Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker discusses various issues with the justice system, such as presumed innocence, biased juries, and the role of lawyers. They express frustration with the corruption and lack of constitutional principles in the legal system. They also mention a personal experience with a biased judge. The speaker emphasizes the importance of a fair trial and the right to self-representation. They conclude by promoting their merch and encouraging comments. Pleasure leaders to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Hello everybody, welcome back good to have you for this episode of 923 this is actually season 2 We're gonna spend a whole lot of time talking today. Of course, we've already started and I've got plastic on the phone My name is Chris and you're listening to the Constitution commandos Show me the person I'll show you the crime See, that's another part that I have issue with on a lot of people. They just like oh, he did it He did it. He did it. No, you want him to have done it. You want to believe that he did this Just because you don't like him and you don't even know why you don't like him other than what the media tells you about him Well, there's another side of that too. You know this, you know in our country Whenever you're charged with anything you are presumed innocent Until proven guilty Yeah, unfortunately nowadays once you once you get the handcuffs put on you you're guilty Well, of course Nancy Pelosi said that point-blank. He has the right to prove his innocence. No Lies with you. Yeah, the burden of proof lies with the government not with him And quite frankly all he has to do That's one shadow of doubt Whole things gone. Yeah, but again, that's where our legal system has gone haywire because Nowadays, it seems like you've got to cast a lot more than just a shadow of doubt to prove your innocence You ever thought about how many people were sitting in prison that probably are not really Shawshank, I mean people that are really innocent well, and I Have a feeling that with the way of the general population and That a dumbing down of our population now. I would have to start discrediting Discrediting the fact of the most jury pulls I'm supposed to be judged by a jury of my peers well If if you have people that don't even know what the Constitution is They are not my peers so I would have to strike to move everybody on I And I know this Well, I know this sounds Antithetical to the Constitution but the That is You know, my peers aren't just people that are private civilians. I mean In a societal term. Yeah, they are my peers, but Peers are generally What you would be like in your group, you know When they call things peer pressure as people in your area or that are commonly around you Yeah, well if I'm going to be judged by a jury of my peers I might not need to know them, but they need to at least be of same mind you know and believes and I mean and when I say believes an Understanding of the Constitution not the law of the Constitution Oh, you know that show that came up the series called bull Call what bull Yeah, I had Michael Webber was starring in it the guy from NCIS to play Dinesa he was a starring role in that show bull and I Found out after watching like a season and a half of that show because I really liked the show but um about a season and a half into it, I found out that that show was centered around dr. Phil And Dr. Phil didn't exactly do what you're talking about, you know having a jury of your peers so much as he did set a jury pool that would That basically has the same beliefs, but always worked in the favor of the dependent So I guess you would say that would be a jury of their peers Because they had to have somewhat the same beliefs the same feelings about things that that defendant had and that's how they win cases and I don't know. I mean, dr. Paul actually lost the psychology license when all that was going on so You know But he he made a big impression on how the court system works Well, I just feel that truly to be judged by a jury of my peers. I Mean because realistically man if I show somebody a map and the states aren't Labeled and somebody can't tell me what the neighboring state to their state is or they can't locate One of the lower 48 on a map, they're not my peers. Yeah, I'm sorry They're not and I mean, I'm not just saying a geographical knowledge. I'm saying Don't put a bunch of morons on the damn bench right and it have a sharp-tongued fast-talking prosecutor You know lure them into a belief That is fabricated it basically because that's what the prosecutors doing trying to paint a picture of my intent or my crime I Mean, there's got to be a level of Mansouria and a crime so they are trying to prove my intent if you get a bunch of dumbasses in a jury and They believe this sharp-tongued prosecutor The male believe I'm guilty. Even if all the evidence says I'm not guilty, right? So I'm very displeased in the jury pools that Trump has had the locations any judge Constitutional judge should have granted a change of venue Mm-hmm Not even nobody thinks I haven't seen anything yet that Donald Trump has been brought up on That it really even holds water. So any judge a constitutional judge So so we can't hear this. There's no There's no, well, it's not just that well, it's not what that should have been the first thing yeah, there's no basis for the chart, but I Mean you find me one rational a logical person that thinks a Conservative is going to get a fair trial in the District of New York the Southern District of New York not gonna get it Find me a judge that truly thinks you're going to get a fair trial in Washington DC Right, they already know it's going to be a favorable outcome for the prosecution They already know that just ask the 250 people in the Gulag to DC Yeah, so the judges that sit on the benches in those places If they allow the case to move forward they need to automatically grant a change of venue because they know it's not going to be a A jury of their peers Well, he's definitely not going to have a judge that is impartial the prosecutor is Obviously. Well, I mean Come out right there's like they did a lot of the January 6 guys And they say that you if they restrict you from saying things in your defense Automatically You are not allowing me to