Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker is discussing the concept of rest in the life of a believer. They emphasize that believers should not constantly be in a state of battle and fear, but rather should experience rest in every area of their lives. The speaker encourages prayer as a means to unlock rest and overcome the challenges believers face. They also highlight the importance of conquering fear and having confidence in God's protection. The speaker shares personal anecdotes and scriptures to support their message. Overall, the message emphasizes that rest is God's desire for His people and encourages believers to embrace it. she that is believing God, let your amen come like a thunder. Amen. Very sorry yesterday I came late, so that's why I came very early. I think I came before many of you. You know, wait, this is my father's church, so for two days now, I'm a sessional leader. From Sunday at least, in case we get to heaven, God will say, we don't know how judgment will be, maybe God will say, how many of you are session leaders here? I'll say, I do two days for Ojibwe. Hallelujah. So I was the pastor of this church yesterday and today. You guys are good people. May the Lord grant your heart's desire. I don't like the way you look at me. I say, may the Lord grant your heart's desire. One day, somebody asked me to pray for him, and I prayed. He said, pastor, is that all? I said, what do you expect again? You know, those of you who believe in assignment, assignment member, you like assignment, I will just call you and say, start running around this building for ten times. And that is what you believe. I said, may the Lord grant your heart's desire. Before the end of this program, testimony has started already, your own will come to you. Let your aim come like a thunder. First King, who is there? First King, Kings 5-4, 5-4, 5-4, 5 verse 4, sorry. But now the Lord, but now the Lord my God has given me rest on every side, and there is no adversary or disaster. Can somebody say Amen? Then, the Lord my God has now given me rest on all around, there is no enemy or crisis. I like your translation. Okay, First King 8 verse 56. Let me use your translation. First King 8 verse 56. Blessed be the Lord that has given rest unto his people Israel, according to all that he promised, there has not failed one word or his good promise, which he promised by the hand of Moses his servant. The last one, 2 Chronicles 20 verse 30. 2 Chronicles 20 verse 30. Are we there? Okay, then Jehoshaphat's kingdom was quiet, for his God gave him rest on every side. Amen. Rest on every side. Can somebody say Amen? Come on, rest on every side. Can somebody say Amen? Daddy, I've come to discover something in the life of believer. There are believer who fight battle until they see God. There are believers, Christians, the testimony about their life is all about battle. There are people who cannot sleep. It's possible they are here. They can't sleep until they use anointing oil to shower. Hallelujah. There are people who can't travel home because of one uncle or the other. I'm going somewhere. There are people, and I tell you, if you give them food, they will use one hour to speak in tongues before they will eat it. There are people, Christians, I mean Christians, who, they are always afraid that somebody is after them. Which is ought not to be so. Am I talking to somebody? I meet you at that place here tonight, and you are the one I'm talking to. From today, God will give you rest. I don't like the way you shout Amen. I say from today, God will give you rest. Now let me tell you, rest is God's desire for His people. Rest is God's desire for His children. God, it is possible to live a life free of battle. It's possible. You were not born to fight battle all the days of your life. It's an error to keep fighting, fighting, fighting. You hear some people, my life is full of battle. I have one member, daddy. Today, his head. Today, his leg. Daddy, they want to carry me. I say, when will they carry you? Let them finally carry you. You pray and pray and pray. Let me tell you something here. Rest is possible. To enjoy rest does not mean to rest in peace. Some people believe until they die. That is when battle will stop. Now let me also tell you, even when you die, if you don't live for God, battle continues. Because there is life in the other side. Hallelujah. So rest is God's desire. Rest is God's purpose for our life. In Genesis chapter 2 verse 2, the Bible says, God rested. So if God can rest, God wants His children to rest. I pray for you in this season. You will enjoy rest. I don't like the way people shout at me. You will enjoy rest on every side. When I was in my wedding, the young man who came to pick me from where I lodged, where I said, Lord, one of my dick in place, that was where I lodged. Hallelujah. So that day, it was about to rain. So the guy said, Pastor, it's your wedding day, it's raining. Let's pray. I said, I cannot pray today. Today is my wedding day, it will not rain. And that's it. For seven days that month, there was no rain. And I asked myself, Meka, are you speaking in tongues to start my wedding? I'm not saying to pray is bad. But there is a time to relax. There is a time to live a battle free life. Must you be going to hospital every day? Must you be complaining every day? Must you be sick every day? I can't get your mind to rest. You will enjoy rest this season. You will enjoy rest this season. Anything that you will not enjoy rest, I put you to rest. I command you to be rest in peace. Let your home come like a thunder. God has given me rest from every side, in every area. Financially, I have rest. Materially, I have rest. Spiritually, I have rest. Rain is God's desire. And that was why the first message, one of the messages of Jesus, he said, come unto me, all of you that labor, I come and I will give you rest. And if you are in Christ, you are not enjoying rest, something is wrong somewhere. If you are in Christ, you are still afraid of witches and wizards. If you are in Christ, you are still afraid somebody will put something somewhere for you to die. Something is wrong with you. No more born of a woman can call me home. When my time comes, I will breathe down. You can't kill me before my time. A believer, onary, cognos, you can't sleep, you are wasting the blood of Jesus, you are not enjoying rest. You are wasting blood. May I ask you, if not your blood that they share, please, if I see there your body. Any liturgy, blood of Jesus, blood of Jesus, of our Jesus, of our Jesus, they don't come again. What? If any man is in Christ, he is a new culture. If any man is in Christ, the man enters rest. You can initiate this rest. You can decide from today that you will enjoy