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Stand In The Council of the Lord

Stand In The Council of the Lord

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Interactive Teaching Podcast Message What is, "The Council of the Lord"? Could we stand there? If we did, what we heard could be life changing for many... if we were to speak what we heard. Learning to speak, not my own words, but that which He speaks

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The speaker begins by asking the Lord to open their spiritual understanding and standing in God. They then discuss the importance of carrying the word of God and ministering to the sheep. They read from Jeremiah 23, highlighting the need for shepherds who will feed and tend to the flock. They also address false prophets who speak their own visions and lead people away from God. The Lord warns the people to not listen to these false prophets and assures them that their wickedness will be dealt with. The speaker emphasizes the importance of turning back to God and the consequences of not doing so. Good afternoon. Good evening. It's Friday, September 30th. Today, the title is the Council of the Lord, or commonly called the Sod of the Lord, from the Hebrew word. And we just want the Lord tonight to be able to open our spirits, not just even our understanding, but our spiritual understanding and our spiritual standing in God. Because we walk with our feet upon the earth, but Lord, we want to walk with our hearts in heaven and working in your kingdom and not in earthly kingdoms. So, Father, as we proceed tonight, God, we're asking Lord, open your word to us. Speak to us. Teach me tonight, Lord. Oh, teach my heart to hear your words tonight, Jesus. And we thank you. We thank you. We thank you. Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus. Amen. Amen. Thank you, Lord. Let's turn to our text tonight in Jeremiah chapter 23. Last week, we were in Ezekiel 34 and also 1 Peter 5, where he's giving us instruction as to what I call fat shepherds, shepherds that have been feeding themselves off the flock instead of being servants and ministers of the Lord to the flock. And so it was a convicting and very interesting and energetic time as we had together. And I hope that others will be able to join tonight. But Jeremiah 23 talks of some of the similar things in the beginning of the chapter. And then he branches into another area, which is really giving us instruction of how to actually minister to the sheep, to have a word of the Lord for the sheep and not just run because we felt something in our hearts, but to know that we carry the word of God. Doesn't it say, what does chaff have to do with wheat as far as nutrition? He says, it's not my word like a hammer that breaks the rocks. You know, my words don't break anything, but the word of the Lord can break a hardness of strongholds in our hearts, mentalities and ways of thinking that have kept us from the heavenlies and from walking with our Lord. And it's kept us in an earthly realm. The word of the Lord frees us. And may God help us to be those who can be used of God to speak forth the utterances of God. Oh, when the word of God goes forth, we know it doesn't return forth. Now many times we preach the scriptures and doctrines, but it's different when it's the word of the Lord that's pouring out of our being. It comes from his Holy Spirit by inspiration and revelation and truth that makes people free. And so let's do some reading and in Jeremiah, the 23rd chapter. Now, favor, are you able to have light and view your everything tonight? All right. Yes, sir. And you read then the first four verses. Okay, Jeremiah 23, one to four. Yes. We'll be on to the pastors that destroy. I started the sheep of my pastor. Therefore, the Lord God of Israel, again, the pastors that feed my people, ye have scattered my flock and driven them away and have not visited them. Behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your doings. Yes, the Lord. Now gather the remnants of my flock out of all countries, whether I have given them and I'll bring them again to their foes and they shall be free. Now set up shepherds over them, which shall feed them and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, neither shall they be lacking. Yes, the Lord. So he confronts shepherds that are being selfish and feeding themselves and not the sheep. Then he says, I myself am going to do something. I'm going to gather a people. Then he says, I will. What does he say? I'm going to have my own shepherds, shepherds who will feed the flock and none will be missed and they will not be afraid, declares the Lord. These shepherds will tend them. You know, when Jesus challenged Peter, if he loves him, one of the words could be translated, tend my sheep. An interesting side, tend, it means the whole scope of caring medically, nutritionally, safety and security, and even their comfort and even that relationship with the sheep is all included in tending, I believe. So they will tend them. Hallelujah. All right. So let's, let's go down then. Let's read from the 13th verse so that we get some context. From verse 13 to 15. Jeremiah 13? 