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cover of Puff Daddy 2
Puff Daddy 2

Puff Daddy 2

Larry Parks



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The speaker discusses the responsibility of someone who has been wronged to accept or reject money as a settlement. They mention the criticism towards Cassie for accepting a settlement after alleging abuse by Puff Daddy. The speaker argues that accepting the money does not imply guilt and that the story is already out there regardless. They also talk about the power of money and how it can lead people to believe they can do anything. They mention the example of Puff Daddy's deals with artists and the condition of not speaking ill of him. The speaker questions whether it is the money or the person that leads to such behavior. They discuss the alignment between morals and money and how some people are willing to do anything for money. They reference Wendy Williams and Jerry Springer as examples of people who prioritized profit over morals. The speaker also mentions people seeking fame and money through reality TV shows. And we're back right here on the Unemployment Light, Doc and Larry P talking about Puff Daddy selling his lawsuits and the power of money and what I want to get to right now is the idea of what is the level of responsibility of somebody who has been wronged to accept or not accept that money because I see a lot of criticism going towards Cassie and when I say I'm talking about Cassie but I'm talking about y'all it's like hey this man abused me allegedly she puts out the what is like a 30 page report 35 page really and people are criticizing her for accepting the settlement but my thing is what else was she supposed to do? See this is my thing in a situation like this and this is what me and Doc was talking about off the air before we came back you know it's not an admission of guilt and even if did he say hey take this money and don't talk about it like the story's already out there that story ain't going nowhere so at the end of the day you really got to ask yourself even if I do take this civilly and I do take this to court knowing if whatever allegedly if Puffy is who she says she is or whatever the report says he is you got to think I mean we've all watched television we've seen this happen time and time again how many people that Puffy you pay whoever do you have witnesses and whatever witnesses you have what's they price but see and that's one of the things we were talking about in the last segment though like there's a limit to that you can't pay everybody off so basically you're challenged with do I attempt to try to reconcile with all of these people that I've wronged in the past and do I change my ways or do I eventually just run out of money we talked in the break about Danny D. King so Puffy did this thing where a news story came out a few months ago where a lot of bad boy artists were able to get the rights to their music again and so several of the artists that he's worked with accepted those deals or accepted those terms and then we later found out according to um Aubrey from Danny D. King that a part of that deal was you can never like talk bad about Puff if you accept the terms of this deal like that sound like somebody who was doing a bunch of stuff that wasn't supposed to do just hushing them up but like I said if you Cassie in this situation and he come up to you with a 12 million dollar lawsuit you already got that image I hope he's not coming up there based on some of the stuff I saw in that 35 page report you you you you basically got a she need a restraining order yeah she she do she do but uh you got to ask yourself you got it's a bluff you got it you got to figure out you know know when to hold know when to fold and you gotta say yeah eventually his money has to end but do I want to take that chance and do I take the 12 million or I just risk going to say hey we're gonna take this civilly to court and we see how long your money is let me ask you like let me completely derail this conversation because this is a this is a question I need to answer to do people think they can do whatever they want because they got a lot of money or is it that sometimes people who think they can do whatever they want end up getting a lot of money and then start to get away with stuff I think people so I think it's twofold for one I think people with a lot of money for one feel like they could do whatever they want as you can see a bunch of these uh celebrities when they be out here on TMZ throwing temper tantrums doing all this stuff and it's just because they not getting their way you know Trey Songz out here raping women he ain't getting his way you know Jeremiah tearing up FUD records tearing up FUD records cuz a little girl won't give him his phone number you know they just not getting their way so a lot of times people got money and you don't even have to look at celebrities you can look like neighborhood dope boys and stuff like that the city dope boy like they got money or let's not let's not just isolate them like a lot of like you know CEOs and vice presidents and all of these things people with high-ranking positions people who we would consider like upper middle class into that upper class like a lot of them we see these stories about like things that they're doing that are somewhere between corrupt and criminal and they just I think my question is is it the money or is it the person because I don't feel like anybody thought these things about P Diddy when he was on the come up like the biggest issue with P Diddy then was that he's annoying nobody thought like he was like a bad person like now we're viewing him like something wrong with boy well that's why I said it's twofold because I think people when you got a bunch of money you feel like he could do anything and then people doing anything end up getting a bunch of money is because they the people that end up getting a bunch of money that do anything or feel that they could do anything usually don't have the moral compass that the people or the vice versa the opposite so you got to look at somebody like puppy you don't get that money by being a good person you get that money stepping on people screwing people over 360 deals whatever you got to do to make sure you keep getting money and as soon as like like I said those two personalities start to to come together start to fuse you now have somebody that's willing to do anything to get money and then you have somebody that has the money it feels like I can do whatever I want to do because this is how I got to where I am I don't feel there's a reasonable alignment between morals and money like not to make this too personal about us and what we do but there's a version of our company in this show that we could do if we had less morals that would make us a lot more money when the Williams like we could just get on here and like talk bad about people and use profanity and talk crazy but we've been trying to do it in a very morally appropriate manner like we talk about things very respectfully on the I would say I feel like I can speak for the entire network but if we uh if we decided to just kind of go off the rails and do whatever it would be more profitable I looked at a Wendy Williams highlight tape one day when he was wowing and just to think about it like back then like she had a whole show people showing up to her show and everything and like people was like showing sitting in the audience like you know laughing at her but she really was like just out there ragging people I was like well you talking about are you talking about the TV show I'm talking about both I'm talking about on her radio show on her radio show she