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Ep 15

Saving Our Society



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The podcast hosts discuss the importance of paying attention and how it affects our lives. They talk about the need to be active rather than passive in paying attention and highlight the negative consequences of ignoring important issues. They also mention the role of technology and social media in distracting people from paying attention to what truly matters. The hosts emphasize the importance of paying attention to politics, community, and news, and encourage listeners to be more engaged and informed. They also discuss the negative impact of ignorance and the power of collective action. Guess who's back? Back again? Nah, I'm just playing with that. I'm not even going to get into the old school hip hop, but yeah, we're back. Welcome back everybody. Thanks for joining us. It's Jim and Leo on the Saving Our Society podcast. It's been a little while. We had a vacation last week and this following week we're going to have a vacation, but we figured we'd get on and talk about paying attention. Real simple. Just going to throw some questions at you guys, raise some awareness, ask some basic questions, not get too deep and beat it to a dead horse. But as always, you know the routine. Before we get into that, throw it over to Leo, see what's shaking, see what's good in the hood, and then we will get into it. So Leo, what is going on? How are you? And you were on that fishing trip, so that's why we're absent last week. How was that? Yeah. Hey, Jim. Welcome back. Awesome. Rejuvenated, re-energized. Yeah, awesome fishing trip. I went with your father-in-law. Yes, you did. Awesome time over in Roscoe, New York. You can tell the truth, it wasn't awesome. Yeah, the birthplace of fly fishing. So had a great time over there, caught a couple of nice fish, and back, baby. That's awesome. That's awesome. Not that I'm a big fisher myself, but do they do any bow fishing over there, or is it just strictly fly fishing up there? I believe there are a couple of places that they do allow that type of fishing on the Delaware. We fish the Delaware River. Okay. And the areas where we stuck to mostly were conservation areas, so it was all catch and release. Gotcha. Gotcha. All right, that's cool. Well, glad you had a good time. Glad you survived my father-in-law. That's always a challenge in itself. Good guy, but you got to have the temperament to deal with him, but glad you were back. So I raised a question to you about paying attention. What does it mean when somebody says, are you paying attention, or to tell you to pay attention? What comes to mind with that, because I'm going to lead into this, and that's why I'm asking you what your opinions are, and as you guys can tell, this is going to be a totally different format with this podcast, kind of just wing it. Usually there's structures and everything, but I figure something like this needs to be a little bit more organic, off the cuff, especially with everything going on. So Leo, what does that mean to you when you hear that, or I'm sure you've been told that as a kid, maybe even an adult, hey, pay attention? This is a very vague question, but if I want to think back to the time when I was a child just growing up, it was stay focused on the topic at hand, or what was being done at the moment, whether I was at school, at home, with family, if I was told to pay attention, it was make sure you stay focused. You're on top of things. Yeah, I think that's a good summation of what's going on, a fair definition, or a fair explanation. I'm going to take it a step further, because when you say paying attention, I think there's a nuance to this, and I was talking to some people about this. Paying attention, how much does your attention cost? Could it potentially cost your life if you're not paying attention? I think today we're sacrificing a lot of our future, we're sacrificing in the comfort of today, of today's comforts. So when they say pay attention, it means to give your attention. You're not physically paying. It's like when you pay somebody no mind, or you go to a wake or a funeral, pay your respects, you're giving your respects, you're giving somebody a piece of your mind. And paying attention simply just means being attentive. And just like a quick definition, in summary, this is also off of psychology today, attention is the key to so many things related to our lives. We have to pay attention to walk across the street, pay attention to relationships, pay attention to one another, business affairs, so on and so forth. But we may think we understand the art of paying attention, but many times, unfortunately, we mistake it for judgment. Now attention is like Leo is saying, you have a focus for whatever that subject is or that moment or whatever you're doing, you have to be attentive, you have to be alert, you have to be able to digest, I guess is a good way to say it, like the subject at hand, right? You have to understand it and then you can move on from it. So attention is not critical, so to speak, judgment is, right? When you're judging something, you're being critical of it. You're buying a new car, you're buying a house, you're dating somebody, you're going to marry that person, you're going for a job interview, right? All these things being critical and judgmental. So you begin to pay attention to something when you start to judge it, evaluate it, categorize it and then overall you generally criticize it. But this