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HL January 22,13

HL January 22,13

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Investing in people is crucial for success in Prime America. It is important to prioritize investing in people and teaching them how to think and improve their skills. Teaching people takes time and effort, but it is necessary for their growth. Giving money may help in the short term, but teaching people to create value and develop their own skills is more beneficial. Motivation alone is not enough to drive people to take action, but teaching them the right skills can inspire them to succeed. The goal is to help people become independent and believe in themselves. Underinvesting in people leads to dependence rather than independence. The belief that some people cannot improve or aren't worth investing in is incorrect. Everyone has the potential to grow and improve with the right support and training. Good day, everybody. Hey, listen, it's time to start investing in people, folks. If you're going to get big in Prime America, you need to be one of the greatest investors in people ever. This is how you get big. It's how you build a great business. It's how you create the kind of income that you want to create. It's always with investing in people. You cannot do any great business by yourself. You need to make investing in people the number one priority, actually. In the end, if you're going to get huge, that's got to be what you do. Look, we try to help people, but we aren't giving them the help they really need. It's because most of us are under-investing in people. Investing more means carrying more. Look, we give people answers, and we should be teaching them how to think, how to think right, because the thinking is what drives everything. But providing an answer takes only a few minutes, but teaching people to think takes more time and real effort. You've got to really invest in people's thought process, right? In Prime America, you do that in your meetings, right? In your management meetings, you start teaching people how to think like a winner. Think the way that winners think. In order to do that, you have to study how winners think, what winners do, and then you've got to relate that information to people that they're not going to take the time. The majority of people aren't going to take the time to study that information, folks. They're just not going to. You need to be the one that learns it and teaches it and helps people move in their direction to start doing that on their own. Look, sometimes we give people money when we should be teaching them to create increasingly greater levels of value, right? Giving people money helps them in the short term, but it doesn't provide growth. It's much more difficult to help people increase their value. Look, it's the whole adage you can give a man a fish and feed him for a day or you can teach him how to fish and feed him for a lifetime. That's really the same thing in Prime America. It's not doing things for people. It's teaching people so that they can do for themselves. Investing in people to help them grow their skill set so that they can do for themselves, so they can help develop their own business, so they can then in turn teach other people to do the same things that we've taught them to do, right? Look, we try to motivate people to take action and improve their own results in their own lives, but that motivation lasts only a short time. I'm not a big believer in motivation. I don't really believe that long range I or anybody really has the ability to motivate people. I think we can inspire people through our actions. I think that if we find motivated people, we can teach them skill sets that they can use to build their own successful lives and businesses. But I don't really believe that motivation is how you get people to do things. I believe, and how I've always built my business, is I think it's more valuable for me to teach people what to do and how to do it, and the motivated ones will then do it. But this motivating people is a pile of bunk, folks. If you're not motivated to help your family, to improve your own situation, to make your family's life better, to make your own life better, there's not a darn thing I can do from a motivation standpoint that's going to get you to do that. You have to have that inner desire to do that. But if you have it, I can teach you all the skill sets you need to know in order to maximize this opportunity. Because when I'm not physically there to push you, to talk to you, to motivate you, what's going to happen with you? Because if it's internal on your part, nothing's going to happen, and you're not going to get anywhere. But if you're motivated, and I teach you the skill sets, and once you learn them, because you're motivated, you act on them every day, you're going to do something great. So it's the teaching, folks. It's the teaching people that takes time and effort that most people avoid in our business, unfortunately. They think it's too much, too time-consuming, or too difficult, or whatever. But it's the complete wrong belief, the wrong thinking you have. I believe if I have motivated people, I can help them become as successful as they want to be if I teach them the right skill sets. If I can teach them what I did, how I did it, what I said, what I thought, everything I've done, and they're motivated, then they can duplicate and maybe even do better than I've done. Look, it's more difficult to help people identify and activate their real purpose, the internal motivation that they can sustain over a lifetime. What is that purpose? For me, my purpose in my business, my purpose, has always been to help people with their self-image. And I know the only way that I can help you with your self-image is to get you to grow, to grow your skill sets, to grow your self-confidence. If I can get you to grow, if I can get you to believe like I believe that personal development and growth is the key, and I can get you doing that, then automatically as you grow your skill sets and you start getting better results, your self-image is going to automatically get better. So that's really what I've always done in my business. My purpose is to help people with their self-image. How I have done that is through doing these calls and teaching people and getting people thinking correctly and getting people to do the right things and teaching them the fundamentals, how to prospect, how to set appointments, how to do great presentations, how to overcome objections, teach them how products work, teach them how to recruit, teach them how to field train and get people to feel fast, teaching them those things. So teaching