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Parable of the sower 2 || Pastor Titus Oyedokun

Parable of the sower 2 || Pastor Titus Oyedokun


Parable of the sower 2 Pastor Titus Oyedokun

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walao lao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao lao laa. walao lao lao laa. walao lao lao laa. walao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao laa gaa laa. walao lao laa gaa laa. The commandment is exceedingly broad. The commandment of God is exceedingly broad. The commandment of God is exceedingly broad. The commandment of God is exceedingly broad. And because of that status, And because of that status, no individual can explain everything in it. no individual can explain everything in it. no individual can explain everything in it. no individual can explain everything in it. Look, a single verse, Look, a single verse, Look, a single verse, a single verse of the word of God. a single verse of the word of God. can take can take somebody can take somebody discussing it for months discussing it for months and exposing it in a different way from the way another fellow will expose it. another fellow will expose it. So the word of God is broad. So the word of God is broad. You remember we just finished a series on the Beatitudes. Now look at the length of time we used discussing the Beatitudes. But again, if we start again today, there will be new revelations. Because the word of God is broad. So the word of God is a lamp and light. The word of God is lamp and light. Verse 105 of Psalm 119 tells us that Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. So that is the word of God that we carry. The word of God is very pure. Very pure. There is no dilution in it. There is no error in it. It is very pure. Verse 140 of Psalm 119 tells us that Thy word is very pure. Verse 142 of the same Psalm tells us that the word of God is the truth. It says Thy law is the truth. The word of God is the truth. Verse 160 of the same Psalm 119 It says Thy word is true from the beginning and every one of Thy ordinances endureth forever. So the word of God again provides answers to any question about this life and hereafter. Look, there is no problem there is no issue in life that the word of God cannot address and provide solutions to. So is there any issue in your life that bothers you? The answer to it is in the Bible. So it provides answers to life's challenges. Let's quickly look at an overview of what the seed of life has done in the world and in the lives of men. Now in creation that is in the world generally it is the word of God that God spoke out and all that we see today is to be. Genesis 1 verse 3 And God said let there be light God spoke let there be light and there was light. Verse 6 And God said let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters and it happened like that. Verse 9 God said let the waters under the heavens be gathered together unto one place and it happened like that. The lights in the firmament came to be because God said let there be. So everything that we see today responded positively to the instruction of God to the pronouncement of God. God said let there be and it happened. In Joshua chapter 10 In Joshua chapter 10 there was there was a war simply put. Now the kings between the kings of the Amorites they rose against Gibeon because Gibeon made peace with Israel. And so all of them, five of them the kings of the Amorites gathered themselves together to deal with Gibeon. And so their king quickly ran to Joshua and said please come and save us. And the Lord now told Joshua that he should not fear them because he has delivered them into his hands that there shall not be a man of them that will stand before him. And so the war started. The war started. And what happened? The children of Israel led by Joshua defeated them totally, finally. And when the battle was won I think it happened that the day was going down it was turning to the evening time and there was still a lot to do. And so in verse 12 then Joshua spoke to the Lord he said in the day when the Lord delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel he said in the sight of Israel, son stand thou still upon Gibeon and thou moon in the valley of Aigalos. He commanded and it happened like that. That's the thing. And the sun stood still and the moon stayed until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven and it seemed not to go down about a whole day. And there was no day like that before. Before it or after it. That the Lord harkened unto the voice of a man Why? Because the Lord called for Israel. Remember verse 8 says and the Lord said to Joshua, fear them not for I have delivered them into your hands. So by the pronouncement of the word of God from the man, from a man of God, Joshua speaking on behalf of God, he commanded the sun and the moon to stay and it happened like that. In Mark chapter 4 Mark chapter 4 from verse 35 The same day when the evening was come Jesus said to the disciples, let us pass unto the other side. And when they had sent away the multitude they took him even as he was in the boat. And there were also with him other little boats. Verse 37 And there arose a great storm of wind and the waves beat into the boat so that it was now full and he was in the turn of the boat asleep on the pillow and there awoke him and said unto him Master, guarantor not that we perish and he arose and rebuked the wind and said unto the sea peace be still and the wind ceased and there was a great calm and there was a great calm Jesus commanded the wind to be still and it happened like that. So we see let us just put a stop to it there because of our time. So we see the word of God working in our words against nature, against things by using of the pronouncement of the word of God from a man of God. Now among us men we see how the word of God has worked in the lives of people. In 2 Kings chapter 5 we have the case of Nehman there. He was a leper and well, he needed a solution to the problem of his life. He was a mighty man in valor but he was introduced to a man of God that could provide a solution to the problem of his life