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Danger Of Submitting To A Disobedient Pastor Or Ministry

Danger Of Submitting To A Disobedient Pastor Or Ministry


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In this episode of Magna Carta, the speaker emphasizes the importance of studying and rightly dividing the word of God. The term "Magna Carta" refers to the great charter, which in this context represents the word of God. The speaker encourages listeners to stay with them as they explore the dangers of submitting to a disobedient pastor and ministries. The creation story in Genesis is used to illustrate the importance of submitting to God's spoken word in order to experience success. All peace and blessings to you my brothers and my sisters, this is your brother Max here. Thank you so much for joining me today on this episode of Magna Carta, a time when we get together to get into the word of God and to get into it looking at the word of God rightly divided. The word of God states that we have to study, study to show ourselves the proof, work one being not ashamed, but rightly, rightly dividing the word of truth. I want to repeat that, his word says that we have to study, study to show ourselves the proof, work one being not ashamed, but rightly dividing the word of God. My friends, you might ask, you might ask, why is it called Magna Carta? Well let me share with you, Magna Carta simply means in English, the great charter. And friends, that great charter that we're looking at is the word of God, but we're looking at that word rightly divided. We want to rightly divide the word of God so that we'll be able to experience the liberty that he has set forth for us, or set apart for us, so that we can celebrate our lives in the freedom and the goodwill that he has for us. Well again my friends, thank you so much for joining us today. This is your brother Max, and we are going to get into it. This is Magna Carta. Don't go anywhere. Stay right there. You are the source of my strength. You are the strength of my life. I am your strength. I am your strength. You are the strength. Yes my friends, he is the source, he is the strength. We're going to experience that today, I promise you. If you're going through some issues in your life that you feel as if you cannot overcome, I promise that if you stay with us today, as we dive into this word of God together, you will be able to see, you will be able to experience his illumination just through his word, to help you guide you through your situation, to help walk out the liberty that you have as a believer. Because we're going to look at his word rightly divided. First, I'm not a pastor. I'm not no preacher. I'm just simply one that has submitted to the call and to be a helper of your joy. So we're going to get into it rightly divided. You just stay right here with us my friends. You're not going to get my commentary. You're simply going to get the word of God. This is rightly divided or this is Magna Carta my friends and this is your brother Max. The source of my strength. You are the strength of my life. I live by the spirit. No, no strength. Let's get into this word together. Father, I thank you for your praise. I thank you for the blessings that you have bestowed on us as your children. And Father, I thank you for the peace that you have rested on us. And God, as we get into this word of God together. Father, I ask Lord God that you would open our hearts and our minds to receive of all that you have for us. God, anything that is hindering us right now. Any change that we need to make in order for you to make that great deposit. Father, I ask Lord God that it be done right now in the name of Jesus. No hindrance, Father. Let our minds be clear and free to receive of you today. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. Yes, my friends, again, thank you so much for joining us today. This is your brother Max. And you are listening to Mike Nakata. I'm excited that God has given us the time and the opportunity to come together as brothers and sisters. And for those of you that are listening to this broadcast and don't know. Don't know or don't understand what it is or how you can also be a part of the body of Christ. I pray and trust that before the end of this broadcast you would make a decision to come and join us as believers. To also be a part of that body. That body that guarantees you a successful outcome or a successful ending in your life. Because everyone have to meet or have to see their creator. And my friends, if you are listening to me today. And you are one that is not walking in right standing. With God, you yourself would also make that decision to be a part of this body. My friends, again, I want to reiterate that you are listening to Mike Nakata. It's the great charter or the document that gives us an understanding of what it is that we need to do. To be able to exercise the liberty necessary to be a part of this body. My friends, what are we going to talk about today? I was just meditating on this word and meditating on the program. Getting a tongue twister there. God gave me a topic and we are going to look at the dangers of submitting to a disobedient pastor and ministries. I want to repeat that my friends. I want you to hear this. The dangers of submitting to a disobedient pastor and also ministries. Why is that important? Well, it's important for us to understand that if we are not doing things as documented. Then we would not experience the great success or the good success that God wants to have us experience in our lives. God wants the best for us. That's the bottom line. He wants to see goodness come our way. So that's what we are going to look at today. The dangers of submitting to a disobedient pastor and also disobedient