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Unedited Bull Nakano

Unedited Bull Nakano

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The transcription is a conversation about professional wrestler Bull Nakano and her impact on the wrestling industry. Bull Nakano was a pioneer for women's wrestling and had legendary matches with other wrestlers like Luna Vachon and Aja Kong. She also had a successful career in Japanese promotions and even started her own promotion later in life. The conversation also touches on her unique wrestling style and gear choices. All right, we can get started, have some audio going, and yeah, let's go, all right. Welcome to Vocal Vignette, this is episode two, we are getting started finally with what we love to talk about, which is wrestling, people that brought us to the show, to the industry, to whatever, so it's going to be a fun episode as we are going to discuss some Bo Nakano, so Zach? Bo Nakano, famously one of the Hall of Famers from this past year in the WWE, started her ring career on September 23rd, 1983, retired around 1997 too, and we'll talk about this very briefly, start a career as a women's professional golfer in the LPGA, and all around she was considered one of the first really big hallmark women's wrestlers, not just in the world, but to come to the United States and really start performing on that scale. She of course had legendary matches with Lunger Blaze in North America and some in Japan for Lunger Blaze's WWF Women's Championship, which for a long time they were two of the only legitimate contenders in the entire division, but she also had legendary feuds in Japanese promotions like Japanese Pro-Women Wrestling Project, what would have then been All Japan Pro-Wrestling, and many other promotions against people like Aja Kong, we'll talk a bit about a match she had with Devil Masumi, she wrestled a lot in WCW, well not a lot, but she did have some matches in WCW as well, and then she did actually do her own tribute series of shows with a new promotion that she started in 2012 to kind of give herself an official send-off in retirement, obviously this was way past her actual retirement in 1996, but Bull's been a very influential staple in a lot of the wrestling industry, including today. Yeah, very influential, I was watching a lot of her matches from All Japan Pro-Wrestling, and just realizing she was a part like Aja Kong, Manami Toyoda, Akira Hokuto, like just all these like just like goats like, and like she's in the middle of that, and it's like, and this is like what from like 89, 90, to about 94, like when she goes before she goes to WWE, and then even her matches with Alonja Belize, or Medusa, whichever war, and it's like yo, Vince McMahon really robbed us of some women's wrestling, like he really robbed us, like felony, like felony, like I'm looking at like, I'm looking at shit from 1991, I'm looking at her match against, who is it again, was it, I think it was against Toyoda, yeah, Toyoda with the red belt, first of all, my red belt looks so fucking nice, have you seen the red belt when Bull McConnell was walking, like the red with the gold over it is so nice, like that belt is so fucking nice, um, but I'm watching that match, and I'm just like yo, like this is 1991, like these girls over here, like we're getting, like it feels crazy to be like when the women's revolution happened in WWE with, you know, Mercedes, and Charlotte, and Becky, and Bailey, and all them, and it's like the matches were great, but I'm watching yo, I'm watching Bull in 92, and I'm like yo, like they're eating, like they are eating, like they're leaving no crumbs for nobody, so I have to say I like that you brought up that Toyoda match, because I didn't get a chance to watch any of it for this like review episode, but I remember looking through a few of her other matches, and like a few of her opponents, and like Toyoda had such a crazy presence, because like she had the frills, everything, the red belt, like the gold tassels with it, it made them look like wrestling, but not like wrestling belts, like boxing belts, like actual world championship belts, and that that's a big part of why I feel like so much of a Japanese women's pro wrestling project, and like all Japan, um, all Japan women's wrestling like made so much sense, is that they made sure that they had the respect, and like the class, and the attention they needed, because a lot of the way those shows work, like um, they just ran them like straight wrestling shows, like there were no gimmicks, there were no like, oh little sponsorship, they're no, they did sketches, you know, like the way that people do promos and segments, but like they were, this was a show where people were going to be watching like 80 percent straight wrestling, so like um, what was the match, I was, it was Nakano, and Kong, they were a tag team against Akira, and um, what is it, uh, what's her name, Shinobu Kandori, Kandori, yeah, it was like a tag match, and yeah, it was, it was brilliant, because I'm like, yo, Bull and Kong, like they really put their beef aside, because they was whooping ass, like that match, like first of all, like both of them, like what I just like about Bull and really just all