your soul tied, someone listening to me right now, might be in a relationship, and you desire to be free, you desire to escape, you desire to live a life worth living, but your soul is bound to another, who has enslaved you, because you think you are in love, but you are not in love, you are bound. You are enslaved. Someone right now might even be sick in their body. Someone might be suffering under a plague of captivity, because the truth of the matter is, if anyone is sick in their body, it is a spiritual reality, that is manifesting in the natural, by the form of sickness. So there is a bondage, taking place in the invisible realm, which is manifesting as sickness. So it is bondage. Be it captivity of the mind, of the body, of the soul, of the economy, maybe even the children, some people's children, you are free, you are doing good. Some people, your children are bound, and you have done all you can to help, but you feel powerless. There are people listening to me right now, who don't know, that the situation they are dealing with, that is holding their lives captive, and preventing them from living their best life, has been paid for. It's been abolished, on Calvary's cross. The price paid, the sacrifice made, the proclamation has gone forth, you are free, you have been free, but you are unaware, so you lack knowledge, and therefore you are bound, and perishing under a situation that can't be addressed. If only you knew how. Jesus paid the price already. Jesus paid the price, for liberty. And so, you know, we know, and everybody, people who, you read books, you listen to inspirational messages, and people always say, information is power. This is true. Information is power. Information is light. Information makes the difference. When you come into knowledge, of information, that is when information is power. You have to have the ability, to employ that knowledge, for the specific purpose. So this is what I'm trying to say. Information is information, it's always there, it's always available. Because someone, will get inspired by the Holy Spirit, and will create a solution, to a problem. So, once that's done, the solution is there. That's step one. Information about that solution, is step two. So once the solution is created, and the information becomes available, that is power. So creation of the solution, is power one. Information, about the solution, is power two. Now, knowledge of that information, is also power. If you see where I'm going, this is a chain now. So information is power, is an end product. Information by itself, is no power. Because you can have information, and that information may not be available, to the person who needs it. And the person who needs it, may in fact come into knowledge, of that information, and may not have the ability to employ, that information, for the purpose. And, you're back to square one. So having knowledge, of that information, is power three. The ability, to employ, the knowledge you now have, of the information, is power four. And the ability, to employ, that knowledge, to the specific purpose, so that, the problem, is eliminated, is power four. You see why, the Bible says, that the people perish, because of lack of knowledge. Now look at all these steps. All these steps require, knowledge at a certain level. They require knowledge, at elevated levels. But you must know, the information you don't know about, is worthless. Because the information in its own, its power is latent, as it concerns you. Because, imagine now there is a gun. The gun, is powerful, in its own. Information about a gun, is powerful, if you know how to, use the gun, if you know where the gun is, if you know how to work the gun, if you know what to do with the gun. So again, what I'm saying is, information is powerful, and there are levels, there are steps, to information, and, knowledge, is that key. And the key is always elevating. The key is always changing. Knowledge is the key. And so without knowledge, the end result of a lack of knowledge, is destruction. Perish, you will perish. For example, if there is a cure, to a disease, and there is a, person, who is diseased, and they don't have knowledge of that cure, surely, except of course by, divine intervention, divine healing, by a miracle, such a one, is likely not to make it. And so, information needs to be communicated. Information by itself, won't help you. Information must be communicated, and that's how power comes. Power, comes from knowing, the information, and how to use that information, to produce change. For example, in August, of 2022, precisely the 10th of August, 2022, President Joe Biden, of America, signed a very, important act, piece of legislation, called the Pact Act. And so he signed into law, this piece of legislation called the Pact Act, and the Pact Act, provides, amazing benefits, for U.S. veterans, and their families. And, these benefits, can be accumulated, from the date, the law, the act was signed into law. So for example, now we're in June, today is the 19th of June. And so, if I was a veteran, and I didn't sign