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Importance Of The Wait

Importance Of The Wait


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The speaker discusses the residue of being in abusive relationships and emphasizes the importance of waiting on God to provide the right partner. They highlight how abusive relationships can cause individuals, especially women, to lose touch with themselves and their femininity. They explain that these relationships are spiritual warfare orchestrated by the devil to hinder prosperity and prevent kingdom marriages. The speaker emphasizes the need for men to take responsibility in relationships and lead their wives in a way that reflects Christ's love for the church. They caution against entering relationships that are not fruitful and stress the importance of seeking healing and renewal from God. Good night women and men of God. Welcome back to LWR podcast aka Living Water Restoration podcast. I'm so excited to have you guys back. Last week we spoke about healing from abusive relationships. Tonight we're going to speak about the residue of being in abusive relationships and also the importance on waiting on God to provide us with the partner he has made for us. Of course I'm going to get into the word but before we even get into the word let's do just a quick little recap right. So in abusive relationships it is so easy forget the word abusive even just and any form of toxic relationship but definitely heavy in the abusive relationships. It is so easy especially for us women to lose ourselves in these abusive relationships. I mean we lose touch with ourselves we lose touch with our femininity if I'm saying that correctly if I'm if I butchered it don't at me but we lose our femininity in these relationships like we feel like we are less of a woman and it's like why do we lose so much of ourselves in these relationships and it's deeper than it is so much deeper than you gave all of yourself to a man baby this is spiritual warfare honey and men especially in relationships they have a responsibility to us and I'm going to get into what the responsibility is in a second but and us as women especially those of us who are like caretakers like first of all not those of us all of us are caretakers it is literally built in us to nurture to want to provide mentally to want to guide men into a different into a different like it's hard like we are we were built to nurture and motivate men is what I'm saying like not and not just all men because not all men are meant for us but we are all meant to nurture and motivate the man that God has called for us to nurture and motivate the thing is with this generation the devil has perverted what relationships are and what love looks like for so long that we end up chasing after these relationships that were always meant to destroy us and the reason why they were meant to destroy us is because the devil doesn't want to see us in anything prosperous this is what I mean by it's spiritual warfare at the end of the day the devil doesn't want to see us to him he don't want to see kingdom marriages come about he don't want to see you be with your partner because when you reach your partner there is work that needs to be done within the marriage and not regular work neither I'm talking about kingdom work your marriage is supposed to help lead souls into the kingdom so of course the devil doesn't want to see that be accomplished so what he will do is he will send us everything that we find attractive our flesh he will send everything that our flesh finds attractive and what our flesh finds attractive is never fruitful to us there's a difference between what your flesh wants and a big difference between what your spirit needs the partner that God has made for us is what our spirit needs the partner that the devil gives us or presents to us and entices us with satisfies flesh needs oh I need him to have money or let's say he don't have money let's just say he got potential and it's like oh I want to water his potential all of these curate in toxic relationships so especially these things that how we end up losing ourselves so much in these relationships is because we do too much caretaking and no one is pouring back into our cups so we are here giving all that we can give we are giving we are giving very much wife to a man who is not even giving you a portion of what it means to be your husband here we go let's let's talk about some of the responsibilities of a man honey not unless I'm this is not this is not no I'm telling y'all what I feel like a man is supposed to be this is what the Bible said a man is supposed to be to his wife and this is why it's important to wait on your husband because when you move too fast into situations with men men or women if you move too fast into situations in relationships that are not fruitful to you it is only going to destroy you and that's why you lose so much of yourself that's why you lose touch of yourself you lose touch of who you are because of the fact that you poured so much into somebody who was not built to pour back into you your husband is built to pour back into you your husband is built to lead you so that you don't pour from an empty cup so let's go to Ephesians real quick we're gonna go we're gonna start here we're gonna start at Ephesians 5 22 we're gonna get there y'all this is this is where we're gonna start all right so here it says wives we're starting at 22 wives submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord for the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church his body of which he is the Savior come on now immediately it says we as the wife we are supposed to submit ourselves to our own husband pay attention how it says to our own husband meaning the man that God has made for us we are made to submit ourselves to our husbands the same way that we submit ourselves to the Lord because our husband is the lead in the relationship but even