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Expectations not met is disappointing but then later you realise the freedom that comes with leaving God to manage them. Which allows you to focus on God! Yesterday was a dark day! Loads of tears and abandoning thoughts in pure misery. In the tears I saw the enemy wanting my life to go but it only made me hold on to God more. What was meant for evil was turned around for my good! God is a healer of expectations!

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The speaker shares a personal story about feeling low and disappointed when a prophecy didn't come true. They realized they had put too much importance on the prophecy and learned to surrender to God's timing. They emphasize the importance of seeking God above all else and trusting in His plans. The speaker feels blessed to have a relationship with God and encourages others to do the same. They mention the freedom and joy that comes from walking with God and learning His word. They acknowledge their mistakes but are grateful for God's mercy and healing. They end by wishing everyone a happy new year filled with God's presence. Hi everybody and welcome back to my podcast My Name is Scholar and you are listening to Revealed. Today's topic is going to be about a story, one that I recently felt so it's a very personal and what I would have considered private but I've been called to speak out on it and discuss it with you guys and just be very open about my experiences and hopefully it will help others out there that are going through the same thing or just a good listen for those that just are in the space of listening. Whatever it is that tickles your boat, welcome. Okay so Revealed. Alright so what happened actually happened yesterday, the whole of yesterday. I was having something of a breakdown so to speak. I was in a very vulnerable space the whole of yesterday. I woke up in a not in a pleasant mood, not in a happy space, just feeling extremely miserable and the Lord took me through a journey of coming to like understand why it was that I was feeling so low in emotional energy. I was just not in a good space you know. Yesterday was was a tough day and I just heard myself beating myself up about everything that I don't have in this current season. Like the things that I thought that I would have had by now based on what I thought was a prophecy and I believed it so much that I was excited that these things are about to come to fruition in like in common days and now the ballpoint was missed and it was very challenging for me. Very challenging. Yeah so this thing that I had in mind that was going to happen and I'm so sure it was going to happen. I had to really check where I got the information from and I guess it's something that I was battling from when I received the prophecy if it was real, if it was from God and I guess to a degree there was evidence in it not coming into fruition in the time that I thought it would, in the time that I was told it would, that it might not have been and that realization took me the whole day to come to the conclusion that perhaps I was lied to or perhaps I was misled or perhaps it wasn't quite what I thought it was in that moment and it made me come back to a position of surrender after a day of a lot of crying, a lot of tears, a lot of feelings of hurt and disappointment came a revelation of where did that information come from and why did I think that man can tell me what God's hands are when it had some things that wasn't quite of God. God is not a God of confusion. His word always stands true. His word will always become what it's supposed to become. His word will not return back to him void. So anytime someone prophesies over your life, take it back to God. Take it back to God. Pray on it and wait for his answer. I was a bit hasty. I made a mistake. Perhaps I was wrong. It's not to say that parts of the prophecies wasn't right but it's to say that I can't rush God and his process. I can still see how he's working on me. I can still see the things that he's doing for me and yesterday at the end of it a weight was lifted off of me because I was so hung up on a specific date or when things were supposed to happen that it not happening left me in a space of tears, disappointment, sadness but in the end that weight was lifted. I felt free again. I felt able to let it go and give it to God and at he's appointed time and he's opportune time and the time that he's set for this thing to happen because I do believe it will still happen but it will happen at the time that it's supposed to happen according to God's will, not mine. So if it's according to God's will, let him do his thing though it may tarry. It will surely happen and it would not be denied that it's happened. It would not be at a late time. It will actually be at the right time. God's time. So yeah life is incredible when you walk with the Lord because today considering how dark yesterday was for me, today was a completely different experience. Granted it was Christmas Day but where I was feeling yesterday, you'd be surprised at who I was today in my joy and happiness and peace and just feeling like God is with me and I'm not alone and yes yesterday started off poorly and badly and sad and I had horrible thoughts of suicide but I know that wasn't from God. I know that wasn't from God and I was able to fight it back but the idea that that portal was opened because of something that was said that wasn't right and then me almost agreeing with it or agreeing with it was wrong you know. I have come