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Podcast #2

Podcast #2




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The two friends discuss their recent podcast episode and the positive feedback they received. They talk about their plans for the next day, which include going to a Christian service in Foster. They also discuss the cold weather in their house and their recent issues with hot water. They mention a study that says people spend an average of two weeks waiting in line in their lifetime. They then talk about a new calculator one of them bought and its features. They share a story about waiting in line for a basketball game that ended up being canceled, but they got autographs from the players instead. They discuss people who camp out for new clothing releases and express different opinions on the matter. They joke about camping out for a surfboard and then reselling it for profit. Okay guys, I'm Duff and I'm Russ. Welcome to the potty. Here we are, another one. How are you feeling tonight, Russ? Mate, episode 2, I'm keen. That last one turned out just perfect. It was so good, hey. Yeah, you were just sitting there listening to it, weren't you? I was, I was actually just, I spent the last 20 minutes just chilling in the lounge listening to that. I stopped all my HSC trial study and everything just to listen to it. Yeah, it's so good, dude. Same here, actually. Because I haven't even listened to it since I posted it. I didn't even look at it, I just posted it up. That's funny, hey. So, I mean, it turned out for the better, we've had some pretty good feedback. Yeah, we've had a few people listen to it, hey, and they say it's pretty alright. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's so good. So what happened today, Russ? Anything exciting? Mate, it was another day at school. Another day at school? Another fabulous day at school. Fabulous, yeah. Yeah, yeah, you know how it is. What's on tomorrow? Tell us about tomorrow. I was about to say school, but no, tomorrow's not school. I don't know about school. No, tomorrow is Saturday, and that means Christian services are on now. So I'll be heading out to Foster tomorrow morning, probably leave 5.30 or something in the morning. We've got a 7 o'clock start, so I'll leave here at 5.30 and pick up some of the crew on the way in and make our way out there. We're going to Bulls Paddock, or something like that. Bulls Paddock, it doesn't look like a beach, does it? No, it doesn't. What is it? Is there really a beach called Bulls Paddock? Is it like a mud hole with mud sliding? Yeah, you strap yourself onto a cow and you just stand up. What would you like to decide, though? Is there really a beach called Bulls Paddock? I don't know if there's a beach called Bulls Paddock. It's the area. It's next to the Ruins Campground or something like that. Yeah, right. That's like calling a beach desert. Yeah, well, let's go into the desert for a surf, boys. I mean, it's more or less easy if you take out the water. Yeah, that's it. That's pretty close. But yeah, I think it's about 20 minutes out of Foster. Yeah, right. So it's a bit out. Yeah, a bit out. So I'll have to get to Foster then. Yeah, let's tick out. Tick out. I'm keen. It's been a good month since I've been out with the board, so I'm keen to get back in. Yeah, well you were telling me that you were going to go for a paddle in your buddy Dan the other day. I did it this afternoon, actually. With the eels. The eels. Yeah, with the eels. Yeah, I was going to, but then I thought, oh, maybe not the summer, hey? It was a bit breezy. I thought, I'm going to get out and I'm going to freeze to death. Yeah, well, speaking of cold things, isn't this house freezing? It is freezing. We have a fire, but we're not lighting it, and it's pretty cold in here. Not to mention the water. Yeah. Yeah, we had no hot water for a good little bit there. We had to tinker around with the gas bottle. We still got to blow the place up. Yeah, we had a couple of dings and dangs, but here we are in one piece. We've blown up. We've made it. Yeah. We've had some cosy showers this summer. Yeah, yeah, it's been pretty good. It's been pretty good. I was actually reading a thing today, and it's a study that reckons that in our lifetime, we spend an average of two weeks of waiting in line. Out of our life, we've spent two weeks of that life waiting in lines. What do you think about that? That doesn't sound right. I feel like it would be way longer than that. You reckon longer? I reckon it would. Two weeks? Two weeks. Two times 20. In fact, all right, let's stop this right here for a second, and let's have a quick talk about the new Casio. Oh, you got one. I got one. You got one. Mr. Hamilton will be proud of you. Fifty-four dollars. Fifty-four. Fifty bucks down the drain, and here we are. Down the drain. That's right. It's a waste of money, dude. It looks cool. It's got some cool little- Oh, it's got cotton. And you can go into all your different modes and stuff like that. How do you do that? Home. And then you've got all your stuff here. It's like complex statistics, distributions- Okay, you've convinced me now. I've convinced you. Look, I was reading the- Oh, it's not on the back of it. I was like, huh? Huh? Where'd it go? But it had this list of what a normal calculator has, and what it has, and it's like putting a poem next to a Bible. It was like a scroll. I rolled that onto the floor and went down the hallway. Yeah, I unloaded it and it was like my Christmas list. This thing went out of the Officeworks door into the car park and across the street. That's how viral it is. Caused five incidents and broke, but that's alright. A couple road closures. Yeah, by the time you got to the end of it, there were a couple of tire marks and you couldn't even read it. Yeah. Yeah. No, I've got to say, it looks pretty fresh. It does, and it's different. I like the white. I don't know how I feel about the blue, though. I don't like the blue. It's very, I don't know, white. It's different, and the way that it's put on, like this is the lid. Feel that. Try and put the lid on. I don't like that at all. I don't either. Oh, it clips. But it's weird, isn't it? No, that's not right. And look at this leather finish on the side of it. Yeah, this thing's elite. Look at that leather finish. Is it even leather? I don't know, some plasticky leather. No, not that. This. Feel that. Oh. Huh? It's like a soft, plasticky leather thingy. I don't know. Yeah. But, here we go. Nonetheless, let's see what. Two weeks. 