those other girls, like there was no wasted motion in the ring, like there was like, it was like Bull Nakano, it was ass whooping time from the get-go, like, yeah, you were getting like, you were getting launched, you were getting stomped on, you were like, there was like, it was, she was beating you up, and she was just a perfect, like the heel, like her attitude, her, her, and she had, she had the matches that people talk about now, and they're like, I wish I could have that, like a lot of the women especially, you know, because even before like Liv Morgan and like Becky were trying to like really get these gimmicks over on like mainstream, everybody's talking about like, I want to do a hard core match, I want to do a hard core match, like one of the matches I watched, I had, I was re-watching it in the last hour before I recorded, re-watching it in the last hour before I recorded, um, Bull Nakano and uh, Kaiyoko Inoue versus Azuka Kong and Bison Kimura, yeah, in the tag match, yeah, in the tag match, and they end the match, first of all, it's a really good match, Bull just gets a lot of stuff off, Bison Kimura too, I wasn't as familiar with her, really cool, they get to the end of the match, and they're sitting in the ring, and like, it's just like, there are no cuts, like in the way, you know, when they do TV wrestling and any promotion now, like there's cuts, there's all these reactions, there's all the other people, they, they are barely cutting from Bison and Aja getting their head shaved, and Bison's crying, you see Bull and uh, Kaiyoko, like they haven't left the ring, and this is like, you know, there's blood and guts and all these different things in wrestling, but like, this is really like, what adds that mystique, like they were just doing everything, like any trope in wrestling, chain, there's a chain match too, that we could talk about for sure, that Bull Nakano had against uh, Shinobu Kandori, and like, you're, you're seeing, um, Bull wrap the chain around her neck and her chest, and then she's climbing up to the rope, and then she comes down on her, and she's screaming and yelling in pain, and I'm like, this is it, like they're not hamming up the wrong parts, this is the, it's the wrestling that we're focusing on here. It's just all like, yeah, I saw that match like a couple days ago, I was watching that, and then she had um, uh, it was Bison and Aja, this, with uh, Bull Nakano and Monster Ripper, that were in a, in a cage match essentially, this was when I think they, they both did a dive, and I think obviously Aja Kong, like they, it was, it was like the match, like it was awkward towards the end, because obviously she had it, she's like injured, or had an injury, or whatever, maybe, um, and then they're, they're rolling her out, so like the ending was pretty awkward, but the, the lead up to it, like they were, they were hitting, like it, they, it did, yo, like I said earlier, it was Bull Nakano, it's bust ass central, when you get in the ring with her whooping ass, like, and I was like, you know what made me realize that I really do like her a lot, is that she wrestles, she wrestles with no shoes on, she has her toes out, and I don't know if I ever told you this, I fucking hate wrestlers with their toes out, like that always disturbed me with Matt Riddle, like I could never, like I fucking hate that, same thing with Solo, like I get it, put some shoes on bro, like Umaga, like when he was wrestling, like that was one of the things that really bothered me, because I'm like, yo, like what if you jam your toe, what if you stub your, like that shit don't hurt, like it don't hurt, it, it, like doing, it was immediately one of the reasons I knew I liked Bull, was when I saw her with no shoes on, I was like, that's the coolest, like that's so cool, well, she's got that, I, I noticed, I was like, damn, she got no shoes on, but I was like, look, that don't even bother me, that's how I know Bull is 1000% official, because I fucking hate, I really, that's not real, I do not like, put on some shoes, put on some, put on some socks, put on something on your feet when you're wrestling, I do not like that, I don't like your toes out, I don't, I don't, so I hope Solo, I hope Solo with his new shit, with his new bloodline, you know what they need to do, find some shoes for him too, find some shoes for him, yeah, he has the suit on, he has all the nice clothing on, but you know, when it's time to do his business, he doesn't need shoes, he doesn't need anything, he needs to find them, he needs to find them, I was like, only Bull, only Bull can roll that one, she's the only one who can do that, I fucking hate it, oh my gosh, I hate that, I hate that, but like I was saying, like her gear, like she fits, like she would have fit in like the 2000s, like Y2K, like can you imagine, like she's coming into that era, and it's like, it's, obviously she was there with Luna when she was in WWE, so she had Luna Vachon with her, but I mean as you're creeping in into that, like, like can you imagine her just tagging up like the Hardys, and like her gear would fucking fit, she would actually fit with that, with the blue hair, green hair, like she would fit, and then even now with Gen Z, like