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Who should You Vote For

Who should You Vote For

Christian Biblical Church of GodChristian Biblical Church of God



GTM—Who Should You Vote For—By Steve Durham - June 7, 2024 Tonight's speaker, Steve Durham, discusses the upcoming United States presidential election and questions who Christians should vote for and in general. Mr Durham emphasizes the importance of seeking guidance from God and following Christ's example when it comes to getting involved in government affairs. Steve also mentions the dilemma of voting for the lesser of two evils and reminds listeners of the goal of seeking God's kingdom.

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Tonight's speaker, Steve Durham, discusses the upcoming United States presidential election and questions who Christians should vote for and vote in general. Mr Durham emphasizes the importance of seeking guidance from God and following Christ's example when it comes to getting involved in the affairs of the government. Steve also mentions the dilemma of voting for the lesser of two evils and reminds listeners of the ultimate goal of seeking God's kingdom. He encourages prayer for leaders and emphasizes the need to come out of the world and focus on the kingdom of God. Steve references biblical passages and the example of Abraham as someone who sought God's guidance. Well, good evening, everyone, and welcome to GoToMeetingOne. It's always a pleasure to be here. Tonight, I get a chance and opportunity to speak to you. Fred gave about four weeks ago, I think he talked about on live stream that there was going to be an election this year. Forty-nine percent, he said, of the world would be voting. Well, that's quite a few. It'd be a lot of elections, but voting got in my head and I thought, we haven't heard anything about voting for a while. In 2024 this year, in November the 5th, we're going to have a United States presidential election. This is going to be the 60th presidential election that we've had. Voters are going to elect from President Biden, who is the Democrat, and Donald Trump, the Republican, if he's still running. Voters are going to elect a president and a vice president. The question, the title that I have for you tonight is, who shall you vote for? Who should you vote for? Who should you vote for? Who should the country vote for? Who do you think they will vote for? Who's going to end up being the president-elect? Another question is, will it be a valid election? Wouldn't have to say that in years past, but since the recent events and developments, that is a question that we would ask. Will there even be an election? Again, will it really matter? Yes, it will matter. But for us, what will it matter? The question for us should be, who should you vote for? Or maybe the question should be, should you vote at all? See, we're a little different. We have understanding, we have a calling, we have a situation that's different than the rest of the world. As a true Christian, we need to know what Christ would say and what God's word says, which is from Christ on the matter of being involved in the affairs of the world, voting. What would Christ say and what would he do if he was here on the earth? Say he was still here, what would he do? Would he vote in the election in November? Who would he vote for? Or better yet, would he even vote or get involved in the affairs of the nation? So what did he do? He's our example and we're to follow him. What did he do when it came to that issue, about getting involved in the affairs of the government around the Roman Empire, if you will? What did he tell his followers to do? Members of a body of Christ, the church, was he involved in government? Was Christ for government? The answer to that is yes. That may take you back a little bit, but yes. He was involved very much in government. The question is, what government and when? When is he looking to be totally, 100 percent involved in government, just as we are looking for that as well. That's the government that we should be involved in. That is where our hearts should be. Not in the world's affairs, in this world, in the things that they do and what's happening and this, that and the other. Now, we can turn the TV on and watch the news. That's fine. That's okay. That's fine. I mean, it's happening around us. It's important that we know what's happening. We are to follow what Christ did and become Christ-like. Now, here's the interesting thing. This subject is going to fall on ears that are going to go, wait a minute. Wait a minute. I'm not going to do that. I mean, I'm not going to not vote. So many in the church today believe that all Christians should vote, that it's our moral duty and we should vote for Trump because he's going to be the one to save the nation, save the world, basically. I've heard it said that if all the Christians would band together, we can make a change and we would make it better. We know best, don't we, what a leader should be? We know what a Christ-centered leader should be, right? We know what the characteristics that a presidential candidate should possess. If we could vote for an upright moral candidate in office, he could save America because everyone agrees that we're on this decline. Things are kind of declining. So that may give us more time. Maybe we can continue our standard of living and enjoy doing the things that we have, the blessings that we have here in this country, and we have a wonderful country. We have been blessed greatly. I'm not putting the country down in any way. But the problem is, for those who want to get everyone together, there's this moral right, there's Christian right, and there's a Christian, I don't know, they call it something else. The problem they've got is, where do you find such a man? Some say it's Trump. But no one, I'm not saying that Trump did this or anyone, but no one's above a bride. If you get enough and the interest is there, no one is honest and trustworthy like Christ. There was voter fraud that was rampant, scandalous. Candidate immorality, lack of character. So you end up deciding which is the one that has more character or less immoral. So you end up voting for the lesser of two evils, don't you? That's