23, verse 13 to 15. Okay. Proverbs 13 to 15. And I have seen for you in the prophets of Samaria, the prophesied in Baal, and caused my people Israel to err. I have seen also in the prophets of Jerusalem an horrible thing, an horrible thing. They commit adultery and walk in lies. They threaten also the hands of evildoers that none does return from his wickedness. They are all of them unto me as Sodom, and they have it cast thereof as Gomorrah. Therefore, thou seest the Lord of hosts concerning the prophets. Behold, I will keep them with one womb, and make them drink the water of God. For from the prophets of Jerusalem is profaneness. For from the prophets of Jerusalem... Sorry. Sorry. Go ahead. I especially find it interesting in verse 14. No one has turned back from their wickedness. Under this kind of prophecy, one of the objectives of the Lord... I'm going to just highlight verse 14 right here. It says, no one has turned back from his wickedness. And we're going to begin to see this trend of a theme of what's in God's heart is to turn his people away from their wickedness. And these prophets, God's heart and desire is to turn God's people back from their wickedness. I'm doing a study, which I hope to share soon, is the four revival kings in the time of Israel, and what these four revivalist kings have done. I'm talking about what just Josiah, Hezekiah, Joash, and there's another one. This doesn't come to my mind. And they're good kings, not only good, but they are the people turning back to the Lord through repentance. Each one of these kings led the people in repentance. And each one of these kings also had a prophet who was speaking into their lives. They also had a mother. So it's a very interesting study that hopefully is coming up as I can finish it. The mother, the prophet, and the revivalist king. Let's see what comes of that study and how it bears out in scripture, if it does or if it doesn't. Amen. So no one has turned them back from their wickedness. It seems the word of the Lord should turn a people toward God. And the word which does not turn a people towards God, death was a sentence for that. I think in the book of Leviticus, there was two sentences against the prophet. One, his word didn't come to pass. And second, he would lead the people away from the Lord into himself or into another way. And that was also equally deserving of death. That's pretty interesting, isn't it? Hallelujah. Let's read some more. So far, favor, any comments? No, no, Reverend. Okay. Let's read then right through 16 to 22. Okay. So continuing from verse 16. Thus saith the Lord of hosts, hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you. They make you vain. They speak a vision of their own heart and not out of the mouth of the Lord. They say still unto them that despise me, the Lord hath said, ye shall have peace. And they say unto everyone that walketh after the imagination of his own heart, no evil shall come upon you. For who has stood in the counsel of the Lord and hath perceived and heard his word? Who hath marked his word and heard it? Behold, a whirlwind of the Lord is gone forth in full. Even a grievous whirlwind, it shall fall grievously upon the head of the wicked. The anger of the Lord shall not return until he hath executed, until he hath performed the thoughts of his heart. In the later days, ye shall consider it perfectly. I have not seen these prophets. I have not, I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran. I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied. Amen. That's good. So what do you note as you're reading through this favor? What comes brightly to your heart? So I, I, um, a number of things, you know, the verses are direct and strong. So verse 16, I see the Lord. First off, he's, um, he's advising the people. He's instructing the people, how can not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you to make you vain? So he's telling the people, watch out, right? So watch out. Don't just get so excited saying, okay, I'm hearing prophecy. Watch out. And it's interesting to me because he needed to address the people first. He needed to save sheep. He needed to save his sheep from the false prophet before the eventual punishment on the prophet. And this is the first thing he needed to take his sheep. And that was what he did. So he first attended to them and he said to them, do not happen to the words of these prophets that prophesy, uh, make you vain. And they speak the vision of their own heart. So he was simply saying to them, watch out. And then, and then he continues to say, okay, here are some of the things that say, um, they always give, um, uh, prophecies that make you feel good. They say, they say, still unto them that despise me, they have said, you have, you shall have peace. And they say unto everyone that walketh after the imagination of his own heart, knowing we shall come upon you. So the Lord is saying the prophecies are pure good prophecies, prophecies that, you know, you can see a person despising God and they say, Oh no, God is not going to be angry at you. Just like what we see in our world today. You know, sometimes God is not mad at you. God is not going to be angry at you. He's not, you're not, he's not, he's not going to, you're not going to suffer any consequences. You're saying, Oh, which, which is, which is half truth, which is not, which is half truth. Right. And so the Lord is saying to them, you know, these are some of the, you're going to know this suffered by the things they say, and these are some of the things they say. And then, and then he begins to tell them, and now he's kind of, like you said, like I said, he's, he's attending to the sheep. So he says, so he's telling the sheep, he said, now imagine who can, whoever has come to stand in the council of the Lord, who had heard the word of the Lord, who has heard the Lord change his mouth or change what he has ever said before that he can now come and say something different. And so the people were like, yeah, that's true. That's true. That's true. Who are these prophets to say that this is what God said? How can God change his ordinance? Because this is not who God is, right? It's not in the council of the Lord to, to say, okay, sin is okay now. It's not, it's not. So, so he, he brought this to them so that they can think about it. And then they go like, well, that's true. Absolutely. The Lord cannot change character. He can't change his word. And so he, he said all of that. So he said, especially in that verse 18, to bring them, to create that awareness so they can easily