she would fit with Gen Z too, like just her fucking aura, her style, like she, it's, man, yeah, it's crazy because like you see when we get to the attitude era, like a lot of different wrestlers made a point, especially on the men's side, to like have your hair, you gotta have like your fishnet, or like something, or the other, or you have a really clean cut, like, you know, like borderline, like WCW look, like just black trunks, like, you know, short sleeve shirt, but Bull, and a lot of people from that era, like they made a point, their hair, their gear, the patterning of her gear, because Bull had the, I forget the name of it, it's like a type of Japanese, like gold hair, name for that, Sugi, have you ever seen that? Like where they use gold to repair very expensive pieces, they're like, and like that's the crack that you see in her face paint, like that is deeply inspired. People don't do, or weren't doing stuff like that in the attitude era, a lot of women weren't, because it was just kind of boiled down to like, you know, you got like skimpy gear, you have your long hair, like whatever. We did say earlier that I'd been fucking killed. Oh yeah, of course. No, yeah, that's what I'm saying. So like, yeah, they couldn't, I mean, what realistically, what did they have, until Sable came along and brought that back, but like what did they really have to do? So it feels so, like we were really, obviously she retired in like 97, like because of injuries and stuff, so it's like, you know, who knows what we would have gotten anyway, if like, if the wrestling wasn't cut off and like we could still see it, like how much, like we'd see shell of her anyway, but like it's just going back and just looking at how fly she was, like everything that you want, like everything, sometimes the things that I beg from wrestlers now, she just had it, it just oozed off her, like she, it just, she, you know, it was there, like you know what I mean, like gave us, it's a rapidness too. Yeah, like she was like, not, yeah, she just had this real, like the match I want to talk about a bit was from Japanese Women's Pro Wrestling Project, April 18, 1993, there's a match with Devil Masami, and Devil Masami, I wasn't as like into, she has 800 is on cage match, she wrestled around the same time, she primarily in Japan for JW, but she had like a couple of standing feuds, you know, pretty high stakes with bull, this, this match, specifically 40 minutes, like from the very moment they start bull is just like layering it or her in the head, they're running into each other, they're hard selling. And like, the match goes about 37 ish minutes and bull wins. But well, always remember is like, it's, it's 32 minutes into the match. They're just going and going. And like, you think that they're both like, like gas, but bull just, she's like, kind of head into devil's chest and like a stomach, like on top of her brother, both on the floor, just picks her up by her legs, full standing power bomb and just power bombs, right, and then gets up, picks her up, puts her in a finisher, puts her in a hold, takes her over, like, she just has this, it is unreal, because, you know, forget like guys, girls, whoever, whatever, like, this is about just this, like, deep, deep intensity. And a lot of the times, like, you know, not that you'll see like wrestling, you just see, I feel like you just, I'm more used to seeing wrestlers like get, like, gas or like it feeling more of like a work when they get gas, but like, there's just something so desperate about those later stages of the full matches I was able to watch earlier this week. And today, I was like, damn, like, she's just worked, she's working out there. Yeah, like with her and like, the tag match I was talking about earlier was when her and Kong got the team up against Kendori and Hokuto. Like, that was just brilliant storytelling on both sides, like, you know, bull and in Asia have to pull, put their beef aside. And, well, and, you know, just be the big badasses that they are. They get to Akira and Kendori, who are like, who were also beefing and was like, yo, can we coexist? And it's like, well, at this moment, we're getting our ass beat. So we, we have to coexist right now, because we're, because they're whooping our ass. And like, we got what we have nothing, there's nothing else we can do. Other than like, let's rock it together for now. I'll screw up with you later. But I got I got to get bull and Kong out of here. And I just love that match. I just think it's kind of crazy. How bull was just in the fold of like, so many other legendary wrestlers. I get it's real crazy how obviously not our time. And obviously a lot of those matches in Japan. So people if they know they know they don't they don't. But it's like in the wrestling world or lexicon. It's like, yo, she's so fucking important. And yeah, she was right in her Hall of Fame speech when she's like, when she's like, it took you long enough to acknowledge me because it's like, yo, for real, like she should have been been in the Hall of Fame been inducted. Because it's like you like there's never going to be another bull like you can't duplicate that you can't duplicate that swagger that style that nothing. And it just