ministries. I want to start from the creation story and understanding why it is important to understand structure and to understand God's structure. So let's get into this word together. If we understand scripture. If we understand the way God has designed his word. Everything that God has outlined. I want to repeat. Everything that God has outlined is designed for us to experience the good success. So it's important when we look at God's word and we listen to his instruction. Because that's all his word is. His word is simply instructions being given to mankind. And when they are adhered to or when they are submitted to. We would or you would experience the goodness of God. It's God's desire that he or we experience good success. He don't want to see his creation experiencing a default. In other words, he don't want to see us fail. God wants us to succeed in every area of our lives. So the most important thing that we can do when looking at his word is simply to submit and to honor his word. And that structure, that design is carried throughout the word of God. Throughout the Bible from the Old Testament to this current time. In this dispensation of grace where we live. You would see that God has designed his word. And when we submit to his word, we would experience the goodness and the good success of his word. Let's get a Bible. If you have a Bible, I would suggest you get a Bible so we can follow together. And let's go to the Old Testament. And we want to take our time and look at this. Because again, as I indicated, this is Mike Nakata. And we're looking at this document, this Bible, the word of God. We want to rightly divide. I don't want to give you my commentary. I simply, I just can't help but to reiterate this. I just simply want to read his word and have his word just come alive in our lives. Or come alive in your life. And you'll be able to see that the word of God is simple. It's straightforward. It's not difficult to understand. But as you go through your day-to-day operation and you listen to some folks, they make it difficult. But we want to go to the creation story. Let's go to Genesis chapter 1. Real quick. In your Bibles, we want to go to Genesis chapter 1. Now if I can get there, that would be a good thing. Genesis chapter 1. Thank you again for joining me today on this broadcast. You're listening to Mike Nakata. And I'm your brother Max. And we're getting into this word of God together. Let's look at Genesis chapter 1. In the beginning. And this is verse 1 of Genesis 1. God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form and void. And darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, let there be light. And there was light. Let me go back to verse 3. And God said, let there be light. And there was light. So from the very beginning, God spoke into existence. That which he wanted to see. And we would, as we go throughout this broadcast today. And as we share what God is sharing with his creation. Almost in every instant, God spoke. And when it was submitted to. The success of him speaking was experienced. He said, his very first creation he said. In verse 3 of Genesis 1. And God said, let there be light. And what happened? There was light. Because the light as it was commanded to appear. Appeared when God spoke. So the thing that we want to understand. And also remembering the topic. Why it is dangerous to submit to a disobedient pastor and ministry. It is dangerous to submit to those two elements. We're going to understand why it is important for the submission of God's spoken word. I wonder if you understand what I'm saying. God's spoken word is very important. In other words, it's very important for us to submit to the spoken word of God. In order for us to experience the goodness and the good success of God. But let's continue on with this story here. In Genesis chapter 1. In verse 4 he said, and God saw the light. That it was good. And God divided the light from the darkness. Let's continue. And God called the light day and the darkness he called night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. Now we're going to go on again. In looking at this creation story. And also understanding the importance of the spoken word of God. It is God the creator. The one that has given us life. The one that sustains us every day. When he speaks. And when it's adhered to or when it's submitted to. We would be able to experience the good success of that submission. We're going to look at verse 6. And God said, let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters. And let it divide the waters from the waters. Now think about it for a minute my friends. Think about it if nature had rebelled. If nature did not submit to the instructions of God. Then God said in verse 6. And God said, let there be a firmament. Or let there be a divide in the midst of the waters. And let it divide the waters from the waters. Can you imagine the chaos, the disruption. There would be if the firmament did not submit to the instructions of God. And that's the key to understanding this topic. Why it is dangerous to submit or to help a disobedient leader. A disobedient pastor or disobedient ministries. We have to understand that it's very important that when a word is spoken. It is also important that that word is submitted to. That's the only way that we would be able to experience good success. When we submit to the instructions of the one giving it. Let's continue. We're still looking at the creation story. As we look at this topic. Why it is dangerous to submit to a disobedient pastor. And also ministries. We're at verse 7 of Genesis chapter 1. And God made that firmament. And divided the waters which were under the firmament. From the waters which were above the firmament. And it was so. Let's continue. And