spot those fake prophets. He said, yeah, he created that awareness. And then in verse 19, he now begins to talk to the fake prophets, to those who prophesy what the Lord has asked them to prophesy. He says, behold, a whirlwind of the Lord is gone forth in fury. He's also talking to his students. He's still talking to the ship. He says, here's what I'm going to do. The whirlwind of the Lord is gone out in fury, even a grievous whirlwind, it shall fall grievously upon the head of the wicked. So I feel he's telling them, uh, uh, not to worry. You don't have much to be afraid of. You don't have much to worry about because I'm going to send my judgment to these people, to these fake prophets. And it says in verse 20, the anger of the Lord shall not return until he has redeemed it, until he has performed the thought of his vow. In the latter days, ye shall consider it perfectly. I have not sent this prophet, because he comes directly. He's still talking to his ship. He says, I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran. I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied. But if they had stood in my counsel and caused my people to hear my word, then they should have turned them from their evil ways and from the evil of their doings. So, uh, I think we've not got to be at a versus. Oh, let's look. That's good. That's a good summary of that. So what is the source of the false prophets prophecy? What is the source? I think it's, um, selfishness. Okay. So look in verse 16 and, uh, it gives a couple of sources. Okay. So, um, plus here, the Lord of hosts, hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you. They make you vain. They speak a vision of their own heart. Yeah. And not out of the mouth of the Lord. So selfishness and then their own loss, you know, their own loss, loss for wealth, loss for money, loss for fame, loss for recognition is their own loss. And then they, they speak all of these things out of their own heart. And not out of the mouth of the Lord. Good. Not out of the mouth. So this one says they speak a vision of their own imagination, of their own heart. So either way, it's, it's an excellent, uh, translation out of it. Okay. So they ran, but the Lord didn't speak. They prophesied the Lord didn't send them. And then, then in verse 22, there is a, but if, but if they had stood in my counsel, verse 18 says who has stood in the counsel of the Lord so that he could see and hear. I like to see, you know, you can see God's word. You can hear God's word. And who has paid attention and focused upon the word that God is giving. These are key things. So these are keys. It's one thing to hear, to see the word of the Lord, but who has heeded, given, made a change in their actions and focused intently upon what doth sayeth the Lord as if it's totally truth and a very serious thing. Uh, 21 again, I didn't send. So one of the things about prophets is that they're sent ones sent by the Lord, but they sent themselves. They were sent by somebody. I did not speak to them, but they prophesied. So one of the things of true prophets is that God speaks to them. He shows them things, but if they had stood in my counsel, then they would have announced my words to my people. So apparently in the counsel of the Lord, it's not C O U N S C E L, counsel, but it's counsel. What is the meaning of counsel? C O U N C O U N S E L or C O U N C I L. C I L. C I L. Okay. Verse 22. Okay. He used counsel, but my translation says counsel C O U N S E L. Okay. So let's, let's check the spelling on that. I'm going to search that. Um, okay. All right. Let's see. I think I found something in Grammarly. So let's say a counsel C I L is a group of people and convened for advice and consultation to make with, to make decisions and seek wisdom. Counsel means advice or instruction. There are confusing words. They sound the same, yet they are spelled differently. What's the difference? So, um, to counsel together means to seek wisdom together, but to sit in a counsel is a group of people seeking wisdom and making decisions. A group of people convened to seek advice or consult, seeking wisdom and a decision. So a counsel is a group of people and counsel is the advice or instruction that they get. Okay. So there's the difference between the two. So now, unfortunately, your version says they would have stood in my counsel, C E L. And I think actually that's from what I've researched, an incorrect use of that word, because this counsel is a group. Now it could also be said that, uh, if they had stood in my instruction, if they had stood in my instruction and the decisions and the words that I spoke, that would be correct to stand in their counsel. But I don't think that's the meaning who has stood in that counsel of the Lord. Let's look at some other verses that bring this out. And what version are you using? King James Version. Oh, okay. And maybe an older spelling even. Okay. Let's just see what comes of it, because this counsel of the Lord becomes very interesting because if it's true that we're encouraged to stand and we're invited to stand and hear God's word in the counsel of the Lord, that would mean that we are able to stand in the group of the people or group of individuals who are making those decisions and seeking wisdom. So that'd be quite a difference in that translation and the meaning. Maybe we should look at Psalm 89, verse 5 to 7. Psalm 89, 5 to 7. And the heavens shall praise thy wonders, O Lord, thy faithfulness also in the congregation of all the saints. For who in the heavens can be compared unto the Lord? Who among the sons of the mighty can be likened unto the Lord? God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints and to be had in reverence of all them that are about him. So the assembly of the saints is what's used there and the word counsel. So, so, so. Verse 7, verse 7 says, go ahead. Okay, verse 