up, on the first day of August, on the 10th of August, 2022, which was the first day, the act came into law, if I signed on now, I have the ability, to accumulate, the benefits, now, as if, I had signed up, on the 10th of August, 2022. So, up until, the 9th of August, 2023, within one year, that the act came into law, I have the ability, to, sign up, anytime, any day, before, the 9th of August, 2023, I have the ability, to sign up, and once I sign up, within one year, that the law came into force, I can get, all the benefits, of August 10th, all the way down, to the day, that I sign up, as long, as it doesn't exceed, the 9th of August, 2023, meaning that, the first one year, of this law, veterans, are able, to get the benefits, for one year, regardless, of what day, they sign up, as long, as it's within, one year. So, if I signed up, on the 9th of August, 2023, all the benefits, 12 months, benefits, come to me, but if I signed up, one day after that, I can only get the benefit, starting from that, one day. So, if I signed up, on the, say, let's imagine, I signed up, on the 11th, of August, 2023, I can no longer, claim, the accumulated benefits, from August 10th, 2022, because now, the one year grace period, has gone, but I can, begin to gain, get my benefits, from, whatever day, I sign up, after one year, so a whole year's benefits, I have lost, because I didn't have knowledge, that I could, be entitled, to one year, as long as I, apply, within one year. If I don't have that knowledge, I lose, while someone else, who has the knowledge, is able to, have the advantage, of one year's benefits, but that's, that doesn't sound good, if, for example, I didn't know, it wouldn't sound good, if I had to lose, a year's, benefits, because I missed, the one year grace period, but the worst thing, is that, as wonderful, as this law, sounds, and it is wonderful, it's a great thing, that President, President Biden, has done, to honor veterans, for their service, to their country, it's a great thing, but, did you know, that, many veterans, have no idea, that the law, even exists, not only don't they know, that, they're entitled, to sign up, just before, the dawn of the first year, and they, are able to get, one whole year's benefit, many don't even know, that the PACT Act, exists. So, many veterans, who could have been entitled to, benefits because of certain things, that happened to them in battle, many veterans who suffered, maybe now they contacted, certain cancers, or diabetes, or maybe they fell ill, because of something that happened to them, where they went to war, to serve for their country, and many are dying, from these diseases, and don't realize, that they can claim certain benefits, because of what happened to them. Why? Because, they lack, the knowledge. Again, Hosea 4, 6, my people perish, from a lack, of knowledge. Veterans, millions and millions of veterans, and their families, who are entitled to this, great benefits, and there's a huge budget, set aside, for this purpose, to give back, to veterans, for what they've done, for their country, but they don't know. And so, because they don't know, they perish. Many are dying, from diseases. Many are dying, from their, basically, the lack of knowledge, is causing them to perish, just like the word has said. And, many believers are like this. Countless believers, are exactly like this. Many, are painfully, unaware, of the provisions, put in place by God, our Father, to ensure, our deliverance. To ensure, our victory. To ensure, our prosperity, and, our peace. Many, many, many, countless people, even believers, live a defeated life, because, we don't know, that we are kings, and priests, unto God. We don't know this. That's why the Bible says, in Hosea 4, 6, that's the B part, because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you, from being priests for me. That's the word of God. You know, in this word, God hasn't named anybody. He says, my people. That's how the verse begins. My people, are destroyed, for lack of knowledge. Then the B part says, I will reject you, from being priests. So if you link it up, you're linking up my people, and my priests. Meaning that anyone, who is under that line, being a believer, of God, and being named, by the name of God, you are the people of God, you are right there, on that line, you are a priest, unto God. This scripture, is not for pastors, alone. It's not for apostles, it's not for prophets, it's not for the faithful ministry, it is for anyone, named by the name of God, meaning anyone who is saved, and a believer. You are the people of God, and right there, you fall in line, as a priest, unto God. As believers, we are kings, and priests, unto God. But many, have no idea, right now, as we speak, there is a priest, and a king, unto God, right now, loitering the streets, of major cities, strung out on drugs, prostituting themselves. Why? Because they don't know. They don't know who they are. They have no knowledge, and therefore, they perish. They don't know, who they are. The Bible says, God says in His word, I know the