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Spiritual Liberation

Spiritual Liberation

Christian Biblical Church of GodChristian Biblical Church of God



GTM - Spiritual Liberation - By Tom Fannin - July 15, 2023 We recently celebrated the 4th of July Independence Day in the United States of America. And it certainly was a day to celebrate as we think about this nation that we live in, that I've had the privilege of being born into and partake of the blessings that God's given this nation. Freedom has been a big part of this nation's history, and all the promises that God gave Abraham and that He fulfilled in this nation, and the...

PodcastSpititual LiberationTom FanninIndependence Daypromises that God gave AbrahamUnited States of AmericaChristian Biblical Church of GodTruth of GodTruth of God PodcastCBCGGTM Go To Meeting

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The speaker discusses the concept of freedom and bondage, both spiritually and in the world. He emphasizes that through Jesus Christ, believers have been freed from the bondage of sin. He also highlights that the world is in bondage due to the influence of Satan and his demonic spirit. The speaker encourages listeners to live in the light and stand against the devil's schemes. He references various scriptures to support his points and concludes by discussing how believers can help set others free through their actions in this life. Well, hello everyone again and welcome to another session of GoToMeeting. It's really good to be here and here enjoying the Sabbath, the start of the Sabbath morning here with me and my wife, and as we prepare a little bit later to be able to go with the brethren and fellowship. Here recently, we celebrated in this country, the United States of America, the 4th of July, Independence Day. It's certainly a day to celebrate as we think about this nation that we live in, that I've been able to have the privilege of being born into, and being able to partake of the blessings that God's given this nation. But freedom has been a big part of this nation's history and all the promises that God gave to Abraham and that he fulfilled in this nation, and the independence given to this nation at that time. When we think about freedom, we enjoy freedoms ourselves, freedoms spiritually through our calling that the world right now doesn't have. But those of us who have been called by God and have his spirit, we do have this freedom. We know this freedom, it took us out of bondage. It took us out of the bondage of sin, and we know it came through Jesus Christ. Let's turn back there to Romans 6, and let's just read a couple of scriptures about this freedom that we all have from the bondage of this world and the bondage of sin. So Romans 6 and verse 17, it says, but thanks be to God that you were the servants of sin. But you have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine, which was delivered to you. Having been delivered from sin, you became the servants of righteousness. I speak from a human point of view because of the meekness of your flesh, but for just as you once yielded your members in bondage to uncleanliness, and to lawlessness unto lawlessness, so now yield your members in bondage to righteousness unto sanctification. So yeah, there was a point in our lives where we were under bondage, the bondage of sin, and we yielded ourselves to lawlessness and a continuing into more lawlessness. But once we were called into this freedom we have and this understanding, then our minds and our outlook changed, didn't it? We wanted to become servants of righteousness and build the very mind of Christ. Well, we know this world, and we talked about that a little bit before the meeting began here, this world is in bondage as far as there is a love of the world, the love of the things of the world, and there's a spirit in this world that holds this world completely in bondage, and that comes from Satan. Let's read about that back in Isaiah, the 60th chapter. Isaiah 60, verse 1, it says, Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. Now, apply this to ourselves today. Hasn't the light shined upon us? Certainly it has. And with the receiving of God's spirit, we have this light within us. And we'll talk a little bit later about what we are to do with this light. Now, it says, For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth. And that's what we see, this darkness covering the earth, and that comes from Satan and his demons and that demonic spirit that is covering this earth. It says, In gross darkness the people. There is a gross darkness upon the people in this world all the way down through time. And you know, gross, when you look at the word gross, what it means is there's something there that's obvious, but it's unacceptable. And so, you know, you may think of things in life that you deemed as being gross, right? That is gross. And that's what's going on in this world. Again, it's a gross darkness, right? For those of us who have the light and have this understanding, it's obvious to us what's going on in this world. And it's unacceptable. And at some point, it's going to be removed. But again, it comes through Satan and his demonic spirit. And it's upon the people. But the Lord shall rise upon you again, it talks about here, and his glory shall be seen upon you. Is that true? Is God's glory seen upon us? Will God's glory be seen upon his people in the kingdom and in the future? Israel? Well, we know it will be. But it's seen upon us. And the Gentiles shall come to your light and kings to the brightness of your rising. So, brethren, think about us and what we can be doing, because as we move further into the message, that's what we're going to be talking about. Let's go back to Ephesians, the second chapter. We're kind of on the thought about this world being