I guess it just so happens to be you know, just the era that she was in. And it's like you look at the influences now obviously, Asuka, Iosuke, Kairi Sane, just all the Japanese girls. And by the way, I think WWE, I think they're planning to do PLE in Japan, which is going to be dope. But it's like sick. Yeah, it's just like, yo, like bull like, and I'm in all like, I can't. I mean, I wanted to ask you this actually to like it, who are a couple matches that you'd like to like if you could pluck Bull McConnell, whatever 1991-1992 version of Bull, bring her in 2024. Who would you like to see her face? Because I was thinking about I was like, yo. Yeah, I was like, there's a lot of like, I was like, Bull, yo, put Bull against fucking Chris Statlander. I was like, yo, that's a match. Jamie Hayter, that's against Chris. That's a match. Bull against Shayna Baszler. I feel like they would get so much out of each other. They would get busy. They get busy. Her against Mercedes. Absolutely. I was like, we getting, um, you know, it would be cool to, um, yeah, her against Mercedes. Like Baszler, Baszler's actually a real good one too. I didn't want to go the obvious. Baszler's a good one. I didn't want to go the obvious of Iosuke or Asuka because I think that's should be alright. People haven't discussed that. Yeah, that should be automatic. But I was just even thinking just, you know what, just for just for how brutal she was. I'd like to see her against Bianca. Like, I'd love to see that. Like, that'd be a nice strong. I would love to see her. Yeah, absolutely. And I would be interesting to see what we got that that that type of match like that would require Bianca to bring out some other things and then obviously be super athletic and but I'd be curious to see that. And then I was like a low key sleeper that would hit is Bull Nakano versus Trish Stratus. I was like, Bull Nakano versus, since she would go, Bull versus Trish. I always said, because this was from my preferences back when, you know, everybody loves Trish, Bull versus Mickie James. You get Bull Nakano 1992 versus Mickie James, summer 2007. Place is on fire, the building is on fire. Very good. I was like, damn, that's so many dream matches right there alone. And we didn't even get to like Rhea. And I'd be interested. I'd be curious to see how that works. They have they have sort of similar styles. It's just in terms of gear and presentation, almost. Obviously, the language barrier is a thing. But Bull is menacing in her way and Rhea is menacing. And they're both menacing in powerhouses in their own way. And they bring that same thing to the table. And they're, you know, they're dark gear. They're eccentric, like Rhea has all the tattoos and the chains. And obviously, Bull has her face, her hair, like, you know, they have they have different. Very notable things about them that they bring. Visually, like now we're not even getting to the ring yet. And I'm like, it'd be interesting to see how they work in the ring. And I obviously, I think they would do well because Rhea, to me, she seems like someone who rises to the occasion moments. Whenever she has big moments, she rises to the occasion. And then that's partly also why I wanted to see a Bull and Trish match. Because to me, Trish has always been a person who, on the bright lights, whatever it may be, she, Trish has an interesting quality to me, where she can raise the, it's like in basketball, where certain players can raise the floor of their team. So it's like, they're not going to be really bad. Like, when you bring them on the team, they're going to be, they're going to be all right. But they can't necessarily raise the ceiling where they're not going to necessarily give you the championship or even, you know, bring you to the finals. But, you know, they'll raise the floor on you, you know, so yeah, you'll excel to a certain extent, but they're not necessarily going to push the ceiling. Trish, to me, Trish, to me can do can do both at the same, sometimes at the same time, where like, she'll raise the floor in her match. Yes. But also, she can really push the ceiling too. Like, she has an odd, like, she's odd in that way where it works for her. And I noticed that for her, like, I really know for her and Becky, and that steel cage match, I was like, okay, like, she would really, like, like, imagine her and Bull in a steel cage match. Yeah. That would, that would go ultra hard. I like that idea too, because I think, I think somebody like Trish has that ability. And I think that that's a big hallmark of why I became such a big fan of, like, some of the, the newer women now, like Bianca, like Io, where it's like, they can operate inside of the space in a manner where they're, they're elevating everything around them. And even if it's not the 10 out of 10, you're not getting a dud, you're not getting yourself into a pinch. And I think that is something that that's like a big thing that people will remember about Bull, right? It's like everything she incorporated herself into, like the intensity immediately conveyed the seriousness, the aura, the presence, the environment was a big part of that, too. I think that's what they're really getting right about the booking now, as