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The lesson is about creating a clear distinction between personal and work conversations. It's important to respect boundaries when someone doesn't feel comfortable sharing personal information. Without this understanding, asking personal questions can create a negative perception. To avoid this, it's suggested to establish a definition of a great workplace relationship. This can be done through activities like group discussions to determine how to support and communicate with each other within the organization. Defining a great work relationship provides a foundation for coaching. Now this lesson is going to come in the future. I want you to separate it because they really can and should be two different conversations. When you think about the ideal workplace relationship, and let's say somebody in your team says, you know, I don't like to share personal information about family stuff. I feel very uncomfortable. I've actually heard people say that. And that's okay, because then there are boundaries. Now let's say we don't have that definition. We don't have that understanding. And all of a sudden, we look at somebody and say, well, tell me about yourself. Are you married? Do you have kids? And all of a sudden, they become standoffish. It creates a perception. So one of the things that you can do is create a doctrine, create a definition, a great workplace relationship, which can lead into when we get to teamwork, what is a great teammate? This is a great precursor to doing that. So one of the great activities you can deploy is up in a whiteboard. Let's get in groups. Let's talk about the ideal work relationship. What do we do to support each other? What do we do to communicate with each other? You know, what do we need to do potentially socially inside the walls of the organization? Not outside the walls, because some people will get a little squeamish with that. Once you define a great work relationship, you now have a foundation to coach to.

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