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3 Necessary Leader Characteristics 2-25-2024

3 Necessary Leader Characteristics 2-25-2024

Shyne Your Life Light MinistriesShyne Your Life Light Ministries



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The main ideas from this transcript are: - They are praying for someone who is celebrating their father's birthday. - They encourage people to give to Empower Global, as it is good fertile ground to sow into. - They mention the importance of tithing and giving offerings. - They provide different options for giving. - They welcome everyone to the call and introduce Pastor Tyler Brownell as the speaker. - Pastor Brownell emphasizes the importance of being in the right season and aligning with God's timing. - He mentions the foundation of the ministry and the need to remember it. - He talks about the current season being a time of war and the importance of training believers to influence the marketplace with the gospel. Summary: They pray for someone celebrating a birthday, encourage giving to Empower Global, discuss tithing and offerings, introduce Pastor Tyler Brownell as the speaker, and emphasize the importance of being in the right season and influencing the marketplace with the gos Again, on behalf of Dr. Sharon Sunderham, we pray for them, covering them as they're celebrating her father's birthday today, know that they're going to have a joyous time. Jerome is there, so we know that they're going to have a good time with the family. So we just continue to pray for our man and woman. God always pray for our leaders, amen? So I encourage you all to sit back, get your pen and pencil, your Bible, get ready to hear word from the Lord on this morning. We want to encourage you all to give, as we always say, Empower Global is good fertile ground that you can sow into. I've been sowing into this ministry now going on 24 years, and I haven't missed a beat. God hasn't let me miss a beat in sowing and giving. There's been some tough times, but I know when you sow, that means you have seed in the ground, and eventually that seed grows, amen? So don't sit there and look at it, don't sit there and wait for the blade, it's growing, it's doing its thing under the ground. That's what God is doing, God is working, God is aligning whatever we need. So sow into Empower Global, sow into our man and woman of God, it's good fertile ground. Give and it shall be given unto you, good measure placed down shall men give unto your persons. That's just giving your offering, but your tithes belong to the God. Those are automatic, those are non-negotiable. Tithes belong to God, and God didn't let us live on 9%, He only asked for 10%. But guess what? He's blessing the 10% a thousandfold, and even more in some cases, amen? So we encourage you all to give, you can go to EmpowerGlobal.com on our website, you can pay cash, you can sell, there's an option that you can give. Don't let this opportunity pass you. I don't care if it's a dollar, it was something in the ground, amen? Amen, amen. Again, on behalf of Pastor Brownell and Samuel Hamm, we welcome you all to the call. Pastor Tyler Brownell is bringing us the word on today, so I am going to get out of the way. Pastor Brownell, I'm going to let you pray, but let me do some administrative business right now, so hold on one second while we're listening on. I'm not going to mute the call, so we ask everybody that mutes the call, let's sit it back down low and sit up and reach out. But we'd like to hear amen, amen? So I'm going to go ahead and mute the call. So Pastor Brownell, let me get the recording, and then after that, you have the floor. The recording has started. All right, again, welcome to the call to everybody. On behalf of Pastor Brownell and Samuel Hamm, we welcome you all to our recharge service where we get the opportunity to hear from one of the partners of the ministry. So we have the privilege of being able to hear from Pastor Tyler Brownell on today. Again, I'm going to tell you again, if you can and can't, don't get ready to take this opportunity. Don't be afraid of this word from God, amen? And we encourage you all to give. You have to give, you know, no matter what. Always so. It doesn't matter how much you give. It's the fact of the matter. It's the principle of the story. God knows what you have. So we encourage you to give on today. And Pastor Brownell, so always give to the man and woman of God in our church, because God is boundless. He's boundless. He's flowing over. God blesses you. And as I mentioned earlier, I've been going into this ministry 24 years, and this is what these guys have always been there for. They've been through some tough times. And first, I want to give a shout-out to you, Pastor Brownell. You can go to www.pastorbrownell.org. Or you can go to PayPal, or to Michelle. Amen. Well, Pastor Brownell, you have the floor, sir. Thank you. Thank you, Elder Crosby. I'm excited about being here, excited about today. This is the day that God made. And we just want to rejoice and be glad in it. Hello to everybody. To everybody on the call, and we'll talk specifically in a minute. I just want to say happy birthday to Dad, and acknowledge our Apostles, Dr. Ronald Hamm and Prophet Dr. Sonja Hamm. We are a prophetic apostolic ministry, and it's exciting to be a part of that. To Elder Crosby and all the elders and ministers, I don't know if we have deacons now, but we have members who work and minister. So to everybody, thank you for being here this morning. This is a great place to be. This is a great place. It's good soil. It's a good place to be, not only to sow into, but also to sit under the leadership, under the teaching, because our responsibility, response ability, is when we hear the Word, we're able to share the Word with you, to