the dilemma. Psalm 118 tells us, David says, and the Psalms are full of this, but he says in Psalm 118, 8, it is better to trust the Lord than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the Lord than to trust in princes. Now, we all want to see equity, justice, godly judgment. We want to correct these problems that we see in the world, don't we? I mean, you should want that. We hate it when things don't go right. Ezekiel 9.4 says that, go through the midst of the city in Jerusalem and set a mark on the foreheads of the men who are sighing and crying, King James says. Groaning and mourning because of the abominations that are done in our midst. We all see that. We all know that it's not good and it troubles. It should trouble you. We seek a better world, don't we? That's the whole point. Call to the world tomorrow. Have you heard that for a while? The world tomorrow or the kingdom of God, and we're to seek that daily. Matthew 6.33 tells us that. But as for you, seek and keep on seeking. First, the first thing, the primary thing in your life when you wake up, your direction is that way. The kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Then he says, do not be anxious. A lot of times when we see these candidates in the situation, and we see the ills and the evils in the world, we get anxious, we get troubled, we worry. He says, don't be. Right on the heels of that, he says, don't be anxious about tomorrow. For tomorrow shall take care of the things of itself. Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof. Now, what are we called to when God draws us and calls us? We're called, first of all, to come out of the world. Come out of her Babylon, the great, they call it. The world, Satan's world. 2 Corinthians 4, for he's the God of this world. And I'll talk about how we got here, where we are right now. You have to go all the way back to the garden. We put our trust in God to guide us, to provide for us, to care for us, to protect us. And we're not anxious or worried about our lives. He's got it. And if we lose our life in God, then what do we know next? The kingdom of God. We're in the family. And you know what? That includes the president in this respect. You know, it's not wrong to pray for the president or pray for our leaders. And they will have an opportunity at some point in the future. First Timothy 2.1 says, I'm gonna go through these because I've got a lot of ground to cover. I'm gonna go through them a little at rapid pace here. First Timothy 2.1 says, I exhort therefore, first of all, that supplications, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made on behalf of all men. You know, love God with all your heart, mind and soul and your neighbor as yourself. For kings, he says, pray for kings. Or we could say presidents. And all who are in authority. In order that, here's the reason why. That we may lead a quiet and peaceful life in all godliness and respectability. For this is good and acceptable before God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, one mediator between God and men, the man Jesus Christ. And the father and the family, the family of God. And we're not the only ones that seek this. We're not the only ones who have sought this kingdom or a better life or a better world. If you go to Hebrews 11. Hebrews 11, I won't go through it all, but it talks about Abraham in verse nine. By faith he sojourned, he sojourned. He traveled around. He was in the shape, in the act of a pilgrim, moving around, sojourned in the land of promise. Like a foreigner. This is important to know, to think about this. Dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the joint heirs of the same promise. So they all had this vision. They weren't nailed down to the ground or to that world that they were in. For he was waiting for the city with the foundations of which God is the architect and builder. Aren't we looking for that as well? All these died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, focused, and having been persuaded, fully persuaded of them, and having embraced them, and having confessed that they were strangers and sojourners on the earth. And we are Abraham C. And we are strangers and sojourners on the earth. Gives a different perspective, doesn't it? For those who say such things make it manifest that they seek their own country as promised by God. They were seeking, their focus was on the kingdom of God, the hope in that kingdom. It's that hope in that kingdom, in the family of God that keeps us going. We look to that city and we don't wanna be part of Satan's world, we wanna be part of that world. We pray for his kingdom to come and replace this evil world. Galatians 1.4 says it's an evil world. How much do we really want it? How much do we want God's kingdom to come? How much do we want ourselves to be part of that? Is it afar off? It's not here yet. Are we attaining to that? Are we doing it daily? Are we excited about it? How much are we involved in becoming part of God's kingdom and not part of this world? How much are we to be involved in the direction of the governments and the actions in the municipalities and the governments of this world? The ones that we're under? Does God want us to vote for our leaders? He wants us to pray for them. Is it our job to put them in power, put them in position to vote? Or does he want us to trust and rely on him that he knows the direction, that he wants the country to go? And by our voting, are we going against that? Do we know better? Do we know his will better? Is our will better than his will? Are we making a decision? Are we praying to God and praying for those individuals that we lead a peaceable life? And God directs that. And there comes a point as we've seen that when the country sins and the sins continue and they don't repent, are we praying for a moral man which doesn't exist? There are some out there, but they aren't running. Or are we voting for the evil? And maybe God puts them in because that's what we deserve. We don't know. We don't know what his will is. We don't know what his will is in that respect. I would rather trust him. If you know this, do you know that all the governments, even America, now this is going to, boy, this is really going to get me in