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What Time is it Now - Christ will Return

What Time is it Now - Christ will Return

Christian Biblical Church of GodChristian Biblical Church of God



GTM - What Time is it Now! - Russell Kemp - August 18, 2023 Good evening, brethren, and greetings from the State of Tennessee. If you want a title, we'll call it. What time is it now? I'm speaking here, looking at some views on prophecy. Okay, because prophecy is a timeline when we look at it, there's nothing more interesting than the study of prophecy.

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In this message, Russell speaker discusses the importance of studying prophecy and our role in it. He mentions that while some people may find prophecy negative, there is also good news in it. He emphasizes the need for us to be a witness to the world and spread the gospel before the end comes. He talks about the seriousness of the times and the potential for war and financial collapse. He mentions the presence of false prophets and the need for us to be on guard against deception. He refers to the book of Revelation and discusses the symbolism of the white horse and the red horse. Overall, he emphasizes the urgency of the times and the importance of being united and focused on our mission. Well, good evening, brethren, and greetings from the state of Tennessee. I guess if you want a title, we'll call it What Time Is It? What Time Is It? Now, I'm speaking here looking at some views on prophecy, okay, because prophecy is a timeline when we take a look at it. You know, there's probably nothing more interesting than the study of prophecy. You know, it's exciting, it's interesting, and quite frankly, it's pretty frightening at times. As a matter of fact, I hear a lot of people that say, I don't want to hear sermons, I don't want to hear about prophecy because, you know, it's so negative, and I want smooth things. Well, that's not always true, because if we go down the prophecy line, we've read the last chapter of the book, we know that there's good news as we go down. However, rather than getting into all the end-time prophecies, you know, I want to take a look at our role, our role in prophecy. Where do we stand as prophecies begin to unfold? Well, first, I want to take a look at timing, as I mentioned. The Bible lays out many of the things that will happen prior to the end of the age. We will continue to see these prophecies unfold as we move on. We've certainly seen a lot of changes over the last couple of years. Everyone is interested and wants to know when Christ is going to return. We'd all like to know that. However, we also know that the Father is the only one that knows the time and the date that Christ will return to establish his kingdom here on earth. But as far as you and I are concerned, I ask the question, what time is it? Well, God's prophetic plan always generates interest. There's no doubt about that. Even without all the Old Testament prophets, they viewed the future with great interest. They spoke of the future and the future of the world to come. It wasn't just all about their time, it was the future to come. We could look at Isaiah and Jeremiah and Ezekiel and Hosea and Daniel and many of the other prophets because they clearly spoke of events yet to come. The disciples were obviously concerned about the future and they asked Christ about the signs of his return. Now we're familiar with this and I am not going to go through too much detail because that's some of the details in the pages that I lost. If you want to turn to Matthew 24, you cannot get into prophecy, I don't think, without going to Matthew 24. Now let's begin in verse 1, Matthew 24. And it says, And after going out, Jesus departed from the temple, and his disciples came to him to point out the building of the temple. But Jesus said to them, Do you not see all these things? Basically Christ was pointing out the fact that they still didn't get it. Truly, he continues, Truly I say to you, there shall not be left here even a stone upon a stone that shall not be thrown down. Talking about the temple. And as he was sitting on the Mount of Olives, his disciples came to him alone saying, Tell us when shall these things be and what shall be the sign of your coming and the completion of the age. Now going back in further on in Matthew 24, he goes through and he starts explaining all these things. Verse 5. In verse 5 it says, Many shall come in my name, saying, I am the Christ, and they shall deceive many. We'll go back, he'll go back again and mention that again. We got to be very careful because these will be active people that have a lot of abilities to do miracles. And you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars without going into all the rest of that. We've had plenty of wars, but we are seeing wars again. We've got the war in Ukraine right now. We're looking at China who wants to probably take back over Taiwan. There's thought conflicts in various other places of the world. And the problem is it's much more serious than say World War II. We've got weapons of mass destruction that were not available then. If we enter into a world of war, it'll be devastating. He continues on about how nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. We certainly have the divisions of that as we scatter throughout the world today. And he said now all of these things are just the beginning, the beginning of sorrows. And he said, then they shall deliver you up to affliction and shall kill you and you shall be hated by all