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Nothing to say, yet
The podcast discusses the story of "The Animal Farm" and its theme of how power can corrupt people. It also explores the idea of an animal revolution against unfair human rule, but highlights how the animals themselves end up discriminating against each other and not applying the rules equally. Hello everyone, this is Muhammad Badawi. I am back today with an exciting topic. I will share with you a story entitled The Animal Farm. Although I know that you will be wondering why I chose this topic to present in my podcast this time. Time so, I want you to know that the story's theme is the main reason why I chose it. We all know that power can change people and turn them easily into devils, especially when they start seeing themselves unbeatable. Another aspect of the story deals with a critical part. The animal revolution's main reason was the problem of unfair humans ruling animals. Then, animals decided to make their fight to be free from humans' injustice. To get themselves later on stuck in the same place, animals themselves discriminated against each other and rules were not applied to all.