opposed to the booking over the last 20 years with the women. It's a reason why Bull would succeed so extremely in this environment is because you don't have to talk, you don't have to make a catchphrase, you don't have to do something like Bull would come out, she would come out with like stitches, she'd have a broken tooth, I'm sure her hair would still be like matted in blood from the night before, and she would barely cut a promo. And I'm talking about like, if this was like next week on Raw, like, and that would be it or like on you know, Dynamite or wherever. And I think that that is what makes a wrestler truly great. It's not just like all the promotion and everything around it. Like when Trish walks into the ring, you immediately feel the weight of her presence. When when Asuka walks in the ring, you immediately feel the stakes of what a win or a loss is going to mean. Like, you know, when wrestlers can portray that, or actually could make that easy to sense for a fan or a non fan, like you've already done so much work. I think what would make Bull like, she'd be, she'd exist sort of in the same space as Asuka, where Asuka is just so fucking cool. That like, unless she does something really, really crazy, like you don't really boo her. Right? You don't like, in fact, like if Asuka like really put on an ass whooping, you're gonna cheer. Like you're gonna cheer. If she's really put it on like a clinical ass whooping, you're gonna cheer for Asuka. And I find that Bull Makano like, in today's space, she'd be a fusion of like an Asuka and Nia Jax. Like if you were to fuse the two together, like just with the heelish mentality. And it's like, and Asuka didn't like if if Asuka never showed, she could never talk, but she's just like, yo, I'm showing up, I'm whooping your ass and I'm leaving. Like she means business. Like that's all Asuka needs. And that's similar to a Bull would always need. And it's like what Nia Jax does now, right? Like she doesn't necessarily need to talk that. When she talks, if she talks, that's what it is. But if Nia Jax didn't talk, and she's like, yo, I'm gonna beat your ass in the back. I'm gonna beat your, I'm gonna interfere in your match and I'm beating your ass. What are you gonna do about it? What are you gonna do? Like Bull Makano, and then on top of that, she would do that and then look fly as hell. Look so fucking fly. Like what are you gonna say to her? Look fly. And what are you gonna say? Like, what do you like the ultimate presentation right there? Like how what are you gonna say to her? I would say people like, it would be almost similar to how Asuka when she was kind of still like that is something about Asuka I remember learning about and I was like, damn, she was so good at like, she was basically like people were actively trying. Some people would either try really try to wrestle her like to prove something or people be like, I'm not wrestling her. I'm about to ruin my entire career getting in the ring with her. Like I don't want to do that to myself. Because you see the way Bull just puts it on go like she's not waiting around for anybody either. You got a follower like I'm dragging you with me like I don't know about you, but we got to get this going. And I just love how she just whooped your ass like all day long. I was like, because the first time I discovered Bull was obviously the infamous leg drop like off the fucking cage. And it's like you saw Edge like two weeks ago do some elbow drop and like completely shatter his fucking leg. And it's like, I'm watching Bull and mind you this is like the end of the match. Like she climbs up. She like does a little prayer thing and she's like, and she just jumps. And then she hits Asia Connell with her leg drop. And then like literally bounces back up and then climbs up because it was a stipulation was a still cage and you had escaped to win. And I'm like, yo, the fact that she just like popped up like that. Like I know she was she had been dying after that match. But you know, fucking cool that look like you ate that like you ate that all the way. But that's where I first discovered. Yeah, that's where I first discovered Bull because I'm like, yo, who the fuck is that? Like, you just ledge off the top like that. And not even not even like a cell of like, oh, like not it was an immediate boom, boom, up and just let me hurry up and get out. And then like, Come on, I was like, you can't you see so many pictures of her like I remember, like, something I was just so curious was when I was younger, getting into wrestling, I would just see just you know, you watch enough wrestling and I watched like a decent bit of like Ring of Honor and like DNA and bleed all the time. And I genuinely was just like, thinking in my head, I was like a 12 year old, like, do they ever let the women bleed? And I remember googling like women wrestlers blood in match or like bleeding in match. And one of the only things that came up was bull in one of her matches with Aja. And like, she is standing in the middle of the ring. I'm sure it was like a chain link match or like a steel cage. She's just like, it's not even like a little bit or like a cut like it's just not she's like, Oh, like, yeah. And I was like, holy what