nations for my name's sake. And then shall many be led into sin and shall betray one another and shall hate one another. And again, he goes back and many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many. And lawlessness shall be multiplied and the love of many shall grow cold. But the one who endures to the end, that one shall be saved. So getting into that, you know, we see finally we get to verse 14. And in verse 14 we're told and this gospel of the kingdom shall be proclaimed in all the world for a witness. We are to be a witness to the world after receiving the Holy Spirit to all nations and then the end shall come. If we don't do that, the end shall not come. You see, we're not just to be sitting around doing nothing waiting for the end of the age and Christ's return. We are to be a witness to the rest of the world. In other words, brethren, you and I, we have work to be done. You know, we're to be spreading the gospel of the kingdom of God to the world before the end comes. And the time is now. The time is now. You know, there's a difference in the situation with the disciples and us, at least originally. You see, God's Holy Spirit had not yet come to the disciples, but when it did, it then gave them the power to be a witness to the rest of the world and to spread the gospel of the kingdom of God. And they were actually able to perform miracles, you know, to show that God was with them. With us, the Holy Spirit is available to mankind through repentance and baptism and the laying on of hands. We now have the power to be a witness to the rest of the world. We are to be a special people, just like when God selected Israel. We are to be a special people and an example of God's way of life to the world. However, it's also the time to be of one accord. You know, when we go to turn to Acts 1, and when we're in Acts 1, what we're told in verse 14 of Acts 1, again, that's Acts 1, verse 14, all these, all these, all these people that were involved right then were steadfastly continuing with one accord in prayer and in supplication together with the women, including Mary, the mother of Jesus and with his brothers. In other words, brother, they were not divided, but they were working together to accomplish the mission that they were given by God. Now, here's the scary part. The times are getting too serious and they are too late for divisions, but sad to say we have them. I mean, look at all the various churches of God that are not willing to work together. Now, I know they're all, some of them are all doing a work of some sort, but think what we could accomplish if we were to work in one accord. We see daily prophecy being fulfilled. The entire world is on the brink of financial collapse. I know that's scary, it sounds, but take a look now, there, well, first of all, when you're 30, 32, 33 trillion dollars in debt, I don't know what it is, it's even more, but there's also Europe and other places having the same thing. So their answer is, they're going to come up with a digital currency. They're already planning on it, they're going to come up with a digital currency. Now how that will affect the dollar itself, but it will affect every one of us because we lose our freedoms. We have no control. We not only say the possibility of war, but the probability of war basically is looming when we look at what's taking place in the world. We could look at, I won't get into all of them, we've mentioned China, we've mentioned the Ukraine, but there's other places, but just a few events in this shaky world that we live in could trigger the tribulation at the events leading to the end of the age. There are indeed, these are indeed scary times, there's no doubt about it. You know, I wasn't going to do this, but I think I'm going to. Let's go ahead and turn to Revelation 6 and look at what people will face as the return of Christ approaches. Let's take a look at what we'll be facing. Beginning in verse 1, that's again Revelation 6, beginning in verse 1, it says, And look, and I looked and the land opened the first, or opened one of the seals. And I heard a voice of the four living creatures say, Like the sound of thunder, come and see. And I looked, and behold, there was a white horse, and the one who was sitting on it had a bow, and a crown was given to him, and he went out, conquering and to conquer. Now I think we're all familiar, this first white horse represents a false Christ, drawing many into Satan's web of deception. Well, okay, hold your place there of Revelation 6 for just a second. Let me go back to Matthew 24, let me go back to Matthew 24. Matthew 24, and in verses 4 and 5, we are told to be on guard so that no one deceives you. I've read that. For many shall come in my name saying, I am the Christ, and they will deceive many. Not one or two, but many. Also dropping down to verse 24, again, we read, For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and they shall present great signs and wonders in order to deceive, if possible, even the elect. Now false prophets had already crept into the church after the death of Christ, as we're told by many of the disciples. However, as we approach the end times, we will see a dynamic false prophet that will have the power to work miracles that will be very convincing, very convincing. We need to be on our guard to ensure that we are not deceived, and we're continuing to do the work of Christ. Now back in Revelation 6, back in Revelation 6, and at verse 3, And when he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, Come, come and see. And another horse