is what I think we have been lacking in recent years is the ability to pay attention, right, with the advent of all this technology and everything. And I just think it's something that people are doing more passively instead of actively, if that makes sense. I want to see what Leo has to say. But I definitely think it's more of a passive thing where you might scroll through your news feed or your social media, whatever it is. Oh, okay, so and so did this, like that, comment here, do this. But then what's really going on is maybe you're ignoring more important things. So Leo, would you tend to agree with that assessment? Would you tend to agree with the fact that maybe we're doing something more passively now and we're not so active in paying attention? Well, I have to say, first of all, I have to disagree with what you said earlier about people not paying for your attention because remember that there's a lot of advertisement companies that are paying a lot of money to catch your attention on TV and whatnot. Now, not necessarily disagreeing, I guess, but just pointing that out that people's attention are worth dollars. Yeah, you're right. I'm not saying that not to cut you off, but that's a valid point. And I'm not saying attention can't be bought and sold. We'll get to that. But in the basic, like what we know about in a very basic form, when somebody tells you to pay attention, when you're a kid in school learning a sport and you're a coach or somebody to pay attention, I definitely think today's society is doing that passively. But you're 100% spot on. I'm not going to argue that our attention is being bought and sold and it's a very important algorithm, all these profiles, these companies, these marketing salesmen that are doing, but go ahead. You're right. So what I was going to say next is, now with that, I think we are or have gotten to a point where now that our attention has been captivated by many things going on on TV, in our phones and whatnot, we are missing a lot of things. And I think most of that is purposely. Simple example, this week I found out we don't ever have to pay taxes again. They're going to start printing money for us. No, I mean, if Hunter Biden is only getting a slap on the wrist for that whole situation with him. But think about it. Why is that being brought up or why was that even done? Well, it was because they wanted to push this whole idea against Trump on the same day that they wanted to indict Trump and bring him into into the core and make a mockery of our justice system. That's what they threw out in the background. So again, I think they wanted to captivate people's attention with Trump's situation just to just to hide what's really going on. Our Justice Department has been overtaken. Well, I guess a really long time ago by these hacks. Yeah. But two points to your point is I don't know if they're trying to get your attention because I don't know how many people are paying attention to that, which is a problem. And those of us who are paying attention, they're trying to satisfy two things that majority people wanted. They wanted and Sonny Holston said this on on the view and I forget who she was arguing with or debating rather, is that and this is the gaslighting and the spin they put on it, that not even the president's son is above the law, even though it's a slap on the wrist. But now they can also set a precedent. And you know, this is banana republic stuff when they go try to jail your opposition and everything. Oh, absolutely. They're not going to stop. Yeah, I'm I'm listening to a gentleman on on a podcast that I enjoy. And he he's pointing out that they're going to go back to the January 6th stuff. And that's what they're going to drum up all the way through to election time. So then that's that's the precedent they're setting by saying, oh, you know, Hunter Biden received this type of repercussion for his his dealings in the past. Well, now it's time for Trump to face the music. So I'm glad you brought this up, going back into prime example of paying attention. How much is your attention worth? If we're going to talk about in terms of dollars and cents, if you haven't been paying attention to any of this. And when come comes a time for a primary, well, we just had some primaries, but come come time for the election. Are you just going to ask around who do you who did you vote for? Are you going to vet these candidates or are you going to say, I like this guy? I don't like that. Like this one saying about attention and being active. Right. I think they've done a good job over the last 30 plus years. Convincing us that we are nobody. Right. A single person. How often you say, well, what's my vote going to do? What can I do about it? What am I going to do? I'm just one person. I think they've did a good job of breaking down people's demeanor and just self-confidence, self-esteem on a lot of things. So I want to get back into the paying attention. Right. I feel like more people are paying attention to all the wrong things. And I'm not saying you're not paying attention. I think the two top things you should pay attention to is like your, obviously your health you should be paying attention to, your friends, your family. I think that all gets grouped into another thing. I think your community, the politics that are going on. And I got a, I posted a video on the Instagram and I'm going to play here momentarily. And this is the perfect example of why you need to be paying attention. And I know for a lot of us millennials and especially