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Sherwood Forrest Evangelizing Part 1

Sherwood Forrest Evangelizing Part 1




Sherwood Forrest Church trying to reach the community.

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The Sherwood Forest Seventh-day Adventist Church in Jamaica is conducting a survey on the state of the dead. They are going door-to-door in the community, asking people about their beliefs and opinions on what happens after death. Some people believe in reincarnation, while others believe in heaven, hell, or simply the grave. The church members are also offering Bible studies on the topic. They have had some positive responses and are hopeful that their efforts will help people learn more about God and His plans for the afterlife. Good morning everyone and welcome to the morning program, let's have a word of prayer. Father please be with us as we listen to the program today and I pray that we'll be blessed. Thank you for your love, thank you for this preparation day. Please help us to draw near to you, draw nigh to you so you can draw near to us. In Jesus name, Amen. Alright, we have something special for you. This past Sabbath, Sister Ciccone and the Sherwood Forest Seventh-day Adventist Church went out into the community. I like the approach they took. I think it's something that we should all do. So they went into the community and did surveys. And let's see how that went. Happy, happy Sabbath friends. We are so excited this afternoon. Yes friends, this afternoon we are at the Sherwood Forest Seventh-day Adventist Church. And friends, they have a beautiful initiative taking place today. Today they are going from door to door. Now the church has been in training for about a month now. And they have been training the members how to teach the state of the dead revival study. And today they are implementing that. They are going out from door to door in the streets of the community. And to ask questions, they have made surveys in regards to the state of the dead. And they are armed and prepared and ready to take on the initiative of going from door to door to ask persons questions on the state of the dead. After which friends, they will meet in the square along with all those who they invite to give a Bible study to the community on the state of the dead. Now friends, this is a beautiful initiative taking place here in Jamaica at the Sherwood Forest SBA. Continue the journey with us as we follow the members going from door to door asking persons in the community about the state of the dead. Welcome again friends and very, very pleasant evening to you. Now friends, as mentioned earlier on, we are here in the Sherwood Forest community as the members are going from door to door doing a survey with the community members on the state of the dead. We are trying to get an exclusive interview to hear what that is like. And to see how the members are going around doing that. I'm currently here, a little from me, a distance from me is Ms. Doris and she is now interviewing a young man, Tyrone. So let's hear what that is like as Ms. Doris asks him the survey question. Let's hear his response. No, the dead have no power. They have no power. Okay. Do you believe in dream or vision? Yes. Yes? Yes. That's not right man. Can your dead loved one protect you? No. No? Do you believe in reincarnation? Give example. You believe in reincarnation, for example, you see somebody that used to act like you. I don't know what the meaning of that is. You know. No? Where does someone go when they die? Either heaven or hell. That's it. Either heaven or hell. That's it. Heaven or hell are the graves. Which one? Heaven or hell are the graves. Where does someone, alright, them spirit now, where does it go? The body go in the grave, not the dirt, go back to dust. But the spirit will either go to heaven or hell. Okay, okay. Alright, we're still finished. Alright. And when you say the spirit, what exactly do you mean? When the body goes to the grave, but when you say the spirit, what exactly? The spirit, you know what that means, the soul of the body. The soul. Yeah, the soul, you have a spirit there, you know. Not with the body, the body is separate from the spirit. Okay. Do you believe the resurrection of the second coming? So you believe there's a resurrection going to take place? Yeah. You believe that, alright. Would you like Bible study? This one to you? Yeah, ma'am. Would you like Bible study? Would you like Bible study on the state of the dead and any other topic? Okay. I wouldn't mind if I have the time. Okay. Okay. Survey on the state of the dead, like when somebody dies, what happens to them, right? So I'm just going to ask you some, well, first I want to ask you your name. What's your name? Roshane. Roshane, alright. So Roshane, another question, would you like to be a part of, take part of the survey? That's okay? No. Do you want me to, is it okay for me to ask you these questions? I think it's about 12%, so