trouble. But think about this. All the nations are under the governments of Satan. If he's the God of this world, every nation is under his governance. God is in control. And Satan can't do anything unless God allows it. So we go all the way back to the garden. Adam was given the opportunity to rule the world, to have dominance over everything. And everything went well until Satan showed up. And when he rejected what God told him and obeyed Satan, he became under Satan. Satan became the God of this world. And every kingdom since has been under Satan. Matthew 4, 8, it says, remember the temptation? After that, the devil took him to an exceeding high mountain and showed him all of the kingdoms of the world and their glory and all the riches and everything. And he said to Christ, in all these things I'll give you if you will fall down and worship me. Now, how can he give it if it wasn't his to give? This government that we are citizens of is under Satan, the God of this world. I know that you'd say, if I asked you what's the best government in the world, many would say democracy, United States. What is the best government? The best government is being ruled by the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ and God the Father, submission and yielding and obeying and being part of that family and that kingdom and putting sin out and taking on in the laws of God and following those, developing holy righteous character. So God doesn't need our help to direct the actions to the plan of God to fulfill God's plan for mankind. Psalm 40 says that David, I delight to do your will, oh my God. He wanted to do what God's will was. Psalm 143 10 says, teach me, Psalm 143 10, teach me to do your will for you are my God. May your good spirit lead me onto level ground of uprightness. Level ground of uprightness. So what is his mind? What is God's mind on the subject of voting and getting involved in events and affairs and the practice of the world around us? What is his mind on that? The question again is, should we vote in these elections on a scale that's big, the presidential or even on a municipality? I mean, where do you draw the line? No, it's still voting. After all, it's still an election. Should we try to change God's will and are we being presumptuous to say, I know what it is and I know who should go in that office? So how did we get here? I mean, we just talked a little bit about it, but you know, Abraham Lincoln said, this government of the people, by the people and for the people, people, of the people. And he did say under God, but people, by the people, for the people and of the people. God did not originally establish his nation, Israel, as a nation where they had a king, where the people ran it. And they made decisions and their opinions and all the things that go along with it and it benefited them personally in their lust and their greed. Israel was a model nation. God was their king. God was there with them day and night in the fire and the smoke, okay. But then they rejected God, rejected his rule over their lives and decided to become a nation like the ones around them. They looked at the example of Israel wanted a king. How did that go? So let's look at that example, that Israel wanted a king. 1 Samuel 8, verse five. Eight, verse five. Again, for time, I'll just read this. And they said to him, behold, Samuel, you are old and your sons do not walk in his ways. Now make us a king to judge us like all the nations. Make us a king. But the thing was evil in the eyes of Samuel when they said, give us a king to judge us. And Samuel prayed to God and the Lord said to Samuel, listen to the voice of the people in all that they say to you, for they have, now listen to this. They have rejected, they haven't rejected you, but they have rejected me. What has the governments, what did the governments of the world do? They have rejected me, that I should not reign over them. According to all the works which they have done since the day that I brought them out of Egypt until this day, works which they have forsaken me and served other gods. So they do also to you. Now hearken to their voice, only you surely, surely protest solemnly to them and show them the kind of king who shall rule over them. So this is what they got. Verse 11, Samuel said, this will be the manner of the king who shall rule over you. He shall take your sons and appoint them for himself. His chariots and horsemen, and they shall run before his chariots, conscription into the military. And they will appoint commanders over thousands of commanders over 50 and some to plow his ground and reap his harvest and to make his weapons of war and weapons for his chariots. They didn't need that, not with God as their king. All they needed was a hive of bees and hornets or something to that effect. And he will take your daughters to be perfumers and cooks and bakers. And he will take your fields, interesting, and your vineyards and your olive yards, even the best of them and give them to his servants. Now here's the taxes. And he will take a 10th of your seed and your vineyards and give it to his officers and to his servants. And he will take your male slaves and your girl slaves and your finest young men and your donkeys and put them to work. He will take a 10th of your sheep and you shall be his servant. And you shall cut out in that day because your king whom you have chosen for yourself and the Lord will not answer you. He will not answer you in that day. But the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel. And they said, no, we want a king over us. And we shall be like all the nations so that the king may judge us and go out before us and fight our battles. So how did that work out? What was the result? The evil society we have, the nations that are corrupt, that are fighting and warring. And God has been kicked out of everything. He's been rejected. We're told to trust God and to rely on him in all things. We are to be about our father's business as Christ was. And in Luke 2 49, he said to them, why he said to his parents, why is it that you were looking for me? Don't you realize that I must be about my father's business? And that's the same for us. If we wanna be part of a better solution, the kingdom of God will