God called the firmament heaven. And the evening and the morning was the second day. We're going to continue. We're at Genesis chapter 1 and verse 9. And God said. Let the waters under the heaven. Be gathered together unto one place. And let the dry land appear. And it was so. Again instructions being given by God. All through this passage here. In Genesis chapter 1. As we look at the creation story. God was giving instructions. By which nature itself is to operate. Nature submitted to the instructions given by God. Every single thing you see in these passages. When it was ended. It states and it was so. If you look around the world today. Disruptive nations. Nations that are experiencing things that in our eyes doesn't appear to be welcoming. In most cases it's because of the rebellion that exists in these places. Places that are going against the nature. The very natural settings of God. People that are doing things that is not in keeping with the way God designed it to be. You would see that these places are experiencing calamity. People. Individuals. Institution in these places. That made a decision to go against the naturalness of God. Nations that have made a decision to imply that. Oh it's a better way to do it. It's more a modern setting for us now to submit to. My friends I want you to say that God is the same today. As he was yesterday. And he is going to be the same God tomorrow. If we make a decision to change the natural. The natural instructions of God. We should expect that things that go against his nature. We are going to be always experiencing calamity. In every single thing that God outlined here so far in Genesis chapter 1. And we stopped at verse 9. It says when that instruction was given. And it was submitted to and it was so. That was the goodness of God now seeing the good success of the submission to those instructions. Let's go on to verse 10 of Genesis chapter 1. And God said. And God called the dry land earth. And the gathering together of the waters called the seas. And God saw that it was good. Good success. Good success comes when the submission of God's instructions is adhered to and carried out. Let's go on to verse 11 of Genesis 1. And God said. After his kind. And whose seed in itself upon the earth. And it was so. Verse 12. And the earth brought forth grass. And herb yielding seed after his kind. And the tree yielding fruit. Whose seed was in itself after his kind. And God saw it was good. Again. The instructions of God. The creator. The one that sustains us. The one that has issued to us all that is necessary for our existence. From the very beginning God had structure. And the earth submitted to the instructions of the God. The creator. The one that knows the very way that we are supposed to operate. And he said. It was so. So why is it today. As we look at our lives. As we look at the existence of humanity. Why is it that there is so much calamity. Why is it that there is so much instruction. That's very easy my friends. When you go against the instructions. The outline instructions of God. Expect. For things not to be so. As God said in the beginning. When the submission of instructions was ahead to. It is so. So the opposite of it being so. When it's not ahead to. It's not going to happen. Nations that are rebelling. Nations that are operating outside the very naturalness of God. The very nature that God has submitted for us to operate. Nations that go against that instruction. You should expect for things not to go the way it should. So how does that apply to. The dangers of not submitting to. Or the dangers of submitting to. Disobedient. Pastors and ministries. It's the very same thing. Because if a pastor. Is called to do the things of God. But a ministry is also called to do the things of God. If they have made the decision to go against the naturalness of God. And then to imply that. What they are doing now. Is the right way for things to be done. We should expect not to see the spirit of God. Dwelling in those things. And the unfortunate thing about it is this. If you are going against the nature or the naturalness. Of the things of God. And expect a good outcome. Or for it to be so. It's mind boggling. We have a responsibility. Or every individual have a responsibility. That exists on this earth. We have to be as the Berean was. We need to look at the word of God. Here is the responsibility. We cannot just simply submit to anyone giving us instructions. And saying thus says the Lord. Because God is not one that is going to confuse anyone. God is not one that is going to have you to think. That you are doing the right thing when you are doing the wrong thing. You simply need to understand God's word. And by submitting to his outline word. It's guaranteeing that you will have good success. So it's important that you make a decision. In every instruction that you submit to. Under a leader. One that says that they are call of God. You have to rightly divide. And look at those instructions. And see if they are outlined in God's word. Let us continue with this creation story. As we understand what God is doing here. We are looking at verse 14 of Genesis chapter 1 again. And God said let there be light in the firmament of the heaven. To divide the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and for years. You understand the structure of God? Everything had a purpose. Everything had a responsibility. In verse 15 he says that the light was in the heaven. Let's look at verse 15 again. And let there be light for the firmament in the heaven. The light that was created. Upon the earth and it was so. Excuse me. Let's go back to verse 14. And God said let there be light in the firmament of the heaven. Okay. The purpose for the light for the firmament in the heaven. Was to