by a little maid who waited on his wife and so the God told the man of God that is and the God told Elisha and when Elisha and the man of God had heard that the king of Israel had torn his clothes he sent to the king saying why have you torn your clothes let them come to me that ish has told that they are spread in Israel and simply because Nehman approached the king as if the king had the power to cure him let them come to me and so he goes to prophet Elisha and in verse 10 Elisha sent a messenger to him, he did not even see him directly sent a messenger to him he said go and wash in the Jordan seven times and your flesh shall come again to you and it shall be clean but out of Christ the Bible says that Elisha was angry and he went away but thank God for the servant that came to him and encouraged him to listen to the man of God obeyed him to instructions that the man of God said he should do but for sin but for sin then he decided he would do he would obey simply then went he down and dipped himself seven times in the Jordan according to the saying of the man of God and his flesh came again like unto him unto the flesh of a little child and he was clean simple obedience to the instructions of God and he was clean he had his leprosy healed finally and totally by the word of God from the man of God in Matthew chapter 8 verse 16 Matthew chapter 8 verse 16 it tells us that Jesus cast out the spirit with his word and he healed all that were sick he cast out spirit with his word in Matthew chapter 9 verses 6 to 7 I talked about the sick of the palsy the man that was sick of the palsy and Jesus said to him arise, take up your bed and go unto your house arise take up your bed go to your house and be aroused and departed to his house and Jesus spoke the word but because the word is spirit and is light because the word is powerful it happened just as he said it in Matthew chapter 9 verses 20 to 22 it talks about a woman who had an issue of blood for 12 years and in verse 22 Jesus said to her daughter be of good comfort thy faith has made thee well and the woman was made well from that hour immediately Jesus spoke the word action followed it the power of God moved and it walked in the light of that woman and her hemorrhage stopped the disciples in Acts chapter 2 in Acts chapter 2 after the infilling of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost Peter preached the word ministered the word and what followed what followed let's look at it from verse 37 and when they heard this that is the word of God they were preached in their hearts and said to Peter and to the rest of the apostles and to the rest of the apostles they said men and brethren what shall we do this is the living word of God the powerful word of God and walked on them and so they were convicted convicted of their sins verse 38 and Peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit verse 41 the day that gladly received his word were baptized and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls and they continued step by step in the apostles doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread and in prayer and fear came upon every soul many wonders and signs were done by the apostles and all that believed were together and had all things common and so their possessions and goods have granted them to all men as every man had need verse 46 very important and they continuing daily with one accord in the temple and breaking bread from house to house and they eat their food with gladness and singleness of heart praising God and having people with all the people and the Lord added to the church daily as should be seen verse 47 now it is the word of God that was preached that convicted them of their sins and they repented of their sins and they accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior with a decision to follow him to the end so the word of God is powerful and it is life what a transformation in the life of these people especially that day and onwards in chapter 3 of the Acts of the Apostles we see an account of a certain man who came from his birth and who lay daily at the gate of the temple and he accepted alms from Peter and John and that is Peter said silver and gold have I none but such as I have I give thee in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth he rise up and walked and immediately he started walking verse 7 he took him up by the right hand and lifted him up and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength and he lifting up stood and walked and entered with them into the temple walking and lifting and praising God because the word of God that is life, that is powerful walked on him that is what the seed of life the word of God can do be our response to this word of God what should be our response to it especially as source of seed of life now let us note that anyone may want to do on God's behalf especially as his ambassadors especially as his swans must be done according to the word of God let us take note of that as children of God anything we want to embark on let us ensure that it falls in line with the word of God it must originate from him and the word of God must support it whatever we do, what we do and how we do it must be traceable to the scriptures our messages our ministrations our preachings our teachings counselling prayers and so on and so forth must be from the word of God because we must see ourselves as representatives of God here on earth what should our response be to the word of God we live in an age of bewilderment an age of bewilderment confusion everywhere so we need direction and the word of God is the good news that the world needs today and so every one of us every swan must be genuinely acquainted with the word of God the truth of life and that is the bible as we have identified it it must be read it must be read it must be read it must be studied it's not only enough for us to have the bible and only on Sundays or when we come to big week sabbaths like this that we will be looking for it wherever we might have dropped it last time we returned home from church we must cultivate the habit of reading and studying it it must form part