Gen Z, but millennials, a lot of people Leo, and tell me if I'm wrong or if you can confirm what I'm about to say. How many people have you heard when you talk about something say, well, and listen, the news is the news. It's propaganda, but, oh, I don't follow the news. I don't watch the news. It's too scary. It's too sad. It's too depressing. How often do you hear that from somebody just, well, two things. I've had that conversation a number of times and with pretty, I want to say successful individuals who, when we start talking about things that involve politics, they're like, I don't like to talk about it. I don't want to get involved. I don't like listening to it. I don't like talking about it. I don't like it. And I go, wait, do you pay taxes? Yes. So then you should be talking about this. You should be involved. Do your kids go to a public school? Yes. Well, then you should be involved. You should care about what politicians are doing or saying. Right. My other thing, though, before we continue, I think people are paying attention. And I think people are paying attention for the reason that they're ramping all this information they're throwing out on a daily basis because people are starting to notice certain things. And again, the newbie when it comes to politics doesn't have to know a lot. All they have to realize is there's a big difference now than there was four years ago. A difference in my wallet. A difference every time I go to pay for gas. A difference in what I'm paying for my housing on a monthly basis. A difference for what I'm paying for my food. You don't have to be a genius to realize these things. Now, if you want to tell me they can't put two and two together and say, okay, this is just happening organically, then we have a bigger issue. But I don't think that's the case. I think people are starting to turn over and starting to pay attention. I do tend to agree. However, my main concern is if you are paying attention, are you doing anything about it? And that's usually the follow-up question. What do you expect me to do? What can we do? What can we do this? I mean, we've seen it before, we've had this defeatist attitude like, no, it doesn't matter. My vote doesn't count. Right. But here's the thing. They can't throw everybody in jail. They can't arrest everybody. They're not going to fire everybody from your job. It's just like the left is using collectivism for communism, socialism, all this stuff. We can also do that and stand up and be united. And listen, people are going to take L's. There's no doubt about it. But like I said, we are sacrificing tomorrow for today's comforts. So without further ado, I want to roll this clip. I had posted it. I thought it was very good. It was long-form content that I clipped for an hour and 50-minute video or so. But I think it was good. Let's roll this. This is typical millennial attitude and definitely Gen Z, I hate to say, but I'm going to roast you guys here for a minute, of pacifist attitude. And this is what you get. And in lieu of this video, all I'm going to say is, if you had a tumor or something growing on your body, would you ignore it and expect it to go away? Or would you go get it treated or do something about it? So play this clip real quick. Be ignorant of what's going on in the world and don't look at anything that's negative, because you're going to feed that and give power to it. That's not what it means. That means, you know what you're feeding? In that instance, if you want to do that, you're feeding ignorance. And that's what's going to grow. It's the exact opposite that the New Agers want you to believe that it is. By ignoring the negative, you are ensuring that more of it occurs. You are fueling it by ignorance. This is what you're giving your energy to. This is what you're focused upon. This is what you actually care enough about to do, to spend your time on, to put your attention on, to manifest in the world. That's what I'm talking about as care. That's what generates our experience. In the aggregate, most people don't care about what's really happening. Therefore, it is an impossibility for us in the aggregate to change the direction of energy, to change the direction of consciousness, and ultimately to get what we say we want. So I think that hit the nail right on the head. I think that was excellent. Right? So that's why I clipped it. So I guess a couple follow-up questions is, everybody's on the same page. I'm not expecting everybody to go out and be Superman or be activists or talk or even like us, like we started a podcast. I think there's enough people that need somewhere to go or a way to, I hate to say this, a safe space so to speak, that they're not going to get ridiculed. They can say something. They can leave a comment. They can talk to us. Reach out. We always respond. And assist in talking through whatever you think is going on or how you feel is going on. I think that's of great importance. I think that's very important and one of the main reasons we started this. But just in the last 30 years, right, are these problems that we have ignored and paid no mind or paid no attention to have gotten better or worse? And you look, poverty, right? Taxes, inflation, crappy wages. Everyone keeps wanting to, you know, raising the minimum wage. It's funny because I saw an interview today and the person said they raised their minimum wage or their wage from whatever they were going to pay to $11 and their hours got cut. But that's the truth. Like, okay, you want to get $45 an hour? Come