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podcast jimmy johns Wiuodl u rather

podcast jimmy johns Wiuodl u rather




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In this podcast episode, the hosts discuss various "would you rather" questions. They debate whether they would rather be able to fly or be invisible, see into the future for 10 minutes or 150 years, have telekinesis or telepathy, work in extreme heat or cold, have Beyonce's talent or Jay-z's business acumen, be 11 feet tall or 9 inches tall, never eat good food or never drink any drink, be able to take back anything said or hear any conversation about themselves. They also discuss taking good selfies versus being photogenic in all other photos and whether they would rather take back anything said in a conversation or hear any conversation about themselves. The episode ends with a closing and outro. Hi guys, welcome back to our podcast. Today we're going to be doing would you rather questions and here with my friends It is I pigeon. It's me Sigma. It's me bird and maybe double-oh-seven. Let's get started So the first question I have is would you rather be able to fly or be invisible and why I? Pigeon would rather be invisible Just so I could sneak backstage for my favorite rapper and watch them Okay, I'd rather be able to fly because think about it if you fly fast enough you become invisible Go on go on crocodile It's weird I'd rather be able to fly cuz Let's say we're playing manhunt and theoretically I'm running away from you guys and all of a sudden you courted me But this private property behind me. All right, and technically since they don't step foot upon man, then I don't trespass understood understood all right, I'd like to be invisible because like Because I like again speaking on backstage of your own favorite artist It's like pretty cool and you could just troll them by pushing them into the crowd and they're gonna Now I have a question for you all Would you rather? have the ability to see 10 minutes into the future or 150 years into the future and only those exact moments. So For the 10 minutes you can see 10 seconds of 10 minutes into the future and 10 seconds of Honestly, I would see 150 years into the future 10 minutes is too soon But like I'm not gonna see anything that I want to see so I'm gonna go What if you had like a casino in your bedding? Oh, yeah, that's true. Yeah, that's smart. Okay It shows from whose perspective You'll see it from an omniscient point of view. You'll be oh Okay. Okay. I have to change my answer. Thank you bird for persuading me I'll change my answer to 10 minutes in the future because I'm not gonna make bank Okay Wait and and you could do a high high High risk Investing so you invest like millions of dollars into Dogecoin and you know 10 minutes into the future, you know Exactly 10 minutes into the future that it's going to be zero point one cents higher than you got it One point one times as much money Can you wait wait, can you repeatedly look into the future? No, let's say there's a cool down of one minute Oh, it's 100% do tennis. Yeah. Yeah, I mean like now I already know what's happened 10 minutes Go back Because like if you choose 150 years, it's like pretty much useless unless you can tell Like people how to make a time machine Yeah, so, all right next question say all right Would you rather have telekinesis the ability to move things with your mind or telepathy which is the ability to read minds? Um, I wait how it telepathy works with just information like read someone's mind Information I can tell you're thinking of dogs right now. Damn. I'm so hungry I'm thinking of a cereal. You're wrong I'd rather have it move objects with my mind because then I could be gone Yeah, I'd rather have telekinesis as well because like you could just troll random people like throw a spear at them Well, they're not looking and they'll never know where you came from As far as you can see, it's not gonna break you're gonna bring the moon And I can see the Sun's like an ear But no telepathy can work on anything. So you can read any brainwave, which uh, That's lovely useless bro. So you can read what a dog is thinking. I don't want to read what a dog is What language of the dog thinking English, huh? No, yeah, I'm a Japanese, huh? Sorry All right, whatever we'll go on for I'd say telekinesis to though, yeah Okay How about how about we let I'm signal your track question. Mr. Sigma. Okay So would you rather do tiring work under? really hot temperatures like hotter than like okay, yeah or Extreme cold like Antarctica cold Wait, wait, I like to go with the heat because the cold can bring hypothermia. I can bring a frostbite Yeah, but you'll be going through the most intense pain you've ever had and you would practically be like Because of hypothermia, you're practically be dead because of hypothermia you'd be so down. Okay. Do you have any like clothes or stuff? Yeah, I Would go with extreme cold The cold is just gonna make you numb to the pain so why we don't because you're gonna suffer from hypothermia You're gonna be laying over like think about it. If it's cold, you're not gonna be able to like actually feel your limb Okay, that's the worst. Yeah, exactly. That's worse. I would rather work in the heat You can also lose weight by sweating It's not the big club You're wrong All right. Next questions Bird, would you like to give us one? Um, I have to think of one Would you rather Have Beyonce's talent or Jay-z's business a human. Um, I think we should get that one I have no idea what? Okay, fine. Would you rather be? 11 feet tall or 9 inches tall or 11 feet. I'll hurt because I would dominate an NBA and make bank millions Both suck could you die? What's the point? You won't die. What's the point of being 9 inches tall, bro? What's the point of being That's useless Okay, well Jerry's like two inches can't wait can I make a question guys are you right? Would you rather would you rather never have to eat food again or never actually wait? No, would you rather never be able to eat good food? So you'll have to eat like oatmeal and like dirty rice And and like boring stuff like that Without like nice stuff like pasta or steak or would you rather stay not drink any drink for your entire life and you won't die Like water soda, no, no, I can't live without water. No, but you know, I'll miss the table water Hydrated as I would yeah, but I'd miss the taste of water water taste you'll be fine There wouldn't be anything wrong with you. Okay. No, hear me out. You guys feel parched. No, no, okay I don't feel like normally tired. No, don't with the first option cuz you can just blend up your food and drink it I Just said you can't have any liquid what it was like no even no drink That's it. That's a liquid. No, you take the first option where you just have like Yeah, I Know but if you take the first option you can drink soda and like water. Yeah, I like the first option I don't know You must think Omele is fire. Would you see real is fire rather drink from a toilet or pee in the litter box? How about I see one would you rather have a Well Would you rather take amazing selfies but look terrible in all other photos or Be photogenic everywhere, but in your selfies photogenic in every about myself Except yourself. Yeah, cuz these are bad. I could just like go Wherever I want with like a person and ask them to take a picture. Yeah, and then crop them out later If you flip your phone the other way, that's true. That's all right guys. Are you special? Just take a picture of you in the mirror. I Finally got one. Would you? Hold up. All right, would you rather be able to take back anything you? Say or hear in any conversation or would you rather Or would you rather be able to hear any conversation that's about you hear any conversation that's what I say to you I say to you. I don't mean any disrespect, but I'm not taking that back Like I would like to hear what everybody has to say There's something behind me for a reason, you know I'm just so so Sigma like that. Yeah, I think that was that was a pretty good one. Hey, give it give us a Give us a outro so Okay, I'll play while we play some music I think that was that was a pretty good session It's like a chill thing to do when you're just bored I Have one last question All right. Let's end it. Let's end it quickly quickly. Would you rather be a six committee? I'd be a stigma because I don't want to be a head together. All right, guys Thank you for watching our podcast and we'll see you later

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