held in bondage. Ephesians 2, let's go back there. I want to read verses 1 and 2. It says, Now you were dead in trespasses and sins, in which you walked in times past according to the course of this world. Right? We walked the way the world walked. The world has its own course, its own path. And we were walking right along with the world. According to the prince of the power of the air. That's what we just talked about. That darkness that covers the people, covers the earth. The spirit that is now working within the children of disobedience. So, it's a spirit we always have to remember. It's at work. It's working continually. So, let's now, while we're in Ephesians here, let's go back to Ephesians 6. And just read one more scripture about this darkness that's held this world and keeping this world in bondage. Ephesians 6, verse 10. Paul writes here, And that is the only true strength we can have. It's in God. It's not going to come from ourselves. And whatever we face in the future, as this world becomes more darkened and evil, the strength we need is going to have to come from God. And that's the source. But put on the whole armor of God. That so you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Because we are not wrestling against flesh and blood. Right? If we are wrestling against flesh and blood, the battle we're in may be a little bit different. But that's not what we're wrestling against here. But against principalities and against powers. Against the world. Against the rulers of darkness of this age. Against the spiritual power of wickedness in high places. That's what we're warring against. That's what we're wrestling against. Not necessarily people or the happenings that's going on in this world. We're actually wrestling against and fighting against Satan and this demonic spirit. And again, the whole world, they don't realize it. But that's what they are in. Let's go back now to Isaiah 61. I want, we're going to talk a little bit about why Christ came. Christ came to bring liberty. Freedom. As the title is, liberation. Freedom. As the title is, liberation. Being able to set someone, people, whatever it may be, free. So Isaiah 61, if you'll turn back there. And we're going to read verses 1 and 2 here of Isaiah 61. It says, the spirit of the Lord is upon me. Because the Lord has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted. To proclaim liberty to the captives. And the opening of the prison to those who are bound. It's upon Christ to do this. And he has done that. To preach the acceptable year of the Lord and the day of vengeance of our God. And to comfort all who mourn. So there's a lot being talked about here. That it was planned from the foundation of the world. And it's not over. There's a lot more to come. And we're going to be a part of that. And we're a part of that now. That Christ came to bring liberty. To set everyone free. Who wants to be free. Let's go back to Hebrews 2. Hebrews 2 verses 14 and 15. He says here, therefore since the children are partakers of flesh and blood in like manner. He also took part in the same. In order that through death. He might annul him who has the power of death. That is the devil. And that he might deliver those who are subject to bondage. All through their lives. By their fear of death. So Satan, we know has the power of death. That's going to be swallowed up. That power is going to be taken away. There is a hope. For all men. To be able to have eternal life. And that's been given to us now. As long as we remain faithful, we will have eternal life. But that, that power, the power of death. Christ annulled that. Took that away from what he did by becoming a man and sacrificing himself. For sins. Let's go back to Psalm 102. Psalm 102 verses 18. It says this shall be written for the generation to come. And a people who shall be created shall praise the Lord. For he has looked down from the height of his sanctuary and from heaven. The Lord beheld the earth. To hear the groaning of the prisoner and to set free those who are appointed to death. So, you know, we, we were called at this time and many down through time have been called and received God's spirit. To be able to be first fruits in God's kingdom, but God has looked down upon the earth. He knows man. He knows man. He created man in his image and he loves man. And he wants all people to repent. He wants everyone to be a part of the kingdom that wants to be a part of the kingdom. But he looks down upon earth and he sees man. He notices man. And he wants to set all men free. Again, all those who want that freedom. And we know there's some that don't. So brother, knowing what God and Jesus Christ have done for us. Are there things we can do to help set others free? In our lives, physical lives we have today. What can we be doing? We do have an impact on other people as we live our spiritual lives. And the things we do now, we know we're preparing for the future because in God's kingdom, we'll be doing a lot, especially in that thousand year period and later on a hundred year period for a second resurrection, but we're going to be doing a lot to help set others free. We're going to be doing a lot to help people. Just like it talked about in Psalm, as God looks down upon people and he wants to set them free from that power of death, we're going to be involved in that. So there's things we're learning in this life, this physical life to be able to help later. But there's things we can be doing now to set people free. And I'm talking about those within the church. Talking about those within the world. Let's go back to Matthew 13. It's good to remind ourselves what we've been given and what we know. Because there's not a lot of, not many people on the face of this earth that know what we know and have been given what we've been given. And there's a lot of