with the husband being the lead of the relationship he is supposed to lead the way that Christ led the church the same way that Christ is supposed to be the head of the church meaning the the teachings that all the teachings that Jesus came down here and taught us about how we supposed to love our neighbor and how we supposed to just operate in the spirit that is what leads the church properly because the church should be being led by love and who leads Christ God does so that means that ultimately your husband is being led by God so therefore when you submit yourself to your husband the way that you submit yourself to the Lord it will be fruitful to you because your husband is submitting himself to the Lord so now our problem is we end up in these relationships with men who are not being led by nobody literally being led by they being led by childhood trauma they being held they being led by hurt they're being led by pain they're being led by daddy issues they being led by mommy issues they being led by insecurities so now when you submit yourself because as a woman it's innate in us to submit ourselves to a man when you submit yourself to a man who was led by negative entities Oh Jesus when you submit yourself to a man who was led by negative entity entities you are leading yourself into his negativity and we as human beings forget men and women but us as human beings a lot of us had not gone to God for him to heal us and to restore us and to renew us a lot of us has not gone to that part which is how we even end up in these abusive relationships in the first place because we have not allowed God to work on our heart so we end up falling victim to our own pain and then end up in these relationships who are being led by men who are leading by their pain all right so that's just one boom yes thank you Holy Spirit all right so now it says husbands love your wives just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her baby this is the ultimate sacrifice of this is like the ultimate sacrifice of love God loved us so much that he sacrificed his own begotten son for the love of humans for them to be able for for God to be able to look past our sin and be in a relationship with us for us to have redemption in this same way that God sacrificed his begotten son his only begotten son and gave himself up because God was in Jesus you get what I'm saying his spirit was in the flesh it said that the word became one with the flesh let me let me let me give you out the exact word for that too I don't want to freestyle it says here in John 1 14 the word became flesh and made his dwelling among us we have seen his glory the glory of the one and only son who came from the father full of grace and truth all right so boom that means that our husband is supposed to love us the way that Christ loved the church and gave himself up for the church that means that your husband should be in a space where he is willing to sacrifice himself for his wife which is why if you are being led by the right man it won't bring you pain to submit yourself to him yes there will be difficult time periods absolutely because marriage is work I never been married but I grew up in seen marriage marriage is work it's not it's not it's that you are committing yourself to somebody for the rest of your life you want to be committed to somebody who is committed to the Lord because God gives you eternal life so that means that the path that your husband will lead you on no matter even if it's on the roughest day that he won't lead you down a path of destruction because he is being led by the source who gives eternal life hear me somebody like like don't lose me don't lose me so now if we are in relationships with men it all goes back like this is a it's a balanced being like it goes hand in hand if we end up in a relationship with a man and we see a future with this man who is not being led by the source which is Jehovah Jireh if he's not being led by him where does that man lead you to a space where you're losing yourself because he's not being led by the source who gives him eternal life like come on now like come on now yeah are you hearing me so now we're gonna get deeper into the word again it says in the same way husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies he who loves his wife loves himself after all no one ever hated their own body but they feed and care for their body just as Christ does the church like are ya are ya picking up what the Bible is putting down in the same way husbands are all to love their wives as they as their own bodies your husband is not going to be able to love you the way he loves himself if he's not being led by God period that's just the truth if God is not leading you down a path of healing and renewal renewing your mindset it is incapable to love yourself properly because God is the author of our lives you hear me God is the author of our lives he knew he knows all that we are going to do before we even do it which is why God works all things out for the good of those who love him because he already knew what we was gonna do and he already we already have the victory the devil is already defeated so everything must be worked out for the good of those who love him because he is the one who wrote the book he wrote the story of our lives and he gave us the victory already so that means everything has to work out for the best of us amen somebody so now this is getting good y'all like this is really getting good so it's important for you to seek God first before you seek a relationship we need to know how to be in relationship with the Lord first before we could even be in a relationship with a man because if we go back up to Ephesians 5 22 it says wives submit yourselves to your husbands as you do to the Lord you're not going to know how to submit yourself to your husband properly without submitting yourself to God first let's get into the definition of what submission even means