in and you'll work two hours a week and you'll get your 90, 100, whatever it is and this is what happens. You got, it has basic economics. So ignoring these problems make us substantially worse. So that's why I kind of just wanted to go off the cuff. And you know, I'm not going to, I don't want to make this whole thing political and doom and gloom. I just want to see, I'm almost curious, that's why I thought of this topic because it was a double-edged sword, right? Like you're paying attention, you don't need to have this consume you. But at the same time, are you paying attention to the right things? And I think there's a certain amount of politics, certain amount of community, a certain amount of news that you should be paying attention to. Especially as you kids, like Leo had attested to, if you're kids in school and you're paying taxes, like these things are going to play a large part in your life as you get older. And I can't help to say like, this is what people need to be paying attention to. And guess what? If everyone's paying attention, they can't fool us. You know what I mean? Like we joked about it when we kid about it before, but stuff that's going on with Target, the stuff that's going on Bud Light, that's a good sign that people are paying attention. And on the back end of that, I forget where it was. I'd be able to pull it up real quick. Actually, I will pull it up real quick to prove a point that people need to start paying attention. Well, let's not forget while you look for that, Jim, that we just found out that we made an accounting error and six plus billion dollars are going to be going over to Ukraine. But remember that building a wall a couple of years ago to protect our country was racist. Well, the story that I was going to say, we need to pay attention to things. And this is a slippery slope that we talked about 30 years ago. Started with this whole gay and homosexual movement and stuff like that because it wasn't about them. It's the end game with the kids and stuff like that. In Rio Rancho, New Mexico, a 12-year-old girl was raped by a boy in a trans-inclusive bathroom and it was only discovered by her mother because this is debatable if you're a good mother or not, was snooping through her diary and found a passage admitting that she was raped and she wanted to be killed. She wants to commit suicide. That was Rio Rancho in New Mexico. Everyone wants to look up 12-year-old girl raped. Like are we paying attention yet? Like these are the subtleties and the nuances that I'm saying. I know people got their lives and you have your outlets and everything but are we paying enough attention? That's what I mean. How much is your attention worth? If you had to put a dollar amount on it, I guess this is a question for everybody, just think about it. What would your attention worth? I can't help, maybe I'm wrong. I remember like, what is it? It was a Citibank or Capital City Bank maybe in the early 2000s when they did the credit card commercials and they would say, a hamburger, $10, a drink at the ballgame, five bucks, seeing a no-hitter or whatever, priceless. Would you go as far as saying is your attention is priceless? I know you mentioned that these companies buy and sell our attention with their ads but in the grand scheme of things, can your attention be bought to the degree that you no longer care about what's going on in society like what they said in that video? I guess you have to get to a point like you said as an individual that feels no self-worth or has no self-power within them to think that they can make a difference or be in command of their own lives. I think once the powers that be are able to have that type of power over us, that's when they've won. Nowadays, it's very difficult. It's very difficult to overcome the urge to be wrapped up in what other people are following, what other people are watching, what other people are paying attention to. We're pack animals as humans. We want to be doing what other people are doing as well. I can't argue that but does anyone ever want to be individualistic? I always felt that way growing up. I didn't necessarily want to do what everyone else did just for the sake of doing it. If it happened to be something I enjoyed or was interested in, yeah, of course, but just to do it because everyone else does it, I can't wrap my head around. We just had a group of very successful and wealthy people go down to try to see if they can see the Titanic. Tragic story, by the way. Look what happened with them. They did what everybody else was doing. Why the hell would you be doing that? Right, but from my understanding, it was a very rudimentary design and concept. It almost looked like they gave him a remote control from a video game console. Yeah, you got an Amazon type of control. Yeah. No, but apparently, other things that I'm seeing and reading, the CEO that was part of the crew that went down, apparently, his thoughts in the past and what he had been criticized in the past for was that he didn't want people running these expeditions that weren't appealing to the younger crowd. He didn't want supposed 50-year-old white guys running these expeditions. In his own words, he wanted 25-year-olds. But I mean, once again, go woke. Yeah, but I don't even think it's about being that. I mean, that is smart to do because, actually, you want to even go a little bit younger because 25-year-olds have no money. If you go to teenagers, at least they can beg and borrow their parents' money. But I mean, you see that with sports. You