went out that was red, and power was given to the one sitting on it to take peace from the earth. We just talked about war. And to cause them to kill one another, and a great sword was given to him. In other words, brother, maybe, I don't know, maybe another world war, except for this time it would be much more devastating because of the weapons of mass destruction now available to mankind. Now I've been out of the military for many years. It's been a long time that I've been out. But even when I was in, just one Trident submarine had the capability to fire 16 nuclear missiles with multiple warheads. One submarine. Throw that around the world, and then throw in all the other land-based missiles that are available. It would be the most devastating thing if we start unleashing any of this. And we're no longer the only nation with these capabilities. I mean, we could take a look at them. You've got Pakistan. You've got India. You've got China. You've got Russia. You've got probably North Korea. You've got England. You've got France. A lot of nuclear wars. And today, they're much more sophisticated, as I said. And then he continues on, and he said, in verse 5, I'm sorry, and when he opened the third seal, I heard the living, third living creature say, come and see. And I looked, and behold, there was a black horse. And the one sitting on it, he had a balance in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures say, a measure of weight for a silver coin, and three measures of barley for a silver coin, and say that you do not damage the oil and the wine. Now, brother, listening in about talking about some of these wildfires and things taking place, you know, we already have famine in parts of the world, but what if it gets more of our fertile land? Look at the fires taking place. I know Canada's having a problem, and Australia's had a lot of problems with fires. Look what happened in Maui. You know, it could devastate. And then look what's happening in the Ukraine. Ukraine basically was the breadbasket for Turkey and the Middle East and Africa. And they're not able to transport a lot of that out. So we've already seen a lot of famine in parts of the world, but what if the land that we had, that we were using for all of our crops, were to dry up with famine? You know, what if we have year after year of this intense heat that we're dealing with, and we're now experiencing? You know, I was even kind of shocked. I own property in Panama City Beach, and my son lives in Dothan about two hours from there, and he was talking about the tremendous heat wave that then happened, you know, 120 degrees, you know, with obviously not the actual temperature. But I actually got notice from Panama City Beach telling me that they were going to have this open space with air conditioning for people that might need it. But anyway, I know that Australians have their share of drought, mothers have. And when he opened the forest seal, I heard a voice of the fourth living creature say, come and see. And I looked, and behold, there was a pale horse, and the name of the one sitting on it was Death and the Grave. Followed him, and authority was given to them over one-fourth of the earth, one-fourth, to kill with the sword, and with famine, and with death, and by the beasts of the earth. I don't know, brother, I can't even wrap my mind around such an event as that. Can you even picture one-fourth of all living, dying of famine, warfare, or being killed by the beasts of the earth? It's simply mind-boggling. Let's go ahead and drop down to verse 12, I'm going to drop down to verse 12. And when he opened the sixth seal, I looked, and behold, there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black as the hair of sackcloth, and the moon became as blood, and the stars of heaven filled the earth as a fig tree casts its untimely figs when it is shaken by a mighty wind. Then the heaven departed like a scroll that is being rolled up in every mountain and every island was moved out of its place. Now, Christ also spoke of this in Matthew 24, and in verse 29, you know, when he said, but immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun shall be darkened, the moon shall not give her light, the stars shall fall from the heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken. We then finally read that this was a time so scary that the men hid themselves in caves and in rocks and in the mountains. Is all this just good, is it just a good fiction story, or do we actually believe the word of God? You make the choice. Will you and I be alive when these events take place? I don't know. The older I get, I'm thinking maybe you won't, but as it says, only the Father knows the time of these events, but we can certainly see the world heading in that direction. I guess my question would be to any of you, are you prepared? Obviously, you can't be prepared against all those things, but are you prepared to deal with it? Nevertheless, has there been a time when we really need to be of one accord as brothers and sisters working together? Will we need each other as these end times events begin to unfold and take shape? There were certain possibilities for divisions among the disciples. There was no doubt about that. I'm sure the disciples were well aware of Peter's denial of Christ. Then there was old Doubting Thomas, the story of Doubting Thomas, and then they were demoralized after witnessing the events of Christ's persecution. I just can't even imagine what went through their mind when they had to deal with and watch that persecution. Nevertheless, they