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How are we a letter of Christ?

How are we a letter of Christ?


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The speaker discusses how Christians are like letters of Christ, representing Him to the world through their behavior and conduct. They are called to sanctify God's name and be examples of sanctification. The believer's life should reflect the gospel and attract others to Christ. They are encouraged to proclaim the kingdom of God not only through words but also through their actions. By living a godly life, they can win souls for Christ. It is emphasized that being a letter of Christ is not just a status, but it requires consistent conduct that aligns with God's character. The message concludes by reminding listeners that they are the living word of God's message of salvation and their conduct should glorify His name. WELCOME TO OUR WEEKLY EXHORTATION Thank you for joining me again today. My name is Guillaume Lord. Servant of God. Servant of Jesus Christ. Today, we are wondering, how are we a letter of Christ? How are we a letter of Christ? In Thee, our Father, we pray, hallowed be Thy name. Hallelujah. To sanctify His name, God exercised His power over the Israelites to form men and women with the transformed hearts. Likewise, today, God urges us to come out of the impure environment of unbelievers, not physically, but by our behavior, in the way we conduct ourselves in our daily lives in order to be examples of sanctification in the world we live in. It is in this context that the Apostle Paul says, Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written, not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God, not in tables of stone, but in fleshly tables of the earth. 2 Corinthians chapter 3 verse 3 What does that mean to say that Christians are a letter of Christ? What is an epistle or what is a letter since epistle is a letter? Well, a letter is a mail addressed to any person to send him a message. Usually, apart from the letter, there is a sender and a receiver. The sender of the letter is indeed Jesus Christ our Lord in this context. The letter is you and me who believe in Jesus, and the recipient or the receiver is the world we live in and which represents non-believers. You know, Israel and the community of Christians today are the carriers of the law of God. God promised Israel that He will make with them a covenant after delivering them from their captivity, and then He will put His law in them. In Hebrews chapter 8 verse 10, the Lord says, I will put my laws in their mind and write them on their hearts, and I will be their God and they shall be my people. Hallelujah! The law has repeated this in several other places in the Bible. In fact, the intention of God in putting His laws in the hearts of men is so that they sanctify His holy name by their conduct in the midst of non-believers. A letter of Christ is a matter that finds expression in our conduct, in what we are and how we behave. You see, the true believer is comparable to a working advertising panel that everyone can see and read. If someone likes the message written on the panel, he will surely seek to meet the author of that message, isn't it? As the letter of Christ, the life of the believer is supposed to reflect the gospel of Christ. As such, everyone could know and read about the transformation that occurred in your heart just by observing your testimonies. People could see that the character of Jesus is represented in you. Anywhere you go, you wear the perfume of Jesus which accompanies you throughout your entire life. That's why the Apostle Paul says, We are, you and I, are a sweet savor of Christ unto God. 2 Corinthians 2 verse 15 As the letter of Christ, the believer is to reflect on the gospel of Christ. Do you remember when Jesus commissioned us to go into the world and preach? Yeah, it is so that we raise our voices and proclaim boldly to the world around us the gospel of Christ by our words. But notice this, our voice is not however the only way to proclaim the kingdom of God. You can do it with your life as well. You know, when you don't talk, let the holiness of God be seen in your life. We are like a shop window. Get this, the purpose of being a letter of Christ is so that the believer wins souls for Christ without word, without saying anything but with our behavior. This is what it means by 1 Peter chapter 3 verse 1 that says, Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husband, that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives. Praise the Lord. In this verse, the Apostle Peter is calling Christian women who are married to unbelieving men that by their godly lives and respectful behavior, they could bring their husband to faith. Let's remember, however, that the letter of Christ, as stated by Paul, is not merely a matter of status. It is good to know that we are a letter of Christ. But if as a letter of Christ, our life is not a testimony to the world, then we are a dead letter. Conclusion Friends, you are a letter of the gospel written in words that people can see. You are the living word of God's message of salvation. Through you, people can see the gospel. And perhaps one day, they will long for holy things and they will come to you and say, What must I do that I may have eternal life? In the scripture, being a letter of Christ is tied up inseparably to conduct. If our conduct and our thinking do not correspond to the character of God, then we are simply not his letter. To keep it simple, I will narrow down this to two sentences. The letter of Christ is not a letter of recommendation. The believer needs no credential or accreditation to be recognized as a letter of Christ. But the letter of Christ means likeness of thinking, likeness of conduct, that the world would see to glorify the name of God. Hallelujah! Let's praise the name of God. Well, this is the end of this message. Once again, thank you for your fidelity to this exhortation program. If God wills it, next Sunday, I will see you again. Shalom. Shalom.

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