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Ep 1 Ever Day Is A Good Day

Ep 1 Ever Day Is A Good Day

New Season Podcast



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The podcast host discusses the importance of maintaining a positive mindset and shares her personal journey in developing this mindset. She emphasizes the need for mental spring cleaning and letting go of negative thoughts and beliefs. The host also talks about the process of healing and accepting past experiences. She encourages listeners to work on personal growth and not to bring their current selves to their future goals. The host highlights the significance of having peace and joy, even in the midst of challenging situations. She acknowledges that everyone goes through ups and downs, but it is important to address and process emotions rather than ignore them. The host mentions the role of emotions as triggers and signals for deeper healing. She challenges the belief that doubts and fears are signs of weakness, stating that they are part of the human experience and should not be ignored. The host concludes by emphasizing the importance of faith and understanding that doubts and fea Hey y'all and welcome to the first season, the first episode of the new season podcast where every day is a good day every day every day every day is a good day no matter how you're feeling no matter what happened no matter if you just broke up lost your job no matter your puppy doll peed on the carpet for the 15th time today it does not matter today's a good day today's a good day and the mindset the model of this podcast is every day is a good day and I just want to share with you guys because um I did not wake up like this not from a lone shot if you have known me for years you know your girl can worry okay your girl can be a bit your girl can can be everything but positive okay so this has been a a muscle that I have built in a muscle that I have been working on and it's gotten a lot easier throughout life however it is something that you need to work on and to work on it I have been taking care of myself when it comes to some mental spring cleaning all right go ahead and get you some bleep some time song the purple fabuloso the purple fabuloso is the one you gotta get okay for this for this to work the yellow one and the green one no they don't smell good the purple one is the one I'm just playing but for real get the purple one but get you some get you some disinfectant clean your mental start now and what I mean by clean your mental right you know we gotta heal we gotta accept a lot of things that have happened in our lives we have no backtrack you have to accept everything that has happened in your life there is no such thing like oh that didn't happen it did happen so accept it you know deal with it sometimes you gotta sit in it and just cry and just like not cry you know and I I've seen myself cry you know this on Hollywood they look real nice and pretty when they cry your girl when I'm hurt oh Jesus all that is on my face and I'm like really don't cry in public no more if you if you do kind of hide your face a little bit okay just play it not really because my face be looking crazy but you know I'm being authentic when I cry okay but um yeah yeah let some things go you gotta talk to some people ask some questions you gotta be able to talk to yourself be able to forgive yourself you're gonna go over a lot of these things throughout this podcast but I finally realized like if I really want that true happiness that true peace not this little stuff you see on Instagram and Facebook and social media it's like oh I'm happy are you you know like really because it was it seems like your joy only lasted for a few minutes and now you up that again no I want that long lasting joy and peace and happiness and to do that I've had to accept some things I have to let go of a lot of depressive thoughts daddy issues old agreements traditions and even some religious beliefs okay I have to let go of a lot of these things to make way for the better things in life I noticed that a lot of us and me me and just observing other people I've noticed that we have an idea of who we want to be in life and we're trying to be that person unfortunately you're unable to take who you are now to that goal or you may have a vision like one day I'm going to own my own business one day I'm going to be this amazing mom one day I'm going to be an amazing wife amazing husband you know I want to have the money in the bank I want to be um a philem oh my god I try to say this word and it just did not come out right um I want to help people I want to help people give donations that word that word okay I want to do all these things I want the big house on the hill I want all these things well you can definitely get those things right but we already know that we need to grow we gotta grow we gotta we can't take who we are now into that vision it just doesn't work I've tried it doesn't work okay but we'll speak more on that in more details in later episodes um so I'm telling you guys right now having this peace having this joy it just feels so good like oh just being able to just let go and being able to just you know the world around me is burning up okay things close to me are not going as planned at all okay I'm like this is not what this is not what I thought it was going to be like all right this is not what I signed up for okay that yep that's out of place this is out of place this is just downright dirty I don't know what's going on over here um but even though all that is going on I still have this peace that I'm great I'm fine bringing the right place you're doing the right things with the right people you have your