bring. And we don't want corrupt leaders and we want ones with integrity and the Christ-centered leadership, the Holy Spirit. And we don't want the infrastructure and everything to fall apart, which I have a whole list of stuff here that goes on in the world and in our societies around us. We know that there has to be a change. We know that. And the kingdom of God will do that. That's what's coming, peace. And we can have some of that now through the Holy Spirit. Love, joy, happiness, compassion for our neighbors, equity, judgment, godly judgment, abundant living as he talks about in John 10, and also the future, abundant living. Now we'll have enough and we'll have abundant life. We're called out. We're the Ecclesia, called out of this world, called out ones, that's what God's church is. And now we are in training, called out ones, selected, elected, if you will. The first roots, we're in training to be part of helping with the problem that we see around us that we see around us and healing those who are affected, Isaiah 61. The church of God, the chosen, and we're given citizenship in the kingdom of God. And we are to be loyal as loyal ambassadors and citizens to the kingdom of God and Jesus Christ. Do you know that if a citizen of the United States would denounce his citizenship, he would not be able to vote in the U.S. election. It is no longer his country. We are citizens of that kingdom of God and we are foreigners and sojourners. So what does the Bible tell us, what does God tell us? As citizens of the kingdom of God, you're a chosen stock. You're a royal priesthood, 1 Peter 2, 9. A holy nation, a people for a possession of God. We belong to God, he bought us, paid for us. That you might proclaim his excellent virtue, who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. The understanding, the enlightenment of his truth. Who once were not a people, but now are the people of God. Who had not received mercy, but now have received mercy. And they're new every morning. Beloved, I exhort you as strangers and sojourners again, to restrain yourself from fleshly lusts which war against the soul. Having your way, and then think about that, and there's some parallels here, we'll get into it. Having your way of life honest among the Gentiles so that although they speak evil of you, which they will. Having witnessed your good works, may glorify God in the day of visitation. In other words, be a good example. But don't get involved in the affairs of Satan's world. The principle, here's the principle. And we're talking about, you know, military. It goes, it covers a lot of stuff. 2 Timothy 2.4, 2 Timothy 2.4. No one who is serving as a soldier, and we are soldiers in the army of Christ, right? Christian soldiers. No one who is serving as a soldier becomes involved in civilian pursuits, so that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier. So the kingdom should be our focus. Our citizenship should be our focus, not the world and what's going on here. We live in the world, we're to be good citizens. We pray for the leaders, you know, from that time. That's not our job right now. Christ, he did not come to change the world at that point. He came to save the world. He didn't come to change it. If he did, he could have called legions If he did, he could have called legions of angels and made changes right away, but he didn't do that. You know, we can cry aloud and spare not. We can get the gospel out. We can get publications out. We can do sermons. We can talk to our neighbors. We could be a good example. All of that is part of getting the information and the gospel out, the good news of the world tomorrow of a kingdom coming, of a family. And you know, Christ even said in Matthew 28, 19, to go you therefore into all the world, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you. And lo, I am with you always, even until the completion of the age. And Peter tells us in 1 Peter 5, that we are living stones being built up as a spiritual house, a holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. In God's church, we're learning now how to make those changes when we become kings and priests, Revelation 5, 10. We are to be kings and priests. That's what we're training for. To be leaders, spiritual leaders, humble, contrite, not the big shots, not the hierarchy. So the world doesn't look at leadership the same way God does. We're learning now to be kings and priests to help usher in the kingdom of God. We're his workmanship. He's investing in us. To borrow a phrase, every resource that he has is invested in us. We're learning to care for others and correct the evils of the wrongs of this world that Satan is in charge of, all the confusion, all that's going on, learning what we should do when it comes our turn. So how can we prepare, assist in that kingdom coming? Well, he calls us ambassadors. And I wanna spend some time on that because there's a parallel. There are many parallels to that. I got a job description online and the parallels are amazing. Why he calls us ambassadors and why he doesn't want us to be involved in the activities and the affairs and the events of this world in that respect. And we'll go through that now and you're gonna watch these parallels and apply them to ourselves. I'll read verse five. So then from this time forward, we know no man according to the flesh, but even if we have known Christ in the flesh, yet now we no longer know him accordingly. We know who he is. We know he's the son of God. 17, therefore, if anyone be in Christ, he is a new creation. We are a new creation. The old things have passed away. Behold, all things have become new, all things. There's a restitution of all things. And all things are from God who has reconciled us to himself through Jesus Christ and has given us the ministry of reconciliation. That's our job. To follow Christ in that. Therefore, we are ambassadors of Christ, ambassadors for Christ. And God, as it were, is exhorting you through us. We beseech you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. So we are chosen and appointed, okay? We're chosen and appointed to this role of an ambassador. John 15, 16, John 15, 16 says, you yourselves did not choose me, but I have personally chosen you, personally