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The Law of Nurture (Highlights) - Episode 47

The Law of Nurture (Highlights) - Episode 47

The Good Success PodcastThe Good Success Podcast



What we don’t feed dies. It’s natural and simple. Love unfed is hatred in the making and wisdom not improved upon with fresh knowledge will become foolishness…it’s just a matter of time! Listen to this episode to learn how nurture determines good success.

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The Law of Nurture emphasizes the importance of taking care of the things that are important to us. Just like plants need water and attention to survive, love and wisdom also require nourishment. Neglecting to nurture these aspects can lead to negative outcomes, such as hatred and foolishness. The law of life and death applies to almost everything, as things die when they are not fed. To achieve good success in the new year, we must understand that there are several areas of our lives that we need to nurture and give attention to. Check out the full episode at www.thegoodsuccess.com for more information. It's free! The Law of Nurture – How to Have Good Success in the New Year Hebrews 12 verse 12 says, Therefore strengthen the hands which are down, and the feeble knees. To nurture is to keep alive. Whatever we don't feed, whatever we don't protect, whatever we don't water, whatever we don't give attention to, just dies. It's natural, it's easy, it's simple. Love that we don't feed turns to hatred, it's just a matter of time. And wisdom we don't improve upon with knowledge becomes stale and becomes the venture of foolishness. And redundancy is when someone has refused to become better, when somebody's skills are no longer relevant. When we refuse to nurture what is important to us, redundancy happens. The law of life and death works in almost everything on earth. Things die when we do not feed them. So the law of nurture is the law that tells us how to feed, how to improve upon, how to grow the things that are important to us. In this new year, if you really want to have good success indeed, we need to understand that there are several areas of our lives that we need to nurture, that we need to feed, that we need to give attention to for us to have that good success we are expecting. To listen to the full episode, visit www.thegoodsuccess.com www.thegoodsuccess.com It's free!

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