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Episode 2: Entitled Citizens Of Our Planet Earth

Episode 2: Entitled Citizens Of Our Planet Earth




My encounter with racism .. I refuse to let anyone change whom am I I will STAY ahead of negativism. I will continue to share mutual respect


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The speaker shares a personal experience of racism she faced in a parking garage, where a Caucasian woman disregarded her right to a parking space and made racist comments. The speaker stands up for herself and challenges the entitled behavior, emphasizing that no one has control over their place of birth or skin color. She concludes by expressing her hope for a world where people treat each other with kindness and respect. She encourages listeners to spread kindness and reminds them that everyone shares the same fate. The podcast episode ends with a message of gratitude and a call to share the episode with others. Hello, hello there, hello once again, you're welcome to my podcast called Naija Mama's Words of Wisdom. Today, I have chosen a topic that I'm sure every diaspora around the world must have had one or two encounters with. I haven't lived in this country now for 25 years and I can say that I haven't had much of that but early this year, I was faced with a situation where I just knew that I needed to, you know, get it off my chest by talking about it on my podcast. So the topic I've chosen today is called entitled citizens of our planet Earth, my experience with racism in early 2024. So some days ago, I had yet another racism. I had a dispute with a Caucasian woman at a parking garage in my city. I was waiting for a car to vacate the parking space so I could park there. However, a car from the opposite side suddenly drove into the empty space, despite my traffic lights signaling that I was waiting to park. I honked my horn to get the attention of the driver in front of me, but she ignored me. Frustrated, I drove my car and parked behind hers, blocking her path. Suddenly, she gave me the attention she had refused earlier and stepped out of her car to talk to me. Best of my efforts to make her understand the situation, she was very rude and told me to go find another parking space. I told her that wasn't the problem, that I would let it go if there were other free spots and she was a little polite. However, she responded by telling me to go help myself and to go back to the jungle where I came from. That was deep. I was shocked. Upon regaining my composure after the initial shock, I addressed the woman, I said, Lady, I cannot move my car because she was now saying, get up behind me, blah, blah, blah. I said, I can't move my car unless you agree to vacate my parking space. I said firmly. Passersby started gathering around us as the woman began throwing a tantrum. I proceeded to explain to her that her status as a landowner and her lighter skin complexion were merely coincidences and not reasons for her entitled behavior. I reminded her that simply being born in a country did not give her the right to claim ownership of it. And we went back and forth, she was trying to tell me to get off, blah, blah, blah. So then I said to myself, I calmed down. I said, I have some news for you, Lady, it's important to note that neither you nor I had any control whatsoever over where we're born or the color of our skin. If you have an issue with my presence here in this moment, in this place, then it is up to you to leave this country and return to your place of origin. As the onlookers started laughing at her shocked expression, she was about to respond when I firmly said to her, Lady, I'm not done yet. I said to her, I have no problem whatsoever sharing this tiny, tiny portion of 350,000 plus square kilometers with you, this country called Germany. But if you do have a problem with me, you can bloody well take a one-way rocket wherever you came from before you were thrown into this part of the earth. Everyone started laughing, including some of who shared her skin color. She tried back and forth. I mean, I just talked to her and I said, I'm not going to move away from here except you promise to move your car from there. So after about, you know, a few wranglings here and there, she said politely, now asked me politely to move my car so she could go find another parking spot. Why did I feel the need to share my story on my podcast? I initially planned something else for today, but you know, after 25 years in this country, I still feel shock when people don't have any arguments and they resort to such racial bigotry. So, you know, this thing weighed on my mind because even after everything was resolved and she moved that car away and I was able to park him there, you know, it, you know, it's, you know, I kept thinking about, you know, how, you know, you know, but I just know that our universe has become so divided because some people believe that they are superior to others based on factors like their place of birth, race or skin color. This is just one of the many problems that our planet is facing, that I've been facing all through the existence of this, you know, universe. By the way, I forgot to tell that entitled lady that every single person on this planet was born at some point and we all have the same crimson red fluid called blood flowing in our veins. We all breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide and we all go to the bathroom. Eventually, we will all leave this earth and some of us will end up in a tiny space measuring 2.2 meters by 1 meter if you decide to become a fertilizer for plants on our planet. It's either that or we get cremated. Either way, we will all face the same fate on this planet. How I wish people would stop treating strangers poorly based on their appearance, social status, wealth or other superficial factors. I feel so exhausted living on this planet in this era and I'm sure many others feel the same way too. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we all could treat each other with kindness and mutual respect? After all, we all share the same ultimate fate. Perhaps this harsh truth could serve as a catalyst to awaken us to the realities that we have been blind to. Perhaps, perhaps and perhaps, perhaps some people would decide to start treating each other with the respect that we all deserve. Maybe I'm just trying to be utopian now or just hoping that but I just hope that people would just start to see people for who they are and not that monster that some people have, you know, some narratives have made out some other people to be like. Before I say goodbye on this show, this time around, please spread the kindness wherever you are. You never know what somebody else is going through. Maybe that smile, maybe that Nikki, maybe that little wave could help someone somewhere. Thank you for listening in and please, if this podcast has made any impression on you whatsoever, please forward it to other people or just leave a thumbs up after you've listened to it. So from me to you, from this part of the universe, this tiny 350,000 plus square kilometers where I have found myself, I'm saying goodbye. Thank you so much for being my guest and I hope you tune in for the next episode. Thank you. Bye now. I forgot to give credit to the creator of this instrumental music that I just shared. I'm so grateful to him. I'm so grateful to him. I'm so grateful to him. I'm so grateful to him. I'm so grateful to him. Credit to the creator of this instrumental music that I just shared. His name is Shane Ivins and the music is called Precious Memories. Okay. Thank you, Shane. Thank you for the use of your music. Thank you and bye now.

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