overcame their differences to serve Christ and to become a witness to the rest of the world, and their task was urgent. Is ours any less urgent today? You know, the disciples put away their differences, their petty arguing, they put them away. They always had a little argument here and there, but they put them away and rose up to the challenge. Will we do the same? Will we be found doing the will of the Father? You know, the Bible makes it clear that we will not know the time and the date of Christ's return. We will not know. But how will we use our time now is of the utmost importance. What are we going to do with our time now? We're not just to sit around and wait. The next part of the prophecy that I want to go into, I want to take a look at what actually happens when Christ returns, and what happens when the time we're now in has run out and Christ returns. Now, many in the world, many today believe that when you die, you go to either heaven or hell. Many believe that the kingdom of God is just in the hearts of men now and here on earth today. Many teach the mystery of the rapture. I know a lot of people personally believe in the rapture. The truth of it is that the vast majority of the world doesn't have a clue what happens when Christ returns and what is actually the kingdom of God. You say the majority in the New Testament, of the New Testament, is indeed a mystery. It is a mystery. So as we wait patiently doing a work, what is going to happen when Christ returns? Mystery. The mystery of the New Testament. When you go through the New Testament, many of the things the writers wrote are clear and easy to understand. However, since most people don't know the whole truth of God's Word, they use just small portions of the disciples' writings to justify whatever their beliefs are. It's pretty clear that we all have violated God's laws to some degree or another, and that is called sin. We've all done that. You know, it's pretty clear that God is spiritual, holy, and without fault. And the New Testament makes it pretty clear that we are all, we're all in the need of salvation. Now these things are pretty common, it's a pretty common theme actually among Christian churches today, with few arguments. However, many things are not understood and are considered a mystery. Now I go back many years in the Worldwide Church of God, which I know many of you have as well. But yet, many years ago, Herbert Armstrong wrote a book called The Mystery of the Ages. I still have that book here somewhere. And on the front cover, he says, did you ever ask yourself, who am I? What am I? Why am I? And he says, you are a mystery. He says the world about you is a mystery. And these are all good questions, and they're all true statements without a doubt. And so it is with the rapture, to God's Word in the New Testament, and to most of the world. But why? Why is it a mystery? Let's turn to Matthew 13. And let me begin in verse 10 of Matthew 13. Verse 10, Matthew 13, and his disciples came to him and they asked, why do you speak to them in parables? Well, there was a reason for God's plan to remain a mystery for the time being. So Christ answered them in verse 11. He said, and he answered and he said to them, because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them, it has not been given. And then in verse 13, he tells us the reason for this mystery, the reason for the mystery. He said, for this reason, I speak to them in parables, because seeing, they see not, and hearing, they hear not, and neither do they understand. And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah, which says, in hearing, you shall hear and in no way understand, and in seeing, you shall see and in no way perceive. And why keep these people from knowing the truth of the kingdom of God? He tells us that in verse 15, when he says, for the heart of this people has grown fat and their ears are dull of hearing. They don't really, they don't want to hear, they're dull of hearing. And their eyes, they have closed, they don't want to hear the truth, lest they should see with their eyes and should hear with their ears and should understand with their hearts and should be converted and I should heal them. Notice what he's saying here. They didn't want to hear or see the truth. Have you ever run into that problem whenever you're trying to explain the truth of God to somebody that has no idea? I know we all do, even family, even some of my own family. So rather than heaven and hell and the rapture, let's be clear about the mystery of Christ's return. In 1 Corinthians 15, in 1 Corinthians 15, Paul begins to unravel this mystery. So let's go ahead and let's turn to 1 Corinthians 15. And let's begin in verse 21, where it says, for since by man came death, by man also came the resurrection of the dead. Verse 23, for as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive. Notice the separation here of the physical and the spiritual separation. But because Christ came and lived as a physical human and was without sin, he made it possible for salvation. Because he paid the penalty for the sins that you and I committed. Hold your place in 1 Corinthians 15, because we're going to be there for a while. Let me turn for a minute to Hebrews 9. Let's go back to Hebrews 9 for just a minute. And I've typed out some of these. In Hebrews 9, and notice in verse 27 in Hebrews 9, it says, and as much as it is appointed unto man once to die, and after this the judgment, all must die. We all must die and give up this physical body at some time. Verse 28, it says, so