them these skill sets. As they grow in their skill sets, they grow in their self-confidence, they grow in their belief in themselves, and they start believing that they can do things and they start acting on those things. So that's how I've done that. My whole thing is I want people to feel better about themselves, but I also know the only way that we can feel better about ourselves is when we have more belief in ourselves and we grow our skill sets so we believe we can do something and then we start feeling better about ourselves. When we know that we're able to get results, we know that we can succeed. That's how you do it, but it starts with those fundamentals. It starts with teaching people the right things, the right actions. Look, we use quick fix solutions to long-term systemic problems. The person who needs help might take the help and go away, but they haven't left any better than when you found them. They're still dependent. That's when you just give them money or something, right? Why do you think you underinvest? Look, underinvesting produces dependence instead of independence. What I wanted to produce is people who didn't need me. I wanted Rick Susette. I don't need Hector. What do I need him for? I wanted Chris Hours. I don't need Hector. What do I need him for? I know what I'm doing. So I focus on training them to such a high level that they would get to the point where not only that they didn't need me, but they thought they're better than me. I want them to believe they're better than me. I want them to feel like they don't need me. I want them because when they start doing that, the truth is it's true. They don't need me, right? And they can be better than me. I want them doing that because when they do that, then they don't need me. And that allows me to have a lot of freedom. I wanted to be free. I got in Prime America to be free. I realized that the only way for me to be free is to spend so much time and energy with Rick, with Chris, with Gary, with everybody else, and getting them to a high level so that they knew they didn't need me. Now, they would maybe want to have a relationship because they like me and they like being around me, but not because they need me, right, for a different reason, because we're now peers. That's what I was looking for. I don't want my people to need me. If people need me, then that means I'm in jail, basically, right? I don't want to be in jail. That's why this motivation mumbo-jumbo doesn't work because it puts you, the leader, in jail. If you feel like you always have to be motivating people, you're essentially in jail. Who the heck wants to be in jail? I want to be free. The only way to be free is to equip people, train people, develop people to the point where they know they don't need you anymore. Look, there are five reasons why you might be underinvesting. Your failure to invest in people might mean that you believe that the person you're helping can't improve or grow, that they aren't worth investing in because you believe they're incapable of improving. Folks, I believe everybody's capable of growing and improving. Is everybody going to be a superstar and make a million? Of course not, but everybody can improve. Everybody can do much better than they're doing right now. Everybody's worth investing in that's motivated because they can do a lot better with better skill sets and more knowledge and more information and better training. They can do more, right? Everybody. I don't believe everybody's going to be Rick Susie, but I believe everybody could make $100,000 or $200,000 or $300,000 if they want to, so I'm willing to invest in those people. If you have that belief, you're not going to have any problem investing in people. People will surprise you if you give them a chance. It might also suggest that you believe that they aren't really worth the level of investment required, that you believe that there is something more important than helping them grow. That's a terrible belief. There's nothing more important than helping a motivated person to grow. Now, the one thing that's really, I think, the gotcha on this is working with people that aren't motivated. You know who they are, right? They miss every other meeting. They don't read the books. They don't listen to the audios. They haven't worked hard to master the seven fundamentals. These are people that aren't worth investing a lot of energy in. If you see them at the meeting, that's great, but to invest additional energy in those people apart from the meetings you have is ridiculous. I would never invest time and energy with somebody that wasn't doing the things necessary to become better. I wouldn't do it. If I see you and you say, hey, can you spend time with me? Number one, are you mastering those seven fundamentals? Are you coming to all the meetings? Are you doing all the things? Are you listening to the right audios? Are you plugged in? If they're not plugged in doing all the right things, I'm not going to invest any additional time. I'll see them at the meeting. How are you doing? John, Mary, whatever. But I'm not going to be taking them to breakfast or spending an extra hour with them unless I see they're motivated. Unless you're motivated, there's no chance I'm spending time with you. Zero, none, nada. No time for non-motivated people. Motivated people, I'll meet you at 4 in the morning. I'll meet you at midnight. I'll meet you anytime, anywhere to help you grow. That's the way I build my business. But if you're not motivated, no chance, no way, no how. Motivated people deserve your time and attention. Unmotivated people do not deserve anything from you. Make sure you get that. Does that mean I don't care about the non-motivated? No, it doesn't mean I don't care about them. It means that I recognize putting energy into those people is like pouring water into a bucket with holes in it. There's no future in it. There's no reason to do it. It doesn't make any sense. Your legacy is going to consist of nothing more than the lies you've touched for good or for ill. In the end, that's what it's going to come down to, folks. It might be that you really don't know how to give people the real help they need, but this is probably the least likely reason. If that's true, then you need to work overtime on mastering those seven fundamentals and getting great at the business so that you have the ability to help people. Because one thing is you can't teach what you don't know. If you don't know this stuff, how do you teach it? Then your people, if you don't teach them that stuff, how are they going to teach what they don't know? They can't teach what they don't know. That's why training is so critical. That's why I'm a