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Which kind of leader are you?

Which kind of leader are you?




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Hey everyone, God bless you. I hope everyone is having a wonderful, wonderful day in the Lord Jesus Christ. Today is a beautiful day, not just because the sun is shining, but ultimately because Jesus lives and reigns and rules over the nation. And our God is mighty to save. Yes, even those who think that they are too far gone. I want to remind you today, this morning, 10 a.m. on September 21st, 2023, that God has the ability and the capability to save your soul, to save your life. I don't know what situation you're in. I don't know what difficulties have risen in your life. But I am so sure that if you open your heart to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, He will save you with a mighty hand, because our God is mighty to save. And if you don't know who God is, I urge you this morning to pay attention to the message of the Lord. Because God, in His mercy, in His grace, He is going to speak to us all today. And we will receive revelation from our Lord and Savior. It is Sister Melissa here. I am super, super excited. Yes, because I believe when God speaks, the mountains move back into the sea. I believe when God speaks, giants fall down. And God gives us the ability to continue walking, knowing that if our God is for us, then who could be against us? That no weapon the enemy forms against us shall prosper. That if God spoke it, He will fulfill it. And if He fulfills it, it is finished. And if it is finished, it's because God said it is good. And if God says it's good, it's because He has done it for His children. Hallelujah. The Word of God this morning comes from the book of 2 Chronicles. I'm going to be reading from chapter 31, verse 20 and 21. And then I'm going to go into chapter 32. And I will be reading starting with verse 1. And here we go. The Word of God says, Thus Hezekiah did throughout all Judah, and he did what was good and right and true before the Lord his God. And in every work that he began, in the service of the house of God, in the law and in the commandments to seek his God, he did it with all his heart, so he prospered. Now let us go to chapter 32, starting with verse 1. And the Word of God reads like this. After these deeds of faithfulness, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, came and entered Judah. He encamped against the fortified cities, thinking to win them over to himself. And when Hezekiah saw that Sennacherib had come and that his purpose was to make war against Jerusalem, he consulted with his leaders and commanders to stop the waters from the springs which were outside the city. And they helped him, and he strengthened himself, built up all the wall that was broken, raised it up to the towers, and built another wall outside. Also he repaired the milo in the city of David and made weapons and shields in abundance. Then he sent military captains over the people, gathered them together to him in the open square of the city gates, and gave them encouragement, saying, Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, nor dismayed before the king of Assyria, nor before all the multitude that is with them, for there are more with us than with him. With him is an army of flesh, but with us is the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles. And the people were strengthened by the words of Hezekiah, king of Judah. Hallelujah. Thank you, Father, for your word. I know, Lord Father of God, that your word is living and is breathing, and it is the living truth to the testament of who you are. You are mighty to save. You don't leave your children. You are always with us. You never abandon us. You always keep us, Lord, in your perfect will, regardless of who tries to rise up against us. But we have the Lord of hosts with us to fight our battles for us. Thanks be to Jesus, our Lord and Savior, who conquered the enemy when he gave his life for us on Calvary's cross, giving us the victory, giving us eternal life, allowing and enabling us that when we are going through difficult times, you, Lord Father God, allow us, through the blood of Jesus, access to the Holy of Holies, to place our petitions before you and to leave our prayers, hallelujah, at the feet of your throne room. And when our prayers go up, when our adoration toward you goes up, when our praise goes up, your blessings come down, you send angels to encamp around us at your command, the angels fight on our behalf, because you, God, are mighty to save. I thank you, Jesus, and I pray that everyone who hears under the sound of my voice, through the Holy Spirit, in Christ Jesus, receives an impartation of your presence, and forever their lives will be transformed. And you, Lord Father God, will make it happen, because your presence is felt all around us, is traveling through the airways, and you, Lord God, are mighty to save and to bring those who are hurting, those who are helpless and hopeless, right to the cross, where it all begins, hallelujah. I pray this in the mighty name of Jesus, amen and amen. The Lord gave me this word, found in 2 Chronicles, chapter 31, verse 20, and I've read this before, months ago, and I've always come across it from time to time, but it's in those moments when we are going through a tough situation, and we have been doing what God has called us to do, and we have been seeking His presence, but all of a sudden, there rises up oppression, there rises up something from the kingdom of darkness that will try and pull us away, and drag us down, and try to pull us under from what God has already established in our lives to complete. As we see in the word of God, Hezekiah did what was right in the eyes of God. The Bible says that he did what was true before the Lord his God, and every work that he began in the service of the house of God, in the law and in the commandments, he did it to seek God, and he also did it with a pure heart. So why is it that in chapter 32, we find that the king of Assyria, the Necarib, he rises up against Hezekiah to make war against him. I just want to let you know right now, straight from the ghetto, that when you are doing the will of God, you better be prepared for the attacks that will come from the kingdom of darkness. The attacks will come from the enemy. The attacks will come from those spirits that become irritated, because you have made that choice to rise up and follow after God. Following Jesus will cause the enemy to become angry, and therefore will cause him to bring attacks upon your life and upon my life. But the greatest news of all is that God has already said to us that no weapon that the enemy forms against us shall prosper. Hallelujah! This is a promise from the scriptures, that no matter what we face in this life, the enemy will try, but he will not prevail. It's like a gun that has been loaded, pointed at your head or at your heart, but what the enemy fails to realize is that while he's got it pointed and he's getting ready to destroy you, God has already disintegrated every single bullet that is in that gun, and therefore, while the enemy is pointing the gun and he's getting ready to pull the trigger, you are already off celebrating your victory, because this is how our God operates. What we cannot see in the spiritual realm, God has already established it. He has already made it come to