chosen you to be an ambassador and to be part of the family of God and ordained you that you should go forth and bear fruit and that your fruit should remain so that whatever you ask in the Father, ask the Father in my name, he'll give you. So what is an ambassador? I think you'll find this interesting. Of course, ambassadors are high-ranking diplomats. Actually, an ambassador is over the embassy, the diplomats that are there, representing their home country. They are chosen and appointed to represent their country. Now, what is our country? We're chosen to represent the kingdom of God, not the U.S., but the kingdom of God. Therefore, if your enemy is hungry, feed him. If he is thirsty, give him drink. In doing this, you will be heaping coals of fire on his head. Do not overcome evil, but overcome evil with good. All right, the corporate, I've got a corporate definition of an ambassador, and then I have one from the state office. In today's corporate world, the role of an ambassador is becoming increasingly important. They realize that that is important. So the definition, they play a vital role in building strong relationships with customers, stakeholders, and other organization members, building strong relationships. On our part, spreading the gospel, showing others how to live an abundant life now and in the future, as we follow and teach the truth and the word, interacting with those God is calling to the role of an ambassador. See, he's calling more ambassadors, and we interact with them. We help train them as well. We help teach. So another point. Ambassadors are often the first point of contact for new and existing customers. They must be knowledgeable and skilled in presenting their organization's products or services. 2 Timothy 2, 15. Diligently study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. And 2 Timothy 3, 14. But as for you, continuing the things that you did learn, we were learning too, right? I mean, we are learning, and it just continues as more ambassadors are called. And we're assured of knowing from whom you have learned them, and that, and he's talking to Timothy here, that from a child, you have known the holy writings, which are able to make you wise unto salvation through faith, which is in Jesus Christ. All scripture is God-breathed and is profitable for doctrine, for conviction, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. And that's what we're to do, and to do to ourselves and to pass that on. So that the man of God may be complete, fully equipped for every good work. Matthew 5, 48, become you therefore complete or perfect. And Romans 10, 14 tells us, how then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent as it is written, how beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news. Now, my feet aren't very pretty. But you see the process, the importance, that first contact of that ambassador. In essence, ambassadors are the face of the organization. They're the first one you see in contact with Jesus Christ or the church of God. And their actions can have significant impact for good or for bad on the organization's reputation and the organization's success in getting the gospel out. Therefore, it is crucial for companies to invest in the recruitment. And that's what we do when we sanitize it. That's where it goes. In the recruitment, the training, the development of the ambassadors to ensure that they are effective representatives of the organization. They should see Christ in you when they look at you. You're the first one. They're seeing the organization. They're seeing the leader, the boss, the president, the king. Hopefully, they're seeing, we are made in the image of the Father and Jesus Christ, Galatians, I mean, Genesis 126. Romans 12 tells us to be a living sacrifice, holy and well-pleasing, and that's our spiritual service. Do not conform yourself to the world. When you go into a nation, you aren't to do what the world, that nation does, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind in order that you may prove what is well-pleasing and good and the perfect will of God. And also to be lights, to illuminate, salt, to bring savor. And those are all sermons in themselves. You're the salt of the earth, but if you've lost your tastelessness, what with shall it be salt? It has no longer any strength, it's to be thrown out. So once you've received the appointment and are chosen to be an ambassador, you have a job to do. Each and every one of us have a job to do. We're in training, remember? We're to become perfect. We're to grow in grace and knowledge. To the fullness of the measure of the stature of Jesus Christ. Okay, I have another job description of an ambassador. The ambassador serves as a personal representative of the president of the United States. They represent the president in all things, in all things. It is everything you do, you're representing Christ. It is as if you are there in their place. And Christ said, I have to leave and I'll send the Holy Spirit and it will lead and guide you. What would they do and say? So if they were there, what would they do and say? If Christ was here, which he is, what would he do and say? And he is by what you say and do as an ambassador. We're to be imitators of the president. We're to be imitators and to walk in love as Christ loved us and gave himself up as a fragrant offering and a sacrifice. Ephesians 4, 1 says, I therefore the prisoner of the Lord urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called. And here's how you walk, with humility, with gentleness, with patience, bearing one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace. And that's what an ambassador does, he's a peacemaker. He's not quarrelsome or a backbiter or a gossip or one that offends. Colossians 3, 17 tells us to whatever we do in word and deed do everything in the King, in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to the Father through him. Voting and not getting involved in the affairs of the government is part of this, this word and deed and this action that we do. We're placed in a country and we represent another country. Stationed in a foreign country, here's this goes on, stationed in a foreign country, this position runs the U.S. embassy. That's typically located in the capital city. But 11 says in 1 Peter 2, 9, I didn't read that. 11, I exhort you as strangers and sojourners, restrain yourself from fleshly lust which war against the soul. Another thing you have to have as an ambassador are strong communication skills, strong communication skills. 