7 of Psalm 89. Sorry, I just, I just had to flip back to Jeremiah, but let me go back to Psalm 89, verse 7, because I wanted to get something. Let's compare, let's compare those two, but let's read verse 7 again. Yes. So God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints and to be had in reverence of all them that are about him. Okay. All right. And so this, the assembly of the saints would, would be more appropriate to be considered as counsel. C-I-L. Yeah. So, so it's a group. It's a group. Yeah. And then in Jeremiah. Oh, it's a group also, which is in the heavens. If you look at verse 6, it says, for who in the heavens can be compared unto the Lord, who among the sons of the mighty is like Jehovah. Okay. So, but in this, in Jeremiah 23, 22. Yes. Okay. If they have stood for my counsel. So what I'm thinking about Jeremiah 23, 22 is just like you said, and which would, which, which, which would also be appropriate is, is that if they have stood by my, stood in the, in my counsel, which means standing by the words I spoke, standing by or standing with, thank you Elizabeth, standing with the instructions, standing with my advice, standing with the instructions I gave. And I have, so that's, that's what I think. But I wonder if your translation is saying counsel as in C-I-L. It is. Okay. So, so, but my, I'm thinking that the two, the two, the two definitions can actually, you know, they are actually very significant and they can, they can actually go with the verse, you know, you can actually go with the verse. So either way you can read the verse either way and it has meaning. Yes. Yes, sir. But I think as I've read and studied that there is actually a counsel of the Lord that, that we can stand in and we can hear and see what God would be saying. So I'm, what I'm doing right now is looking up the King James and the Strongs. Stood in my counsel, let's see, secret assembly. Okay. S-O-D. This is a common, common one, S-O-D. It's number H, which is Hebrew, 5475 in the Strongs, 5475. And then it's, it's a session that is company of persons in close deliberation by implication, they're intimate, they're consulting. It's a secret assembly or counsel or the inward secret counsel. So a S-O-D. And so that's, I don't know why it would be counsel when it, in other places, it's translated assembly or secrets or inward, or like secret parts within us, or secret. Okay. So let's just read more verses, which may have that same, this is what I do sometimes, just follow through and say, okay, where else is this word used to get a better understanding? And often things explode as I'm going through it. Okay. Let's go then to Daniel seven, Daniel seven, verse 10 and 26. Daniel seven, 10 to 26 or 10 and 26. Okay. So, a few stream issued and came forth from before him, thousands, thousands ministered unto him, and 10,000 times 10,000 stood before him. The judgment was set and the books were opened. For the judgment shall speak and they shall take away his dominion to consume and to destroy it unto the end. So judgment sat in this assembly. And verse 10, 26. Okay. Yeah. Thousands and thousands ministered unto him. 10,000 times 10,000 stood before him. So there, the judgment was set and the books were opened. So, to stand before a king has a different meaning than you're on your feet. You have a purpose for being there and you're standing in some official position or purpose. Okay. The judgment was set or the court was in session. Okay. Okay. Meaning that that would be the modern translation of the judgment was set and the books were opened. The court was in session and they opened the books. Verse 26 shows the decision that they made. And again, it says the judgment shall sit, which means the court will be, you know, what happens is all rise, judge so-and-so and so-and-so and so-and-so presiding. And when the judge sits, everyone may sit. And court is in session. Boom, boom. Right? That's the picture that is painted here in the council. Now this council is the council for the purpose of making judgment. There's other council that is for other purposes, making plans, and we'll see that through. It's a long, exhaustive study if we ever go that far. Even in the council of the Lord, he decided to create man. That he determined, he predestined or he pre-planned in the council of the Lord that there would be a savior to come who would be his own son. Agnes had a vision, and I don't know if vision is correct. She was caught up into the heavens and she was taken to before the world began. And she heard the father and the son speaking together. And the father was saying, will you be the one who will go to become man and to redeem the world? And they were discussing that plan. And Jesus, the word said, I will go. I will go, father, and I will redeem man back to yourself. So there was a council and there was a decision made in the heavens. So I find that an interesting one. Let's read Isaiah 14, verse 13 and 14. Are you finding it interesting? Go ahead. Absolutely, Reverend. So before I read it, I just wanted to let you know my wife is here. That's the second favor you'll see. Well, my dear Mrs. Jane, how are you? I'm fine, thank you, Reverend. Good evening, Reverend. So how is Mrs. Alan Woco doing? I'm fine, Reverend. I'm okay. I'm glad you're okay. How is your strength doing now? Are you gaining strength or are you still somewhat weak? I'm gaining strength. I'm getting better by the day. Amen. We love you and we pray for you. Thank you, Reverend. So I came to Abba yesterday and she's at the house in the world. So we're not together now, but by God's grace, she'll be coming back tomorrow. I came to do a thing or two about my my phone and it seems I was lost yet. So I came to do a welcome back to retrieve the life. Okay, good. All right. So Isaiah 13, 14, I think it's Isaiah 14, verse 13 and 14. Okay. Isaiah 14, 13 and 14. For thou hast said in thy heart, I will ascend into heaven. I will exalt my throne above the stars of God. I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation in the tides of the north. I will ascend above the height of the clouds. I will be like the moon. Could it be that he is saying that Satan, this is the, you know, Isaiah 14 is speaking of Satan. Sure. And God is rebuking him. He said, you said in your heart, Satan, I am going to ascend into the heavens and I will exalt my throne above all the other angels, the stars of God. I will sit upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north. I will sit in the throne of God among the assembly of God. And I will be the great leader in heaven. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds that I will be like the most high. It says like, it doesn't say better than or anything. I don't know. It just says like, so I'll take back that he wants to be the only one sitting, but he was envying the position that only belongs to God. So we're, we're getting a consistency of a picture that there is a council in heaven that fits. Are you following me there? Uh, favor has muted. I think favor is getting more data. Okay. So Jane, now I think it's just you and myself, or is it Jane that, uh, dropped off favor? Okay. He dropped off. So Jane, any, any thoughts that you have, are you going to be able to do some baking? Are you going to be able to do some, uh, sewing a seamstress work? Are you, are you thinking about any of those things? No, is it cause, sorry, I didn't really get you. Is it concerning to the Bible study? No, it's just because you're the only one here right now, favor, I think lost his data and maybe he's gone to figure out how he can get some. Yeah, I think so. So I'm asking you about the baking and about the sewing, uh, favor is coming back. Okay. Um, I'm, I will, I think the sewing, I will, I will, I will continue with the sewing. By the time, yes, I will continue with the sewing. I think the sewing is, will be there for me for long. After I put to bed, I will continue with the sewing. When I'm back, I borrowed some data and I'm back. What did you, what did you, yeah, that's okay. Yeah. I was really interested in hearing the last thing you said, um, when you were mentioning, you were, the comment on, on, on Isaiah 14, the last thing you said before I was locked up was, he said, I will be like the most high. He didn't say I will be better. So I didn't, I didn't, I didn't hear the rest of the sentence before I was locked up. And I'm really interested. So I only see that he said, I will be like the most high. I don't see that he was aspiring to be above, but he was jealous of the position and power that, uh, God has amongst the assembly, uh, of the angels and the, or they're called in this case, the stars in heaven, um, uh, around his throne in his, you could say in his throne room. So surrounding God in his throne room, uh, are myriads of angels, uh, that we can see consistently, uh, painted in this, in these scriptures that we're looking at. All right. First Kings 22 and 19. And he said, hear thou therefore the word of the Lord, or the word of the Lord. I saw the Lord sitting on his throne and all the hosts of heaven standing by him on his right hand and on his left. Ah, and the next verse and the Lord said, who will persuade Ahab that he may go up and fall at Ramoth Gilead. And one said in this manner, and another said in that manner, and then came forth a spirit and stood before the Lord and said, I will persuade him. And the Lord says out, and I will go forth and I will be a lying spirit in his mouth and in the mouth of all of his prophets. And he said that you will persuade him and prevail also go forth and do so, they were going to say. Now, therefore God put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these prophets and the Lord has spoken evil concerning these. So Micah was, was prophesying something different, but a lying spirit had been sent from the throne room amongst the hosts of heaven standing again, this word standing by him or attending to him is another way to say that standing by him, ready to be sent, ready to do his bidding. That's why they stand there. Any order, any command, they would go into action. And if it was a military, the military would go into action. Every realm of God would go into action to fulfill what he commanded on his right hand and on his left. On his right hand and on his left. So the Lord asked the question and this lying spirit answers. And I don't know the implication when it says a spirit, it doesn't really have a lot of things about it. It just, it's neither good nor evil. It's just a spirit or a wind. So I didn't get anywhere on that one. Another one, Job chapter one, verse six. I think, you know, that one, well, it'd be good to look at it in light of what we're reading here. Job chapter one. Job one, six. Yes, sir. And onward. Okay. Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan came also among them. And the Lord said unto Satan, whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the Lord and said, from going to and fro in the earth, and from waking up and down to me. And the Lord said unto Satan, has thou considered my servant, Jew, that there is no like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God and issueth evil. As you continue, Reverend, then Satan answered the Lord and said, doth Jew fear God for not? Has not thou made an hedge about him and about his house and about all that he hath on every side, that thou hast blessed the work of his hands and his substance is increased in the land. But put forth thy hand now and touch all that he hath, and he will cost thee to thy face. And the Lord said unto Satan, behold, all that he hath is in thy power. Only upon himself, put not forth thy hand. So Satan went forth from the presence of the Lord. And there was a