Memorial day
Memorial day
The host, Tony, updates listeners on the Memorial Day Tournament. Their team had mixed results, winning one game and losing another. They faced challenges, but they learned from their mistakes and remained motivated. They acknowledge the talent of their opponents and congratulate them on their success. The quarterback, Tommy, expressed his love and gratitude for the team, and they are determined to improve and be successful in the future. The host also gives a shout-out to the girls' football team and acknowledges a correction in age for one of the players. The podcast concludes with a message of unity and appreciation for the team members. Welcome back to Momified Football Team Presidio's Green Bay. I'm your host Tony, and today we will be recovering from Memorial Day Tournament in Minnesota. And again guys, thank you to my sponsors, Embargo Bay, Little Tokyo, Ancient Hayes, Riffle Barber, and also Folk Homer. So welcome back guys. It's been a while since I made any updates on the tournament and the team. But during this weekend, for the Memorial Day weekend, we came back home with a loss. And I know that most of our teammates were upset that we did not go as far as we wanted to, or the expectations that we wanted to get far. But that's okay. We have to let ourselves know that there are steps to be successful as a team, and successful as everyone together. There are no shortcuts. We just have to keep working hard and stay grinding. So to kind of recover from Day 1 with Crusaders, we did a great job of winning that game with Witness. Witness is a good team for sure. They're a very good team. They just came up short against us 12-6. All they had to do was score one more touchdown to get back in the game. But luckily our defense came through. Our defense did their job and got us the win. The game 2 against the U.S. we took an L. It's funny because at the same time, that team only ran an Ironman team. So pretty much there's no subs for them. Like at least 3 or 2 or 4. And we lost against them because of our cockiness and we were kind of, you know, being stubborn and being egotistic of what we did against Witness. And during the end of the game though, we did come back. Almost did come back. All we needed was to score a touchdown and a field goal and that would be the end of the game. But we fell short in that game and after the game, Austin Lee, shout out to you buddy. You know, you did a great job at raising your voice, letting your voice be heard in the huddle. You told us that just because we won our first game does not mean that we're going to win our second game. We had to believe that no matter what the score is, it's 0-0. We had to keep trying. We had to keep grinding. We had to make sure that we have our starters playing. There's no excuses why we lost that game. And so for him to say that, it's amazing. To really give us the motivation, kind of put us in check. You know, stay locked in. So thank you Austin for that pep talk and leading towards Day 2, the playoff game. In Day 2, Game 1, we faced the Phenom team and we watched them play. One of the guys, he's black too, he seems like a really cool guy. And he was playing against some other team and he's like, get off me or you can't guard me. Look at us. And we're like, because we're just sitting in a tent, we're not bothering at all. And so I'm like, that's cool. You know, you can say that all you want, but guess what? We shut them down. Literally, we did a great job against them. Our defense did well. Our offense did a really efficient 13-6. Amazing job. But props to Phenom. You guys are a great team. You guys are a great team. Just working hard. Keep working hard and do your thing. And until then, we'll see you guys on July 4th or later on in the games or tournaments. And also, shout out to those stand-up players in the game. It's to Elijah, wide receiver, defensive edge AP, wide receiver AK. And that's just that. And also to right in the back, Bobby Vang. I made a chant to him saying, hey man, we should call you Bobby. You know how they mark the box when they chant Bobby Porter's name? I told him, hey man, we should change your name like that. It would be cool to kind of give the crowd a chant saying, Bobby, Bobby, Bobby. You know, when he scores a touchdown, first down or so, whatever he gets. But besides that, Bobby is an amazing player. Amazing guy. So in game 2, I guess back to Phenom, they hit us hard to the ground. But the best thing that we did was to keep on getting back up on our feet. Although we did fall short against Black Venom, our team kept on fighting. And that's an amazing thing to see in Crusaders. It was 16 to 0 and we felt destroyed but at the same time, you know, that did not discourage us or that did not make us feel anything less as a team. After or during the game, the offensive line were having a hard time blocking. And Black Venom loves to send the blades, barely giving, told me anytime to throw the ball. And there was a frustration going through that offense. Defense did their best to stop them by 16 points. And that's good already, enough to keep up with that team. Just that their defense outplayed us and that's pretty much it. And, you know, for everyone who got frustrated during that game, even I did, you know. But at the same time, being supportive as a team player, you know, we had to keep on improving each other, motivating each other to get better. And that's the best thing that we can do for now. And like I said before, we just fell short. In the second round, you know, and that's okay. Things happen. To be a successful team, you must take those steps. You must lose a game and you're going to have to win some games. Maybe our time is not now in Memorial Day, but when our time comes, we're going to shine. We're going to shine so bright to the point where no one can stop us. So after the game, we all huddled together. And this was an emotional thing for the guys and definitely for Tommy, our quarterback. And tears was coming out of his eyes and I could see it. And the way how he expressed his feelings, his emotions of the team means a lot. And not just to me, but to the coach, to the captains, to the whole team. For him to say those words to us, to tell us that he loves every single one of us who is here today, who is here to show the support, to play, to rest their body on the field. And it meant a lot. And Tommy, shout out to you, bro. You did an amazing job. I know everything is on your shoulders. The pressure is on you. We understand that. But buddy, we're here to help you, to release those pressure on you, the stress, to help you succeed. And you will bring us there for sure. And I know that you can. Be that leader. Be that guy. And also shout out to Black Phantom. Congrats for you guys to win first place on Memorial Day. You guys did great. You guys deserve it for sure. But next time, we'll be ready for you guys. And also, one last thing. And also shout out to Black Phantom. Congrats for you guys to win first place on Memorial Day. You guys did great. You guys deserve it for sure. But next time, we'll be ready for you guys. And also one last shout out to the Hmong Fight Football Girls Football Team, Team Shadow. You guys did a great job. You guys did amazing as a pickup team. So until now, here and forward, just come to practice, keep working hard, and keep on grinding. Also, my apologies with Chong. He is not 27. My bad. He is actually 22. I thought he was 27 due to his maturity-wise, but really he's only 22. He's only 3 years younger than me, which is crazy. He's a great guy. He's just an amazing guy. A great captain to the team. He's one of the best players that we have right now. He loves our defense. He pretty much creates defensive plays for the whole team. And just an amazing guy. And also to the Young Bucks, I understand that if you guys are in the 3rd string or 2nd string, do not feel discouraged. Like I said before in this podcast, just because you are in that position, does not mean that you're not going to start anytime soon. Just keep working hard, come to practice, understand the defense, and by the time when it comes, you'll be ready to get out there when Coach puts you in or when Chong puts you in. And so for that, guys, like I said, keep working together, guys. I love everyone here on this team. I love every single one of you. You guys have shown me what it feels like to be a family and to have a brotherhood with every single one of you each. So until then, guys, thank you for tuning in to Team Crusaders on Festival Fall. I'm your host, Tony. Until then, guys, I'll see you guys on the next one.