the hell is that? Who's that? I just love her rivalries. Once again, like the Kong like Toyota, like she I cannot believe during that time, like those those are your rivals. Those are the fucking people like, who are now like certified legends, right? And I mean, Toyota could be probably like, if you say she's the best, she's a goat, then she's like, you know what I mean? Like, it's tough to be like, no, she's not. Because if you say she's a goat, yeah, like, I'm not gonna argue with you that she's not. But I'm like, think about bull had to face her and face her when she was young to like just coming up. Like when she's like a she was like a maybe a teenager, maybe like 20 or something like when she first faced her. But like, look how young she was when she's in there with bull to see to like, obviously, hindsight 2020, we're looking at her career in totality. But like, yo bull. For the red belt bulls like that's you. She was there for that, like, well, like, it's just such a golden age. And I'm really mad that that like promotion doesn't exist really anymore. But it's just like insane to kind of watch those matches back and be like, yo, like, did she was she aware of like, how fly she was? And like, did she realize that like, these people are going to change like, the industry was like, I'm going to talk about these matches like that leg job is infamous. Like, like, you know what I mean? It's like, did she think that like, oh, this is gonna get like live in infamy. This is all my match is going to be like out of like in Japan, like the fact that like, people in wrestling revere her and revere them in such a way in 2024. Like, it's crazy. Like, it's really cool to know that like, and you know, like, and they're doing this in, you know, the early 90s. So they're just doing it for the love of the game and the check whatever comes with it. But like, they're really like, who was doing this before them? To be like, Oh, I want to like, like how you mentioned earlier about how all the women are like, I want a hardcore match. I want to do you know, like the brick breakers on the road. So like, they're reaching for a match like that. Meanwhile, bullying them girls are like, yo, it's Tuesday night. Let's get it cracking. Yeah, like, let's do it. Like there's 2000 people in there. Like we got to get this done. Let's cook. That was it. Like, that was enough. Like, yeah, we're cooking. Like there was no I need I want to try to like, no, we're gonna cook tonight. Like we're gonna cook. We're gonna do our own put our fucking foot in it. And you're gonna remember our match. And on top of that, like every match she had that I saw was like, 35 minutes. 40 minute match. Like they were going on long. Yeah. He is working. They're going to work. She's working. She's like, Nah, I'm getting my full cardio and tonight full cardio and lifting from pulling these bitches out. Like I when I was just re reviewing it was her and Alondra blaze. I believe that was SummerSlam like 94 I think. But like the match the match starts and like the first 10 seconds she took Alondra and just swung her by there and you heard the crowd like ooh, like you hear you hear an audible like from the crowd like and then bull did it again and the crowd was like, Oh, like does Alondra landed so nasty. Like she landed nasty in that I'm like nah like she's really like it's it's crazy like I can't believe like as a longtime wrestling fan. Yeah, she didn't care. Yeah, she didn't care. I was like a longtime wrestling fan. I feel so like annoyed that so much of women's wrestling was robbed from like me for such a long, long, long, long time because obviously, just being a young man and watching wrestling like I was like, only four years old and 97. So it's not like I could sit here and watch like WCW and all that stuff. And but even in WCW was like what was three like, by the time I was like, watching wrestling, like with the memory of like, Oh, last week, this, that, that it's like 2000. So I'm like seven years old. So by that time, like what WCW is pretty much done, like you got a year left or so, but you're you're done. So like growing up, all I had was really WWE, right? Like Ruthless Aggression. I mean, I started watching during Attitude Era, but Ruthless Aggression is really my era. And then so on and so forth. And it's just like, through all like, think about like, so I remember like Trish Lita, and all that stuff. And then really, after they kind of retired, I didn't really have anything to look at other than like Michelle McCool and Layla was like, like cool. And then and then that's right around like, you know, the diva search and then you get like the Bella Twins are coming in and Naomi and like, all those things happening. But it's like that, you know, the Divas Championship, but on my eye, like, okay. And it's like, you don't get the full you don't get the full and this is Yeah, you don't get the full like, whatever's going on. So I'm just like, when when I when you when you did radio, and I was like, Oh, let me jump back into wrestling. I didn't know Charlotte Flair's wrestling at the time. And that's the reason why I took even a look in and that's why I stayed like I looked at wrestling. And the reason why I stayed was