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Malaria Prevention in Children

Malaria Prevention in Children


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James and Lisa discuss malaria prevention with their children Nancy and Peter. They explain that malaria is a mosquito-borne disease that can make people very sick, especially children. To prevent malaria, they need to avoid mosquito bites by using mosquito nets while sleeping and applying mosquito repellent when playing outside. They also discuss the importance of eliminating standing water around their home, as mosquitoes breed in stagnant water. Nancy volunteers to help with emptying containers to keep their surroundings free of stagnant water. Malaria prevention in children. James and Lisa sit together with their children, Nancy and Peter, discussing malaria prevention. James, with the rainy season approaching, we need to ensure that our children are protected from malaria. Lisa, absolutely, James. Malaria is a serious disease, especially for children. We must take the necessary precautions. Nancy, looking confused, and asked, what is malaria, mum? Lisa, answered, malaria is a mosquito-borne disease that can make very sick. Peter, added, it causes fever, chills, and can even be life-threatening. Nancy, looking worried, so how do we prevent it? James, gently answered, good questions. Nancy, there are a few simple steps we can take to protect ourselves. First, we need to avoid mosquito bites. Lisa, pointing at the net. Nancy, Peter, make sure your beds have mosquito nets. This will create a protective barrier while you sleep. Nancy, nodded her head. I understand, mum. We should sleep under the net every night. Peter, looking confused, and asked, but what if we are playing outside during the day? James, rhyming, that's an important point, Peter. We should apply mosquito repellent before going outside. Lisa, handling a bottle of repellent. Here, take a little bit and rub it on your exposed skin. It will keep the mosquito away. The family continues the discussion, focusing on additional preventive measures. James, also, it is essential to eliminate standing water around our home. Peter, looking puzzled, why that? What does standing water have to do with mosquitoes? Lisa, explaining. Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water, Peter. If we get rid of any stagnant water that has been sitting around, we will reduce their breeding grounds. James, that's right. We need to empty any containers, like pockets or flowerpots, after it rains. Nancy, I will help with that. That's James smiling. Great, Nancy. We can all work together to keep our surroundings free of stagnant water.

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