day when his sons and his daughters were eating and drinking wine in their eldest brother's house. And there came a messenger unto Job and said, the oxen were plowing and the acids hidden beside them. And the Sabaeans fell upon them and took them away. Yea, they have slain the servants with the edge of the sword. And I only am escaped alone to tell thee. While he was yet speaking, there came also another and said, the fire of God is fallen from heaven and has burned up the sheep and the servants and consumed them. And I only am escaped alone to tell thee. While he was yet speaking, there came also another and said, the Chaldeans made out three bands and fell upon the camels and have carried them away. Yea, have slain the servants with the edge of the sword. And I only am escaped alone to tell thee. While he was yet speaking, there came also another and said, thy sons and thy daughters were eating and drinking wine in their eldest brother's house. And behold, there came a great wind from the wilderness and smoothed the four corners of the house and fell upon the young men and they are dead. And I only am escaped alone to tell thee. Then Job arose. Amen. So we see the two worlds. We see the counsel of the Lord, the assembly of God, the decision of the Lord, and then we see the actions on the earth. Very interesting. So he's standing in the assembly of the sons of God. So sons of God means what, David? Who is standing around the Lord? Who is standing around the Lord? Oh, the angels of the Lord. Yeah, those that God had created. They were his created ones, his ministers, that he had created for himself. Yeah. To do his bidding. Job 15 verse 8. Job 15 verse 8. Has thou heard the secret of God, and dost thou restrain wisdom to thyself? What knowest thou that we know not? What understandest thou which is not enough? With us are both the gray-headed, in very age then, much elder than thy father. Are the consolations of God small with thee? Is there any secret thing with thee? Why doth thy heart carry thee away, and what do thy eyes wink at? Hath thou turned thy spirit against God, and lettest such words go out of thy mouth? What is man that he should be clean, and he which is born of a woman that he should be righteous? Behold, he putteth no trust in his sin, yea, the heavens are not clean in his sight. How much more abominable and filthy is man which drinketh iniquity like water? I will shew thee, hear me, and that which I have seen I will declare. Which wise men have told from their fathers, and have not heeded? Unto whom alone the earth was given, and no stranger passed among them. The wicked man traveleth with pain all his days, and the number of years is heeding to the oppressor. I should continue, Reverend? No, that's good. So again, read verse 8. Okay, verse 8. Has thou heard the secret of God, and dost thou restrain wisdom to thyself? So, and he says, what do you know that we don't know? What are you understanding that we don't? Have you been to the sod, the secret place of God? Have you been to the same word, H-5475? And are you hiding this wisdom? Like, you know, why are you winking, and why do you seem like you, you've got a secret? What do you know? That's the words of Elie Zephas, that was definitely against Job, and really questioning, and he didn't believe that a man could be upright before the Lord, because in an earlier passage, he had a visitation from a spirit, and that spirit spoke to him, and said, can a man be perfect? And so now, in this chapter, we see Elie Zephas saying the same words, the spirit said to him. Anyway, that's an interesting study in itself. Job, a spirit visited him. Okay, have you heard the secret counsel of God? Well, they were about to hear it. The Lord came and spoke to them. So, we're seeing consistently that there is this picture that's developing of the counsel of the Lord. Angels on his left, on his right, even the enemy has access. The sons of God are there. That's interesting. Let's look in the book of Psalms. Chapter 89. No, we've read that one. We've read that one, I'm sorry. Psalm 82, Psalm 82 verse 1. Psalm 82 verse 1. God standeth in the congregation of the mighty. He judges among the gods. So now, this whole chapter is interesting, but, you know, we're, we don't want to complicate things with studying every chapter we come to. But this chapter is interesting, because he standeth in the, here's that word again, stand, in the congregation of the mighty ones. And the word congregation is not sod, it's a different one, edah. And it is a company, people, multitude, assembly, and also congregation. So, it's the people of the mighty ones. Mighty. And so, the powerful, the godly. So, this one is El, E-L, you've heard that one before. El Elohim, El Shaddai. And El means God, El Shaddai means God what? Supreme, yeah. Yes. El Elohim, you know, these are all God, El Elohim. These, each of these have this word El. And some translations, even this one, it says, he judges, or he sits in judgment among the gods, among the mighty. And that's Elohim. Do you know that in places, even man is called Elohim, because we are, it's just, it's just the mighty. We are leaders, we are there's another one where it talks about the sons of God. I just think that this adds a little bit to the picture, the congregation of the mighty. God stands, he judges. And then he questions these leaders, whether they're angels, or they're, whether they're kings upon the earth, and leaders, I don't know. And he's judging them among these Elohim, or these leaders, these ones who are supreme in some way. How long are you going to judge the unjustly? How long are you going to accept the persons of the wicked? I mean, have preference for the wicked people? Defend the poor, the fatherless. Begin to do justice to the afflicted and needy. So they've been preferring the wicked, and God is bringing them into