submission means to pull all of yourself your understandings knowledge opinions feelings energies at the disposal of a person in authority over you this never means to subject yourself to abusive tyranny nor does it suggest mindless acquiescence to the whims of another it is the yielding of humble and intelligent obedience without suggestion of inferiority or worthlessness all right so boom this is what it says that submission is God will never lead you to submit yourself to him for you to be abused at all or for you to feel inferior or for you to feel worthlessness so that's why it's important for us to know how to submit ourselves to God first because if we end up in the relationship with the wrong man we will end up submitting ourselves come on now we will end up submitting ourselves to every demon that is attached to that man what pulls you out of being able to attach yourself to the demons that's attached to the next man is by you learning how to submit yourself to God so all right I bet now you're asking well how am I supposed to submit myself to the Lord I'm glad y'all axed it says um let's go to Matthew let's go to Matthew 60 I'm sorry let's go to Matthew 633 we actually going to go a little bit above that Matthew 6 scrolling scrolling scrolling all right we're going to actually start right up here why we'll start at 28 well I'm sorry we're gonna have to start at 25 because we really got to get into the we got to get into the depth of why it's important for you to seek the kingdom first therefore this is Matthew 625 therefore I tell you do not worry about your life what you will eat or drink or about your body what you will wear is not life more than food and the body more than clothes look at the birds of the air they do not sow or reap or store away in barns and yet your heavenly father feeds them are you not much more valuable than they can any one of you by worrying at a single hour to your life and why do you worry about clothes see how the flowers of the field grow they do not labor or spin yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these if that is how God clothes the grass you hear me God clothes the grass with flowers of the field which is here today and tomorrow wait which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire will he not much more clothed you you of little faith so do not worry saying what shall we eat or what shall we drink oh sorry I'm reading from the new the NIV version what shall we eat or what shall we drink or what shall we wear for the pagans run after all these things and your heavenly father knows that you need them but seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well you hear me but seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself each day has enough trouble of its own but all right so that was them that was the like the highlight but seek his kingdom and his righteousness how do you go about seeking the kingdom and seeking the right in his righteousness by getting in your word by praying but most importantly staying in communication with the Lord is how you seek him prayer don't have to be no super long prayer baby you could pray in your prayer journal and God will hear you the same way you pray in your prayer journal God will hear you the same way I can't tell you how many times I'm not gonna I'm not even gonna lie to y'all I feel like God has answered the majority if not all of my prayers if not all in the timely fashion but there were times when I prayed in my prayer journal and the next day God has given me what I asked for praying in my prayer journal there is absolutely no reason why you should not be in communication with the Lord if you want to know how to seek his righteousness first get to talking to the man who is the author of your life all right that's how we seek him prayer does not have to be this long drawn-out over complicated anything first of all also in the Bible also in Matthew it also tells you how to pray and it also says that you don't have to do all that let me see if I can find that for y'all it also says that you don't have to do all these long drawn-out prayers it's not necessary because God will hear you and even in God hearing you when you get to crying and weeping and moaning and groaning the Holy Spirit intercedes and carries the rest of your prayers for you even when you don't know what else to say when you aching and hurting so bad the Holy Spirit is translating that pain to the Lord in words for him to hear and understand so if you want to know how to see God you need to start being in communication with the man that with the source that made you who wrote out your life once you're in full communication with him start picking up your word where can you start at the very beginning you could start at the very beginning a lot of people always say to start at the book of John when it talks about the life of Jesus that's always a great place to start to like actually that's probably the best place to start but even even if you want to pick up a children's Bible and just read about stories in the Bible and ask God to help you interpret what these stories mean you can do that too it is important for you to seek the kingdom first and his righteousness because after you seek the kingdom and his righteousness he will give you everything that you need because the Lord knows you need it if he will do it for the birds and the trees I know my God will do it for me and he will do it for you too and I feel that for somebody tonight I really do another way that you can see God is to listen to his word get into some sermons y'all know I love my church tabernacle of prayer revival honey aka Joy City they they post their sermons on live we go live every Sunday honey and and and listen to a good sermon like for real like these are ways that you seek God even meditating taking time out of your day to meditate on on on God and meditate on his word pick one Bible verse and just repeat it to yourself and