Christ having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear the second time without sin unto salvation to those who are eagerly awaiting him. So we have to die. We have to get rid of this physical body before we can become a spiritual body. Back to 1 Corinthians where we were at, 1 Corinthians 15. This time drop down to verse 51, verse 51, because this is where Paul explains the mystery of the resurrection of Christ's return. It says, behold, I show you a mystery. We will all not fall asleep, and sleep here, he's obviously referring to death, but we shall all be changed. And Paul makes it clear what sleep refers to, by the way, in 1 Thessalonians 4, just to throw that in, in 1 Thessalonians 4, and in verse 13, Paul tells us, but I do not wish you to be ignorant, brother, concerning those who have fallen asleep, that you be not grieved even as others who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and he rose again, in exactly, in exactly the same way also those who have fallen asleep, fallen asleep in Jesus, will God bring with him. So exactly the same way as Christ died and rose again, our physical bodies must die and be resurrected at the return of Christ. Now if we were to believe that the dead are in heaven, or hell, or wherever, then who's coming out of the grave to what so many people call the rapture? They're already there. Who's in the grave? You know, today we see a constant battle against death. There's no argument there. It is a reality that we all face at some point. I have just recently, just recently have lost a very, very dear and close friend. Today we see tremendous advances in science and in medicine that cure diseases and help improve our life. They've made tremendous advances, no doubt about it. I look back when my grandfather died, and he died back in, at 78 years old, back in 1967, and that was a good old age back then. Literally millions of dollars are spent on medical research every year. Nevertheless, like it or not, the death rate still remains to be one death for every birth. And in spite of all the changes, we still find Psalm 90 and verse 10 to hold true today that the average lifespan is still 70 to 80 years. And I don't know how many of you are beyond that 80-year point like some of us are, and I know a lot of us in the church are. So even if Christ returned, at Christ's return, those firstfruits of Christ that are alive, they must have a physical body, die, and receive a new spiritual body. And verse 58, going back to 1 Corinthians, so that my beloved brethren, be steadfast, be unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. It is not in vain. And notice that we're all to be steadfast, immovable, and always abounding in the work of the Lord. I'm sure the time is now that we are to be doing these things, and it will be well worth the wait when we see Christ. Not everyone understands the mystery of the resurrection at this time. And it's only for those called as the firstfruits to know the truth at this time. So we know that we must use our time wisely as we await the resurrection. What time is it? Time to use what time you have left wisely. We also know the reward that awaits if we stay faithful. We've read the end of the book, that we also must be prepared to cope with these last days. What a time to be alive. You know, we live in a time where prophecy is actually being fulfilled. I've seen just over the last several years, it's amazing. We live in a time of great expectations, and we're seeing doors open for the sharing of the gospel of the kingdom of God to the rest of the world like we've never seen it available before. With the printing of massive amounts of information concerning God's word available, for it does a tremendous job of getting written materials out to the brethren and out to the world. But then we look at that, we have God's computer, we have worldwide communication networks, we have rapid transportation. There has never been a time when the truth of God can finally reach the whole world as required in Matthew 24, before the end can come. That's why we can't just sit back and wait for these things to happen. If he says that's got to happen, God's word has to go out to the world before the end can come. But we also have another view of this time. As we approach the end time, we mentioned this earlier, fear will become epidemic, like we spoke about in Revelation 6 earlier. And Luke tells us in chapter 21 and in verse 26, he basically is repeating this when he says in verse 26, that's chapter 21 of Luke, verse 26, that men will be dying of heart attacks from fear and dread of things that are coming on the whole earth. Now these things that we read about in Revelation 6, you know, obviously I can see people doing that. We're also living in a time of fragile marriage, relationships, and falling moral standards. I tell you what, we could go into that. What a different world we live in from the time that I was a child, a teenager, that I can remember in the 1950s. We're told in Luke 17, again that's in Luke 17, and in verse 26, Luke 17, verse 26, now as it was in the days of Noah, it also says this in Matthew as well, so also shall it be in the days of the son of man. We're already suffering this problem now. But it will continue to escalate as we get closer to the end. And what were those days like? What were those days like? If you want to just go back to Genesis 6, you don't need to turn there, but in Genesis 6 and in verse 7, Genesis 6 and verse 7, we were told that the sons of the mighty ones saw the daughters of men that they