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The devotion is about the dangers of being greedy for money. It warns that being too focused on finances can lead to a trap that controls your life. It suggests that chasing money without a real purpose will never bring satisfaction. Money should not be valued above eternal things and can either be a blessing or a curse. The devotion encourages reflecting on the role of finances in one's life and seeking a healthy balance. It concludes with a prayer asking for guidance to avoid letting money control one's life. Good morning. Today's devotion is titled the money trap and it comes from the book of Proverbs chapter 1 verse 17 and 19 If a bird sees a trap being set it knows to stay away Such as the fate of all who are greedy for money It robs them of life Do you feel overwhelmed when dealing with your finances? Does it feel like you're running on that hamster wheel of life just trying to keep up If you aren't careful your finances can become a trap that dictates your mood and takes control of your life in This fast-paced world it is easy to become addicted to accomplishments Without having a real purpose If you are chasing money for money's sake You'll find that you will never have enough Whether you are in a comfortable financial position or find yourself with a shortfall Remember that money although a necessary part of life is Not something to be held in such high esteem that it causes you to neglect the things that are eternal It can be either be a blessing or a curse Depending on the place you choose to give it in your life Ask yourself this question one Have your finances become an unhealthy part of your daily life wielding more power over you than they should Question two What can you do to keep your finances in the right perspective? Asking God Dear Lord, there are times when I let my financial situation Take control of my life. I never want to give money more value than it should have Help me to find that healthy balance so that my life is never controlled by need or by greed