training fanatic. I think most people in primary are not, and I think you should be because it's the easiest way to build it fast. It's the easiest way to build it big. It's the easiest way to build a business that's profitable for years and years, and it's the easiest way to build a business that allows you to have some freedom. You have the ability you possess for a reason, folks. Some people fail to give people the help they really need because it gives them a power of control. They think if I don't teach them, then they're always going to need me and people need to be needed, and that's ridiculous. If their help's always needed, then they're significant. That's what they believe. They're important. Look, nothing makes you more significant than helping people grow and become independent of you. That's what I wanted always. I want people to not need me. The only way for that to happen is for me to train them really, really well, to teach them everything I do, how I think, what I do, how I act, what I did to get here. Teach them. Look, but when it comes to helping people grow, the most likely reason you're under-investing is that you aren't really focused on that outcome. You're focused on treating the presenting problem and not the real source of the problem. Treating the outcome and investing and caring enough to really help solve that problem, and it provides real help. Look, folks, you've got to tie helping people grow with you accomplishing all your goals and dreams for you and your family. You've got to tie the fact that I helped Chris Howard or Rick Susie grow has allowed me to accomplish all the things that I wanted to have in my life. If I don't help them grow, then I don't get what I want. You've got to tie spending time with motivated people, teaching them all the skill sets. You've got to tie that behavior, that focus with you getting everything you want because that is exactly how you're going to get everything you want. If you don't make that a priority, look, for me, teaching and training and being repetitive and going over and over and over the same thing, to me, I tied that to getting everything I wanted. So I never got bored repeating myself four million times. I never got bored saying the same things over and over. I never got bored because, to me, I knew that that was my ticket to getting what I wanted. A lot of you don't believe that, which is why you don't do it. But you need to believe that because it's true. What to invest in. Investing in people is expensive. Really helping requires you to make greater investments. You have to make a greater investment of the most limited and fleeting of all your possessions, which is your time. You've got to invest your time. But you've got to invest your time with the right people, just like you wouldn't take your money and put it in a frivolous investment. You'd want to do your research and make sure that the investment had the best potential to succeed. The same thing is with people. You've got to make sure they're motivated. If they're not motivated, don't invest your time. If they're motivated, you need to invest all the time you can squeeze into them. Investing your time to really help produces outsized returns. It does. When you invest your time to really help people grow, it produces gigantic outsized returns. The time I invested with Rick or with Chris or with any other people that have become successful in my organization, the returns have been a thousand-fold bigger than the time investment. But it's only when you invest with the right people. You know who those right people are. Instinctively, you know who they are. The time invested to give people the help they need is returned to you many, many times over because it creates independence instead of dependence, which is what you want. If you ever want to be free, and I know you do, you've got to spend more time training people. Look, you have to make a greater investment of your emotional energy. You have to care enough about the person that needs your help to give them the help they really need if they're motivated. I keep saying that over and over. I want to make sure you get that so that you don't waste your time. That means you have to shift the outcome from how you can help this person in the fastest way possible to how you can help them grow. It's inefficient. That energy is expensive. It requires patience. It requires tolerance. Look, if you're listening to me right now and it's touched you in some way, then it's likely there's a long line of people that invested enough in caring about you to give you the help that you really needed. Remember what that looked like. Remember how that felt. Remember the difference it made in your life. Remember how you felt about that person that helped you. That's the investment and caring you need to make in helping others. So question, are you giving the people that ask you for your help the help they really need? Again, you've got to make sure they're motivated. If they're just asking but then they're not doing the things they're supposed to do, then no. Or are they doing what's efficient over what is really effective? Are you really creating the value that you're capable of creating? Your value to people is all the skills and knowledge and abilities that you have and your ability to transfer those skills and knowledge and ability to the people who are motivated. Or are you shortchanging yourself and the people that need your help? So let me ask you, what is the root cause of your underinvestment in caring about other people? Enough to give them the help that they really need. You need to investigate. Why don't you do that more? Why aren't you more focused on it? There's something that's holding you back from doing that. You better find out what that is and then you better start working overtime. This is why I'm always just badgering you about personal development because you can't help people. You can't teach what you don't know. The more you grow yourself, the easier it's going to be for you to help and invest in other people to help them grow. So you've got to be on a quest, on a quest to grow yourself, to get your skill sets to the highest level humanly possible so that you can help more people. And as you do that and you help more people and you make more and more people independent of you, everything you want to have happen in your life is going to happen and you're going to have the freedom to enjoy it. And that's the big deal. You're going to be able to enjoy it. Listen, guys. Make sure you find the motivated and you make the investment. I promise you, you will not be disappointed. Talk to you next week.

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