1 Peter 3, 15, it says, but sanctify the Lord in your own heart and always be prepared to give an answer to anyone who asks for the reason for the hope that is in you with meekness and reverence. Remember that hope we talked about? With meekness and reverence. You know, and this is a great opportunity to have, you know, when you get an opportunity to speak or give a sermon ad or an opportunity to talk, do it. Learn by doing, by hearing yourself say things. Having an understanding, here's another one, having an understanding of governmental relations. Exodus 20, Deuteronomy 5, knowing the laws and statutes and submitting by, living by them and submit them in obedience to God first and then God, man's law second. Psalm 111, 10, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, of good understanding have all those who do his commandments. And then another point, the ability to manage complex situations is essential for this job. Now you think what the complex situation would be for us as ambassadors? How about trials? Enduring trials and learning from them to grow in grace and knowledge and to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ and having his mind. Trials, what is the outcome? Do we trust in God? Do we go back to the president and he helps us out? First Peter 4.12, beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you as though something strange were happening to you. No, it's not strange. James 1.12 says, blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial for when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life which God has promised to those who love him. Again, ability to manage complex situations. You know, often an ambassador is called upon to provide advice and information about their political climate and happening in the country they're assigned. Counseling is something that is very important for an ambassador of Christ. Knowing God's laws and principles as I just read are very important in counseling and growing in that wisdom through experience and applying those and learning that what works works and what doesn't, stay away from. Having life experiences to go along with the way that you are. We're called to give counsel about what we have learned in obeying God. And it can be in a informal way, just a word fitly spoken. So going on, similarly, an ambassador represents the United States standpoint on policy and all issues related to American interests. So we read this, he represents the kingdom of God standpoint on the kingdom of God policy and all the kingdom of God issues related to the kingdom of God's interest. So you've got to know it and you've got to live it and you've got to do it and you've got to stay in the boundary. Stay in and don't step out. So are we doing what Christ would have us to do? Are we, another one. Supervising and protecting the embassy employees is an important part of the job. Philippians 2.1. Let each one look not only on his own things, but let each one also consider the things of others. Let this mind be in you, which is also in Christ Jesus. Hebrews 10.23. I know I'm giving these to you quickly here, but I've got to keep going. Let us hold fast without wavering to the hope that we profess for he who promised is faithful. Now, let us be concerned about one another and be stirring up one another to love and good works, being concerned about the employees around us. Vigilance about another one. Vigilance about national security and terrorism is of critical interest to the US ambassador. Remember Benghazi? I won't go through it all, but Benghazi, Hillary was the secretary of state and she's over the ambassadors. And basically, it was an attack and three people died and seven were injured. A real mark on the United States. And those three people that died, you know, as martyrs or as people who live their lives out in this faith, they have a reward. They have the hope is no longer hope because it's attained, right? When Christ returns. So anyway, critical interest, national security and terrorism, 2 Peter 2.1. But false prophets, I would call those terrorists. Also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the master who brought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. In 2 Timothy 4, verse three. For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside the myths. That happened then, happens now, will happen in the future. As an ambassador, you have to be careful and watch. Make sure the embassy is protected. Then he says the last days will be perilous times. I'll go through all that. You can read that in 2 Timothy 3.1. And another point. At all times, an ambassador must be a role model for the United States and exhibit behavior befitting of a national diplomat. Philippians 127. Only conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ so that whether I come and see you or remain absent, I will hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit and one mind, striving together for the faith of the gospel. First Peter 2.12. Keep your behavior excellent among the Gentiles so that in the thing in which they slander you as evildoers, they may because of your good deeds, as they observe them, glorify God in the day of dissipation. Another one. An ambassador does not get involved. This is on the job description. An ambassador does not get involved in the affairs of the country he is in, nor does he vote. And that is verbatim. So as an ambassador, if you fill out a job requirement and you're accepted and chosen and appointed, this is what you go to. This is your marching orders. Why is that? Why do we not get involved in that? It's a bigger picture. I hope you're seeing that. There's a bigger picture to what we're about and who we are and who we look to and who we have faith in and who we trust in and who we've given our life. We've given up. We are purchased by Christ. So we go out and do things like that, then we're denying Christ. We're saying no. I don't wanna be part of