Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Sister Melissa delivers a message about the Holy Spirit and its importance in our lives. She emphasizes that with Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit is within us, guiding us and speaking God's truth. She encourages us to seek the Holy Spirit's understanding when reading the Bible. Sister Melissa also talks about the Trinity and how the Holy Spirit relays God's message to us. She urges us to preach the Word and be ready in all circumstances. She assures us that God stands with us, strengthens us, and protects us from the enemy. She concludes by reminding us of God's deliverance and His heavenly kingdom. Good morning, everyone. Sister Melissa here. I am back with a message from the Lord, Jesus Christ. Yeah, He's so good. He's so awesome and so wonderful and so faithful. Today, I want to talk about the Holy Spirit. It is 10 a.m. September 7th, 2023. And yeah, you already know. I have a message straight from the Word of God, from heaven, from the throne room of God. I want to let somebody out there know the Holy Spirit is with us. The Holy Spirit is within us. If we have Jesus Christ, then that means the Holy Spirit is within us. And we can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens us. Let us hear what it is the Spirit of God is trying to say to us this morning. The Word of God comes from the book of John, chapter 16, starting with verse 12. I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth, for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears, He will speak. And He will tell you things to come. He will glorify me, for He will take of what is mine and declare it to you. All things that the Father has are mine. Therefore, I said that He will take of mine and declare it to you. I quickly want to jump through the book of 2 Timothy, chapter 4, verse 1, which says, I charge you, therefore, before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead and His appearing and His kingdom, preach the Word, be ready in season and out of season, convince, rebuke, extort with all long-suffering and teaching. Dear Lord, Father God, right now I come to you, and I just pray, Father God, that those who hear this podcast under the sound of my voice, led by the Holy Spirit, through the blood of Jesus, I pray, Father God, that they become attentive to hearing what it is you want us to hear for the season we are living in right now. Father God, I just pray over their lives that you, Lord Father God, will enable us to hear the message of your Word, and we will not only hear it, but we will also put into practice what we hear, Father God. Thank you, Lord Heavenly Father, for your goodness, your greatness, your mercy, and your grace. I pray this in the wonderful, beautiful, awesome name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Hallelujah. Yes, Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit, come. Come right now and just illuminate our understanding. We need you, Holy Spirit. I don't know how many of you out there may be struggling with understanding the Bible, and the Scriptures, and the Word of God, but I want to let you know that when we read the Word of God, and we do not have the Holy Spirit, things will become very complex. Things will become very apprehensive, but God, when we open up our heart to the Lord Jesus Christ, He will enable us through the Holy Spirit to understand what it is God is saying, because as we read in John chapter 16, the Word of God says in verse 14, He will glorify me, for He will take of what is mine and declare it to you. But before that, He goes to say, when He, the Spirit of Truth has come, He will guide you into all truth, for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears, He will speak. This is none other than the Trinity coming together, and whatever flows from the throne room of God, the Holy Spirit relays the message to all who seek Him in spirit and in truth, who worship Him in spirit and in truth, who seek the Lord's face daily, wanting earnestly to breathe in and out the revelation that God has for us. So God releases the message, and the Holy Spirit gives it to us the way the Father has given it to the Holy Spirit. Now that Jesus has come to conquer the grave, and after Jesus conquered the grave, the Bible says that when He ascended into heaven in the day of Pentecost, descended the Holy Spirit. He is the heart of the Trinity. He is no less, no more, He is equal to the Trinity. And so now that we have the Holy Spirit among us, when God gives us a word, the Holy Spirit relays it exactly how God unleashed it. I don't know if some of you are having a hard time with this concept, but I want to let you know that God is getting ready to fill your mind, to fill your heart, to fill your spirit with revelation. And the word of God is living and breathing, which means that when God unleashes that word, that word, the Holy Spirit is going to give it to us exactly how God spoke it. And so Jesus goes on to say that everything that is of the Father is mine. And because it is mine, everything now that I am going to show you is going to come through the Holy Spirit. And because it's coming through the Holy Spirit, whatever is mine, I declare it to you. And if I'm declaring it to you, it's because you too are seated in heavenly places. You too have been blessed with all the spiritual blessings in the heavenly realm, which means that if God is allowing us to declare His word, He is also allowing us to inherit the blessings that are tied to the word that we are declaring. Hallelujah! And what is God requiring of us in these times that we are living in? Well, the book of 2 Timothy, chapter 4, verse 1, tells us, I'm charging you with something. I'm charging you before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead and His appearing and His kingdom, to do what? To preach the word. Be ready in season and out of season. This is letting us know when God, when He unleashes a word, that word can come when everything is going great or when everything is falling apart. But the bottom line here is that God is saying you need to be ready in season and out of season because when I, the Lord, unleash a word, the Holy Spirit is going to come forth and you will attain a boldness to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. And the word of God is left among us to do what? It is left for us to convince, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and with the teaching of doctrine. Oh, I feel from the Holy Spirit that someone here is about to receive an impartation of the Spirit of God. And when the Spirit of God is manifest in and through you, you are going to start prophesying. You are going to start speaking what the Holy Spirit places in your spirit to speak. And you don't have to be afraid because if God is for you, who could be against you? When God gives you the word, remember that no weapon the enemy forms against you shall prosper. The way God gives it to you is the way you are going to speak it. Oh, hallelujah. I want to finish, hallelujah, this message by going to 2 Timothy again, chapter 4, verse 17. And personally, I love these verses because these verses is what our spirit needs in order to really go forth and believe that if God is truly for us, then nothing, I mean nothing in this life can come against us. The word of God says here, but the Lord stood with me and strengthened me so that the message might be preached fully through me and that all the Gentiles might hear. Also, I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion and the Lord will deliver me from every evil work and preserve me for His heavenly kingdom. Through Him be glory forever and ever. Amen. We need to understand something that if God is calling us and God is equipping us and God is saying that we are worthy to be called to the ministry because the blood of Jesus has covered us. The blood of Jesus is good enough for us. The sacrifice that Jesus did on the cross was enough for us to come to the knowledge of the cross and becoming redeemed, washed in the blood of Jesus and now ready to be used by God as He stands and tells us that there is nothing that the enemy can do to belittle you because my blood is already and has already washed over you and so I will stand by you says the Lord and I will place my words in your mouth and you will speak what I speak and you will go where I go and you will do what I do all because the message of the gospel will be preached through you in the mighty name of Jesus and the Lord will deliver you from the mouth of the lion and from every evil work and preserve you for His heavenly kingdom and to God be all the honor and the glory. Hallelujah. Oh I pray that this message has blessed you in so many ways as it has ministered and blessed my heart, my spirit, and my mind and my soul. Until the next time, bye bye.