accountability for what we know and what we've been given. So Matthew 13, let's go to verse 12 to start with. It says, for whoever has understanding, to him more shall be given. And he shall have an abundance. But whoever does not have understanding, even what he has shall be taken from him. So we do have understanding and all of us continue to get more and more understanding. Now there's things we need to do to get more understanding. It has a lot to do with our relationship with God and Christ and our desire for that. In the effort we put forth, there's different things we do ourselves for that understanding. But nonetheless, we continue to have more understanding. It has a lot to do with our love of God and Christ and the law, their laws and their ways. Now let's go on down to verse 16. It says, but blessed are your eyes, because you they see, and your ears because they hear. For truly I say to you, many prophets and righteous men have desired to see what you see and have not seen, and to hear what you hear and have not heard. So just think about again, and that's why we're reading these scriptures here, what we've been able to see and know and understand. So what do we do with that, right? In this life we're living now, this physical life. Well, let's go back to Matthew 5 and we'll kind of plainly see what Christ says we should be doing. With this. So Matthew 5, just a few chapters back, and let's read what he says here in verse 14. And Christ speaking here to us. He says, you are the light of the world, right? And the city that is set on that mountain, it cannot be hid. Neither do they light a lamp and put it under a bushel basket, but on the lampstand. And it shines for all those who are in the house. There's a purpose for the city that's lit up can be seen from a long distance away, right? When they light a lamp. It's there for a purpose, not there to be covered up. It's there to bring light. So there's visibility. What Christ says here in verse 16, he says, in the same way. Also, right? In the same way. You are to let your light shine before men. So that they may see your good works. There's something about us that needs to be seen. And we'll be talking about hearing also. People in this world need to see something from us. But we also, at the same time within the church, have a responsibility to set examples to others also. And the examples we set within the church help others and encourage others to do the same. Examples we set within the church help others and encourage others and strengthen others. It's a light, nonetheless, to others. And why? Why? Well, it says right here. Because of this, because the good works that are seen. And may glorify your father who is in heaven. And that's the whole purpose, brethren, of our life, whatever it is. That God receives the glory. Because what we do and what we have and what we understand in any example we set. For others to see it from God. Right? His calling, his spirit within us, and how he's worked with us to give us these things. The glory of whatever is seen in us goes back to God. And we always have to be mindful when we get that opportunity to remember God. And give the credit to God. Now, I think about a lot of the people I work with. And I've had an opportunity in my career to be in leadership, to be able to influence a lot of people, be able to hire a lot of people in my career, be able to build departments and be a part of startups. And I've really enjoyed that. And hopefully over the many, many years I've done this, I've been able to set a good example for the people around me. And one thing I take notice of is how they treat me by the example they see. You know, I noticed a lot that there's conversations that are had they don't have with me. When they're in my presence, they conduct themselves in a different way. Even when it comes to clean and unclean meats, or an understanding they have of me and how I keep the holy days or the Sabbath, they understand what I do. And they respect that. Do they do those things? No. But at least the example we all set, it's noticed. It's noticed. It gets put in the mind of people. So it may help them now. It may help them later. We don't know. But nonetheless, we are a light. And we do have an effect on people. Let's go back again to Isaiah 42. And I want to talk a little bit about what the church should be doing. What all of us should be doing. Isaiah 42. Let's go back there. Isaiah 42, verse 6, it says, I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness and will hold your hand and will keep you and give you for a covenant of the people for a light to the Gentiles, to open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, those who sit in darkness out of the prison house. I am the Lord. That is my name and my glory. I will not give to another nor my praise to graven images. So this is speaking here again about Christ and what Christ is doing and will be doing. But it also applies again to us in the church and what we need to be doing in the preaching of the gospel to help again, bring light to those in this world, to bring something to them they haven't heard before, the truth. And then they can choose to believe or not. Maybe this time isn't the time for them. It might be a later time. It might be a later time, but nonetheless, there are those God who God is calling and working with now. And maybe they hear through us. But again, there's a certain way this is done, as is talked about here in verse 8, because it's through God and through his name. His glory is not going to be given through another. It's directly through him that our preaching comes. He's not going to have it done another way. And there are a lot of different ways churches of this world try to reach out the people. But God only reaches out through his truth. Not any other way. And that's how we need to