was wowing and she kind of like piped it down when she got to the TV show but even on a TV show she would sit in there just talking like yeah he looks like he has age and they go to the next picture but what is what are we doing Wendy so that means so I'll give you a good example of that Jerry Springer Jerry when Jerry was on the come up you know yeah yeah no problem putting whatever on the show the man had the clan on there ain't Jerry Springer did yeah okay Jerry's no longer with us I want to make sure I ain't killing people off in my head no no no Jerry's no longer with us but when that show was on the come up when that show was at its peak like they did not have they did not have no morals and they did not think about the long-term ramifications of putting these people out here like that so you think about a show like Jerry Springer right a lot of people would say like some of this is staged or XYZ but they would say often like nah nah these are real people well these are real people a lot of that was staged I feel like people would make stuff up so they can get on the show but I also feel like they would exploit these people and what they had going on for ratings and for profit and these people were getting nothing out of it other than an appearance on the show reason why I question how much of it was like fully staged is we never saw any of these people like in other um ventures like we never saw them on like other TV shows and stuff but that's the thing about it though that's the thing about it um and it's not even Jerry Springer it's it's you some people the the U.S. has a lot of people in it so many of those people just they they hunger for just 15 minutes of fame whatever you got to do to get on there and like even if you take Jerry Springer out of it look at American Idol some of the people know they can't sing and they'll go they'll make a fool of themselves why just for their 15 they just want their 15 minutes of fame but that's it and that 15 minutes of fame is profitable too like think about somebody like a William Hunk who went in there and sang she bangs yeah this man know he can't sing right but made made enough money off of doing that brief appearance on American Idol to you know do something with himself for a short period of time so and I get I get like that's the setup of that's the setup of capitalism like you you can figure out ways to to make money on the short term but yeah you also got to think about you say you didn't see like those people that show up on Jerry Springer you say you didn't see those people it's not the fact that you didn't see them you weren't really looking for them because they go on to do other stuff like they'll do Jerry Springer then they'll go get on something like Judge Mathis or they'll get on something like divorce court but like you already got this resume of like look you see my ratings like put me on your show and then boom we'll put this person on there for entertainment they get a little check I do see that with the um with the next wave of reality tv so when you start talking about shows like The Bachelor or um like some of those shows on VH1 like those people would be on there quote-unquote looking for love but they was on another show and then the next thing you know they on a different tv show acting so that that was like a like that was like a stepping stone for people but all of it really boils down to people would do whatever for money yeah and so when you look at this circumstance with Puffy and Cassie a lot of people are questioning did she do it for the money and I think because we're so blinded by like I'm about to speak out of school but I'm gonna say what I need to say because this is what what people are thinking some people look at this story they look at the 35 page report and say that's worth 12 million dollars I take that for 12 million dollars because there we are as a society so consumed with money that people really think that there's a price on everything people put a price on their dignity people put a price on their mental health it's just like yeah would you care um would I be completely traumatized for 100 million dollars sure like that's how people are looking at things that's how much money has worked us yeah and at the end of the day man those skeletons are like you know and this is another part that I was saying like even like with the Cassie situation I was trying to tell people because people was like man that's got to be embarrassing like even if like you know that stuff is true like people will read that about oh man did he did this I never let somebody this at this point when she's at that point she was yeah when she gets to the point though when she gets to the point that she tells the story and we know the story like she's gotten over that hump like she's gone through that whole uh fear of like you know nobody believe in her or that healing period and all that like we know the story now but she's comfortable enough to put it out there because she's kind of healed from it but it took you to see how long it took her to be like dang man how long ago was that Cassie and like I have put on Facebook and then uh somebody commented and was like that was such a long time ago man like I feel like you know she just she's just jealous and everything and then somebody commented was like hey man ain't no ain't no ain't no expiration date on uh domestic violence like it was like hey man like if she's been abused like she's been abused like you can't put no expiration date on that like if it's 30 years down the line that she want to tell her story like let her tell her story but they got to go through that healing which at this point she's gone through it um or she's going through it yeah I think the other thing people have to realize because I feel like y'all um y'all enable abusers when y'all talk like this so like I want y'all to be very careful when y'all say things like why should we wait so long to say something because like that that vividly came out about the R. Kelly situation like and it came out about the Bill Cosby situation where people started to feel comfortable coming out to express what really happened after they knew they probably wouldn't get murdered by saying it like if Cassie would have said in the moment when she's going to come up not at the time when she's like away from the situation but if she had said like in the early stages of her working with him like yeah I had to stop working with him he was he was doing some things I wasn't comfortable with and they started pressing her on questions and she's like I don't really want to talk about it but I just had to stop working with him and then they keep pressing her so then he tells them what's happening not only would people have not believed her but then it would be the reverse like it wouldn't be her filing a civil suit against Puff it would be his company filing suits against her for defamation of character and so she had to make sure that when she said something or when she filed this case that she was going to have the level of support necessary to actually follow through and actually put the information out there you're not going you she didn't have that level of leverage at that time and you're also in the middle of being abused and if anybody knows anything about abuse you don't always know you're being abused when you're being abused she might have thought oh this is just what happens no this is not what happens she's probably found that out later in life and realized hey that was wrong I should say something about that so other people don't have to go through this that is a fact that's the unemployment line

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