ask God to sow that word into your heart so that you apply it into your life that's how you seek the Lord and as you seek him all the desires of your heart God wants to give you what it is that you want the devil wants to pervert what it is that you want okay somebody so yeah that's how you end up losing yourself in these relationships these toxic relationships because of the role that you have taken up the role that you was never supposed to take up in the first place your husband the your partner your life partner has a responsibility to you honestly all right another another Bible verse honey about what your husband is supposed to be for you let's go to first yeah first Peter chapter 3 I was only going to do I was only going to read I think four and five but I'm actually just get into from 1 to 7 because it's heavy all right so now I said the wives Pete on first Peter 3 wives in the same way so once again here we go with the word submit wives in the same way submit yourselves now you know it is in us to be to submit to men this is why we cannot be submitting ourselves to men who are not for us we cannot be submitting ourselves to men who are operating in pain we cannot submit ourselves to men who don't know how to stand up and be a man of God because only a man of God will lead you into the path that you need to be led in okay somebody so here we go wives in the same way submit yourselves to your own husband so that if any of them do not believe the word they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives when they see the purity and the reverence of your lives your beauty should not come from the outward adornment such as elaborate hairstyles and wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes rather it should be that of your inner self the unfading beauty of a gentle and a quiet spirit which is of great worth in God's sight for this is the way holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to adorn themselves they submitted themselves to their own husbands like Sarah who obeyed at Abraham and called him her Lord for her for sorry you are her daughters if you do what is right and do not give way to fear husbands now in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of this gracious life of life so that nothing will hinder your prayers all right now it says we're um oh yeah we're nothing will hinder your prayers because also in the Bible it says that when a man finds a wife he finds himself a good thing and favor from the Lord um once again all right because of the fact that it is in us to submit ourselves to our husbands we were we were made to submit ourselves to them because we were made to submit ourselves to the Lord God never wanted us to be alone I don't believe so I honestly when he made Adam also in the Bible he said it is not good for a man to be alone so for that he put him in a deep sleep and from his rib made him a partner named Eve who was there to help who was there to motivate who was there to give him company who was there to submit all right somebody she was given to him with a purpose a purpose to be a partner who was to motivate nurture and furthermore if we throw ourselves into relationships with men who are not being led the way that they need to be led who are not being led by love who are not being led by the Lord because God is love if he is not being properly led that person is only going to lead you into a place of destruction this is why it is important for you to be patient and wait on the Lord for him to give you what it is that you need because only God knows what it is that you need we feel like us as humans we feel like we know what we need baby I can't tell you how many things that I thought I needed that led me to places I had no business being in because I felt like I needed it okay because I left a feeling of my fleshy needs get the best of me it's important for you to submit yourself to God so he can give you self-control so that you don't have a problem waiting on the person that he built for you as far as what the devil does to pervert what love is I mean when we don't wait let's let's be honest it also says in the Bible that obedience is better than sacrifice right it's important for us to it's important I'm not this is not no holier-than-thou podcast a lot of y'all know me personally and y'all know the life that I used to live and I was definitely very much a wild out child like I really thought I was somebody's I don't even I really thought I was somebody's Hugh Hefner for real so the wonderful thing about God is that when we go to him and we and we give him a yes when we give God our full yes and we surrender ourselves to him completely he don't see what you did before that yes you are a new thing in Christ so with that being said there is redemption for everyone so just because at one point you was having sex outside of marriage that don't mean that God can't turn it around for you and give you something beautiful because of the fact that you went to him and gave him your full yes and you wanted to move forward with him that you wanted to allow him to take the wheel in your life God is not gonna throw himself in your situation you have to invite him into your situation even with him knowing all that you do and all that is already done that's the wonderful thing about God is that he gives you a choice which is why it says as far as let's go back to the word submission it says that you will not it never means to subject yourself to abusive tyranny so now if God wants us to submit ourselves to him the way that we are supposed to submit ourselves to our husband we need to invite him into the situation because he is not going to call us to submit ourselves to abusive tyranny like come on now like the word is the truth and when we apply the word into our lives God will get to working in it that is why it is so easy for you to lose yourself in these abusive relationships because in the end it is still spiritual