divide the day from the night. You see how important it is? It's important because it was to divide the day from the night. And let them be for signs. Another important aspect of the instructions God gave. They were to be for signs. And for seasons. And for days. And for years. Everything had a specific instruction and work to do. If the light was not to adhere to the instructions of God. Then it would be difficult for us to be guided. Because the light would not be carrying out the instructions as indicated. Now you see why it is so important for us to submit to instructions? Because everything that God outlined had a purpose. Again we're looking at the dangers of submitting to someone that is disobedient. And claims to be a pastor. And a ministry that is disobedient. And not doing the instructions as outlined. Because the only way that you can operate as a spiritual leader in this earth. The only way that you can actually stand before a people. And declare that it's coming from God. Is to say that what you are doing is God ordained. That's the danger. To say that what you are simply doing at the time is God ordained. But yet it is not God ordained. It's a danger in submitting to that. As we continue. Let's look at verse 17. And God set them in the firmament. These are the lights of the heaven. To give light upon the earth. Let's look at verse 18 of Genesis chapter 1 my friends. And to rule over the day. And over the night. And to divide the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. Every single thing. We need to understand that everything that God has outlined. Has a good outcome. So my friends we now understand. That submitting to the outline instructions of God. Is very very important. Now here is the thing. As I indicated. We have to be as the Bereans. We have to search the scriptures. To see that what you are sharing with me. As a leader. What you are sharing with me is so. That's the responsibility of all those that are part of the body of Christ. You need to make a decision to get into the word of God. And to see if that leader. What that leader is sharing is God ordained. Here is why it is so important. Let's go back to the creation story. And we are going to jump down to verse 27 of verse 1 of Genesis 1. Let's jump down to verse 7. We want to see the power that God placed in this particular creation. We are going to look at verse 27 of Genesis 1. So God. Verse 27. So God. Let's go to verse 26. I'm sorry. And God said. Listen to this my friends. Let us make man. But here is the key. In our image. After our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea. Over the fowl of the air. And over the cattle. And over all of the earth. And over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. Verse 26 is powerful my friends. God said. And let us make man. The key is in our image. And here is the thing. The instruction that God gave that man. Or mankind. They were to have power. And dominion over everything that he created prior to their existence. God placed in his instructions. In mankind or in humanity. The power to demonstrate the power of his existence. He said. Let us make man in our image. Here is the thing that we need to understand as we go on to verse 27. So God created that man. In his own image. In the image of God created he him. Male and female created he them. Let's go on. Verse 28. And God blessed them. Or in other words God empowered them. And God said unto them. Be fruitful. And multiply. And replenish the earth. And subdue it. In other words take it under your control. And have dominion over the fish of the sea. Over the fowl of the air. And over every living thing that move it upon the earth. And God said in verse 29. Behold I have given you every herb bearing seed. Which is upon the face of all the earth. And every tree in which is the fruit of the tree yielding seed. To you it shall be for me. Let's back up. The fact that God created mankind. Listen my friends. We are still talking about the dangers of following a disobedient. Disobedient pastor. And also a disobedient ministry. Because God placed in mankind or humanity. That pastor is a human being. That pastor is one that God has empowered. And when that pastor and that ministry that is full of individuals. That have been empowered by God. Come to you and said thus says the Lord. It is just instinctive that you are going to say on the inside. That because this individual is presenting himself as a leader. A spiritual leader. You have that inkling or the desire to follow. Because you are feeling now. That that person is actually representing the voice of God. But in most cases is it so. Is it always so that those persons or individuals. That are leading you spiritually are actually hearing from God. It's important for us to understand and to identify. That individual that is leading at the time. You see. We need also to understand. As we go through scriptures. Coming away from the creation story now. When God picks leaders. When God picks individuals to lead you spiritually. In most cases the assignment that God gives these individuals. They are always one that guarantees good success. That guarantees a good outcome. We identify or we discover that. Anything that goes against the naturalness. It's natural for God to speak into the mind. Or to speak into the heart of an individual that leads. It's natural for God to speak into that one. With the intent of that one. Bringing a group of people into good success. Not into destruction. It's not God's desire that we perish. In any sense of the word. It's God's desire as a people. That when we submit to his instructions. Or his natural existence. That we see his goodness. All through the creation story. Everything that God declared. He said and it was so. So all through