judgment. And I suppose in my thinking that he's speaking to the kings of the earth, or to the spiritual leaders of the kings of the earth, I really don't know. I don't know how to take it. But that we can see that there's something in heaven, referring to the leadership upon earth. And this is over and over, as an understanding awakens within us, that if we would stand in the counsel of the Lord, and we would hear from us, say of the Lord, let's go back to Jeremiah 23 and read that one again. What would be the effect of somebody who stood in the counsel of the Lord and announced the words of the Lord, as we read this? Okay, so we were looking at Jeremiah 23 from verse 16. Actually, let's read 22. We can read much more of it if you want. Okay, okay. But let's do it so we can see the effect, right? Yes, yes. 16 to 22 then. Okay. First, yet the Lord of hosts hath not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you, they make you vain, they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the Lord. They say still unto them that despise me, the Lord hath said, ye shall have peace. And they say unto everyone that walketh after the imagination of his own heart, no evil shall come upon you. For who hath stood in the counsel of the Lord and hath perceived and heard his word, who hath marked his word and heard it? Behold, a whirlwind of the Lord is gone forth in fury, even a grievous whirlwind, it shall fall grievously upon the head of the wicked. The anger of the Lord shall not return until he hath executed, until he hath performed the thoughts of his heart. In the latter days ye shall consider it perfectly. I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran. I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied. But if they had stood in my counsel and had caused my people to hear my word, then they should have turned them from their evil way and from the evil of their doings. Which means if we stand in the counsel of God, our words become powerful. Because he's, yeah, our words become powerful. He empowers our words, right? He goes, so it's no longer our words, it is his words. So it cannot but carry the power of God. It cannot but carry the power of God. And so that's what the Lord is saying. So if these prophets, false prophets, or if these prophets had stood in my counsel, if they were to stand in my counsel, then their words would have carried power enough to cause my people to hear my word. That's what the Lord is saying. Hallelujah. Amen. Let's read then 25 to 30, 31, somewhere in there. Okay, Jeremiah 23, 25 to 31. I have heard what the prophet said, that prophecy lies in my name. Oh, that prophesy lies in my name. Saying, I have dreamed, I have dreamed. How long shall this be in the heart of the prophet that prophesy lies? Yea, they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart. Which thing to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams, which they tell every man to his neighbor, as their fathers have forgotten my name for God. The prophet that had dreamed, the prophet that had a dream, let him tell a dream. And he that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the shaft to the weak, saith the Lord? It is not my word like as fire, like as a fire, saith the Lord, and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces. Therefore, behold, I am against the prophet, saith the Lord, that steal my words every one of his neighbor. Behold, I am against the prophet, saith the Lord, that use their songs and say that prophesy false dreams, saith the Lord, and do tell them, and do tell them, and cause my people to err by their lies and by their likeness. Yet I sent them not, nor commanded them. Therefore, they shall not prophet these people at all, saith the Lord. And when these people, or the prophet, or a priest, shall ask thee, saying, what is the birth? So, we lost you, favor. Lost your audio. I don't know if you can hear me, but we lost your audio. Amen. So, I'll just carry on and do a favor, if you come back in whenever you can. What is my word have to do with straw? What does straw have in common with grain, declares the Lord. The straw and the grain. The straw is not for food, and it's useless to eat. But grain is what you eat. God's word is sustenance. The straw is, it's a waste of time to eat it. It's not my word like fire, declares the Lord, and like a hammer, which shatters the rock. Therefore, I am against those prophets, declares the Lord. And here's the second source I see. One is from their own heart. And two is, they steal my words from each other, and they imitate. Maybe they watch YouTube, and they're watching a powerful prophet. And on Sunday evening, there they are, prophesying what the powerful prophet had said, as if they had heard it from the Lord for themselves. But rather, they were imitating someone else. God says, no, they were imitating someone else. God says, no, don't do that. He says, come into my council, and hear my words. You know, God is continually speaking regarding issues, and regarding countries, and regarding situations, regarding evil that's happening. What is the word of the Lord in that situation? This is really the question that we desire to know. What is the word of the Lord in this situation? I'm against the prophets. I'm against those prophets. Reckless boasting, and falsehoods. They run, but I didn't send them. Nor do they furnish this people the slightest benefit. Verse 32, declares the Lord. It's like, you're feeding the people's straw, and not rain. Hallelujah. It's quite a powerful chapter, you know. So, I believe the point of us understanding the council of the Lord, which we've been studying tonight, it's also in Hebrew, S-O-D, S-O-D. The council, the assembly, the group that has assembled with the purpose of seeking, understanding, instruction, direction. And there's one who presides over the assembly of God in