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Valerie Vazquez



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The podcast host, Valerie Vasquez, shares her personal journey of finding sacred self-love. She explains how she felt lost and burned out despite having everything society deemed as successful. Through her own healing process, she became an energy healer and minister. Valerie's mission is to reach out to women who may be in similar situations and help them connect with their divine feminine power. Sacred self-love is about daily devotion, breaking limiting beliefs, and celebrating one's existence. It is not selfish but selfless, as it also heals those around you. Valerie encourages listeners to subscribe to her podcast and join her on this journey of healing and self-discovery. Aloha and welcome to the Sacred Self Love Podcast. I am your host Valerie Vasquez and thank you for joining me on this journey back to yourself, back to your sacredness. So this is my first podcast and I just want to thank you for joining me and thank you for trusting that you found this for a reason. First of all, I'm going to introduce myself and let you know a little bit about me and what inspired me to start this podcast. So I am a 46-year-old Gen Xer, I am married to my wonderful husband and have two amazing adult children. We are all currently living on the gorgeous and luscious island of Hawaii. We have a 10-acre farm, it's a fruit farm with all kinds of animals, sheep, ducks, chickens, rabbits, dogs, cats, and I'm also an ordained and certified energy healer, minister, earth steward, and I like to call myself a green witch. My spiritual journey honestly didn't start early in my life, it was actually just about four years ago in 2020 during the pandemic. So I realized during that time that I had all the things in life that society told me that would bring me happiness. We had a very successful real estate career, we had the beautiful beach house across the street from one of the most renowned beaches in the world, we had the car, I basically could get mainly anything that I wanted. And I found myself completely burned out, and I found myself grasping for really truly understanding what actually life was, what was I meant to do in life, it just didn't feel like this. Every time a check would come in, every time we would just get more money coming in, I just was boundary-less, like I had no boundaries and I had no sense of purpose. I mean, of course, helping people buy homes is wonderful, and I know that when we started out our mission, we were helping military, it was wonderful, however, I was living in a state of survival, I didn't understand how to take care of myself or nurture myself, I know that I wasn't the mother that I could have been, I wasn't the wife that I could have been, I was just lost. So that's where I was about four years ago. And so for me to be in this place where I'm living on a farm with my family, we were all healing, we were all learning a different way of being, and to say that I'm now an energy healer and a minister, it honestly baffles me because it's nothing I would have ever, ever imagined in my life that I would become. But I really wanted to share what sacred self-love is, and the mission behind this podcast is to reach women that may be in a similar situation that I was in, where you're lost, and you know that you're living in survival, you know that there's something more for you, you feel it inside of you, or you're just really starting to see all of the awakenings that are happening, the divine feminine is really rising up, we are seeing how much the patriarchy has oppressed us as women, and when I mention the patriarchy, this is, I will never be someone that is against men. I adore my husband, I adore my son, my stepfather, and I'm not against men, I'm against the oppression, and I'm against the ways in which we as women have lost our power, and how powerful we truly are when we are connected to the divine feminine within us. And I believe this is a time for those of us who are ready to truly heal and understand why we've been put in these places where we've been separated from our power, it's time for us to rise up and see, so sacred self-love is a way of being, it's a way of knowing, it's your daily devotion to yourself, it's giving yourself the much-needed love that you are worthy of, it's breaking through the limiting beliefs and programs that have trapped and caged you, it is your time to celebrate yourself and to connect to the sacredness of your existence, it is remembering who the fuck you really are instead of what the world has told you, it's coming back to the sacred powers you possess as a woman, as a goddess, as a queen. Sacred self-love is not selfish, in fact, it's selfless. When you commit to the practice of sacred self-love, you are not just healing yourself, you are healing those around you with just your presence, you're an example to your daughters, your sisters, your mothers, your friends, and the whole world with just your presence, you are an example and that is your birthright to exist as a sovereign and powerfully connected woman during this time. Every day, commit to sacred self-love and you will regain your power, your voice, and you will awaken to your true potential, you will awaken to a life that you can consciously create, a life that you can love, a life that you can navigate knowing you are guided, supported, and loved. Are you ready to participate in loving and honoring yourself? Are you ready to go fully in for yourself? If that answer is yes, then I ask you to subscribe. If that answer is yes, I ask you to subscribe to this podcast and come along this journey with me. For me, I know that this is going to continue the process of my own healing and I hope that I can offer you some wisdom that I have learned along my journey and it has been a rough journey. It really has been awakening to all the ways in which we have been lied to, the ways in which we have been separated from the truth of who we are, separated from our sacredness, from our divinity, and as much darkness as I have met in this lifetime, as many things that have hurt me and have caused me to go down into the darkness to want to take my life, and I have tried multiple times. I know that everything that has happened has brought me to this moment here so that I can share with you the ways that you can too heal and deprogram yourself from all that has happened in all that has happened in your life. It's also a place where we together can learn to love ourselves and know that we're more than just our bodies. That's one of the things I truly believed and thought I was only my body. There were many things I did to my body so that I could approve of myself and so that I could get approval from others. One of the more recent journeys that I've had is having a breast explant after having implants for almost 19 years and just suffering through breast implant illness and all of the things that happened to my body. There's just so much there's just so much that I want to explore on this podcast with you and I'm going to make these podcasts shorter, 15-22 minutes, somewhere around that to start out so I can just start sharing. Again, if this message found you, it found you for a reason, please allow me to be a light for you, a way shower, just to be an example of when you truly learn how to slow down and nurture yourself and give yourself the sacred self-love you so deserve what can be possible for your life. A lot of people look at my life on this farm and with these animals and with my family that is with me now and they're like, wow, you're living the dream life and you're right. I am because I have gone down into the depths and the darknesses and I have squashed the limiting beliefs that I had and I have overcome and will continue to overcome any of the limitations that this world has put on me and that is a possibility for you too. It is a possibility for us to rise up and rise together and for us to hold hands, love and support each other no matter where we are in this journey. So yeah, thank you for listening to this first episode. It sure was hard for me to sit down and record this and have the confidence to do this. So again, this is not just for you but for me too and thank you. Thank you for holding my hand on this journey and we can do this together not in a codependent way but in an interdependent way. We still need each other. We still need each other to rise and know that we're not alone in this journey. So thank you again for listening and please subscribe and share and I look forward to bringing more episodes and hopefully eventually having guests on. So we will see where this takes us and I'm just excited to go along where I am guided. So sending you so much love until we meet again. Aloha.

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