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Nothing to say, yet
The sermon is about walking in the path of miracles. It references the story of Jesus walking on water and emphasizes the contrast between faith and fear. It also mentions the importance of prayer, obedience, and having unwavering faith in order to access God's miraculous power. The sermon concludes by encouraging listeners to embrace faith, obedience, and prayer so that miracles can become a reality in their lives. Let us pray. Dear Heavenly Father, as we gather here today, we invite your Divine Presence to fill this place, and may our hearts be open and our spirits receptive to the message that will be shared. For in Jesus Mighty Name we have prayed. Amen. The theme of this sermon is Walking in the Path of Miracles. And the text gospel according to Saint Matthew chapter 14 verse 25. And in the fourth watch of the night, Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea. Today, we gather in the presence of God to hear His Word and know His mind for us. In this week again, as we look at the theme, Walking in the Path of Miracles, our inspiration is from verse 25 where Jesus walked on the sea, which was a miraculous act even till today. Walking, according to Western dictionary, is to behave, to pursue a course of life, to conduct one's self. Walk is used metaphorically in the scripture to mean the way in which an individual is or conduct his or her life. And regularly, the Christian walk will be in the contrast to that of the unbelievers. Miracles are extraordinary events that divide the natural order of the world. And are often seen as divine intervention, which means God steps into the affairs of man. In the chapter 14 of the Gospel According to Saint Matthew, chapter 22, following, after Jesus has his disciples to cross to the other side of the sea, we find the disciples of Jesus on the stormy sea, battling the fierce wind and waves of life's challenges. It is in the darkest and most tortuous hour of life that our faith is tested and our understanding of God's miraculous power is deepened. This verse, I mean verse 25, encapsulates a profound truth that amid life's storms, we too can walk on water, but only if our focus and faith remain steadfastly fixed on the One who calms the sea and divides the law of nature. The essence of this verse lies in the miraculous act of Jesus walking on the sea. It is a clear demonstration of Jesus' divine nature and authority over creation. Now let us examine these two wars that goes in a contrary way, faith and fear. The disciples' reactions reflect tensions between faith and fear. The initial fear is common human response to the supernatural but Jesus' presence reassures them. Their invitation to trust in Jesus even when facing life's storms and we can also walk in the same path of miracles. In 4th Kings chapter 18 verses 32 through 46, we see how Elijah puts his faith in action. His persistent prayer for gain against all odds demonstrates how unwavering faith can launch us to start walking in the supernatural abundance of heaven. Psalm 86 reflects a personal plea of David for divine intervention. His prayer in verse 11 teaches that we have to call on God and we should walk in the way of truth and unite our hearts to fear His name. This gave him a boldness to ask again in verse 17 that God should show him a sign of talking for good. This is a cry to ask for the manifestation of God's miraculous power in our life. We can also invite His miraculous hand into our life and by so doing we will see Him working things at hand in our surprises. Now conditions for walking in miracles. To walk in the miracles, we must meet certain conditions. One of them is faith. The scripture says in 2nd epistle of Paul to the Corinthians chapter 5 verse 7 which says, for we walk by faith and not by sight. Like Peter stepping out onto water. We must have unwavering faith in God's ability to overcome all difficulties in our life and start walking in the miracles. We should also walk as the children of light Ephesians chapter 5 verse 8. To walk not as unwise but as wise. Elisha chapter 5 verse 16 says, walk by the Spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. We should walk decently and properly with reference to those outside the church because they are watching us as we are walking our homework with Christ. 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 verse 12 To walk in the power of miracles is to walk by faith and this means to rely on Christ for one's own salvation and to trust that the promises found in the scripture are dependable and will be faithfully fulfilled in our lives. And prayer is a crucial tool for accessing God's miraculous path. We must know how to pray and we must pray continually on daily basis for our request from God. As you are walking in the power of miracles, there are some things we must do. 1. We must cultivate an expectation that God's miraculous power can work in our lives today. 2. We need to step out of our comfort zones in faith trusting that God will uphold us against falling or sinking into the challenges of life. 3. We must emulate David's unwavering prayer persistently seeking God's intervention in our lives no matter what we are facing or what we are passing through because God's ability is ever ready and able to deliver us from all our difficulties. 4. Obedience obey the word of God because obedience to God's command and guidance is fundamental in our pursuit of miracles. In conclusion, walking in the power of miracles is a call to action. Miracles are not a thing of the past. They continue to be part of our spiritual journey. By embracing faith, obedience and prayer, we can live a life where miracles become a reality. Reflecting God's glory and His extraordinary love for people and we will see that miracles will be evidently feasible in our lives. I call on you people of God today, come to the throne of grace so that the miraculous path will start walking in your life and you also will be walking in the miraculous path of God. Let us pray. Gracious God, we thank you for the message we have received today. We pray that the lessons we have learned about faith, obedience and power of prayer will take root in our hearts as we go in the journey of life. May your miraculous power be evident in our lives. To the glory of your name, in Jesus' name we pray. Amen.