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pod 7: pt2

pod 7: pt2

Trent Solomon



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Should we reset the camera? What? Oh, did you already do that? Go again. Fuck you. I would be that name. You always stay the same. Is it all recording? Is the audio recording? Yeah. Okay, you go. And sidetracked. Three. Yeah, but sometimes I feel like I get... Yeah, as you were saying, you get so sidetracked. You're in the middle of praying and all these doors will start coming in and saying about random stuff, Fortnite, Minecraft. And you're just like, what am I doing? Yeah, I know. Snap back to the prayer, yeah. Sometimes I catch myself reading the Word as we're reading it. And this is really bad, don't do this. But when you're reading the Word, make sure you're encapsulating every single bit of it because it's the Word of life. I remember sometimes I'd be reading the Word and I'd just start thinking about the most random stuff. And I'm reading the Words but I'm thinking about something completely different. And then I'm like, I'm going to have to read this whole chapter again because I'm not even understanding. I'm just reading Words. And I feel like I'd be like that sometimes. You'd be reading something and then all of a sudden that thing from the other day pops up or that one girl or that food you might be having for dinner tonight or something like that. And you're like, oh, got to try to focus on the Word again. And I feel like we do that in our own conversations. We'd be talking to people and we just go into a full out of the zone just thinking about all these other stuff. I know I for one do it. But onto another question about prayer. How do you think we should talk to God? How should the way we talk to God be? Should it be formal? Should it be real? Or should it be long? Should it be constantly speaking? What do you think? I think you've got to keep it as real as possible. God knows your heart, right? So if you're just waffling and waffling. It's not like you're trying to explain something to a person that doesn't even know who you are or doesn't know what you're going through. But God already knows everything that you're going through. Everything that you're going through. Every situation that you've been in. But it's still important to pray because if you don't then you're not acknowledging that you need a relationship and you need conversation with God to build up your faith. I feel like with that you also don't need the right words. You don't need the right words to say He knows your heart. I find the verse that He knows everything you want to say whether you actually have the words to say it and can really describe it. He knows your heart. He knows everything you're going through. In 1 Samuel chapter 16 verse 7 it says But the Lord said to Samuel Do not consider his appearance or his height for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart. When you're speaking to the Lord He's looking at what your heart is feeling. He's looking at what your heart truly feels. He knows everything. You can wrap it in a million words. He's still going to know how you truly feel. There's another verse in the Bible. I don't know if you can find it. I think I've already got it right here. Tell me if I'm right. It's about blabbering on and stuff like that. No. But there's another verse. If you are praying for hours and hours and just constantly going on and on and on that's good. You're talking to God and stuff. But it's as significant to talk to God for hours to talk to God for 30 seconds before you go to bed. You're still speaking to God. Of course there's going to be times when we speak to God longer but that doesn't mean it's any more significant than if you're just praying before going to bed or before going into work or to school one day. Those prayers are all so meaningful to God and you don't have to wrap it around in all these many different words and have to make it super rich sounding or posh and stuff like that. If you are being your real self that's all God values. What's the verse you've got? I've got from Romans 8 verse 26. It says, In the same way the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us through words of grace. So sometimes even if we don't know what's going on or what we need the Holy Spirit in us already knows and tells God for us. We don't always need to know the right words. To make that even more clearer even if you don't even really understand your emotions and why you might feel that way God does. God knows every single aspect of why you might be feeling this way and why you might be like, I don't even know how to describe this feeling right now but God knows. God knows it and you can talk to Him about it. Even if you don't have the right words to say He knows. Because in Matthew chapter 6 verse 5 to 8 I know, I know. Hit him hard right there. But it says, That truly I say to you they have received their reward but when you pray go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. There's still more to the verse but already you can see that God isn't being like come out into the front of the service hands raised on the knees just like praying like yelling and stuff like that if that's the Spirit uplifting in you then sure but that's it's not actually something that God values just because you make it big and bold prayer doesn't have to be this big grand occasion it's legit as simple as going into a room privately and just speaking to the person that created you. It even says later and your Father who sees you in secret will reward you and when you pray do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do for they think they'll be heard for their many words do not be like them for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him. You know, you don't have to constantly be doing all these crazy English techniques allegories on a monopia or that random jazz to get your point across to God even if you just say the most simplest thing of it He's going to understand. Yeah, but like with that and prayer and talking to God how do you think that just your prayer life itself has helped your relationship with God and even your life in general? I think one of the biggest things is knowing that you're like never alone like you always have someone to talk to through every scenario and then when you are praying and then you do receive something it just I mean you can not receive it as well and it says that in 2 Corinthians where Paul prays to the thorn in his flesh to be removed but God says my grace is sufficient for you but when you do receive that it can build up your faith so much I don't know if you've ever received joy before or something but it's the craziest feeling all your worries go away through prayer I know and I feel like sometimes we're scared to ask God for things like it's ok it's not greedy or like weird to be like asking God for things like God actually wants us to ask for things from him and I remember one time I was on a camp everyone knows this story because both of these guys have heard my testimony before but I was asking for God's peace because I was going through some things with homesickness and I might have spoken about this on the podcast but whatever but pretty much I was asking for God's peace the entire night I was like I need you to be in this moment where I'm quite fearful and I'm worrying because I really want to I've got this homesickness built up in me and I was praying praying praying and then I remember in the worship that night I felt this overwhelming peace that like anything could happen and it's not going to hurt me because God is with me the creator of all things is living in me and it was so uplifting for my passion for the Lord and it was also my spirit as well and I remember I was reading a book about it and there had been storms all day it had been raining all day and I remember I looked out and where we were it was nice and warm it was quite a it was like a humid just night and stuff it was nice hanging out with friends but all around you could see lightning and Sunday and we were in the eye of the storm and even in the eye of the storm you can still find peace you can still find God's peace if you ask for it if you confess about your sins and you repent to him and talk to him you can find his peace and how good is that and you feel like you can do anything and you're like I'm going to go climb Mount Everest yeah I'm going to go and jump in front of a bus and you know what I will stop that bus right there yeah right that was kind of out of pocket but it is what it is mad that was mad anyway also in Romans it says I was I was I was reading a book about it and it was it was I was I was reading through Romans the other day and I was just thinking about I've got some people in my life right now who's going through like physical physical affliction and stuff like that and I came across this it says Romans I didn't even screenshot where it's from anyway Romans somewhere verse 12 it says be joyful in hope patient in affliction faithful in prayer so I guess like be be joyful while you wait for for whatever you're praying for and the hope that there will be God's plan will will see you through whatever you're facing and it says patient in affliction like patient like you're you're willing to wait for whatever God's God's going to do and then faithful in prayer you're faithful that God's going to God's outcome is going to be so much greater than whatever you're experiencing right now yeah yeah but how how do we repent and what is repentance so I think to me re repentance is more it obviously it's it's through through an act of um changing changing your your heart and like your your belief through I guess if you if you sin right then you're going to if you truly believe then you're going to want to repent right so it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a 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