approach things in the church. And while we do. You think about Paul there at Mars Hill and the message he gave there to the Athenians. And he talked about God, and he talked about Jesus Christ and the authority given to him. He talked about God commanding all men everywhere to repent. So, again, the message the church has today to be given. Let's go back to Hebrews 4. I want to just talk something, something here that's really important for us. To remember it within the church and within our example. So, Hebrews 4. Now, we continually come to God and Jesus Christ. And we should always be directing people to God and Christ. Hebrews 4, Hebrews 4, verse 14, it says, having, therefore, a great high priest. And that's who we have this, we have this Jesus Christ. He's our high priest. He's ours. Who is passed into the heavens, Jesus, the son of God, we should hold fast the confession Jesus, the son of God, we should hold fast the confession of our faith. Right? And there is a faith that we have, that we possess. And there's a confession of it. We hold on to that dearly. For we do not have a high priest who cannot emphasize with our weaknesses, but one who was tempted in all things according to the likeness of our own temptations. Yet he was without sin. So, Jesus Christ knows very much what it is to be flesh. What it is to live in this world. He knows that. And he said to God's right hand. That's right. It says here in verse 16, therefore, we should come with boldness to the throne of grace so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. And we always have time of need. I don't think anybody listening to this message will ever say, I never have time of need walking in this physical life I'm in. I'm fine. I never have struggles. I never have difficulties. I never have trials. I never have issues in my life. We're always in time of need. So, we boldly can come before God and Jesus Christ and ask for help. And they give it to us. But, you know, we can always direct others to the same source we come to. And that's what we should be doing. Within the church, primarily reminding everyone that's what we need to be doing. But also there's opportunities to help those within the world and direct them to God and Christ. Well, there's a proper way to do this. Let's go back to Romans 10. Romans 10, and I'm going to start in verse 14. It says, how then shall they call on him whom they have not believed? How are they going to do that? Call upon God and Christ they have not believed, maybe not heard, maybe not known of. And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? How shall they hear then without preaching? You got to hear about it, right? You got to hear about God and Christ and the word and their plan and the truth. How shall they preach unless they be sent? Who's being sent? Who's the light of the world? What's the church? According, it is written, how beautiful are the feet of those who announce the gospel of peace and those who announce the good news of good things. Isn't that true? The ones who bring this gospel of peace, of good news, what a great announcement that is. And it has an effect in this world today. But certainly in the thousand year period and on into the kingdom. It's going to have a huge effect then on all those that we're going to be able to serve and help. It says, but not, but all have not obeyed the gospel because as Isaiah said, Lord, who has believed our report? Right. So there will be hopefully many, many who believe, but some may not believe. And some may not believe. And some may not choose to follow God. So then he continues on here. Faith comes by hearing and hearing through the word of God. That's the only way it can be done. It comes by hearing, right? Hearing through the word of God. That's, that's the only way. And again, the glory goes back to God continually. So that's why it's important that we know God's word, all of us. Again, to be a light to help anyone God may bring to us to help because we don't know who God may bring to us at any time that we are influencing. Again, we're sitting in. Free. Because there is a freedom in the hearing of the truth. Christ talks about that. So let's go back to John 8. John 8. In verse 31, it says, therefore, Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him. If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples. Right? So, you know, another thing that we know identifies the disciples of Christ is that they are truly the disciples of Christ. And those who belong to Christ are the love that we have for one another. But continuing in the words of Jesus Christ, his word is another identification of his disciples. And you shall know the truth then, right? And the truth shall set you free. So, brethren, there's the truth that we have. But this truth we have, it helps set others free too. Because there's this power within God's truth. And the world is in the middle of a lie. But this truth is a power and we possess it. And we're able to share it with others. And it truly sets others free. Let's go back to James 2. Something that's important for us just to keep in mind in James 2. James 2 in verse 14. And as we read here, we just want to think about what is seen in us again. James 2.14. It says, My brethren, what good does it do if anyone says that he has faith and does not have works? Is faith able to save him? Now then, if there be a brother or sister who is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, go in peace and be warmed and filled, and does not give to them the things necessary for the body, then what good is it? Right? In the same way, also, faith, if it does not have works, it's dead by itself. Not have works, it's dead by itself. But someone who is going to say you have faith and I have works, my answer is you prove your faith to me through your works. And I will prove my faith to you through my works. So it has to be seen in us. Right? Our faith, what we pronounce, what we talk about, what others hear. But then there needs to be something that's seen. Works. Things that we do. Our faithfulness, our consistency. That's part of it. So both those components need to be seen in us. And it has an impact. Let's go back to 1 Peter, the third chapter. 