that's okay with you? Alright. So do you believe that when somebody dies, they come back 3 days? Okay. Do you believe that? No. You don't? Okay. Do you believe the dead have power to do anything? No. No? Can the dead see? So they're living in dreams or visions? No, they never get trapped in there, get no time, no one's before them. So is it yes, no or you're not sure? Not sure. Alright, you're not sure. Alright. Can your dead loved one protect you? What do you think about that? Somebody die, only a loved one should die, can they protect you? I don't know. So is it yes, no, not sure? Not sure. Oh, you're not sure. Alright. Do you believe in reincarnation? No. Alright. So you understand what reincarnation, right? Alright. Give an example. Reincarnation? Yes. Just to make sure that you understand what I'm talking about reincarnation. No, reincarnation is another living thing. Alright. Very good, very good, very good. So that would be a yes, no or not sure? No, I don't believe that. No? Alright. Where does someone go when they die? Do they go to heaven, hell or the grave? The grave. The grave? Alright. Okay. Next question. Do you believe the resurrection at the second coming of Christ? The resurrection at what? Yes, the second coming of Christ. Like when Christ should return, do you believe that people will be resurrected? Yes. What do you believe? I'm not really sure what to believe. You're not sure? No. So that would be a not sure? Not sure. So you're still thinking about that? Yes, I'm still thinking about that. Alright, while you're thinking about that one, I'm going to move on to the next question. Do you believe what the Bible says about the state of the dead? The dead knows nothing. Alright, so yes, no, not sure? Yes. Yes? Alright. Would you like Bible studies on the state of the dead or any other topic? Why not? I'm not too interested. You're not interested? Why you're not interested? You don't want to know more about God? Hmm? You don't want to know anything more about God? Today could be the day. Today could be the day the Lord wants you while you're youthful and young. And you are youthful and young and you can do the work for God. You're youthful and you're young and the Lord would want to use you. Right? The Lord say, young man, I call you while you're young. The Lord wants to use you. So, what you think about? Are you not sure? I'm not sure. You will give us your name. You give us your name. We're not going to decide. No, no. We're just going to take your name and your number. And when we call you, you can tell us the best time for you. That's alright? Yes. Alright. I can put it here? Alright. So, we want to thank you for taking the service. So, this is a gift that we have for you. It's seven facts about your afterlife. So, we talked about all these questions that we asked you today about the state of the dead. And so, this evening at 4.30, we're having a discussion in the square up here about the state of the dead. What the Bible says about the state of the dead. So, all these questions that we asked you, we'll be answering all these questions up there at 4.30. Right? So, you want to give... What's your name? You told me your name. Roshan. Roshan. What's the last name? Alright. Dead? Yes, the dead comes back to life. There's something telling me I can't share this. What is this? Do you believe that the dead comes back to life after some days? No. Alright. So, can you tell us a little bit about the resurrection of Jesus? Alright. So, next question. Do you believe the dead have power to do anything? No. Unless they demonize them. Alright. Can the dead see, to believe in their dreams or visions? Well... What's the next question? There's more you're not sure. I'm not sure. I don't think that's true at all. Not for the dead, but demons come to get you because you're in their place. Alright. But... I don't know. Alright, so she's not sure. Alright, next question. Can your dead loved ones protect you? There's no love ones. I don't know about that. So, what if one of them left me so I'm not sure? You're not sure? I don't think so. Alright, do you believe... I'm not sure. I don't think so. You don't think so? No. Oh, so it's not sure. You just don't believe that. So, I need to change that one. Okay. Alright. So, you're going to watch me back, too? Yes. I can't... I'm not going to believe that. So, you believe in reincarnation, meaning the dead can come back as somebody else or something else? Yes. I believe in that. In one sense, because... The reason why... They always say you look like some great, great, great generation or something. So, they say it's like you're going to come back. Yes, it's reincarnated. That's what you believe? Yes. Alright. Where does someone go when they die? Heaven? Nobody knows. Hell or the grave? Grave. The grave? Yeah. Because nobody... Nobody knows they're going to come back and say they got a girl. So, they got a grave and say they're going to come back. No, but what do you believe