thoughts that I have, towards you. They are thoughts of good, and not of evil, to bring you, to your expected end. So God has an expected end for us. And that expected end, is not loitering in the streets, strung out on drugs, prostituting, stealing, robbing, taking a special corner, to sell drugs to children. That is not the expected end, of God, for His people. His expected end for us, is priesthood, and royalty, victory, power. That is God's plan, and God has put measures, in place, for us to be kings and priests, to be powerful, unto God. But many believers do not know. Many believers don't know this. Some who even know, some have an idea, they have an inkling, but they don't believe. It's them. They think, that this power, this plan, this high level plan of God, can't be for them. It must be for the bishop. It must be for the prayer warrior. It must be for the apostle, the prophet. It must be for... No. It's for you. You, yes you, the believer, who is in line, as a priest unto God, just because you believe. So because some know, but don't believe, they are powerless. And they are exactly, in the same category, as the one who has no idea, at all. The Bible says, they that know their God, shall be strong, and shall do exploits. Knowledge is a valuable component of power in God. If you don't know, you perish. Simple. If you don't know, you perish. And if you don't know your God, certainly, you cannot do exploits. You can't make it. You need to know who you are in God. Because the more you know who you are in God, the more you know God, because you are going to find, the revelation of yourself, in pursuit of God, who has the blueprint, of who you are, and your tomorrow. The other day, while riding through a major city in the US, my heart, my heart grieved, because, I saw something I have seen many times. I wasn't seeing that for the first time, I wasn't seeing that for the first time, because, if you live in a major city in the US, you will be familiar, with, precious children of God, moving up and down the streets, aimlessly, living outside of the realm, of the highest possibilities that God has for them, taking drugs on the street corners, and not representing God well. My heart grieved for them, because, as I drove by, as I rode by, I saw kings, I saw queens, I saw priests unto God, I saw captains of industry, rulers of nations, I saw great men and women, with the life force of Christ in them. I saw very clearly, it was amazing because, their behavior, didn't line up with what I was seeing, but I could see through, the natural, and I said to myself, these are kings and priests, unto God, and they don't even know. They don't even know. And because they don't know, they are perishing right there on the roadside, they are perishing. And unless they find their way back to the master, who has the master plan, unless they find their way back, to God, who has the blueprint for their lives, they will not make it. You know, the Bible says of David, David said, in the book of Psalms, These plans, these, God has made me to know, by His hand upon my hand. So you know, when God has a plan for us, and we enter into God, in pursuit of God for who He is, God by our hands, begins to write out His plans for our lives. God begins to download a divine blueprint, a divine master plan, for our lives, so that we have clarity, on whom God has called us to be. This is why it is imperative, that to become royalty, in the natural, that God has created us to be in the realm of the spirit, because God has created us in the spirit, we are royalty in the spirit. The Bible says, God does all things well, and He makes all things beautiful in His time. So in God's time, in His realm, in the dimension of God, we are royalty. But in the natural, we are operating below capacity. We are operating below capacity. The Bible says, you are a royal vine, and not a degenerate seed. So even on that street corner, you, just you, on that street corner, or maybe you have a child, who has refused to leave the street corner, know this, regardless of what you look like now, regardless of how much drugs you sell today, regardless of how much of your body you sell, you are royalty, period. The only difference is, you don't know who you are. A mind shift is necessary. A mind shift. The only way a slave can become a king, is a mind shift. And you know, anyone who is outside of, who isn't born again, meaning anyone who hasn't accepted Christ as Lord and Savior, who hasn't been saved by the blood, and in the name of Jesus Christ, is a slave. Is a slave to the devil, is a slave to Satan, and will die a slave. It is written, there is no other name given amongst men, by which men shall be saved, but by the name of Jesus Christ. And at the mention of the name of Jesus, every knee must bow, and every tongue must confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. So anyone who isn't living life, saved by the blood of Jesus Christ, and in His name, is a slave. Because there is only one name, that guarantees liberty. And so now, a mind shift is necessary for that