were beautiful, and they took wives from themselves, from all whom they chose. And then in verse 5, it says, and the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually, continually. Are we living in that kind of world today? Today we live in a world where one out of about every two marriages doesn't last. Most people don't even bother to get married anymore, they just live together. Adultery is rampant, same-sex marriages has become acceptable, transgenderism, oh, I tell you, I mean, it's become a sick society. Christianity and prayer is no longer allowed in schools or in the public, period. I think our brothers up there in Canada probably understand a lot better than we do. And drug use and crime are accelerated rapidly. Living in the cities is horrible, and many of us will have to live through these times and possibly be martyred because of our beliefs, that's real. We're told in Daniel 11, we're told in Daniel 11, you don't need to turn there, in verse 35, that's verse 35 of Daniel 11, that some of those who understand shall fall, to refine and to purify them, and to make white to the time of the end. Brother, these are both exciting and scary times that we face, there's no doubt about it. I'm sorry, a lot of prophecy does give some very negative stuff, but it's real, and it's stuff that we will face. We also have some wonderful things in prophecy telling us about what is going to happen when we go, for example, to the feast of Tabernacles and beyond. We, you know, we see, we already see the nations of the Middle East are falling back to radical Islamic fundamentalism. Christianity is dying in that area. I see the hard economic times in Europe shaping up to give us a larger rise to German power. Now, I'm not getting back into all that, but financially the world is on the cusp of collapse anyway, and we get into this digital currency, and I'll tell you, Germany has done better than most in handling these economic times that we deal with, but what kind of political and economic union will eventually emerge from Europe? We don't know, as these economic times continue to collapse. And they are collapsing. Will we soon see a new alliances and a reshaping of geopolitical power? We're already seeing that with China and Russia and Brazil and Iran, and they're all getting away from the dollar. The petrodollar dies, our economy will die. Even more frightening is the fact that the world now has the technology to monitor world commerce, and we could see the emergency of that world currency, that digital currency they're currently talking about. Don't be shocked, because I think it's coming. Let's not forget Revelation 13 and verses 16 and 17. Revelation 13, verses 16 and 17, when it says, And he, speaking here of the beast's power, the mark, when it actually forms, causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the bond, to receive a mark in the right hand or in their foreheads, so that no one may have the ability to buy and sell unless he has the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. I'm telling you, I mean, once they take control of the financial, and they don't like something you say, they cut you off. You have no money, no way of buying or selling anything. Total loss of power. How close can this be? You know, as we see these things approaching, we need to seize the opportunity to sound the trumpet, and warn the world of what is coming. That's required. Some will listen, some won't, but it is still our responsibility. Now, I already covered it in Acts 1. I think, you know, we're, you know, speaking of God's Holy Spirit, we will have the power to witness to the world if we have the Holy Spirit. We need to be reaching out to others that will help us cope. Instead of focusing on our own problems, and I do, so I'm not blaming anybody else, but we need to be serving others. Are we just focused on ourselves, or are we doing the work of God? What we're told in Matthew 24, and beginning in verse 44, Matthew 24, and verse 44, it tells us, therefore, you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming in a time that you do not think. As stated earlier, we won't know the time and the hour when Christ comes. So, he says, who then is that faithful and wise servant, who his Lord has sent over his household to get them food in due season? Blessed is that servant, whom his Lord, when he comes, shall find so doing. Is that us? Is that you and I? Are we doing the work that God has set out for us? To accomplish. We're given a warning in Luke 21 that we need to watch what we're doing and be prepared for the end times. Again, that's Luke 21. He tells us in verse 34, he tells us in verse 34, to watch yourselves, watch yourselves. Lest your hearts be preoccupied with high living. And those of us living in America and probably all the other Israel, modern Israel nations, certainly live higher than most of the other people on earth. We live very well. But don't get so preoccupied with your high living and drinking and the cares of this life that the day comes upon you suddenly. Are we studying our Bibles? Are we praying as he tells us in verse 36? In verse 36, to watch therefore. Are we watching and to pray at all times that you may have become worthy to escape. All these things that you'll come to pass and to stand before the son of man. Are we doing? We are indeed to be waiting patiently for the return of Christ. Waiting for the promise of the father. Waiting for the promise of the father. While waiting, we are to be about the work of God, providing the truth of the gospel of the kingdom