because the woman I'm like, Oh, yeah, y'all really working out really moving. And I think like a few years earlier, that's when I had discovered bull had I been like 2009 10. Like when I really was like, let me do my Googles and like really just look like take advantage of the internet and see what the fuck's up on YouTube and seeing what's out there. But yeah, that's when I discovered bull and I'm like, I'm so happy that, you know, I discovered her because through that it was a vessel through Japan. Because I was aware of there was wrestling in Japan because China was my favorite wrestler. And when she left WWE, I was like, Oh, where the fuck is she? And then she's in Japan. So I was like, Okay, so there's wrestling out there. But I didn't until I really like looked at bull, I was like, Oh, y'all was really those graphs, those real graphs out there. Yeah, you know, like, I remember when you first joined my show, and it was around the time that like NXT was still like black and gold, like, you know, the four horse women, they're really trying to get their feet onto them. And as a product, like, I think a lot of people were of the opinion that work rate in WWE was going down. And it was men and women, you know, women that had been in a certain place for a long time, via circumstance, and men have been trending down because some of the guys were getting older. And some of the guys that were younger, just weren't getting shine, and they weren't getting time out there to, you know, do business. And I think what happened is that when the matches for women started getting longer, because there had been attempts to more make them more gimmicky and more extreme or flashy. But when they started letting them do more traditional 18 to 22 minute, like TV main eventers, or like, you know, how show main events, and then they eventually graduated like half hour classics and like Iron Man matches, like with Sasha and Bailey, you know, still my my favorite or my site and one of my favorite matches just all time in general. But um, it, it really does show like, how that influence can run really deep when you have a figure like this, because like with bull, a lot of, you know, we look at the back half of her career, or at the very least the last 100 matches last year, she came to America to work, mainly live shows for WWF in 94. And then when she dropped the title to a launcher blaze in Poughkeepsie, New York, April 3, 1995, she did a couple of WCW stuff, and then she was done. And, you know, it really is just everything getting isolated around what is, is a nice thought, which is like, you know, us in Japan, like reaching across there's this, this clash of worlds, but nothing actually materialized in the greater context of the feud. What I do appreciate is that people are getting a lot people like a lunger and bold respect. But when you talk about someone like pulling the con out, it's so much deeper than it was a trailblazer for international. No, she was one of the best wrestlers in the concentration of her prime ever. Like she did everything you could ask a wrestler to do. She was out there working like, you know, Brian Danielson's unborn ghost out there like just doing crazy stuff. Like she was just hitting people hard, slamming people blade it like what? What do you want? You know, her fifth match, just the last match. So mind you, she did the 2012 match for Kyoko Ino's 25th anniversary. And then her official last match was Menami Toyoda's retirement match in 2017 for her 30th anniversary. The last three matches bolded with WCW, or a loser smashes the opponent smashes the opponent's bike match at the rally and race in South Dakota. They did a Saturday night at WCW Hogwild 96. It is a racing themed pay-per-view that they ran. I'm assuming is what this is. Yes, that is what this is. The main event of course, guess guess who's in the main event? Well, it's not Hogan yet, right? You said 90. No. The main event is Hulk Hogan's defeating the giant, the WCW championship. It has a full tour with all of the worst matches on the show. Yeah. But no, that's the point. This is the point. It's like a lot of this woman's twilight in the American conscious and the wrestling conscious was spent on the back of a lot of nonsense. And that's truly where the crime begins. Obviously there was all the time in between to honor her and respect her, which I think wrestlers have done like Asuka, like Io. But it's everything in between where you just see somebody fall off the consciousness and eventually we're here. Yeah, I was happy. Obviously when she got her induction, we were in Philly for WrestleMania. I was so fucking pissed. There was no like specific shirts of her like that I could find. No, if there was, let me know. Cause I didn't see anything. I was so mad. Like they gave us a whole hall of fame. I was like, no, I want a bowl Nakano shirt. That's why I'm here. I wanted a bowl Nakano shirt. So bad. I've disrespected her too. Yeah. I didn't like that. Yeah. That was, that was crazy to do that for someone, for someone, obviously we do an episode on her, but so legend, like to have matches like that, like, like on a record. And then for, to do that, like in a hall of fame, like that was real whack. Um, but that's just American audiences for you. Right. Cause you know, but yeah, that was real whack for someone who has such like a crazy bag of matches where you're like, you pull out a few and it's like, Hey, like, Hey, you know what I mean? Um, so I didn't, I didn't, yeah, I really didn't like that. Um, I mean, obviously they wanted Paul Heyman, but to just leave and ditch. