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The redeemer of Zion has come to create in you a new heart!

The redeemer of Zion has come to create in you a new heart!




The God of heaven and earth has come to create in us a new heart. What was distorted has become restored through the blood of Jesus. When we come to the cross with our hurt and pain, Jesus comes with His love and mercy to bring us to a place of redemption. You and I are never too far gone. Jesus has all the power and authority to create in us a new and transformed heart. Jesus is waiting for you to come to the foot of the cross because it's there where you will find His perfect love poured out.

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Sister Melissa shares a message from the Holy Spirit found in Isaiah. The promise is that God will fight our battles when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. We need to open our hearts to Jesus, confess our sins, and ask Him to fight for us. When Jesus sits on the throne of our hearts, we receive spiritual blessings and authority over the enemy. Jesus came to give us abundant life, and this choice will bless future generations. Sister Melissa prays for blessings and says goodbye. Amen. Good morning everyone, many blessings to you, Sister Melissa here, it is 10am on June 26, 2023. I hope everyone is having an amazing blessed day in the Lord Jesus Christ. I am back to relay another message from the Holy Spirit, which is found in the book of Isaiah. In chapter 59, verse 19, and the word of God says, So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy comes in like a flood, the spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him. The Redeemer will come to Zion, and those who turn from transgression in Jacob, says the Lord. As for me, says the Lord, this is my covenant with them. My spirit, who is upon you, and my words, which I have put in your mouth, shall not depart from your mouth, nor from the mouth of your descendants, nor from the mouth of your descendants' descendants, says the Lord, from this time and forever. This is the amazing, wonderful promise we have from God himself, that he will fight our battles for us. And whatever the enemy has done to try and derail us or take us away from God's purpose, it is found in Jesus Christ to fight our battles for us. But this is only when we come to the cross, when we open our hearts to Jesus, and we say from here on out, I want you, Jesus, to become my personal Lord and Savior. I want you to fight my battles, because I believe with all of my heart that you died on the cross to save me. And I confess with my mouth that I am a sinner. I need you to wash me in your blood. I need you to fight my battles for me. I need you to come into the throne of my heart. And I want to remove myself. And I want you, Jesus, to sit on the throne of my heart. And I want you to govern my heart. And I want you to take up residence in my heart, because I no longer want to walk the lonely road. I no longer want to walk this desert road alone. I need you and I want you, Jesus. And the promise of God is that when Jesus comes and he sits on the throne of our heart, God promises to give us and bless us with all and every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm. And we have the authority given to us through the blood of Jesus to now say no to the enemy and allow God to fight on our behalf. And this is the promise of God that the spirit of the Lord will lift a standard against him. Who's him? The enemy. The enemy who only comes to kill, steal, and destroy. But the greatest news of all is that Jesus came to give us life. And not only life, life in abundance. But it's only when we come to the knowledge of the cross and acknowledge that what Jesus Christ did for us has marked not only our lives, but for the generations to come, 10,000 generations, our generation from the 10,000th generation will be called blessed. And it's all because you, yes, you made that choice to come to the cross and have Jesus wash you in his blood that he poured out on Calvary's cross to give you a new life. I pray that this has blessed you in many ways. God bless you and until the next time, bye bye for now. God bless you. Amen.

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