that. I can do my own thing. I can make a change. I can make it happen. So I'll give you an example here. United States sends an ambassador to the Kremlin, okay? He resides from time to time in Moscow where the embassy is. The Christian in the United States is in the same relative position as the American ambassador in Russia. He's not a communist. He does not regard the Soviet as his government. He knows well it's a government opposed to the US government. He does not serve the Soviet government nor enters into its politics nor devote his time in Moscow to trying to eradicate the evils that he sees in their system or to make their state a better place or to enter into the politics or voting or enter into the army or fight in their army for their cause. He subjects himself to all their rules and regulations that in any way concern him or his life where he is. If they drive automobiles on the left side of the road, he conforms to the regulation. He does not oppose them. He is subject to them while he's there. If he does, he gets in a wreck, has a problem. He causes them to like him as so to be better represent the interest of his own government. So what did Christ do when he was here? How did Christ live his life and teach his disciples and us to live ours? We are to emulate him and his teachings. When you are in the country sojourning, Jesus taught his disciples to render under Caesar the things that are Caesar's. Now this is a tricky situation but I want you to understand this. Mark 12, 17. And Jesus answered and said to them, rendered the things to Caesar, of Caesar's to Caesar and the things of God to God's. And they were amazed at him. And from that point on, they'd never try to trick him up. Specifically, he was referring to the payment of taxes because that coin had Caesar's face on it. If the government that you're in levies taxes, pay them. I know of a guy that didn't do that in worldwide and he got in trouble. The Bible teaching for a Christian is to be subject to the powers that be in this world. Okay, and there's a limit to that. We'll talk about that. He says in Romans 13, let everyone be subject to the higher authority because there is no authority except from God. And those authorities that exist have been instituted by God and have been established by God. Those authorities that exist have been instituted by God. So then the one who sets himself against the authority is resisting the ordinance of God. Therefore render to all their dues, tribute to whom tribute, custom unto custom, fear unto fear and honor to whom honor is due. An ambassador will subject, be subject to the civil laws as they do not contradict with God's laws. Okay, Acts 5, 28. He says, did we not order you? The story here is Peter. Okay, they come back out of jail and they go back out to the temple. The angel tells them go to the temple and preach. So they go over there. They can't find them in the prison. They're over in the temple. Did we not order you by a direct command not to teach in his name? And look, you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and the purpose of bringing this man's blood upon us. No, they did that. But Peter and the apostles answered and said, we are obligated to obey God rather than man. So there's a point. You don't do what man says, you do what God says. When it contradicts the principles and the mind of God in Christ and the citizenship and the government and the position that you're in. A true Christian will so conduct himself as to be highly regarded by the powers of the government where he lives. He will be regarded by them as a good citizen. He will appreciate the privileges, advantages and opportunities that they extend to him. He will regard himself as a paying guest of the country where he resides. He will act with due courtesy, submission to its rules and regulations, again, in so far as they do not conflict with the commands of God and submission to their penalty where they do. The apostles found themselves in jail many times. The true Christian is one who follows Christ. Christ did set the example. He did not vote while on the earth. No, he did not vote. He didn't try to change the government at that time. When John 18, 36, he says, my kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight so that I might not be delivered up to the Jews. And there will be a time, not then, not now. Jesus did not try to reform Caesar. He had a good discussion with Caesar. He did not try to make this a better world. He preached the doctrine of a radically different world to come. And he called his followers out of all participation in the present evil world and to the allegiance to his kingdom, which is to come and a citizenship in heaven. The Philippians 3, 20 says, but for us, the commonwealth of God exists in heaven from where also we are waiting for the savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. And then they will fight. And then the kingdom will be established. And then there will be a change. And then things will get better. We vote for, you know, we pray, we vote by praying to God, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Christ's world was the kingdom of heaven. He said it was not of this world. He told Pilate, the kingdom of God is not of this world. That is of this age or this present time. And he said that he told the apostles in this prayer that they, to God, the father, they are not of this world, just as I am not of this world. Ephesians 2, 19, some places where we can solidify this. So then you are no longer aliens and foreigners. You are fellow citizens with the saints and are of the household of God. It doesn't say of the country where you're in. It didn't say of Rome or United States. Aliens and foreigners. We're to be separate, not equally yoked with unbelievers. Separate from all the affiliations, whether they're social, political, economic, religious. We are not to live by the philosophies and customs and the ways of this world, but by every word of God. Seeking a kingdom, not serving two masters, not unequally yoked. He also said we cannot give allegiance to and serve two kingdoms. He said, do not store up treasures on earth, but store up treasure for yourself in heaven where neither moth nor rust spoils