1 Peter 3, I want to talk about, for a moment here, the freedom of hope. 1 Peter 3, 15. It says, but sanctify the Lord God in your own hearts and always be prepared to give an answer to anyone who asks you the reason for the hope that is in you. And there's a way here to do it. And we do it with meekness and we do it with reverence. Again, the glory goes to God. Our attitudes are humble towards what we know and what we understand. Always having reverence and meekness in this and how we answer. But there is a hope that lies within us. There is a reason behind our hope. And it's time to ask, what is that? And at times, God may lead us to have conversations or give input to others as well. Have conversations or give input to others as well. And as we'll see later, God does lead us into these opportunities to help other people. But hope is a powerful thing. We can put hope into the minds of people. It's like a seed, right? A lot of the things I'm talking about here, as far as giving people freedom, it's like a seed we put in their mind. Maybe it'll have value later. But nonetheless, by what people see and what they hear from us, we are placing some freedom within them, whether we realize that or not. Let's go back to Acts, the eighth chapter. We're going to read about Philip here. Acts 8, verse 26, it says, Now an angel of the Lord spoke to Philip, saying, Arise and go toward the south, and on the road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza, which is in the desert. And he arose and went. And behold, an Ethiopian man, a eunuch, won in power under Candace. So here's a man that has authority right under Candace, the queen of the Ethiopians, who was over all her treasure and had come to worship in Jerusalem. So if you can think of a person being set in that position over all the treasures of Ethiopia under Candace, then he certainly was a person that had power in this world, so to speak. And he was returning and sat in his chariot, reading the book of the prophet Isaiah. So you can maybe picture this. Here's this person sitting there and traveling back home, and they're reading. It says, Then the Spirit said to Philip, Go near, and join yourself to this chariot. So sometimes we read these things that talk about, the Spirit said to Philip, go and do this. So when we read this, we just know that God is involved in this and directing Philip to do something here. When we think about ourselves, there are times that God is involved in directing us to do things. We may not know at that time what we've done, and then sometimes we may know exactly what's going on. But God, through his Spirit, leads us to do certain things. And when Philip ran up, he heard him reading the words of the prophet Isaiah and said, Do you understand what you're reading? And he said, but how can I, am I able to understand without someone to guide me? Isn't that what we just read back in Romans 10? There needed to be a hearing to help bring understanding. And he besought Philip to come up and sit with him. Now the passage of the scripture that he was reading was this. He was led as a sheep to slaughter and has a lamb. He is dumb before the one who is sharing it. He did not open his mouth. So let's go on. Let's go on to, let's just continue reading here. And in his humiliation, his judgment was taken away. And who shall declare his genealogy, for his life was taken from the earth. And the eunuch answered and said to Philip, I pray you, about whom does this prophet say this? About himself or about another? And then Philip opened his mouth and began, and beginning from this scripture, preach to him the gospel of Jesus. And as they were going down to the, down the road, they came up upon a certain pool of water. And the eunuch said, look, there is water. You know, what is preventing me from being baptized? Philip had preached the gospel of Jesus from that point in Isaiah forward. So he got to hear. And there was a calling there being given to him. Being given to him, this eunuch. And Philip said, if you believe with all your heart. And that is a primary condition. Everyone that had goes into covenant with God and Christ have to get to. A belief with all the heart. It is permitted. Then he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God. And he commanded the one driving the chariot to stop, and they both went down into the water, both Philip and the eunuch. And he was baptized. So, again, what I'm reading is here is in the case of Philip and the eunuch or. Us, we never know how God may be using us to help others to set others free. I'm going to read a couple of other examples here also. Let's go back to while we're here in access, go back to act 16. I want to put a wonderful thing there for Philip, though, to be able to be involved with. With that eunuch and and his conversion and his baptism. Act 16, we're going to read a couple of examples here. I want to start in verse 9. It says that a vision appeared to Paul during the night and a certain man of Macedonia was standing. Beseeching him and saying, come over to Macedonia and help us. So, again, how God works, but there was something there. Paul received right during the night. This vision that there was something he was required to go do. After he had seen the vision, we immediately sought to go to Macedonia. So that's when he got that. It's like we need to go right. This is what God is doing. And he's going to go to Macedonia. When he got that, it's like we need to go