slave, to become royalty in God. And that is to be saved. To know what they need, and to come to the knowledge, the saving knowledge of Christ. Again, we are back to knowledge. And once they come to that saving knowledge, they no longer are bound for slavery, and bound to perish. They are now in line for priesthood. They are now in line for priesthood. So all these precious children of the Most High God, on these three corners, who don't even know who they are, they are living below the expectation of God the Father. The Bible says, in our second anchor scripture, which is Psalms 49 verse 20, the Bible says, He who is in honor, man who is in honor, and has no understanding, is as beasts that perish. Again, understanding is knowledge. If you are in honor, and by being a child of God, you are already in honor. There are many people right now, living suboptimal lives, who are actually out of church. Many are children, preacher's kids, and they are living life suboptimally. These are people who already have come to the saving knowledge of Christ, but have walked away from the fold, and removed themselves from the security that Christianity provides. The honor that a man can have, the highest honor that a man can have, is to be named by the name of the Lord. Because the name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run into it and they are saved. So a man who is saved, already has the honor of the name of Jesus Christ as a strong tower. But if you don't know, and you don't understand, you are going to perish like a beast, who doesn't have that saving grace. So again, we are back to a lack of knowledge, a lack of understanding, with the ultimate result of perishing. It's with the mind that we understand. It's with the mind that we enter into knowledge. So this message is for that man, that woman, who is unable to see themselves for who they really are. For some it's because of trauma. For some it's because of the vicissitudes of life. For some it's because of things, issues. Things have happened. And some people have had such a beatdown, that they don't even know which way is up. Just waking up in the morning, and just getting through the day, surviving the day is the ultimate aim and goal, of someone who is listening to me now, and that's okay. Because the truth of the matter is, sometimes life can be harsh. All you just want to do is get through. Just survive. But in surviving, there is more. God has so much invested in you. Hear this, hear me, hear me, please. You are more than this. You are more than this. You are more than the street corner. You are more than this. You are a king. You are the king's kid. You are a priest unto God. You are more. And once you are able to get into your mind, that you are more, it's going to be a spiritual shift of your paradigm. Once you can get it into your head, that you are more, you are going to begin to seek for knowledge. You are going to begin to seek information. Why? Because now you want to know exactly who you are. You want to know, if you are truly more, who are you then? If I am more than this, who am I? And my prayer tonight, as we close, is that the Spirit of the Living God, the Spirit of knowledge and wisdom and understanding and of the fear of the Living God will come into you, into me, into everyone within the sound of my voice and impart knowledge, impart wisdom. Right now, I pray and I decree and I declare that the Spirit of God, the arm of God who rules for God will come upon each and every one of us right now to begin a groundwork, a foundational work of knowledge, of understanding. The Bible says that God gave unto Daniel the spirit of excellence, the spirit of knowledge and skill and understanding and visions and dreams and literature. The Bible says of Aholio and Bezalel, the Lord filled them with the Spirit of God in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge and skill for curious works and all manner of craftsmanship. So there is a Spirit that brings knowledge. There is a Spirit that brings wisdom and understanding. The Spirit of God has the assignment to teach us. So Holy Spirit, we are hungry for you now. I am hungry for you. We invite you Holy Spirit, teach us. Teach us. Give us knowledge. Give us light. Give us understanding so that as we go into this new week we will begin to see ourselves in new ways. We will begin to see who we really are in God. We will see ourselves correctly. We will see all men correctly. We will see God correctly by your help Holy Spirit of God. Let it be so in the name of Jesus. Amen and amen and amen. Again, people of God, it's been a wonderful, wonderful time in the presence of God. Just bring in the Word and it's a pleasure for me. It's an honor for us to be able to just dive into the Word because every Sunday when we come here, we come here depending on the Holy Ghost to speak and to speak life. Again, Holy Ghost has done that and we are very grateful. So people of God, till next Sunday, have a wonderful time. Stay blessed. Stay wise. In Jesus' name, amen.

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