see that with everything nowadays is that these companies, doesn't matter which ones, are trading in. We did it when we talked about sports, sports then versus now. They trade in the old, what got us there, for the new and it's just like, you know, they compromise themselves in the process. But we're talking about paying attention and how funny, we touched on a lot of this during all of our episodes, a lot of the stuff that we post and stuff we talk about and we just trust me. I'm not saying here I don't get a lot of engagement on the social media because I do. I do have a lot of people reach out. I do have a ton of people. I'm grateful and thankful for that because it's awesome. I love the engagement. People showing me these things and talking about stuff. It's awesome. But I posted something, I'm going to butcher this guy's name, but he's pretty successful on Instagram. He's got a lot of followers, Joey Vantes, V-A-N-T-S. And he had posted something, I forget what video it was, but I made a comment about paying attention. And I said, what would you rather do, pay your attention or pay with your life? Because eventually, there's going to come to a point where what is your life? What is worth living? If they do these 15-minute cities, if they do all this electric stuff, if you believe this climate change, like whether you do, like all these wildfires are just happening for a reason. It's not, you know, don't pretend it's not by accident. What are you going to do? Who are you going to stand up for? Those are all things I just want to go through other people's minds and might go through mine. And that's what I mean by paying attention. If you were to put a dollar amount on it, would you think you'd be compromised for a dollar amount? Do you think it's worthwhile in your nature to not pay attention to something? Well, I don't know. So here, maybe this is easier as a comparison. You're a big soccer guy. Your favorite sports team, soccer team. If somebody put a dollar amount and say, don't watch them again, well, they could do something. I mean individual. I'm not saying that they're not going to get a TV deal. I'm not going to say they're not going to broadcast it. I'm just saying if some guy, a man in black came, dressed in a suit, tie and a briefcase full of money and said, here is X amount of money to never watch this again. We want you to watch this instead. Is there a dollar amount on that? No, not for me. I get too much personal enjoyment. The things I feel when I'm a part of witnessing or watching an event involving the sport that I love, that's unmatched by anything including money. Okay. So now we establish that. So now let's amp it up a little bit. Is there any amount where they can say, don't go to dinner with your family, don't celebrate the Fourth of July with your family, any amount of money that could be and then they say, celebrate this holiday instead? No, absolutely not. All right. So there you go. So what is it and this is, like I said, this is just, we're shooting off the hip here, right off the cuff, out of pocket, whatever. This is just like questions for you guys. I want you guys to ask yourselves, like what is it that is buying your attention or maybe, we don't have to talk about politics, but maybe if you ever wanted to learn about, you know, like real estate as a side hustle or investing in real estate or crypto or precious metals or learning a second language or start reading a book that you wanted to read and you've been pushing off or start going to the gym. What is stopping you? What is buying your attention? Because your attention is for sale for some other reason. Are you watching, staying up late to watch a series because people at work are talking about it or are you watching something else because you feel embarrassed to maybe go to the gym? These are all things I want you guys to ask yourselves. I just thought, like I said, after watching that long form video and I saw that about attention and I said, oh my God, if that doesn't describe most millennials and especially Gen Z to a T, just, I have a brother who will do that, will just ignore things. More or less my father's side of the family, just ignore things and hope they go away. I just find that fascinating that we've got to the point where a lot of people, and it's like a crutch and I don't know why that is. Some people will ignore things and some people run head on, but that's what makes the world go round. I think it's a time management issue as well for many people because... How can you say that? People are binge watching TV. Yeah, I know. I agree. I completely agree with you, but what I'm saying is that some people don't put the effort into managing their time in order to do something with their lives. You have 24 hours a day. Let's say you take that healthy eight hours of sleep. You have 16 hours to do something. Let's say you're working for eight hours, nine hours. You still have a significant amount of time to do something, to start something new. Even if you dedicate a half hour, an hour a day to something new. There's plenty of resources out there and unfortunately, I would have to... For anyone who has something different and I can't help but think about Danielle when we talk about this because she brought it up every time we got to preface something because somebody's going to say, oh, but that one time or I... You don't get it. I'm an emergency room nurse and I'm on call. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. 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