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't, I didn't appreciate that. It was very, yeah. But I mean, listen, even the people that say it could have like, but I had a little more to say, like people could have cheered and made a noise. Like I did see people leave, which, um, you know, I mean, we were not watching the hall of fame after bowl was done. We also stopped watching, but like, yeah, we had, we had a show to go to the wrestling show to go to, which we'll talk about. Yeah. We're doing a lot of stuff. Yeah. We will talk about it actually. Um, uh, yeah, it was just a lot of stuff going on, but, um, speaking of like when we were watching the bowl, the hall of fame, I believe, where did we have to go? Was it, was that the GCW night? It was for the culture three. So, um, this is actually a great segue because, uh, our upcoming episodes will be on, uh, one rising star in the industry, Jada Stone, who we saw at, at GCW. And then we saw her again at SWV, uh, or SVW. Ooh. Suplex Vintage Wrestling at SVW. Um, Suplex Vintage Wrestling for those of you in Philadelphia who want like wrestling gear, vintage shit, go there. It's in Philly. Um, but she was wrestling there too. So we got to see her back to back days and we didn't even realize that, but she's such an incredible fucking wrestler, just talented. So the, these next episodes, this next episode, uh, you're going to see her. We're going to talk about her, just our excitement for her, what we saw. We might post some clips of what we have of her from Mania weekend. And then your boy Chuck Taylor, Chuck Taylor, you know, it's, it is very apropos because unfortunately Chuck had to retire. He just had a, an interview with a Renee Paquette, formerly known as Ray Young. Um, and I love something that Chuck said, cause it does give all of us, you know, longstanding Chikara, PWG, and now AW fans, some hope, you know, he, he said something along the lines of, you know, I'm going to heal. I'm going to take some time off and then, you know, there's surgeries you can get and then get the surgery. And if I heal, you know, there have been other people who have wrestled again after telling, after getting told that they had a career ending injury. So, you know, the story is over for now, but it's a story that's very long. It's very influential. Chuck has touched so many of the favorites that people's has the favorites that people's has careers. Candice LeRae, talk about a woman like Cedric Alexander, talk about a man who gets not nearly enough credit for some of the stuff he was doing before he started his WWE TV career. Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn, The Bucks, Roderick Strong, Adam Cole, the list goes on. We will go down the list when we get to him in our next episodes. He also, my favorite part about him, he seems to be a fuck them kids specialist. So that's what I do like about him too. So we'll give him a guy. So yeah, so that's what you can look forward to in our upcoming, our next few episodes featuring, we're going to talk about Jey Stone, Chuck Taylor, and then we will also give you just a recap of our manual weekend and like how that went. So stay tuned for those episodes. So I want you guys to know, thank you guys for listening. Obviously we enjoy talking about bull and how raw she is. And we're going to get to some of these other people that we mentioned too, as we were talking about bull in this episode. But like for me, bull just opened up my wrestling and to look into Japan and just realize, no, it's not only WWE, it's not only us, it is really worldwide. So she definitely opened it up for me to explore and take a look and see what's out there. Yeah. And for me, you know, bull was just somebody that very early on I could gain a deeper appreciation for wrestling for. And she's somebody who I realized, like, you know, if I hadn't had that exposure to someone like her, to someone like Aja Kong, so early on in my time watching wrestling, like, I don't know that I would have been as interested or as, you know, ready to accept the onboarding of the women's, you know, uptick in wrestling exposure. And I think she's someone who's so necessary to laying that groundwork down. And just as far as hard nose, true graphs goes like she embodies it. She's hardcore to the max. Yes. All the way she is. We sometimes, you know, people throw around words, but Charla Blazer fits her all the way. And she she definitely blazed it. Like I said, in her own style, her own hair with her toes out with her toes out. I was out. Exposed. She stayed fly and she stayed ruthless. And she let us know a ain't nobody fucking with Bull McConnell. So thank you guys for listening to this episode. Once again, we have more in store for you. And we are really excited. So thank you guys once again. Have a good night. Night.

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