tribe just keep pushing keep doing what you're doing and everything else is being taken care of it just feels so good okay and I know some of you guys are a little complex right now you're thinking to yourself um but Bree you don't understand my story okay you don't you don't understand the things that I've gone through you have not walked in my shoes you haven't gone through this and this and that and this and that and that so how can you really say that no matter what happens every day it's still going to be a good day I'm glad you asked I'm glad you asked let me use you as an example all right so let's just say you know I'm well I am doing it so I am doing this I am doing things to have to adopt this mindset and I'm still working on this muscle you on the other hand have not started on this at all you're not doing it god forbid something does happen that's just horrific which one of us will be able to really overcome the situation a lot faster you and me me because I am now practicing I am now preparing I am now nurturing my relationship with my daddy god y'all hear daddy that's god okay unless I specify any other way daddy is god okay but because I am nurturing my relationship with god I am resting in his love in his grace I am strengthening my identity I am pouring positive thoughts into my mind no matter what every day of the day that's my motto you know because I'm doing these things whatever that horrific tragedy or whatever happens it's going to sting I'm not sitting here and saying that I don't get sad that's not what I'm saying it's going to sting however between the both of us I will be able to get out of situation a lot faster because of the mindset that's what I'm saying so take it from me okay if you don't want to be upset or sad and depressed and so forth along for a long extensive time um start now start learning this lesson start cleaning up shop clean your mental start healing you know unload yourself because it is just it just feels so good when you do it all right and I promise you when you do it every day will be a good day when I speak I only speak from my experiences yeah I listen to other people's stories but then I take what you say and I apply it to me but I put myself in your shoes and I see how did that fit my life so everything I speak about are my own experiences you guys are hearing about ups and downs and twisting and and spinning in circles and all types of things okay so get ready for that there are moments when I do not feel my best there are moments when I just come home I don't care I'm going to bed okay I'm going to bed turn my fan on my fan comes on no matter how cold it is outside I just made sure I put on extra blankets okay it was still so good okay but I'm coming home my bed is going on and I am just going to sleep because it's just I'm not feeling it right now and it's still a good day even on those days because what I'm saying is I'm not going to ignore the feelings I've tried that it does not work okay military are you in the house okay we've been taught that for so long ignore how you feel push that push it down and keep it moving okay but um no it doesn't work it out it only just makes you more and more sick mentally and you're just a ticking time bomb to be honest um there are moments when I am pissed off I am angry I am not crying I have doubtful moments fearful moments okay there's times when I just want to throw in the towel and there are times when I have thrown in the whole laundry basket like forget this I'm out thank you bye I'm laughing because I'm thinking of different experiences um and you know some of you may think that there's nothing new that's not new like okay there's just being a human being and yeah I agree with you but unfortunately some people believe that those emotions are weaknesses okay females ladies um so many times we've been told that you know you're being too much like calm down if you want to piss somebody off tell him to come tell a woman to calm down she is fine all right she's just expressing some things now I'm not telling you to allow the emotions to take over but I'm telling us not to ignore the emotions because they do play a really good part a really big part in you understanding what's going on those emotions whatever they are are triggers and they are warnings and they are signals that there is something off here when you take the time out and really ask yourself the question why am I upset or why did that trigger me or why did that emotion hit me and you dig into it you will be able to unravel some under emotions and some oh you know what that triggered this experience that I went through and now I might need to go ahead and take care of that like that's because I need to heal so next time something like this comes along I don't feel that way again you see like it all just plays together it all works together but there are some people who believe that doubts and having fears is just a lack of confidence and you're just a weak person okay they think that it's just a horrible thing for you to have some type of doubt and you're instantly deemed to have no faith you know doubt and faith does not go together I get it but once again let's not ignore what's going on and to be quite honest with you that's not of God that's the enemy okay yes I know my I know dad does not want us to doubt him but when you really figure out why it is it now allows the doubt to go away all right it now allows the doubt to go away I don't want us to ignore our emotions because now when you feel so negative because you have the emotion you now are going down the road of shame and because you're down the road of shame shame creates more shame you're so ashamed that you doubt it you're so ashamed