scriptures. Everyone that God assigned a leadership. A spiritual leadership. It's God's intent that those people bring us to a place. Of it being good success. Let's look at another passage of scripture. To help me to clarify that a bit. Let's go to the book of Joshua. Joshua chapter 1. And we are going to look at verse 8. Joshua chapter 1 and verse 8. This is the key to help us even better understand. How God from the very beginning. Took nature. The naturalness of nature. And nature submitting to his instructions. And we see the good success that happens. When even with nature itself. It's natural now. When nature itself submits to God's instructions. The book of Joshua chapter 1 verse 8 says. This book of the law. Check this out. Shall not depart out of thy mouth. But thou shalt meditate. Therein day and night. That thou mayest observe to do. According to all that is written. Therein. For then thou shalt make thy way prosperous. And then thou shalt have good success. I want to read that again my friends. Joshua chapter 1 and this is the instructions. That has been given by God. Again he is giving this instructions. To one that he intend to lead. Or he intend to help lead. A people. Here it is again in Joshua chapter 1. And verse 8 he says. This book of the law. This is the old covenant now. Joshua was one that was given the instructions. To submit to all that was outlined. We are not going to talk about the dispensation of God's word today. But when we get into that discussion. We are going to see how it was necessary. For Joshua's submission to that instruction. That God outlined there in Joshua 1 and 8. But it says here this book of the law. This is the instruction given to Joshua. Shall not depart out of thy mouth. But thou shalt meditate. Therein day and night. That means it should be a constant thing that Joshua did. He was to submit or to live by this law. Every day and every night. That thou mayest observe to do. According to all that is written therein. So it was the mandate of God. The mandate that God gave to Joshua. That his submission to his existence. Was to submit to that law. And for him to be able to see. How he was to live. And it was according to the outline word. For then, only then. Shall make thy way prosperous. And then shall have good success. Joshua was given the instructions. That if you wanted to see prosperity. If you wanted to see good success. As it was in the beginning when God spoke to nature itself. For him to say and it was so. And that everything was good. It's because of the submission that was outlined. To the instructions of God. It was the same for Joshua. The only way that he was going to be able to see prosperity. And the only way for him to see that his way would be good. Was for him to meditate on the outline word. That God said that he was to submit to. And he would have good success. My friends the same thing happened to Joseph. God gave him instructions. And also we are going to understand too. That against all odds. Against God's instructions. We understand now that there is going to be calamity. So let's get back to this topic. Why is it important? Or why is it dangerous to submit to a disobedient? Meaning one that is not submitting to the outline instructions of God. And not doing as God says to do. Why is it dangerous to submit to that individual? A disobedient pastor. And also disobedient ministries. Now I want to introduce another element to this discussion we are having here today. Thank you again if you are listening to Mike Nakata. And this is your brother Max. As we are getting together to rightly divide this word. I shared with you all that God shared with us in his creation. In the creation story. And I also outlined the fact that God empowered humanity. He said I would make man in my image and my likeness. The power that God placed in mankind to speak those things that be not. Was placed in humanity. And also I shared with you the fact that God wanted Joshua to submit to the book of the law. And that is when he was going to experience the prosperity and the goodness of God because of his obedience. But let me back up to the creation story. The fact that God after he created mankind. He gave Adam instructions. That man, that human being. That being that he created. He gave him instructions to take care of that garden. Not only to take care of the garden. But the one that he gave him as a help mate. His responsibility also was to guide and to protect. Now we are still talking about the dangers of submitting to a disobedient leader. Being a pastor or ministries. God is not just going to. See we have to remember. And I just want to reiterate. We have to remember that God is all about good success. He is all about it being so. Because he has the end result is his goodness. God wants the goodness for us all the time. He always wants us to be able to experience his goodness because that is God. God is one that produces goodness. God is one that produces a good outcome for us all the time. So anything that goes against his goodness or his nature or the naturalness of God. Is not going to produce the nature or the naturalness of God. Simple. That is very simple to understand. You see God is not about producing calamity. Calamity comes when we decide not to submit to his nature. Adam did not submit to his nature. Eve did not submit to his nature. Because the old lion instruction when he said he placed in the midst of the garden trees. And he said in his word. Don't eat off a particular tree. That was the instructions. It wasn't that he wanted them not to partake of it because he did not want to partake of the tree. He simply did not want them to partake because he gave them instructions not to partake. The naturalness of that instruction was for a good outcome. But you see