build you up so that when you hear the Word, you're able to respond and have the ability to share the Word with others. God loves you this morning. God loves us this morning, and it is good to be here. It is good to be here. Again, thank you, Elder Crosby, for the introduction, and thank you for your faithfulness. We love you. We love this ministry. So y'all be ready. Y'all be ready. Now, as I sat down and began to do the study, to understand what I wanted to share with you today, I was up this morning. The Holy Spirit does it. You'll start one place, and then He takes you somewhere else, and the responsibility that we've learned is that when He leads, where He leads, we are to follow, surrender, and submit, and we have victory in it. So let's pray. God, we love you so much, and we give you glory, honor, and praise, and thank you for our life, for our health, for our strength. We thank you for the air that we're breathing in and the air that you allow us to breathe out, O God. We thank you for our strength and our health. We thank you for our families and our friends. O God, we thank you for new years and new beginnings. We thank you, God, for wisdom and knowledge and understanding. Holy Spirit, we recognize that you are here. We recognize that you are always with us. And we ask you today to open our ears and open our eyes, open our understanding, that we may receive your instruction, not only to receive it, but also to be nurtured with it, and then to share it with others. We thank you for that. And loosen our stiff necks in the areas where our necks are stiffened, O God, to your will, to your way, to your lifestyle, that we might not only live it and talk it, but we may be the example that somebody in our circles of influence, everybody who's not saved, need to see in order to come to the bright side, to the light side, to your side, O God. We bless you now, and we praise you. Move me out of the way, Holy Spirit. All of you, none of me, is my presence warning. All of you, none of me, allow us to receive this instruction with gladness, and we bless you now in Jesus' name. Amen, amen, and amen. You know, when I started to study for today, always a conversation, right, but when I started to study for today, the place that I began to study is time. You know, I read that and read over our old mission statement, vision statement, and the new mission statement, vision statement, mandate, and I tell you the truth that it took me to Ecclesiastics chapter 3, to everything there is a season, a time, for every purpose under heaven. I'm going to read all that, but this is not where we're going this morning, but it's a comfort. A time to be born, and a time to die, a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted, a time to kill, and a time to be healed, a time to break down, and a time to build up, a time to weep, and a time to laugh, and a time to mourn, a time to die, excuse me, a time to dance, a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones, a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing, a time to gain, and a time to lose, a time to keep, and a time to throw away, a time to tear, and a time to sew, a time to keep silent, and a time to speak, a time to love, and a time to hate, a time of war, and a time of peace. What profit has the worker from that in which he labors? I've seen the God-given task which the sons of men are to be occupied, or what we are to be doing. So the question that I initially had, and the conversation that I wanted to go with, and we still will for a little bit, is the title would have been, What Time Is It? Or, What Time Is It For You? Right? What time is it? And I say that, and I read the mission statement because there are some people who are looking for their purpose. There are some people who are looking for their place. There are some people who are looking after salvation who are still looking, and looking, and looking for what they are to do. There are those who are part of the ministry today who were not here when Resurrection Life Worship Center came to be, when Bringing Life to a Dying World was birthed. But that's a foundation. Right? That is our foundation. There's a time and a season for everything. And the question is, What Time Is It? Or, What Time Is It For You? I've discovered that it's possible to know what our purpose is. It's possible to know what your call is. But to be in the right season, but not align with God's time. And if I'm walking in, you're walking in your season, I'm walking in my season, but I'm not lockstep with God, with His moving the earth. I'm not lockstep with His time in, in the season, then I can't, you can't, I can't, we cannot accomplish much. But when we are able to remember our foundation, and our foundation is sure, so that the teaching, right, the preaching, the empowering, the growing, the knowledge, the instruction, the example that we have as a ministry years ago, is the foundation that we operate on today. So the time today, the time today, the season today, is it's a time to dance, right? It is a time to embrace. It is a time to throw away, and it's a time to soak. It's a time to speak. Today, it is a time of war, not a time of peace. We must be about training up the kingdom-focused believers to serve, and to influence the marketplace with the gospel. You know, that's powerful. Because the people that we're communicating with, you know, I'm talking to the brothers and sisters that I've been talking to, and talking with some of you for over 20 years. And it doesn't make a difference if it was 20 years, or 15 years, or 5 years, or 5 days ago. If you've been a part of the ministry, you've listened in the ministry, you understand that you are being built up, and empowered to serve according to purpose, and according to your gifting, and skill, and