defend myself That's right. You can't Sit up there and tell me what I can and cannot utilize in my defense You know that reminds me of A Case that I had on a public intoxication when me Anthony and Pony got arrested one night All because the guy almost ran over us in an intersection believe it or not but um When we got to court, well when I got to court Friend of mine took me to court and the whole time we're waiting for the judge to come in I kept telling Billy half jokingly. I hope I hope That the judge presiding over this case is not one that's been in mom and dad's divorce case And guess who I got? the president of the Bar Association and when it told that he's gonna kick him out of court for using the law books and I've never told you about this, but The only he was surprised that I wanted to fight the case again with oh, it's just a public intoxicator. Yeah well, I don't want that on my record and And He didn't like it, but he let it he let it go ahead and The very first question I asked was where was the officer's ticket book? It's a fair question, right? Yeah But all I was trying to get to right out of the gate was he wasn't even the arresting officer so I wanted to know where his ticket book was and He didn't have it. But at the same time All I heard was sustained and all I asked the judge I said what was sustained your honor He said the prosecutor rejected. I said objected to what he said. Do you have any more questions? I said What that was like my first question. Yes. I got more questions So I asked the opposite the next question I asked him was did he give me a breathalyzer test or a roadside sobriety test? Sustained what do you mean sustained? I didn't even hear an objection And so the judge proceeded to tell me that I could not ask questions like a lawyer I Said I wasn't aware that I was you know I'm not a lawyer. So I don't know how to ask questions like a lawyer, you know yeah, and He tried to end it right there and still straddle me with the charge and and he asked me if I had any more questions I told him I did So I did what lawyers do and I stalled and stalled and stalled until the judge got Aggravated and told me to ask my question or I was done So I asked the officer. Can you determine the legal intoxication level of alcohol by the smell of alcohol alone? And Next thing I heard was get the hell out of my courtroom Does that mean it's dismissed get out. Yes, your honor But that's that's one of those cases I mean You know It's biased no matter how you look at it But well, I'm not so I'll not go on in the legal system Just would you know dad's divorce alone. I saw enough going on. I just couldn't believe the corruption in our justice system Well, they're not Lloyd they're not Constitutional our system of justice is not a Constitutional system. It's not I don't care how much they are argue It is if you were to be a practicing attorney in this system of justice You have to pass the bar exam. That is what the British attorneys register, right? That's what that is. Well that represents a corporation That's right When you go and defense both Represent the corporation. That's right. Not you and not your constitutional rights so The bar exam is nothing more than a list of laws That that participating attorney has to abide by in that justice system Which is not constitutional That's right. Why you go with it and that's what you call a title three court And when you go to a Most your courts in the country now are title three courts, but if you go to yeah, but I want a title one court I want to write a one court That's right But that way any any judge or lawyer that tells you that you're in a constitutional court Especially when a judge tells you that you are and then right behind that says you need an attorney. You're not in a title one court That's right as simple as that and Look, I can't tell you how many times Just sitting outside the courtroom during dad's divorce. I would hear a defense attorney and a plaintiff's attorney Right before going into the judges chambers How much money is your has your client guy? Okay. Well my I got this much if we can just drag it out this long I don't think the judge of mine will just kick something back to him. That's the way it works I was appalled when I heard and they do it right there in public pretty much They don't hide it But all of ours Yeah, well, you know even and trust me. I ain't supporting I am no supporter of Charles Manson But you remember when he went when he went to trial He fired his attorney right there in the courtroom and told the judge he wanted to represent himself I don't know if you remember what judge that was but that judge told me he needed an attorney and he said Judge Wapner and he's and Charles Manson said it is my constitutional right to represent myself and Judge Wapner Okay I mean It is right And and see They try real hard to dissuade you from representing yourself Because what they do is prior to the judge acknowledging your self-representation He says that since you deny outside counsel, you will not be able to Appeal this for a mistrial For representing yourself. That's just coercion. That's our I know it I know it and that's part of the corporate system. Mm-hmm. It's like Oh Anything that I find within the amount of time Legally provided right for me to appeal Anything I find when I review my case that I see is against my rights or against the process Whether I defended myself or not. I am right to defend it You're damn right Well, that was I think that I think they did tell that to Charles Manson and I think he beat that but I mean lost all his appeals for obvious reasons, but But you're right, you know the Constitution I believe stipulates, you know in in the cases of what capital cases or you know murder cases or whatever that You not only have a right court is obligated to Allow an appeal You're supposed to be able to appeal any kind of case like that. That's part of that safety net in our system. Just you know to prevent wrongful prosecution Yeah Folks just about to do it for today. I told you we'll keep it short Don't forget Got comments leave a comment in the comments section and by the way Check out our merch at our mega merch merch place called American Spirit Novelty dot store on behalf of Patrick and myself We're the Constitution Commandos and we're signing out