as it is today. With humanity saying that there is an alternative to everything. People are finding themselves doing things against God's nature. Against God's instructions. And then when the calamity comes. It's as if. Wait a minute now. Why are we experiencing this? It's very simple to understand my friends. When you go against the naturalness or the nature. Or when you are disobedient. You will experience the actual outcome of your disobedience. Adam was and Eve were banned from the garden. Because why? They did not do as God intended. And as we continue to go into this discussion today. And we understand why it's important for us not to submit to anyone like that. As Adam was disobedient. As Eve was disobedient. And the outcome that comes with it. So it's very important for you now to realize and to sit down and ask yourself. Am I submitting to? Or am I sitting on the one that is obedient? One that is carrying out the instructions as is outlined by God. Not because one says that God says. You have a responsibility to go and check and see if God is actually saying this. It's very important that we do that. I want to take you to another story. And this is going to somewhat tie up all that we are speaking about today. I want to take you to another story. When Jesus met Anna and he was looking for his disciples for the very first time. Let's go to the book of Luke. Let's go to the book of Luke real quick. We want to go to the book of Luke. And we are going to look at Luke chapter 5. This is when Jesus during the kingdom disposition. When he was looking or when he came across his disciples. When he calls the first set of disciples. This is a really really interesting story to showcase. The importance of submitting to instructions as God gives them. Because again I want to reemphasize or reiterate the fact that God's nature is for us to. When it is so or in other words when you submit to his instructions. You are always going to experience good success as he outlined in the book of Joshua chapter 1. When he said to him meditate. And not just meditate but do as it is instructed. Then you will see your way prosperous and then you will have good success. So there is a flip side to that. If you don't do it. You are not going to see your way prosperous. And you are not going to have good success. Sometimes we look at scriptures and we read the scriptures. But when we look closely at the scriptures. When we look closely at what God is saying. It is important for us to really apply what he says. Let's look at chapter 5 of Luke again. And it came to pass. As the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God. He stood by the lake of Genesaret. Now let's understand this location. Because we are going to have a situation where this situation is going to happen again. Luke chapter 5 verse 2. And saw two ships standing by the lake. But the fishermen, a whole lot. Were gone out of them and were washing their nets. And he entered into one of the ships which was Simon's. And prayed him or in other words asked him. That he would trust out a little from the land. And he sat down and he taught people out of the ship. Now when he had left speaking. He said unto Simon. Listen now God has given instructions. This is important. All to what we discussed today is God speaking. And when we submit to his instructions. We get good success. When it is so. In other words when you submit to what is said. There is good success. He is about to give Simon an instruction. I want you to listen closely to this my friends. In verse 4 of chapter 5 of Luke. Now when he had left speaking. In other words finished. He said unto Simon. This is the instruction. He says launch out into the deep. And let down your nets for a draw. I want to repeat that instruction that God gave to Simon. He said launch out into the deep. And let down your nets for a draw. And this is what Simon said. And Simon answering said unto him. Master. It is amazing that he identified Jesus as his master. We have toiled all night. In other words we have done exactly what you are asking us to do again. And have taken nothing. Nevertheless. At thy word I will let down the net. You reading the scripture. Here in verse 5 of Luke chapter 5. You would say that Simon actually submitted to the instructions that God gave. But I would say to you my friends. Simon did not. Simon was disobedient. He did not submit to the outline instructions that God gave. For him to be able to experience the goodness of God. Jesus asked Simon. To launch out into the deep and let down your nets. Plural. Look at verse 4 of Luke chapter 5. He told him to let down his nets. N E T S But here in verse 6 of chapter 5. Simon decided. And I am going to read the entire passage again. And Simon answering said unto him. Master we have toiled all night. And have taken nothing. Nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net. Singular. Simon did not submit. To the outline instructions of God. God told him to let down his nets. He made a decision he would let down a net. Here is what is going to happen. Automatically right away. There is going to be some calamity that Simon Peter experienced. Because why? He did not submit to the outline instructions that God noted for him to do. And verse 6 of Luke chapter 5. And when they had this done. In other words when Simon did what he decided that he was going to do. They enclosed a great multitude of fishes. And their net. Singular. Break. Let me read that again. There are some important implications in this my friends. For those of you who are hearing me. And understanding the topic. Why it is dangerous to submit to. Or follow one that is not obedient. One that is not disciplined. One that is not carrying out the instructions as God indicated. Verse 6 of chapter 5 of Luke. It