and parcel of us 2 Timothy 2.15 it says study to show yourself approved unto God study to show yourself approved unto God and when you do that you will be able to divide the word of God the word of truth rightly yes it's an open book but it is close to whosoever that doesn't read and apply it so the bible must be read it must be studied and it must be approached with a purpose and with a right purpose to receive instructions from God so time must be given to it if we must know it Jeremiah chapter 15 verse 16 Jeremiah 15.16 it says thy word was found thy words were found and I did eat them and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of my heart for I am called by thy name O Lord God of hosts thy words were upon me and I did eat them now it's not that he started chewing no but reading and studying it that's what it means Joshua chapter 1 verse 8 Joshua 1.8 it says this book of the Lord shall not depart out of thy mouth but you shall meditate there in day and night day and night day and night shall meditate in it that you may observe to do according to all that is written therein for then you shall make your way prosperous and you shall have good success yes we all want good success yes we all want to prosper but the key to it is there reading it studying it and applying the principles in it Psalm 119 verse 9 Psalm 119 verse 9 it says wherewithal shall a young man or young lady cleanse his way the answer is very simple it says by seeking it thereto according to thy words David says in verse 11 of Psalm 119 it says thy words are beating in my heart that I have not seen against thee so what should be our attitude towards the word of God the lot of the attitude listed in 19 number 1 work in it number 2 we must keep the testimony in the precepts diligently you have that in verses 2 and 4 working in it in verse 1 we must learn it learn the word of God we have that in verse 7 we must take seed to it we must hide it in our hearts that is in verse 11 we must declare it in verse 13 we must rejoice in it we must meditate in it verse 15 we must delight ourselves in it we have that in verse 16 we must not forget it in the same verse 16 we must cling to it that is in verse 31 we must go in its path verse 35 we must love it above gold and all other things we have that in verse 97 if we do all this if we work in it if we keep it if we learn it if we take need to it if we hide it in our hearts if we declare it if we rejoice in it if we meditate in it if we delight ourselves in it if we don't forget it if we cling to it if we go in its path if we love it above gold and silver above other things in life we will have great peace we will have great peace verse 165 tells us that it says great peace have they who love thy law and nothing shall offend them let us decide like David as he says in verse 112 of 119 verse 112 it says I have inclined my heart to perform thy service always even unto the end it says I have inclined my heart to perform thy service always even to the end brethren let us have the same mind and let us have the same decision like David that henceforth henceforth we incline our hearts to performing the service of the Lord always that is to obeying the instructions of the Lord always and it is when we do this shall the words of our mouths and the meditation of our hearts be acceptable in the sight of the Lord remember David says in Psalm 19 verse 14 Psalm 19 verse 14 it says let thy words let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight oh Lord my strength and my redeemer brethren there are different seeds in the world today and they are sold in the hearts of people everyday because they don't originate from God of course they originate from man's wisdom and of course from the peat of earth they only compound the confusion the challenges the hardships crises and such unpleasant things that we see in our world today but the children of God will have the right seed the word of God that is able to provide lasting solutions to problems that beface our world today whether as individuals or as families or even as nations because we have the right seed we have the solution to the millions of problems facing our world and our lives so let us rise up let us wake up let us read the word of God let us study it let us obey it and let us sow it all over the place through preaching and teaching it and when we do that we will see the reward we will see the outcome there shall be fruitfulness because of course when we play our own part and trust God and trust God to work on it definitely there shall be fruitfulness it shows our prayer tonight that God will give us the grace He will give us the grace to be genuine and diligent sow us of the seed of life in the mighty name of Jesus brethren we have the seed of life with us we have the word of God with us let us change our attitudes towards it you have not been reading the bible start from today you have not been obeying the instructions there start from today parents you cannot even reach and people that can reach engage them to read to read to you and your life will never remain the same again may the Lord bless us may He cause His face to shine upon us may He give us grace to be diligent students of the word of God and fear a genuine sowers of the word of life in the mighty name of Jesus brethren ahead and pray verse 36 of Psalm 119 we are using it to pray simply verse 36 we are using it to pray simply verse 36 we will pray to God say Lord incline my heart unto your testimonies and not to covetousness Lord incline my heart unto your testimonies and not to covetousness brethren I want to believe that we are praying let's talk to God let's pray to God Lord incline my heart unto your testimonies and not to covetousness and let's pray also verse 37 pull away my eyes from beholding vanity and revive me in your way in the mighty name of Jesus Lord establish your word unto me establish your word unto me in the mighty name of Jesus thank you Heavenly Father in Jesus mighty name we have prayed that we are prayed so it shall be in Jesus name thank you almighty God in Jesus mighty name we pray Amen

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