where they're going to go? So, heaven to tell her they're just going to grave. And some believe when they die, they go straight to heaven. Who tell them that? That's what I'm asking. I don't know. Nobody tell them that. Alright. I don't know who tells them. They can say what actually told them that. Alright. So, next question. Do you believe the resurrection at the second coming? Meaning the first resurrection at the second coming of Christ? Yes. Alright. And that leads me to the second to last question. Do you believe what the Bible says about the state of the dead? Meaning the dead knows nothing? Uh-huh. Alright. Then, they're going to come back and tell me lies. Here is man's opinion and then here is what the Bible says. Now, stop. Bible's right. Bible's right. Alright. That's a dream. That's the last question. Would you like Bible studies on the topic of the state of the dead or any other topic? Yes, please. I would like that. Alright. Hold on there, Oren. Let's talk to them, too. Okay. Yeah, but this soup doesn't have to be ready and no one knows when it's going to water out. I'm going to leave this nice gift with you. Seven facts about your afterlife. What happened to you after you died? Mystery given to Jesus Christ. Alright. Before you go, just to inform you. I don't know if you're hearing the news about the road there. We're going to have a Bible study. My son just sent it to me. Oh, she sent it to you? Yeah. Alright. So, I want to give you. I want to thank you, brother, for taking the time to answer these questions for us this evening. And I would just like to offer a short word of prayer with you before I move on. Is that okay? Yes. Alright. Let us pray. Father in heaven, we want to give you thanks for your son, Jesus Christ, whom you have sent to die for our sins. Lord, I give you thanks for the fact that I could be able to come out this evening and to be with my sister and my friends. I pray, Lord, that your presence will continue to be with her. And I pray that you will bless and keep her family, her friends and her neighbors. Lord, I pray that you will help her so she will get the opportunity to learn more about this important topic of the state of the dead. I pray, Lord, that you will help her so she will make use of the opportunity that she has to surrender her life to you. Continue to provide for her in life the things that she needs. Thank you for all that you have done for us and all that you're still doing. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Alright, thank you. So we're here with some members from the Sherwood Forest Church. Hi. They have just conducted their survey and they're heading now to the square to do the Bible study. Now, I'm here with Sister Johnson and she's going to tell us how well the survey went. As a matter of fact, she has good news for us. Yes, Sister Johnson. Tell us about you and your team. Well, we saw a young man. It was two young men, actually. One was waiting on the taxi and another one was there. So I asked if I could interview both of them. They were shy, but one said yes. And I interviewed him and upon interviewing him, he has a Seventh-day Adventist background that has been for many years since he was young. After the interview, he showed me his father on the veranda and said that I should go and interview the father. It went well because the father is interested in Bible study and he also wants to come to church and Sabbath. So that is a blessing. That is a blessing that I was able to speak with the son. I spoke with the son and the son directed me to the father. Amen, amen, amen. That's wonderful to hear. Yes, we are here with Andrean and her daughter. We are going to ask her daughter, how was the study for her? It was good. I am glad that the man said that he wants to come to church and worship with us. Also, he was very interested in the fact that he knew so much about the Bible and the coming of Christ. And also, he said that Christ provided everything for us, even a job, when we don't know where it is coming from. So it was wonderful to meet him. Amen, amen. And we are now here with Sister Charnette. Go ahead. Yeah, he said that he is there and nobody comes and looks for him and so forth. So, you know, it makes us feel good that we went there and see him and he gets the opportunity to talk with us. And now he wants to come to church. So it's a great honor that he loves God and he says God has all the power. We don't have nothing of our own. Yeah, so it's a blessing. Amen, friends. There you have it. The Sherwood SDA Church going door-to-door, visiting those in the community, doing the work that the Lord has called them to do, asking questions on the stage of the death. Amen, amen. That's excellent. Wonderful how they are trying to reach the people in these times. We're going to take a break. We'll have more for you when we come back. You're listening to SWM Radio. You're listening to SWM Radio.

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