says and when they had this done. They enclosed a great multitude of fishes. And their net break. Here is the thing. In doing things your way. You are going to have success. Believe me you will have success. Because on the inside of you. It ain't on the inside of you. God has given you the power to have success. But that success is not good success. It's your success. It's you making the acquisition. It's you making it happen. But when God makes it happen. Guess what? Your success is going to be good. The thing is in this passage. Of Luke chapter 6. They caught a lot of fishes. But their net break. People would say oh my God they were blessed. They caught a lot of fish. Listen there was no blessing in that. Because if there was a blessing in it. The net would not have broken. Think about it. If the net break that means fish that was in the net. Got out of the net. God don't give. See when God blesses. He adds no sorrow. No sorrow comes with a blessing. So the fact that they caught fishes. And the net break. Sorrow and calamity was attached to that disobedience. And that's the thing that we need to understand. That when you attach yourself. To someone that is disobedient. Someone that is not submitting to. Someone that is not carrying out God's word. As outline. You might have or you might see some success. But there is going to be some calamity. Let's continue to read this passage again. Okay. In verse 7 of Luke chapter 5. Here it is now. Net is broken. Verse 7 says. And they beckoned. That's Simon Peter and his friends. Unto their partners. People that were around. People that were friendly. People that were familiar. You know other church members that follow this pastor. Other church members that support this ministry. They beckoned to them. Which were in other ships. Other churches. Other ministries. Other associations. That they should come and help them. Why would you need help if you are blessed? Why would you need help if God has given you all the ability to acquire? Why? Because there was calamity attached to that disobedience. That's why it's dangerous. My friends. I want you to hear me today. It is dangerous to submit to one that is disobedient. One that is not listening to. One that is not adhering to the outline instructions as noted. Verse 7 says again. And they beckoned unto their partners. Which were in the other ships. That they should come and help them. And they came and filled both the ships. But here is the key. So that they began to sink. Anytime you get yourself involved in someone that is disobedient. My friends. I want to let you know right now. You are going to sink. You are going to go down. It is not a good idea to listen to. Or submit. Or even help. One that is disobedient. And one that is not carrying out the word of God as outlined. It is not a good thing to do. Luke 5. And verse 8 says. When Simon Peter saw it. He fell down at Jesus knees saying. Depart from me. For I am a sinful man. O Lord. And he was correct. Anytime we decide to be disobedient. That is a sin. Helping one that is disobedient. Is also a sin. You don't want to connect yourself. Or attach yourself. To anyone that is not carrying out. Or anyone that is sharing with you the word of God. Not rightly divine. Simon Peter did not carry out that word. Rightly divine. God gave him the instructions to let down his nets. God knew exactly. What Simon Peter. And his other partners were going to encounter. That is why he said. To let down your nets. Simon Peter let down a net. Luke 5. And verse 9. For he was astonished. And all that were in him. At the drought of the fishes. Which they had taken. And so was also James and John. The sons of Debris. Which were partners with Simon. And Jesus said unto Simon. Fear not. For henceforth. Thou shall catch men. Here is the thing. Fear not. You see. God is all about making your bad situation right. But the thing is. Should you experience that bad situation. Should you have to go. To submitting to one. That is disobedient. Is it necessary. For you to have to experience. Unnecessary losses. But here is the goodness of God. Even though. Simon went through that dilemma. You know. God is so good. He is going to give. He is always going to give you a second chance. Because if you decide. To repent. If you decide to change your ways. As many of you who are listening to me today. You might not be walking and right standing with God. But God wants to give you another opportunity. To make this right. So at the sound of my words my friends. I am telling you. There is an opportunity right now. As I am speaking to you. For you to turn this thing around. Or to turn this ship around. Or to lose your connection. With some disobedient pastor. Or disobedient ministry. And get into a calling. Or a ministry that is sharing with you. The word of God rightly divided. And to get you to go down the path that you should go. For you to submit to the naturalness. Or the nature of God. And to do his will. According to that which is written. Are we going to see. As I am going to share the next passage of scripture with you. That if you submit to the word of God rightly divided. You will not lose. You will never lose. Because God has given you another opportunity to win. Let's go to the book of John. John chapter 21 and we are going to look at verse 1. John chapter 21 and verse 1. As we are nearing the ending of this broadcast. This is very important to share this. As we see the episode where Jesus met Simon. That was the beginning. At the sea of Genesaret. At the beginning when he was calling his disciples. And he gave Simon an opportunity to submit to his instructions. Simon disobeyed. He did not apply the instructions as was outlined. And he had a loss. Now here it is. Jesus is now appearing to the seven disciples. This