ability, and your call. And you know what it is. You're coming to know what it is. The question is, are you on time? Are you on time? And then we'll talk about in a moment, so then we'll train kingdom-focused believers, kingdom-focused believers, and empower those believers to conquer the spirit of poverty through teaching the biblical principles of wealth, to provide holiness, healing, and deliverance. And then the last point is, empowering the next generation to live boldly as kingdom citizens, and proclaiming the gospel message. All of that is important, brothers and sisters. It is important. But today, around 1.30, the focus shifts, the conversation shifts, not from what you are to do, but the character that we are to do it in. The season is right. The time is right. But is your character, is our character right as we move forward to do the things that we are mandated to do, to follow the vision, to function in the mission, is your character right? So I began to listen. I laid down on my prayer cloth, Elder Cross. I didn't go into my closet. I just laid in a dark room, dark, silent room. I began to listen. And so my responsibility this morning is to share three things that are important for leaders in the church to practice, and then to tell you why. But not just to tell you those things as a study, but also to share my personal experience to help you in your journey as a leader. And then to share those experiences that I had when I was a student, right, before I was saved, when I was newly saved, all the way up to now. So I looked at the characteristics of a God and a leader. I looked at the characteristics that our leaders exhibit, right? But I had only three. Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Body, Spirit, Soul, and Body. Body, Soul, and Spirit. I only had three that I could choose from, so I'm going to share with you about the three that I chose. If you're taking notes, so remember to go back and read Ecclesiastes Chapter 3, all the way down. You can read the whole thing. It's pretty short. But at least down to verse 14, 1 through 14. 1 through 15. And I'll give you more scriptures. But the three things, if you're taking notes, the first one is to be approachable, right? What characteristics? There are so many different characteristics of a good leader, a God and a leader. And I believe each of those characteristics are important attributes for us to have. This is quite a, I find it a challenging task because there are just so many good qualities and so many negative qualities I can say bad qualities of examples to draw from in my experience as I came along. I chose three. The first one that I chose is approachable. Our leaders must be approachable or sociable. And the second one, and I'll go back and I'm going to share everything with you. But if you're taking notes, the second point would be we must be reliable. The second point would be we must be reliable or truthful. Right? Reliable or truthful. And then the last point, and I'll close after that, is we must be dependable and steadfast. Dependable and steadfast. All right? So let's get on with it. God, we love you so much. Have your way in this conversation. We bless you now. We thank you now. You're always, always with us and you help us to understand. That's what we thought could not be understood. So today, approachable. Our leader must be, and this is Tyrell talking, right? Our leader must be approachable. Right? We must be approachable. And I'll give you the scriptures after I give you the explanation. So approachable is capable of being approached. The definition is to be capable of being approached. To be reachable. Right? Specifically, easy to meet or to deal with in a friendly and approachable way. People ought to be able to approach us. People ought to be able to rub elbows, if you will, with us in the places that elbow rubbing is done. Right? So in my early formative years in the church, it was my experience that church leaders were really only there for the adults. Right? In church, children were told to sit down and be quiet. I cannot really remember a time when a deacon or a pastor had any interaction with us in the church, in the youth group, except the two occasions. You know, except one or two occasions. Right? Baptism, they did. One or two occasions. When we had youth day, they did. But as a teenager, I remember that one of my teachers told me, one of the deacons told me, that it was my destiny to leave the church for a season. There's a time and a season. Leave the church for a season. Go out and sow my wild oats. Then somehow find my way back to church. Somehow, at some point in time, to find my way back to church. That was as a teenager. I think I tried that a lot. Then as a young adult, church was very strong. Then as a young adult, church was very structured and formed. Right? The same thing happened every Sunday. The preachers preached. The deacons deached. And the ladies in white shouted and screamed and almost on time and on key. And they shouted loud enough or on time enough so that they were able to out shout the other person who was on the road. Right? The first contact that the leaders had was when the pastor finished, walked to the back of the church, and went and shook hands with the people as they passed out of the service. This is, they would shake hands with everybody. They were approachable, if you will, with everybody until somebody with a long wind stood there and talked and talked and talked and talked until you just decided, hey, maybe next Sunday or the next Sunday. I had something to say. I had something to ask or I had a whatever. But you didn't get to, you know, they weren't approachable. They weren't reachable. So who could have known that the leaders were supposed to at that time, I didn't know they were supposed