right. This is what God's leading us to go do. And concluding that the Lord had called us to preach the gospel to you. So, again, a combination of God and Jesus Christ here. Therefore, we after sailing from Traos, we came with a straight course to. On the next day to Neapolis. And from there, we went to Philippi, which is the primary city in that part of Macedonia and a colony. And we stayed in this city for a number of days. Then on the day of the weeks, which we know is Pentecost here, right? We there's seven Sabbaths complete. So this was the day of the weeks, the 50th day on Pentecost. We went outside the city by a river where it was customary for prayer to be made. And after sitting down, we spoke to the women who were gathered together there. So that's where they were led to. And they had an opportunity to preach to the women gathered there by that river. And a certain woman who worshiped God was listening. She was named Lydia and was a seller of purple from the city of Thyatira, whose heart the Lord opened to receive the things spoken by Paul. That's an important key right there. To remember when it comes to God's calling and leading anyone into covenant with him through Christ. There is a drawing that God has for those he calls. And there is an opening of the heart of the mind for these things to be received. So that's a very important verse to remember and think about when it comes to God calling and what eventually hopefully leads to baptism. An opening of the heart, an opening of the mind. And after she and her household were baptized, and she besought us saying, if you have judged us to be faithful to the Lord, come to my house and lodge there. And she constrained us. So again, just an example of how Paul and Silas there and the others traveling with him had the opportunity through the preaching for those to hear. And then God had opened their minds and their hearts and they were converted. We'll continue on in this chapter and read another example, but I want to kind of drop down now to verse 22. Now, breaking into the story here, we know why Paul was in that area and Silas, there was a certain woman there that had a demonic influence and she used divining. And she used this divining to help the one she worked for receive an income. And she was following Paul and Silas and the others around, and Paul cast this spirit, this demon out of her through the name of Jesus Christ. And when this happened, the ones who were gaining a profit from her realized what had been done. And that's something we can take note of in this world today. Today, there are those in this world still today to do this very same thing. They use demonic spirits and powers to create profitability for others. And they know it happens today, too. But anyway, when that went away, that power for them to receive a profit money, they were really upset and they knew it. And they were mad at Paul and they were mad at Silas over this. So let's break into the story here in verse 22. It says, then a multitude rose up against them and the captains tore off their garments and commanded that they be beaten with rods. And after laying many stripes on them, they cast them into prison, commanding the jailer to keep them safely. So I just let's just keep this in mind. The jailer was commanded. OK, you need to keep them, keep them safe. Didn't want them to get out of this prison they were putting being put into. It was the jailer's responsibility for this. After receiving this command, he threw them into the inner prison and sitting and secured their feet with stocks. It says about midnight, OK? Paul and Silas were praying and singing praises to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. I can just kind of imagine maybe being there. Here's all in Silas and they're probably they're probably, you know, they've got their wounds and. I'm sure they're in pain, but for their comfort. For their comfort. They're praying. Singing and sometimes I think about, you know, when I read this us and in the future, we don't know what. May come. For any of us. Imprisonment may come for some of us, we don't know, but maybe if that time comes, we can think about some of these scriptures here and and certainly be praying ourselves and maybe be singing hymns. But we are to focus and think about God's word and many people before us have gone through a lot of difficulties. So they're singing here, but the prisoners are listening, it's quiet and it's midnight and they're listening to what they're doing. And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so great the foundations of the prison were shaken and immediately all the doors open and the bonds of all were loosed. Everybody was loose, set free. And the jailer awoke from his sleep and saw the doors of the prison open and he drew a sword and was about to kill himself, supposing that the prisoners had escaped. So think about that. The jailer, he knew he's responsible for these men and for their safekeeping and their imprisonment. He was personally tasked with that. Under that authority, and he knew what was going to happen to himself. He gave himself the sentence of death and he was going to take his own life. Just think about that. If he would have done that, how horrible that would have been. Somebody would have had later on to go back to his wife and his family and say, your husband and your father is dead, killed himself. So that didn't happen here. It says, but Paul called out with a loud voice saying, don't harm yourself for we are all here. And after asking for lights, he rushed in and fell down trembling before Paul and Silas. What's happening here? Well, we know there's a calling being offered here. There was an opening of the mind and of the heart. And Paul and Silas were directly involved in this. And when he had brought them out, he said, sirs, what must I do