and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. We are ambassadors of the kingdom of God, not of the country we live in, but of Christ. Christ was a representative of the kingdom of God on earth now. He told them that the kingdom of God is standing in the midst of you. It doesn't come by observation. I am the representative of that. And as we have Christ's spirit and the Holy Spirit in his mind, and we're striving for that kingdom, we become the representatives of the kingdom of God among those around us. So I hope it's clear in this respect and the thinking and the scriptures that I've read that we're not to vote in elections of that country where we're stationed. We are neutral in the affairs of that country. We are not to join the army or be involved in activism, being, you know, getting over with the rally and go over and storm the state house and do all sorts of stuff like that. We must be citizens of the country we represent, the kingdom of God. And again, be imitators. We are the commonwealth of God and exists in heaven from where also we are waiting for our savior in the Lord Jesus Christ. We follow the laws, but those laws are the laws we really follow that make us who we are are written in our hearts. Hebrews 10, 16. This is the covenant that I will establish. And we all follow this. We all do this every passover. We all live by this covenant to life and death. This is the covenant that I will establish with them after those days, says Lord. I will give my laws, my laws into their heart and I will ascribe them on their minds. And we know the laws around us. We know the traffic laws and we know all of them, you know. But what leads and guides us? Where is our heart? Where is our mind? Where is our focus? Where is our hope? Is it in Trump? I hope not. I don't know that he's a bad person or a good person. I don't know. But I'll tell you, there are some people in the church that just, they just live and breathe him. Well, I hope, I hope, you know, kind of get mind, thought, thinking back where we were called and drawn. You know, back in the 60s, this wasn't an issue. But today it is. It is gradually, you know, incrementalism. And we've gradually gone away from this. I hope we can get back to it individually and as a whole. We're to act befitting of an ambassador, of the King Christ, the King of God, not to be friends with the world. Come out of her, my people. Okay, okay. There will be a time when we will, as I said, be able to be in the affairs, operating and doing things. We won't have to vote. But being part of the kingdom, that will be. Daniel 2, you remember the image that Daniel saw in Daniel 2? It represented the kingdoms of the world. They were under God's authority, but they were also under Satan and control, and Satan had control. Daniel 2, 21 says, and he changes the times and the seasons. He removes kings and he sets up kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding. 2, 44, Daniel 2, 44 says, now in the days of these kings, that's now, because those kings go all the way to the toes, from the head to the toe. The 10 toes. The God of this heaven shall set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed, and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, and it shall break into, it's not gonna be left to other people. Who's it gonna be left to? We're gonna see it in a minute. But it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever. Is God, is Christ concerned with government? Is he involved in government? Yes, he is. This one. Christ is very concerned with government, and he will be the government in the future, and we will be at his side. Daniel 17, or 7, verse 17. But the saints of the Most High shall receive the kingdom and possess the kingdom forever, even forever and ever. That's a long time. Is he in concern with government? Isaiah 9, 6. For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulders, and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, at that time he will be, the Prince of Peace. Now here we are, the increase of his government is going to continue to grow forever and ever. The increase of his government and peace, there shall be no end, upon the throne of David and over his kingdom, to order it and to establish it with judgment, righteous judgment. And we're preparing now, and we're in training now as ambassadors, to fill those spots. How are we doing? You know, few have heard of the gospel of Christ. It is the government of God. It's what it is, and few have heard that. And we're getting more and more out there, church at home, and Craig's doing a wonderful job in getting the Bibles out, the publications, and things are happening, and they're increasing. But remember what Jesus said to Pilate, that he was born to be a king. He himself is coming again as world ruling king. He has territory and subjects and law, and he will be the king. Our time is coming in the future. How and when Christians are to help run the government, again, in Daniel. Daniel 2.27, and the kingdom and dominion and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heavens shall be given to the people, the saints, and the most high, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all kingdoms shall serve and obey him. And then he says in Revelation 2.26, then it is, as Jesus said, he that overcomes, that's what we're working on as ambassadors, and keeps my works unto the end. To him I will give power over the nations, and he shall rule them. Doesn't it put voting in an awful, puny state, when you think of all of this, that it will be and will come, and what we have in our inheritance? And we can prove to God that we're with him by praying to him and staying loyal to him, and letting him run the business, about his father's business, of the plan of God for mankind. Setting up and taking down and orchestrating us to the end when Satan is removed and Christ comes back. So, Revelation 11.15, one last scripture here. Then the seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were great voices in heaven saying, the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and his Christ, and he shall reign into all the ages. So who should we vote for? It's a mute question, isn't it?

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