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Why does God value intercession as much as salvation?

Why does God value intercession as much as salvation?

Christians' Courier-Guy LamewonaChristians' Courier-Guy Lamewona



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In this exhortation, Gila Milhoan discusses the importance of intercession and its connection to salvation. Intercession, or praying for others, allows believers to watch over the souls of their brothers, defend them against the devil's accusations, and hold back judgment. Compassion is important in intercession because it allows the divine power to flow from the intercessor to the one being prayed for. Salvation is not only linked to Jesus' death on the cross, but also to his ongoing intercession for believers. Believers have a responsibility to pray and intercede for others, especially those whose faith is wavering. The message concludes with a call to bear one another's burdens and fulfill the law of Christ. Welcome to our weekly exhortation. Thank you for joining me. Thank you for your time. My name is Gila Milhoan, Servant of God, Servant of Jesus Christ. Today, we are answering to the question, Why does God value intercession as much as salvation? The influence of prayer in the life of believers is very real, but remains a mystery that we cannot explain. When a person makes the decision to follow Jesus by being baptized, he enters the spiritual world with all that it contains, good and bad. Part of the evil spiritual realities have to do with the destructive power of Satan. One day or another, every disciple will fall prey to the devil whose desire is to kill everyone he can get his teeth into. But, God gives the ability to his children to stand firm in the face of increasing pressure from Satan through prayer and intercession. Why does God value intercession as much as salvation? The answer in a moment. What is intercession? To intercede means to pray. But, both are not exactly the same. You have probably heard people say, let's pray for him. Or, would you please pray for me? That's what intercession is about. Intercession is to pray for someone else. The objective when we intercede is to watch for the souls. To intercede is to constantly watch over the interests of our brothers, presenting our requests to God, defending them against the accusation of the devil. We intercede when the spiritual condition of a believer is at risk, when the judgment of God is hovering over the church. Through our prayers, God can hold back judgment and heal. As we know, God has made a lot of promises to his children. Sometimes, in order to see the accomplishment of the promises of God, the believer needs to intercede. Now, who needs intercession? Well, we intercede asking God to keep his grace upon those he has purchased with his blood. More importantly, we intercede for those who are lost spiritually, those whose faith wavers, those who are persecuted. That was precisely the case of the apostle Peter. Peter was targeted by the attacks of Satan, and Satan wanted to destroy him spiritually, but Jesus prayed for him. Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sieze you as wheat. But I have prayed for thee. Luke chapter 22 verse 31 and 32 Praise the Lord. I must draw your attention to the fact that Satan did not only have Peter in his sight, he was targeting all the disciples. Today, he asks to have all the sons of God, you and me, to seize us like we do with wheat. So, just as Jesus intercedes for Peter, we must also do so out of love and compassion for one another. A question for you. Why is compassion so important in this context? Well, compassion is necessary because it allows the divine power to flow from the one who intercedes to the one for whom we pray. By feeling compassion for those we are praying for, the intercessor allows the power of Jesus to reach others. Praise the Lord. Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to explain why salvation is not strictly linked to the death of Jesus for us on the cross, but it is also linked to the intercession of Jesus for you and me daily. You know, intercession is also part of the plan of salvation. Jesus Christ died to save us. The flow of His blood has the effect of covering my guilt and my sins. It is the greatest testimony of His love for man. But that's not all. There is another great manifestation of His love. I would point out to you that His love for me and for you is not only expressed by the fact that He died for our sins two thousand years ago, but also by the fact that He intercedes for us now and in all the days of our lives. In Hebrews chapter 7 verse 25, it is written, He is able, meaning Jesus, to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him, seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them. Praise the Lord. How can Jesus save us completely? Well, because of His role as an eternal priest, He lives forever to intercede for those who come to God. This is how He is able to save us eternally and perfectly. According to this passage, our salvation is not strictly linked to the death of Jesus for us on the cross, but it is also linked to the intercession of Jesus for you and me daily. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord. Conclusion. You give the healing and grace our hearts always hunger for. In Isaiah chapter 62 verse 6 to 7, the prophet Isaiah emphasizes the need for the intercession of the faithful on behalf of Jerusalem. I just want to remind you that Jerusalem is you and I. So, the prophet Isaiah had a vision that Jerusalem will become the praise of all the earth. God will make it glorious before the whole world. And the prophet Isaiah asked the faithful to pray without ceasing until the Lord fulfilled His promise. You know, Jewish people have been saved from the clutches of Pharaoh. Jerusalem is their city. But they were not immune to the thousand and one temptations of Satan. God watches over them to deliver them from the senseless attack of the enemy. For this purpose, God has chosen God whom He has placed on the walls of the city of Jerusalem. These are the ones the Bible calls the watchman who acts as a sentinel protecting the church from the forces of evil through their intercession. You see, Israel was saved from the hand of Pharaoh. But afterward, life doesn't stop. Israel will continue to encounter problems and will also have to seek solutions. So, it is by seeking, by crying out to God that He will have His deliverance. Right? Isn't it? Listen to what the children of Israel said to Samuel the prophet. They said, Cease not to cry unto the Lord our God for us, that He will save us out of the hand of the Philistine. 1 Samuel chapter 7 verse 8 You know, Samuel was a prophet of God. He was one of the watchmen, meaning here intercessor, that God placed to watch over Israel. The Israelites wanted Samuel to pray for them so that the enemy could do nothing against them. Friend, I want to assure you that Jesus lives forever to intercede for those who come to God through faith in Him. This is how He is able to save us eternally and perfectly. He does whatever is necessary in heaven for us to obtain grace and strength. This is why we say that our salvation is not strictly tied to Jesus dying for us on the cross. But it is also linked to the intercession of Jesus for you and me daily. Do you understand why we say that God values intercession as much as salvation? Although Jesus and the Holy Spirit intercede for all believers, believers also have a responsibility to pray. So, through the intercession of Jesus, the intercession of the Holy Spirit, and the intercession of the righteous, you and I, there are things that happen for the good of the kingdom of God. Christians, I encourage you to intercede to pray for those whose faith wavers and who are weak spiritually. Let's bear one another's burden and so will we fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians chapter 6 verse 2. Well, we have come to the end of this message. I hope you enjoy it. If God wills it, we will be together next week. Abundant blessing. Thank you for watching. Please subscribe to my channel. Thank you for watching. Please subscribe to my channel. Thank you for watching. Thank you for watching.

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