that I may be saved? Total change of attitude, a change of mind and change of heart here. Repentance was coming. Repentance was being done at that time. And they said, believe in the Lord Jesus and you shall be saved, you and your household. And they spoke the word of the Lord to him and all those in his house. Again, a speaking of the word of God. And he took them in that hour of the night and washed their wounds and he and all his household were immediately baptized. Then he brought them into his house and laid out a table for them and he rejoiced with all his household who had believed in God. So just think about that. What all transpired that night. From the example that Paul and Silas said with their praying and their singing to the jailer. Because of all the prisoners being set free because of the earthquake and their chains and their bonds falling off of them and the doors opening and then the jailer. Looks like he's going to take his life, but then quickly things turn around. And he has repentance. And they move into baptism and covenant with God, not only him, but his whole household. So, wow, quite a bit happened there, didn't it? In that one night. And Paul and Silas had a lot to do with that. So, you know, we look at these things for an example for us again and what we can do to set others free and help them. You know, as a note here, when it comes to baptism. You know, a lot of times in the church, what we've practiced with baptism is. Takes it takes some time. You need to you know, you need to understand what you're doing. You need to count the costs. You need to make sure you understand the scriptures and what that covenant means. Right. And that's a good thing to do. But as we've seen here in the examples, baptism can happen very quickly. Whether it was the eunuch, or Lydia, or the jailer in his household. Repentance, the opening of the mind, the changing of the heart, the calling God gives can come quickly and it can come by something just like we saw here with the jailer, something that came into someone's life as a trial or a difficulty. But then it led to this change and it was quick. It happened that quickly. But again, it was based upon belief. God opening their minds. Belief in God and Jesus Christ. And a repentance in accepting God and Christ, but particularly Jesus Christ as the personal Savior to be delivered from this. So we can have that kind of influence, brethren on people, the same way. Well, there's a way we use this freedom. Let's go back to Galatians, the fifth chapter, because we have a freedom, don't we? All of us, whether we meditate on that a lot or not, we've been given a freedom that others don't have. Go back to Galatians 5. Galatians 5, verse 13, it says, for you have been called into freedom, brother. We didn't get called to bondage to this world. We got called into freedom, into the bondage of righteousness. Only don't use this freedom for an occasion to the flesh. That's not how we use our freedom. It's the spirit that gives life. The flesh profits nothing. So this freedom that we've been given, we use this freedom towards the spirit and the power of the spirit and the fruits of the spirit. That's how we are to use this freedom. It says, rather, serve one another with love. There's a lot there to meditate and think upon, but that's how we use this freedom is to serve others, serve one another, and love, for the whole law is fulfilled in this commandment, you shall love your neighbor as yourself. So, brethren, that's something for us to consider, the freedom we have, right? But how do we use that freedom? Well, at times we hold others accountable. Within the church. Also in the world, sometimes we have opportunities to hold people accountable. In the world, sometimes we have opportunities to hold people accountable, to give people freedom from this world, from this darkness, so they can hear something that they need to hear. Let's go back to Jude. We'll read about the things we can be doing here, or should be doing in Jude. Jude 20 and 21. It says, but you, beloved, be building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit. What we saw probably from Paul and Silas there, they were definitely praying in the Holy Spirit. So, that you keep yourselves in the love of God, right? That's why we pray in the Holy Spirit, because we need to keep ourselves in a certain way, and that's in the love of God. It says, while you are personally awaiting the mercy of our Lord Jesus unto eternal life. It says, now, on the one hand, show mercy to those individuals who are doubting. But on the other hand, save others with fear, snatching them out of the fire, hating even the garment that has been defiled by the flesh. So, whatever situation we're put into to help others, to give others freedom, we have to use discernment. And then we look to God to give us guidance in helping these things, and he does. But we show mercy to some, and some we pull them out of the fire. And we have the ability at times to do that, and that's certainly giving freedom. So, here recently, my wife and I were up in a TFC store in the town I live in, and doing a little shopping, and happened to see a fellow walk by, and I recognized him. But he had grown up a lot since I'd seen him before, okay? And I used to do business with his dad, and he had grown up a lot. And his dad and I would stand in his barn, and his dad was a minister in a Protestant church. And I can tell you, being a minister in a Protestant church, the type of minister he was, there was a lot of knowledge he had. But there are a lot of things he didn't have that we know of, because God, again, shined upon us and put the truth within us. But there was a lot of things that his dad did understand, and we had a lot of good conversations about God, and the kingdom, and God's word. And I enjoyed the time with