of God to the rest of the world. So that the end can come. It cannot come until we've done that. We need to be working together in one accord to accomplish that work. And most of all, we need to be faithful in our Bible studies and our prayers. So that we may be worthy to escape the things to come. You know, we all need to take the advice that we're given in Psalm 119. The advice we're given in Psalm 119 and verses 9 and 10. Where we're told. It says, with what shall a young man cleanse his ways? Well, I've read this one over and over and over again, and I'll tell you. It's just so amazing. By taking heed according to your word. And how is that to be done? He says, with all my heart. I have sought you. Oh, let me not wander from your commandments. Is this is this our attitude? Are we willing. To prevent what we are warned about in Matthew 24. And verse 24, we've read this. Where we're told. For there shall rise false Christ and false prophets. And they shall present great signs and wonders. In order to deceive, if possible, even the elect. These are powerful things. We need to be prepared for the times ahead. We need strength. We need endurance to ensure that we are not snared by the coming deceptions. And they will be coming. Jude spoke about those that have already crept into the church. Causing divisions at that time. So verse 4, the book of Jude, verse 4. For certain men have stealthily crept in. Those who long ago have been written about. Condemning them to this judgment. They are ungodly men. Who are perverting the grace of our God. Turning into licentiousness. And are personally denying the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ. And then he goes on, he goes on to tell us in verse 16. That these are complainers. And critics who are walking after their own personal lusts. Hate to say it, I think of some TV evangelists that are worth multi-millions of dollars. While their mouths are speaking great swelling words. Flattering persons for the sake of advantage. You know, these words of Jude were not just meant for his time. But as a warning for the time of the end. Continuing in verse 17, it says, but you. Speaking to you, but you, beloved. Remember the words that were spoken before by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ. And here's the warning for us in verse 18. Here's the warning. Because they said to you that in the last time there would be walkers. Who would be selfishly walking according to their own ungodly lusts. And brethren, they would be among the churches of today. Verse 19, verse 19. It says, these are the ones who cause divisions. They are worldly. Not having the spirit of God. Basically, meaning, hey, they're psychics. Or they're influenced by demons, demonic powers, not the spirit of God. And then we're told what we need to be doing in verse 20. When it says, but you, beloved. But you, beloved. Be building up yourself on your most holy faith. Praying in the Holy Spirit. So what do we do with our time as we approach the end of this age? Let me turn to one last scripture. Where we're all told how we are to be spending out our time while awaiting the fulfillment. Of the prophecies of these times. Let's turn to Hebrews 10. Turn to Hebrews 10. And let's, let's turn, let's begin in verse 22 of Hebrews 10. Because it gives us the answer here. Let us approach God with a true heart. With a true heart. With full conviction of faith. Our hearts having been purified from a wicked conscience. And our bodies having been washed with pure water. In other words, we need to be clean as a bride prepared for Christ. Let us hold fast without wavering. To the hope that we profess. For he who promised is faithful. And let us be concerned about one another. And be stirring up one another unto love and good works. Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, even as some have accustomed to do. But rather encouraging one another. And all the more as you see the day drawing near. Brethren, as the end of this age gets closer. We are going to be in desperate need to be one of one accord encouraging one another. To finish the race. Dropping down to verse 36. It says for you need to have endurance. If you're going to make it, you have to endure till the end. You need to have endurance so that after you have done the will of God. You may receive the promise. Notice after you've done the will of God. And that promise is eternal life in God's kingdom. And notice what it says in verse 37. For it is but a short time until he who is coming will come and he will not delay. Brethren, this is not a time for the faint of heart. Well, ask yourself the question. If Jesus Christ would come today, what would I be doing? Perhaps as we approach the end of this age. Which I think we're accelerating toward that. And we face times that are beyond our ability to handle. We should follow the words of Moses. Follow the words of Moses when the Egyptians. You remember how they just gave up all the time. They just wanted to go back. Let me just turn around. Let's go back to Egypt. They were caught getting ready to cross the river. And they were being pursued. So the Israelites, as they were fleeing Egypt. And this is what Moses told them. And I say this about our life that we live in today. Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will work for you today. Pretty sobering words. And I certainly pray that we are all prepared. And we are doing God's work. Well, I wish everybody a wonderful Sabbath day. And I will close with that. Thank you.

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