24 times, wait, is it 14? 336 hours. Okay, maybe that does sound a bit rough. 336 hours. I don't think I've waited in a line for ever longer than an hour. Although, there was. We're talking about what time? There was one time I actually waited in a line for ages. We went to a basketball game. And the funny story is my dad always wanted to go watch a basketball game. So, the first one we went to, my sister got really sick and started vomiting in the middle of it. And we had to leave just before the game started. My dad was gutted. So, he hated that. And then, we kind of lined it up. And at the start of the line, really, we were ready for our next one. And we're sitting in the thing, and it had been a bit cold the night or something. And there was condensation on the floor or something. And they were walking along with brooms, and they delayed the game for the first 10 minutes. And then they said, sorry guys, the game's been called off. The floor is too moist for the players. No way. Too dangerous. So, anyway, there's a guy there called Andrew Bogart, I believe. And he used to play in the NBA. He was one of the Australian players that went over there. And he was actually there for that game. And so, what happened was, because everyone was like, oh, we got refunds and stuff. They were like, oh, we came out for nothing and waited so long. They actually set up lines to sign balls for people. Oh, that's awesome. So, all the team members signed. So, I think it was Sydney Kings versus someone else. But my dad just got Andrew Bogart's signature on a ball. And, like, he reckoned it was going to be worth a mint piece. That's awesome. That's my inheritance. That's your inheritance. That's what you're going to get in your father's bills. Everything to Caitlin. And then a ball. Basketball. Basketball, yeah. A lot of the time, it gets all faded, and they'll figure it's not worth anything. Speaking of lines, though. What do you reckon about these people that, like, camp out to wait for, like, new releases of clothing and stuff? Black Friday sales or whatever it is. Like, have you seen that? Where they just hang out and camp out outside of shops and things. Yeah. Or even the fireworks. Like, New Year's Eve fireworks. People camp out days before just to get a good spot. Yeah. I've seen them for, like, Nike releases, like shoes. Yeah, that's right. And I see them for, like, Apple products as well. Apple's got a pretty big fan base. Anything that's kind of, like, that elite sort of thing. Like, a lot of hype around it. I reckon it's excessive. I reckon it'd be fun. It'd be an experience. Really? It would be. I'd go camping, like, for a holiday, but I'm not going to camp out in front of a shop. Alright, alright, alright. How about this? How about Kik? What if we camp out in front of Kik? Yeah, but again, that's different. Kik's different to waiting for a new shoe to release. Okay, what about if they were releasing... Kik's, not shoe. The biggest, the biggest, bestest, in the worldest, surfboard. And then we're only releasing one. Would you be camping in that line? Okay. Let me, let me, um, combat that question with a question. Alright, alright. Can I afford that surfboard? Okay, how about they give it away for free? Probably not. And a free meal. We know you don't like to pay for free meals. Okay, okay, look, there's a topper million on top of that. I've got to say yes. You would camp out for that? I'd probably camp out for that. I suppose, yeah, okay, you got me there. Maybe, maybe it depends on like, um, you know, what it is. If you had a good group of boys, I reckon it'd be a good time. Yeah, you'd do it with a good group of boys. I say the next, like, random thing to drop that people are excited for... Yeah. We, we, um, we camp out in front of it, and we just wait, and then we get to be up in front of it, and we go, actually, we're not really interested. Maybe it's like some, um, some makeup thing, and we're gonna... Yeah, yeah. Or, we get to the front, and we buy all the stock, and we don't want it. We resell it. And then we resell it. That's genius. I'm pretty sure that's illegal. But it's genius. But, but it'll work. And if people are that desperate to want it... Yeah. They'll buy it. They'll buy it. That's good. That's a good call. Yeah. But that is a good point, actually. People spend excessive amounts in line. Yeah, yeah. And actually, that's a good point. I suppose that probably does up to hours for, like, the average, like... The average, yeah. They probably, they probably take one for the team and kick it up a few hours. They probably do. Because... Thanks, guys. I don't think I've ever been in the line for nearly much. I mean, at the canteen at school, that takes... That takes a long time. But, see, when you know, when you know Simone... Yeah. You can find her. When you have connections with the canteen lady. The canteen lady. The top dog. Yeah, the top dog. The... The kingpin. The kingpin. That's what I was trying to think of. The kingpin. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, no, you can just slide through the door. Yeah. Yeah. That's so good, hey. Or you come up to the side of the counter, and you say, hey, I'm just here for a fork. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. 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