that you have these feelings you're so you're so ashamed that you had a quote unquote weak a weakness a weak moment now you start to isolate yourself from people because you're so ashamed of this I think just thinking here off the top of my dome I think that is weakness when you don't express the feeling when you don't take the time out to really cry your eyes out like if you feel like crying freaking cry when you don't and you don't accept things and you don't heal that's the weakness okay so that's the weakness you're trying to be so strong and keeping it all together and you're trying you're trying to be so so strong and not accepting what's going on to the point that you're now in isolation in your quote-unquote strength you're actually ashamed of whatever it is that you're going through or whatever your thoughts are and now you're going into isolation which means you're now putting yourself in this little box by yourself you don't want to talk to anyone you don't want to address any problems and now this is going to cut off a lot of life um a lot of a lot of good things pouring into you your life source because you're not supposed to like we're not created to be the lone ranger okay we're not created to be by ourselves all the time um there's a difference though between isolation and how did I just forget this word oh my god how did I just forget this word there's a difference between isolation and solitude oh my god I that just left my brain that instantly that that quickly okay there's a difference between isolation and solitude solitude you know just want to be by yourself but sometimes you need a break you need some rest you just need to you know be in your thoughts you need one-on-one time with God solitude you're fine because you're going to come back to the people okay come back we love you let's hug you okay you're not just going to separate yourself from your friends and family and don't talk to them that's isolation two different things all right um but at the end of the day when you isolate yourself you're no longer getting that getting that love that you need and now the longer you're in isolation you end up not talking to God anymore how how you know this Brianna because I've done it okay I've been there okay you're so ashamed you messed up again and now it's like I don't want to talk about it I feel like I'm going crazy I don't want to even talk to God about this even though he knows what's going on like it's not like he just disappeared okay he is still there but I don't even I don't want to talk about it I just want to just deal with this alone and now we're down the road of depressed depression and depressive thoughts and if it's not a good role but all we had to do was accept and acknowledge the feelings accept and acknowledge the feelings and once you accept and acknowledge them you can now dig into them and find the reasons like what caused the doubt what caused the fear what caused the anger you know what is the source what did this come from why do I feel like this when did I begin doubting when did I begin feeling afraid when did I begin feeling anger you know when we get to it now we can start tracing it all the way down like why did this happen who said it and why does that person make me mad and now we can just keep on keep on keep on tracing it down and then down we hit the root the root is where it all started because the root is going to sprout flowers and the flowers look pretty right now but those flowers are actually poisonous to be honest the root is sprouting thorns because these thorns just keep poking us in different ways and now we're poking other people too because because you are hurting other people when you're hurt oh my gosh okay and unintentionally you hurt people when you're hurt so when we get to the root we can't just yank it out because it took time for that root to even grow it took years for that root to to be to be able to take hold of you the way it has like for example let's say you know as a kid you did not receive the love that you deserved and now that seed of not having love sprouted into a root and now from that root you grew out into an adult not receiving the love from your parents that you deserve so now everything in your life is based on that the decisions you made were based on that your attitude towards relationships were based on that so now when you find out hey the reason why I don't trust people the reason why I have toxic relationships the reasons why I don't love deeply or I'm afraid when people try to love me is because as a kid I did not receive the love that I needed it's going to take some time to really wrap your brain around that and it's really gonna take some time for you to be able to accept it because think about it you're saying that your parents did not love you the way that you deserve that's a big one so it's gonna take some time to heal and forgive them you see what I'm going with this so even when we're healing and we're starting to pull the the root out we gotta replace it replace it with positivity you know the the reality is I did not receive the love that I needed from my parents but the truth is God has always loved me come on now I know I'm preaching today okay listen these are things that I've gone through okay my dad was not in my life okay so there was a void there however the truth is the reality no not the truth the reality is I did not have a father growing up the truth is my daddy was always there okay come on put a shot up in here just saying okay so the more you heal then you're like all right that's reality this is the truth I am still loved all right and once again your girl didn't wake up like this okay it took me some time to accept and to