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The Film on Trial podcast discusses the movie Clueless. The hosts give their thoughts on the characters and scenes of the movie, engaging with each other's opinions. They believe it's one of the best movies from the 90s. The podcast is aimed at teenagers who enjoy comedy and drama films, particularly those interested in high school life. The hosts discuss the movie in an upbeat and engaging manner, keeping the audience entertained. They stay on topic and use elements like music and sound effects to enhance the podcast. It is suggested that using a strong tone of voice and word choice is important to keep listeners engaged. Hey guys, my name is Payton, and today I'm going to be talking about Film on Trial's podcast about the movie Clueless. If you've never watched Clueless before, this is basically just a movie about this girl that was in Beverly Hills in high school, and she becomes friends with a new girl, and then she gets her a big makeover, and then all this drama just unfolds. This podcast is obviously for people that enjoy Clueless, but other than that, I would say it's more about teenagers that like comedy, drama films. This is kind of targeted to that kind of audience because, obviously, not just because they like the movie Clueless, but because the movie Clueless is about high schoolers in the high school setting, and it could just really depict off of other people's kind of life. I know it's very, like, that probably wouldn't happen in your high school, but it's just some stuff about, like, the popular mean girl and how to not really get involved with her. In this podcast, they actually had mentioned that they think this is actually one of the best movies made in the 90s. The whole point of this podcast is for the hosts, Dave, Alex, Ozzy, and Gab, to kind of give their thoughts and feelings on the movie Clueless, because they kind of talked about, like, in-depth of the certain characters and how they, like, felt about them and just, like, from different scenes of the movies, and they kind of just, like, went off of each other and, yeah. I feel like also from them going off of each other, they kind of fed off of each other's answers, and they kind of realized things about the movie that they never thought that they would have. And then, you know, it's kind of like eye-openers. Like, someone said something, and then another person was like, oh, wait, like, I kind of agree with that, but they never thought of that. I feel like the whole context of this podcast, well, other than, again, just talking about the movie Clueless, was just to, like, engage people in the movie and to try to, like, a lot of people love this movie, but some obviously love it more than others. So if you really enjoy the movie, like, kind of just, like, go in advance and really break down the movie and just hear other people's thoughts and feelings, because you could agree with them and you don't even know. And how this podcast is kind of, like, distributed, it's more of, like, not really fair distributes. They kind of just all chime in to when other people say stuff, and they just all, like, talk and laugh and have, like, a good time. Kind of coming from a composition standpoint, in my opinion, I think, like, strong tone of voice and word choice in a podcast make it more kind of like you, like, want to engage and you want to listen. Because if someone is using, like, a really mellow tone, like, voice, like, for example, if your professor is in class and he's just talking in a mellow tone voice, like, you want to fall asleep. But if you're more of, like, upbeat and, like, fun and laughing, then people are going to, like, want to watch your podcast. So I feel like they were really upbeat. And, like, one of the most key points I thought was, like, keeping me wanting to watch this podcast, which is how they set off of each other and just, like, made it a good time. And it wasn't just one person talking the whole time. They kind of just, like, someone agreed with it, and then they chimed in, and then they all have, like, disagreeing or agreeing thoughts of what each of them were saying. From different elements, like music, sound effects, silence, volume, and all those, from my experience of listening to this podcast, because I've honestly never listened to a podcast before, but it just makes it more enjoyable to watch rather than just, like, sitting there and listening to the same, like, same volume and just, like, the people talking. It's, like, nice to have, like, the intro music that was in this and, like, different things like that make it more enjoyable to watch. Just from watching this podcast, though, I liked how they didn't really go off topic because it's very hard when you're talking for so long to talk about other things. But I think it was good how they stayed on topic with the movie Clueless and there wasn't really any side topics. From making my own podcast, I think to keep the listeners engaged, you have to have tone in your voice because if you're just, like, sappy the whole time, people are going to, like, fall asleep or think it's boring and not, like, want to watch it. But if you have excitement and emotion expressed through your tone of voice, then it makes it more enjoyable. Thank you guys so much for listening. Make sure to tune in next time and hit that like and subscribe. Thank you.

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