to be able to be reached by the masses. Right? There were several leaders, you know, lots of ministers, lots of deacons, lots of leaders. But since then, I've learned in this ministry, I've learned that the people I've learned the most from were sociable people. They were approachable people. They could be reached because they seemed to or their leadership staff seemed to or were able to be reached because they would make time to be available for people to listen, to hear, and to help and to guide, to disciple. They were available to be, they were present. Not Dr. Hamm right now. The doctors Hamm are not on the line. They are not here right now. They are out doing what they do. But they built a ministry team that's able to carry on the functions of the ministry lockstep in time and season with them because they've been approachable. And in their approachability, they've also been sociable. They taught us how to live as leaders. As Godly leaders. As examples. People able to reach us because that's, we understand that our purpose and our call and our reason and our mandate is tied to us being able to reach the masses. To be reached by the saved folk and the unsaved folk alike. I imagine that's why God placed so many members in the body of Christ. So his leaders could always be approachable. If one is occupied, there's another. And another. And another. Working to provide team ministry. Remember we understood and learned that team ministry means together everyone achieves more. Together. Working together. We're in different cities. We're in different states. We're in different places. And I'm speaking to the generals. You may have been, say, five days. But we understand that the reason that you're saying, the reason that we're on this side of the kingdom of light is because we are to grow. You are growing. You are maturing to the point where you, too, will be able to be considered a leader. An approachable leader. A responsive leader. A sociable leader. So, the approachable leaders must be dependable and trustworthy leaders also. In Philippians chapter 1, I'm going to be reading from mostly from the English standard version today. But in Ephesians chapter 1, excuse me, chapter 2, verses 1 through 5, it says, so, if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord, and of one mind. Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourself. Let each of us, let each of you look not only to his own thing, it's my thing, I do what I want to do. No. Look not only to his own thing, but also to the interests of others. We are a team ministry. Together we achieve more. It goes on to say, have this mind among yourself, which is yours in Christ Jesus. It is yours. Amen. It is yours. So, the first characteristic that I wanted you to hear was approachable. We must be approachable. So, ask yourself, are you approachable? I heard one Christian leader say that, you know, I make myself available, I make myself approachable, but I don't really like being around people. I don't really like close interaction with folks. Well, it's kind of difficult to want to be in a place and to want to do something and to want to do it, but also be in a mindset that you don't like doing it, you don't want to do it. Can you imagine that? Being approachable, but not available. Doesn't work. Amen. So, the second point that I have today is to be reliable. Right? We're responsible as leaders in the body of Christ. Not just this ministry. Not just me. Not just you. But leaders are responsible to be reliable. The second point is reliable or truthful, which means a person that can be relied on or trusted. Dependable in achievements. Dependable in accuracy. Dependable in honesty. Reliable. Dependable. Right? So, reliable leaders, all reliable leaders are dependable and approachable and trustworthy leaders. They all go hand in hand. They are most commonly, somebody needs to mute their line. So, reliable leaders are most commonly established in the current characteristic by how they are right now. How they're living right now. How they're showing this reliable characteristic by their past experiences. So, there are the successes and the failures that we have, coupled with a great desire to do it better next time. And to do it better next time. So, reliable leaders are not the perfect person, but they are reliable because they have a desire to do it better. And they study hard. And they work hard. And they have a desire to do it better. So, reliable leaders are not the perfect person, but they are reliable because they have a desire to do it better. And they study hard. And they work hard to become a better leader. We can never be, there's always another level. There's always another number. There's not always another point of maturity as we grow. Right? Reliable, truthful, steadfast, sociable leaders are one who have been tried and tried and tried and tried again. And they emerge as true leaders. But they often sometimes hide the scars. They hide the wounds, the battle scars. They may hide them, or they hide their hurts. Yet, their desire is to do it better, to be reliable and to stand their ground, to help others, and to be a part of the team. So, present company included. Sometimes it's not. Sometimes it's not. Sometimes it's not. Sometimes it's not. Sometimes it's not. Sometimes it's not. Sometimes it's not. So, present company included. Sometimes a reliable leader, even though he is reliable, sometimes we're trustworthy. We're dependable. Sometimes we're all those things while hurting. All those things while needing. All those things while going through spiritual growth and development experience that help us to become more mature. And we do it all to the glory of God. The team is there. The team is there. The team is there. 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