heaven, over the council, and that's the Lord God Almighty. His name is Jehovah. He is the highest. He is not Elohim. He's El Elohim, God above all gods. He is the supreme, and his council endures forever. The council of the Lord stands sure. Hallelujah. The council of the Lord, the council of the Lord, where is that one? The council of the Lord shall stand. Proverbs 19 and 21. Sister Bertha, welcome. Brother Faber had to, I think he ran out of data, and he'll have to listen to the recording. So, maybe you can carry on. Welcome to this evening. Maybe you can just jump in and carry on. Proverbs 19 verse 21. What does it say? Proverbs 19 and 21. Proverbs 19, 21. One minute. Proverbs 19, 21. Proverbs 19, 21. It says, there are many devices in a man's heart. Never delays the council of the Lord that sustains. So, mostly, man will live their lives out of their own council. So, in the beginning, Bertha, we define the difference between council, C-O-U-N-C-I-L, and council, C-O-U-N-S-E-L. The council is what is the advice and decisions that come out of the council, which the council is the Hebrew word is sod, S-O-D, and it means an assembly or a group that has gathered for the purpose of seeking a decision, wisdom, instruction, and that there can be a contribution from all to come up with a great council. So, the council of the Lord stands sure because it's made in the council of the Lord. All right. Is that clear, Sister Bertha? Let's read Psalm 33 and 11. The 33rd Psalm, verses 11. Many plans are in a man's heart, in Proverbs. Nevertheless, the council of the Lord. And we lost Sister Bertha as well. Well, let me read it then, since I'm the last remaining here. Sister Jane, you are still there. God bless you, my dear. Hallelujah. Psalm 33. Do you have your Bible, Sister Jane? You can read it. Yes, I do. Are you available to do that? Psalm 33, verse 11. So, is this Psalm 33? Yes, verse 10 and 11. Verse 10, Psalm 33, verse 10, it says, Verse 11, the council of the Lord stands forever, the thought of his heart to all generations. Amen. Amen. So, those who hear what God is giving as wisdom, you know, we can ask of the Lord a wise decision. Say, Lord, I need wisdom in this situation. What do you counsel me? And God will release wisdom to us. And this is the people that God desires, a people who would stand and seek his counsel and seek the decision of the Lord. David often said in the Psalms, I will stand and I will seek to know what the Lord will say to me. God, what is your counsel in this situation? We face many difficult situations in our life where we don't know what to do. This is the time to enter the counsel of the Lord, his assembly into heaven and in prayer and seeking of God and say, God, what is your counsel, advice, and direction in this situation? It is too difficult for me. I don't know what to do. If we are so used to just depending on what our own heart would say and our own mind could think, we will be frightened when we don't know what to do. And it looks like we have nowhere to turn. But that is not true if we have the opportunity to seek the wisdom and counsel and advice of the most high God. And may God help us to be those who seek his wisdom, his direction, his advice in even our everyday life situations. Sister Jane, Lord, I'm pregnant and I don't know what to do. Thank you. Hallelujah. I only have so much strength and I don't know how to be well. I don't know how to be strong. I need wisdom and guidance and instruction. You know God is in that business as well. He's amazing, wonderful God. And then the other part, Sister Jane and Bertha, that we're talking about is that when others need a word of wisdom, God can begin to use us. And Sister Jane, I know that your call in this capacity is to be someone, and I've prophesied this over your life before, is to be someone that God can speak to you and give counsel or wise advice to someone else. Not from your own head and your own experience, but by the Spirit of the Lord. I love this in Isaiah, I think it's the 11th chapter, where it talks about the spirit of counsel that would be upon us. Can you imagine having the spirit of counsel, which is wisdom and understanding. Is that correct? It's the 11th? Isaiah. I'm looking. 10, 11, it is. Then Sister Jane, would you read Isaiah 11, verse 2 and 3? Isaiah 11, verse 2 and 3. And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord, and shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the Lord. And he shall stand, and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears. Praise God. But with righteousness he will make decisions for the poor with fairness for all those who are in the earth who are afflicted. Amen. I believe that the Spirit of the Lord can be upon, is upon us and can be upon us with the spirit of counsel. That means we will be speaking out of his spirit. And they said we will not judge by the hearing of our ears or by the seeing of our eyes, not by what we see in air, but out of righteousness, out of God's Spirit. You know, we can know, we can know what we cannot naturally know. We can know by God's Spirit. We can counsel people so we can receive it for ourselves, but God can also use us to minister out of the wisdom. It's like so practical, God's wisdom, and it's effective and it's fruitful. And it turns people back to God, turns people back to God, turns them from their sin. We were discussing earlier that the effect of a word of God turns people from their sin. The effect of people's words with tickling ears, it just causes them to be more sinful. May God help us to stand in the counsel of the Lord and to seek the word of the Lord that we might speak to those, hallelujah, to bring correction, instruction, hallelujah, unto others. Amen. Amen. Thank God for that. Amen. So I'm going to end the recording now and we can discuss.

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