pass. And so, as the Bible says, Sennacherib came, and he came for one thing, and one thing only, and that was to make war against Hezekiah and God's people. Oh, but let me tell you something. When you have a king who knows what to do, this is a king that knew that even though the king of Assyria was coming against him, he knew exactly what he needed to do. And the Bible says he consulted with his leaders and commanders. I want to pause here for a moment. This is not my words. This is the word of the Lord, and the Lord is saying there are leaders who still do not grasp the concept that you do not fight with your members. You fight for your members. You are the intercessors. You and your members make up the body of Christ. Jesus said, I did not come to be served, but to serve. Where are the leaders who are willing to get their hands dirty, who are willing to intercede for your members, who are willing to come together and fight not against your members, but against the enemy himself who is trying to bring division among the church. But in the book of 2 Chronicles chapter 32, we see that the king Hezekiah consulted, and when he consulted with the leaders, hallelujah, and the commanders to stop the warriors from the springs which were outside the city. What does this tell us? That we need to be on guard because whatever is trying to come from out there in here, leaders and commanders of the church, you are to be warring against the enemy, not against your members, not against those who are in the church, because God is calling you to intercede. God is calling you to fight the good fight of faith. God is calling you to step in the gap for those members in the church who are weak, because if God is for us, then when we intercede and we truly stand in the gap for other believers, then we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that when there is unity, God is going to move on our behalf. Hallelujah. And so the Bible says that Hezekiah, the leaders and commanders, they all came together and they all gathered together to stop all the springs and the brook that ran through the land. Hallelujah. Why is this? Because when there is a fortified city and we stand on spiritual ground and we believe God and we take Him at His word, that no matter what the enemy tries to do, as the body of Christ, we are going to stand united, we are going to stand together, and whatever the enemy has planned, it will come to nothing, because where there is unity, where there is love, hallelujah, there is victory in the body of Christ. And so here we see Hezekiah, not only does he round up the leaders and the commanders, but he also builds them up. He also encourages them. He builds that encouragement to let them know, you don't have to be afraid. If we stand together, we can build, hallelujah, a wall outside the Milo in the city of David. And not only will we build a wall, but we are also going to make weapons and shields, not just a little bit, but we're talking abundant weapons and shields, and we're going to set military captains over the people, gather them together to Him in the open square of the city gate, and He gave them encouragement. This is what we need nowadays. The world has a way of making us become discouraged, but when we come to the church, this is our opportunity to rise up and encourage those who come with discouragement, who come with spirits of depression, who come with spirits of anxiety, and we are to give them hope. We are to lift their spirits. We are to encourage them, and this is how we do it, by saying, be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, nor dismayed before the king of Assyria, nor before all the multitudes that is within him, for there are more with us than with him, because with him is an army of flesh, but with us is the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles for us, and the people, the Bible says, they were strengthened by the words of Hezekiah, king of Judah. We need more hope, more encouragement, more encouraging one another to rise up and to know that although the enemy tries to come against my brother or sister, I'm going to war for you in the spirit until I see a breakthrough. I am going to rise up on your behalf until I see that breakthrough happen. We need to come together in the body of Christ. We need to lift one another up in spirit and in truth. We need to protect one another in spirit and in truth. We need to be there for one another, because this is how the body of Christ continues walking firm. This is how the body of Christ continues walking with surety. Hallelujah! Because that is the will of God. And let me tell you, Hallelujah! Hezekiah was a true born leader who knew how to follow after God's will and command. Because when somebody can encourage someone else despite of adversity, despite of what the enemy tries to bring, despite of our current situation, there could be a drought, there could be a famine, there could be a recession, but when there is a born leader who has followed after God's own heart and His command and His purpose and His will, through it all, they will have the courage to rise up and they will have the courage to encourage those whom God has chosen to go ahead and fight the good fight of faith. And that includes every single person within the body of Christ. Whether you are rich or poor, it does not matter. God is calling us to unity. God is calling us in love. God is calling us to rise up and to be there for one another. I pray this message has blessed your heart. I pray that it has ministered forth to your spirit. And I cannot leave this podcast without inviting you to receive Jesus into your heart. If you have not received Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, that is the first step into salvation, into eternal life. And it's only a prayer away. All you have to do is repeat these words and say, Jesus, I come to you. I confess my sins. I have sinned against you and only against you. And I believe that you over 2,000 years ago died on the cross to save me from my ways, from my sins. And I believe that through your crucifixion and your resurrection that I, hallelujah, have the ability now to seek and follow after your will, after your own heart. I need you to cleanse me in your blood. Purify and sanctify me. I believe with all of my heart that you are my Lord and Savior. And from here on out, I turn away from my own ways. I turn away from my sins. And I choose you. And I believe, hallelujah, that my name is written in the Lamb's book of life. That when I leave this earth and take my last breath, I will go to heaven and be with you for eternity. In Jesus' name, amen. That's it. That's it. If you said that prayer, welcome to the family of God. And if there is anything that you still have questions about, I would encourage you to find a local church where the Holy Spirit is moving and where they are preaching Christ crucified, resurrected, and the Holy Spirit who has come on the day of Pentecost so that he can show us and lead us and guide us into all truth. And I would start reading in the Bible the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, so you can become closer to Christ like you've never been before. I pray that this has blessed you. I pray for your family to come to the cross, to come to the knowledge of Christ's crucifixion and resurrection. Until the next time, bye-bye for today.

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