was after his death. He was now appearing to the seven disciples. In verse 1 of John chapter 21. Again that is John chapter 21. And God is going to put this very same scenario in place. Let me read verse 1 of verse 21. After these things Jesus showed himself again to the disciples. This time at the sea of Tiberias. And on this wise he showed himself. They were together against Simon and Thomas called Didymus. And Nathanael of Cana in Galilee. And the sons of Zebedee and two others of his disciples. In verse 3 of John chapter 21. Simon Peter said unto them. Here it is. I go a fishing. They say unto him we also go with thee. It's amazing as a leader. Jesus is now dealing with Simon as a leader. And that's exactly what we are discussing here. We are looking at disobedient leaders. Individuals that know what doth says the Lord. But making decisions to go against God. Outline word. The power that you have. Remember in the book of Genesis. That God made man in his image and his likeness. The power that he placed on the inside of humanity still exists. You see that's why it's dangerous to submit to one. That is not in keeping or discipline enough. To submit or disseminate to you the word of God rightly divided. Because you have individuals that will follow you. But the man of God or the woman of God. That understanding the naturalness of God. Should know that it's important. That even though you are submitting to someone. You got to be certain that someone is giving you the word of God rightly divided. Here it is in verse 3 of chapter 21. John 21 it says. Simon said unto them I go a fishing. They say unto him we also go with thee. They went forward and entered into a ship immediately. And that night they caught nothing. Same scenario. They didn't catch anything. But when the morning was now come. Jesus is always going to be a situation where God is going to show up in your business. Jesus stood on the shore. But the disciples knew that it was Jesus. Jesus said unto them. Here it is now my friends. Instructions being given to the same individuals. That was in a situation before. And God has now given this individual an opportunity. To submit to the word of God rightly divided. In other words submitting as outlined. Not doing what you think is supposed to be done. Jesus said unto them. Children have ye any meat? They answered him no. And he said unto them. Here it is another instructions. God giving specific instructions. He said cast the net. Singular. On the right side of the ship. And ye shall find. God is telling us. God is so good. He is going to let us know what we need. And when we need it in our lives. But the only way that we will be able to experience the good success of God. We have to submit to what he says. Again in verse 6 of 21. He said unto them. Cast the net. On the right side. And ye shall find. He did not say cast a net on the left side. He said cast the net. On the right side. It is specific in what he is saying. Now if they make a decision to put it on the left side. And put more nets. Rather than the instruction what God is giving. They will not have the good success. It is important for us. To submit to the word of God. Because we are rightly divided. There. We want to continue at verse 6. They cast therefore. And now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes. This time. My friends. They did exactly as the word declared that they should. Therefore the disciple whom Jesus loved. Said unto Peter. It is the Lord. Now when Simon heard that it was the Lord. He girded his fishes coat. Unto him. For he was naked. And did cast himself into the sea. Now the thing about it is. Here it is. The success that they experienced. Simon thought again. That he had done something wrong. Because remember now. The very first time. When Jesus called him. They did have some success. But the success wasn't a good success. Because they lost. The net break. And they lost fish from the net. But this time. This time. In verse 27. Sorry. Verse 7 of verse 21. Therefore that disciple whom Jesus said. Love said unto Peter. It is the Lord. Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord. He girded his fathers coat. Unto him. For he was naked. And did cast himself into the sea. Now friends listen to this. Verse 8. And other disciples came in a little ship. Here it is. You could always have someone around. Wanting to help. As it was the first time. For they were not far from land. But as it was 200 cubits. Riding the net. With fishes. Uh huh. As soon. Then as they were come to land. This is verse 9. They saw a fire of coals there. And fish lay there on. And bread. Now here is the key. In verse 10 of 21. Jesus said unto them. Bring up the fish which ye have now caught. Simon Peter went up. And drew the net. And drew the net to the land full of great fishes. And a hundred and fifty and three. And for all there were so many. Here is the key. Yet was the net not broken. My friends I want you to understand. As we bring this to a close. When you make a decision. To submit to the word of God. Rightly divided. You will never lose. And when you submit to someone. That has submitted to the word of God. And obedient in all that God has outlined. You will never lose. You will not go down for that person. You will be able to experience the goodness. And the good success of that individual. So my friends I want to thank you. Today for joining me here. On Mike Nakata. And as we dive into this word. And as we understand the importance. Of looking at the word of God. Rightly divided. We want to be certain that we apply. His word as outlined. Thank you again. Thank you again. Join me again tomorrow. For another episode. Of Mike Nakata. As we get into his word. Rightly divided.

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