to a new space of again realisation every time I let go of something that I wanted so badly that I placed as an idol before God. Even his own prophecy. Even the things that he says that will happen. Even the things that have been said that will happen in my life or you know whatever it is. Whatever it is. It cannot go ahead of God. It cannot go before God. It cannot take centre space over God himself. God comes first in all things. In all things. Including his promises on your life. Including the things that will happen. God. God is the relationship that I chase and that you should pursue. The relationship with him because all the other things will be added at it's appointed time. All the other things will be added but chase God. Seek him. Only him. Believe him and wait. It will come to pass. God is not a man that he should lie so it will surely come to pass but in it's coming to pass he does this wonderful thing with you where he reveals who you are and exposes who you are internally and these things that are you that are not necessarily working in your favour. Not putting the reverence to God where it needs to be in your life. Those things that are hidden where you thought you could mask become so revealed so open to you that you faced a disappointment that you didn't realise that you had placed above your father and that's the enemy's weapon. That's the enemy's weapon. So even at everything that happens anything good that happens always promised to happen to you. Accept that it will happen but keep your pursuit for God in all things. Just keep seeking his face. Keep seeking his idea. Keep seeking his mind. Keep seeking his heart. Keep seeking him. Keep seeking the things of his ways, his word. Keep seeking God. Keep seeking him and he will surely surely bring all those things, all those things back. Bring them to you at the appointed time and those things are blessings. They're blessings. So I see me as a constant work in progress and one that I am so humbled and so privileged to be in this walk and in this space with the Lord God in heaven. I am so blessed and honoured and privileged to know that God loves me so much that he would put me through something, allow something, allow me to go through something and then in the end only prove himself to be a God that doesn't fail and not only that he doesn't fail but he just gave me the ability to overcome something that I thought you know. I know it's difficult to explain the thing that I'm trying to explain without giving you the full context of it but there will be a time that I'll give you the context but for now I'm just giving the information just to let you guys know that God is joy. God is happiness. God is peace. God is love. God is all those things that you are looking for. God is the provider. He is the great I am. He was the one that lives outside. He's the one that lives outside of space and time. He is before. He is the middle and he is the end even though he's a God that has no end. He is a constant. He is amazing and he truly is good. He truly is good because he wants the best for you. That revelation, I'm almost gonna cry, that revelation of the things that I was holding on to didn't know that I didn't know it held me back and it's been holding me back for so long that now that I can let it go I'm happy like I'm free and I'm just gonna let God do his thing and let him bring it to pass at the time he will bring it to pass and I trust that he will do it until then I stay focused on him and building the relationship that I need to build with him and just accepting the process and enjoying it whilst it goes anyway that's it I don't know what else to say right now outside of trust God take his leading even when you're disappointed put it at his feet give it to him when you're burdened when you feel low in spirit trust him give it to him tell him how you feel be honest be real with him you can he can carry it he he really can he's he's God he's more than capable he's a God of capable and I love him so much and I pray you all get to know him I mean I'm still getting to know him I still have so much to do to learn to grow in and it's going to be a constant effort it's gonna have no ending to it it's just gonna be forever which makes the Bible very exciting I know people like to say it's boring but it really isn't I've had the most amount of fun all the years I used to go out and party and stuff but the most amount of fun is spending time alone with Christ Jesus and learning his word I I can't believe that I'm saying that but I'm saying that I'm saying that because the experience with God you can never buy it anywhere else you can never pay any club or bouncer or comedy show for that relationship with God that relationship with God blows your mind every day you walk with him blows your mind it makes you get to know him on another level and I feel so privileged that he could love me so much that he came and died to me and then I place things or his promises above him and that's just ridiculous that's not right because he's above all of it he's the one that created it all and I made a mistake but I'm so happy for his mercy I'm so glad for it because in his love he's still showing me areas that I couldn't live he's still showing me areas that he's still healing and he's healing me and bringing me back to myself with peace joy and no confusion it's the most freeing thing ever God is good everybody have a great rest of the week and wishing you all a very happy new year a happy God-filled new year

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