his dad. His name was Jerry. He was a good guy to spend time with. And I gave him a book one day, one of the CBCG books about the pagan holidays, or God's Holy Days Witch. I gave that to him to read, because at times we would talk about some of the pagan holidays, and he had an understanding of their origins, and they didn't keep those things in the church that he was a minister of. But his son, who at that time was probably a teenager, he'd hang out with us, and he'd listen, and he would get involved in some of the conversations. But nonetheless, at that time, he was just listening to what his dad said, and maybe what I said, right? So, what was going on there? A hearing of the word. A planning of the seat. A potential freedom. A potential freedom. So, fast forward to Ronza and I being in TSC here recently. I saw this fellow walk by that was grown up, and now he has a wife, and now he has some small children. And he walked by me, and then he came back, and he said, he said, do you know who I am? And I said, I said, you're Jerry's son. And he said, yes. So, we talked for a little bit, and he said, are you still a Seventh-day Adventist? And I kind of smiled. I said, well, no, I'm not a Seventh-day Adventist, but I do keep the Sabbath and keep the Holy Days also. And he said, he said, well, he said, I've been reading, and he said, you know, the Sabbath is a day we should keep. That's Saturday. That's the seventh day. We should be keeping that. And he said, we also should be eating clean foods. He said, do you do that? I said, yeah, we do that. So, what's happening there? What am I observing? Well, potentially God opening up somebody's mind. So, he went on to talk about, he said, I've been talking to my dad in the church, and I'm trying to explain these things to him that we should be doing. He said, they won't listen to me. And, you know, unless God, again, opens your minds to these things, you may not be able to listen or understand. But he was beginning to listen to understand some things. So, I had a good conversation with him that day. But as we drew towards the end of the conversation, he said, well, he said, you know, I'm going to be in the kingdom. And thankfully, God's grace and the grace of Christ will cover me. I may be leased in the kingdom, but it'll cover me for the things that I'm doing now that I basically shouldn't be doing. So, I had an opportunity there. Maybe some of us face these opportunities where I could leave somebody in bondage to that teaching, to that understanding that all we have to do is look upon the grace of Christ, the grace given to us, and we can still continue to live in sin. But Paul says plainly, where grace is applied, should we continue sinning? May it never be. So, I had the opportunity there to let him believe that we're setting free. So, the obvious choice was I had the opportunity to set someone free. And I told him, no, that's not how it is. Once you've come to an understanding of the truth in these things, Christ died and gave his life for the remission of sins. But we're no longer to walk in those things. Once that understanding comes to us, we are to live by God's word. So, he asked for my telephone number, which he already had actually, and he asked if I could call, if he could call sometime and maybe come to services with us sometime. And I said, yeah, certainly. If you've got any questions or need anything, call me. So, sometime I'm hoping to get a call from him where he wants to know more, and maybe I'll see him, and perhaps God's extending a calling to him. And he'll answer that call, I hope. But again, I bring that up as an example for all of us. We never know what situation we're going to be put in to help others. So, when those situations come that God presents, because there's no doubt in my mind, as Rhonda and I talked about that later, God brought that opportunity for that to happen, for that to be talked about. When those things happen, brethren, we have an opportunity again to leave somebody in bondage, or to help set someone free. And we always want to pick setting someone free through the word of God, through the truth. And God's spirit will lead us to do this. One final scripture, let's go to Romans 8. Romans 8, in verse 18, it says, For I reckon that the suffering of the present time is not the suffering of the past, but the suffering of the future. It says, For I reckon that the suffering of the present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creation itself is awaiting the manifestation of the sons of God. Think about that. Who are the sons of God? They're waiting for, it's waiting for us. Because the creation was subjected to vanity, not willingly. You know, this darkness that covers the earth, all that's going on, it was, this earth, this world, it was subjected to that. Satan and his rebellion, and with his demons and that spirit that's here, this whole world is held captive to all that. Not willingly, but by reason of him who subjected it in hope. That's what we read about earlier in Peter, a reason for our hope, subjected by reason, by God, it's subjected in hope. There's a hope coming. In order that the creation itself might be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. So, that's part of our calling, is to be involved in ultimately what Christ did to set everyone free and have the opportunity to live a life of freedom, and to live a life of hope, and set everyone free and have the opportunity for freedom from the bondage of this world. And we'll play a big part in that, and we can play a big part in that now. So, brethren, we have freedom through Christ. Let's use this freedom we have to help others in this life we're living in now, and to look forward to ultimately and completely helping others in the kingdom of God. Amen.

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