forgive and to allow myself to feel loved all right so another thing is this too don't do it by yourself don't do it by yourself you can't tell everybody your business I understand that because not everyone wants to accept this type of thinking and not everyone is even mature enough to to guide or to help you you know some people when you cry and they are really quick to say oh don't cry don't cry don't cry those people are uncomfortable sitting in their emotions they are uncomfortable um with their own selves and that's the reason why they can't sit with you when you are upset or when you cry when you can find someone when someone comes and that person's able to you don't have a friend I'm going everywhere now but you ever have a friend who you can sit there and scream and cuss them out and just be angry right and that friend is just like you done oh that that person pisses me off like um I need you to be mad with me but the thing is they're like I'm gonna sit here and take it when you are done and exhausted and get all that out of you then we can talk that's a good friend okay when that friend is able to sit there and cry with you along the way don't don't mess that friendship up all right that's a good friend right there when you find people who can just love on you even though you ugly and you being mean that's your job that's your job okay so what I'm saying is when you find those people that your mom your brother your sister whoever they are cling on to them because they can be the ones who can help you out of or help you dig that root out okay sometimes it's not your immediate family it can just be a friend or whoever it is bottom line is I feel myself rambling the bottom line is once you get to the root it just feels so much better and now you're able to replace it with the positivity and love and grace from God okay so I know that the question can be well Bree how is that still a good day because child you just learned about yourself okay you're moving forward you're not you're not failing backwards all this stuff is just making you move forward there was no failure all the healing was moving you forward all the tears that you cried was moving you forward so now you're able to smile for the reason you're able to now release that burden and now you're able to be like you know that was a moment of sadness not my whole life not my whole day it was a moment so now when things come along and they they bump you and people try to like take you out you're like back up boo boo uh-uh I'm good okay that that would have hurt me last year but today you're wasting your time you are wasting your time back up devil I'm here now I am healed baby don't play with me all right try something else but today today is a good day every day is a good day so before we go any further into this amazing talk and into the next episodes and so forth and I want to reintroduce myself so a few years ago I had a blog and a podcast titled vibes of a queen and I stopped all right I I stopped because I had just separated from the navy um I started a business and my focus was to build a business and the business was profitable um however it still took away my love like I I stopped doing what I love to chase money don't do that that that never works it never works because the podcast is really podcasting and writing and really writing all this stuff out and sharing it with you it's really an outlet for me so when I'm writing my episodes and my articles I'm healing the things I'm telling you guys are things that I have learned and I am still learning because you don't just stop learning like the lessons life lessons don't just stop because aha I healed or aha I figured it out no no no no you gotta keep going um so these episodes and me writing and me having conversations different people are really ways for me to heal and to stay healed all right and to stay healed so um like I said I was in the navy I did 12 years and I got out and I started a business and things didn't go as planned however what I have learned and this is from my from my from my best okay what I've learned is that just lean into God okay lean into God and no this is not a religious podcast but I will be so wrong if I did not express the the relationship that I have with my daddy okay and it took some time for me to get here too y'all child we got some things to talk about okay because in violence of a queen this was not my my motto at all okay I had got through some things but you guys will you guys will learn some you guys will learn some but as far as you know hey just lean into God that's my biggest thing that's not I'm gonna end with that I'm gonna end with that lean into God know that all the stories that you guys hear are authentic they're raw they're unfiltered you're gonna have some special guests come on here if you want to be a part of of the conversation if you want to share your stories reach out to me I'm on Spotify I'm on Apple podcast I'm on Instagram and let's chat let's get some things together I'm always open to learn from other people and this podcast is the new season podcast because I am no longer Bree from three years ago shoot I am no longer Bree from a couple months ago okay Bree is growing up here okay out here in these streets growing and just blossoming to the beautiful rose that I am okay but just let you guys know I'm excited I'm glad to have you here I'm ready to learn from you I just hope and pray that things I say help you in some way and by all means today is a good day every day is a good day no matter what is happening around you it's still a good day so until next time guys peace love happiness and I'll see you guys soon bye you

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