warfare the devil doesn't want you to reap the gifts and the promises that the Lord has made for you because he lost his shot all right now like he got he's banded they kicked him out God said enough is enough you gotta roam the earth you can't stay in heaven moving the way that you're moving and that really pisses the devil off it really irks him because of the fact that we can sin 20 times 20,000 times over and still have space in heaven for us if we give God our full yes if we go back and repent if we go back and ask for forgiveness if we try to live our life the way that he needs us to live our lives this is the most important thing for a Christian to do on this earth is to love love the Lord your God and to treat your neighbor as you treat yourself and if we do that there is space for us in heaven it's about your heart you got to allow God to work in your heart you got to allow God to give you a spirit of forgiveness because holding on to unforgiveness is not going to get you into the kingdom of heaven so yes I understand that man hurt you I understand that man beat you I understand he abused you he took your money he made you feel like nothing he might have made you he might have got you pregnant and left you to be a single parent out here to figure it out on your own but forgive that man because sack because obedience is better than sacrifice and had we been obedient and I'm speaking to myself too had I been obedient when God called me to be obedient and to not have sex out of marriage and to just be and just to indulge myself into my relationship with God and enjoy my singleness and not focus on loneliness hmm and not focus on loneliness there were many sacrifices I wouldn't have had to made but those were choices that I chose to make on my own based off of my own feelings so yes I understand that yes that man did all those things to you because men did all those things to me too and I forgive all of them for what they did to me and I'm and I pray that people forgive me for the things that I've done to them but baby nothing's keeping me out the kingdom of heaven and I'm letting y'all know today don't let nothing keep y'all out the kingdom of heaven and if you don't know how to forgive that man ask God to help you to forgive that man ask God to help you to forgive those people who hurt you so that he can do the work in your heart so that he can give you that self-control so that he can give you that humbleness so that he can give you that patience baby for you to wait on the spouse that he has made for you because there is work for you to have gotten done between you and your spouse and your marriage work is supposed to be done within the kingdom behind that it's not an easy walk at all but all things are possible when you are walking with the Lord every single thing which is why you're it's important for you to cast your worries cast your anxiety on to the Lord it's for him he wants to hold it we be so focused on holding on to stuff that we don't got no business holding on to we'd be killing ourselves with stress and God said to give it to him so I'm saying that yes we have been in relationships where we may have lost touch with ourselves but it's never too late it is never too late to get it back if you submit yourself to your relationship with God first and when you submit yourself to the kingdom and you submit yourself to his righteousness every single thing that your heart desires God will fulfill it through his will sometimes we got to stop chasing after our own will and tell God let your will be done in my life because I need your will to be done in my life because the way that I've been handling my life it hasn't been taking me nowhere I haven't been moving forward I've been taking I've been taking inches for it I need to take steps forward and I'm tired of going back so we have to ask God to let his will be done in our lives so yes y'all that is the importance of waiting on the Lord that is the end that is the importance of digging to dive yourself into your relationship with God because there is a residue that's left on you when you take yourself out of these toxic relationships there is a residue after that after that healing process it's still there and you have to give it to the Lord you have to submit yourself to the Lord you have to learn how to be in a healthy relationship with God first and in your healthy and in your healthy relationship with God then once he has done all the work in your heart because it says when a man finds a wife he finds himself a good thing when he finds that now that's because God has gifted it to that man that is how he found favor with the Lord because you have found favor by being in a relationship with God so when a man comes to you now well not even when a man comes to you when your man finds you when your husband your man of God when he finds you he found himself a good thing because you allowed the Lord to be your partner first you were the bride to Christ first so I hope that helps somebody tonight it surely helped me it's still helping me I'm so glad y'all made it back to living water restoration podcast baby because when you drink from that well of living water you are restored and you will never thirst again honey so thank y'all I love y'all I love y'all for free I love y'all on purpose I love y'all cuz God made y'all and I cannot wait to talk with you guys again tomorrow I mean tomorrow I cannot I cannot wait for us to meet up again next week I am loving these the way I'm loving y'all so good night God bless y'all and I'm hoping that y'all have the most prosperous blessed week I am praying that y'all allow the Lord to I'm praying that y'all allow the word the Lord to do the work in your lives and I'm praying that you you get ready to submit yourself to the Lord for you to be able to move into the next step of your life so have a great night y'all in Jesus mighty name I pray amen

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