rest in the day you die. It's possible. Can I pray for somebody here? Anything that will not allow you to enjoy rest between now and December, I put them to rest. I put them to rest. They shall rest in peace. They shall rest in peace. In the name of Jesus. Papa told you that I'm from King's Avenue. That's where my church is. By twelve o'clock, I do wake up by twelve. Then, wear my teleporter. Is it teleporter you call it? So, I wear it. I'll be praying around the street. You know, one day, I saw Christians coming from church with Bible. They saw me. They started saying, hey, Jesus, hey, Jesus. I was laughing. A believer, you are seeing another man like you, you are running. I said, if I pursue them now, they see, I don't know who have high blood pressure. How can you be running from Satan? How can you be running from your fellow man? He was saying, hey, Jesus, I was praying, you know, and I was still laughing while praying. I said, see this one. Tomorrow, now, they say, nothing can shake me. You see a man like you, you are running. Hallelujah. How many of you want to enjoy rest this season? The Bible say, he gave it his beloved. What? Sleep. Enjoy rest. No matter what is happening in Nigeria today, can I say to Ojibwe church, everyone under the sound of my voice, you will enjoy rest on every side. You will enjoy rest on every side. You will enjoy rest on every side. Number one, how do I enjoy rest? You must be with the spirit of prayerlessness. Many of you, so let's confront like this, you can pray. Even when they give you prayer point, you don't want to pray. Anytime, now let me tell you, anytime you are ready to pray, anytime you make up your mind to pray, I tell you, your prayer can unlock, your prayer can dismantle the trance of the wicked. The only time you pray, even the prayer is during morning devotion. You just call Jesus and come. Bring some of the school manual. Don't bring it. I have seen, we are gathering to, oh no, good morning Jesus, good morning Lord. They will be sleeping. When witches and wizards have finished their meeting, at that time they say, good morning Jesus, good morning Lord. You want to enjoy rest, you must know how to pray. You must know how to pray. Pray as you remain the king. Consolidate every trance of the wicked. How can they believe I don't sleep? How can they believe that? You can't sleep. Any little thing, you are having high blood pressure. You know there are some places some of us enter, it's because of here. You attend some prayer room because of here. That is the lay hand on me, lay leg. We have four anointing over here, the baptism. We remain granted over here. So that you can be free. Tell your neighbour from today, I will enjoy rest. In this conference, I will enjoy rest. And if you must enjoy rest, you must carry the ego's anointing. Ego's anointing. Because rest is possible. It is a realm where battle does exist. You have seen battle, nothing bothers you. You are not moved. You have seen battle. You have seen battle. Me die before my time, you are a joker. When my time come, I sleep. Because my life is not in your hands. How can the believer be afraid of his fellow man? I told you, Christians are coming from VG, coming from, I don't know where they are going, I guess they are going to VG. So the man like me, they will say, I can get you, I can get you. So I am not the demon in their heart. You can see fear. Fear is the greatest enemy of man. If you conquer fear, there is nothing you cannot do. Be ready to pray tonight. Anything in your life that will not allow you to enjoy rest this easy, that thing shall be laid to rest. I don't like the way you shout Amen here. Do they ask you to pay money for Amen? One thing about our people, sir, daddy, papa, our members have problems everywhere. They are too familiar with grace. When you are too familiar with grace, you will remain where you are for years. There are testimonies I can't share here because we are online. This man sitting here today, I have served under him. I am not familiar with him. There are things God, through him, God has given to me. I kept quiet because I have told you, you know some of you, is he not my pastor, I know him. You are too familiar with assistance. Please, I beg you, in this mountain for seven days, we still have a Sunday to go. Your life will not remain the same. Even if you are not ready, God will bless you. Those of you who are stingy, let me tell you, if you have one million in your account, use dollar rates to know how rich you are, how poor you are. I was talking to somebody today, he said, man of God, dollar is 815 Naira. So, if you have two million, that two million, make your head sway. You are not going to let the person rest. See, two million, he is not going to allow you to cross from the school. Only two million. Something does yahoo boy can use, buying wine for their girlfriend, that will not make you come to church. Hallelujah. So, when God is saying you will enjoy rest, he means what he is saying. Rest is possible. Let me tell you, this meeting can change your life for good, within seven days. My father is here, he knows how all of us started. Every word that comes from God's mouth, I don't play with it. God is telling me this year, I will enjoy rest, and I am sitting down, not responding. Who told you? This program is quite different from every other program you have been attending. Amen. I pray for 52 of you here. Anything that vow that you will not enjoy, may that be God's fire. Rest. He said the Lord has given me rest on every side. There is no adversary. There is no need to fear. I can't because of you, be praying the prayer I don't want to pray. How can a child of God not sleep? How? How? How can a child of God not sleep? Sir, when my wife gave birth, the baby was not breathing, the baby could not cry. The doctor said, pastor, you say you be pastor, I say yes. We don't finish our own, no, come start from here, your baby is not crying, and is not breathing. I look at the child, just like me as I told you yesterday. I say God, your words say the blessings of the Lord make her rich, and her there no sorrow. A dead baby, I gave name to that dead baby before the baby was born. The baby jumped back to life. There are things we must not accept into our life. Untimely death is not the will of God. Sickness is not the will of God. Your own, anything that comes, you receive. No wonder Satan is giving you. He said, if I bring this one, you go collect. Oh yeah, oh yeah, go give her. Go give her. Anything I give her, you go collect. He is a receiver. That is why our life is like this. How can you be in the church for 20 years, and there is no proof in your life? Something is wrong with you. Even those who serve Satan, if you dedicate yourself for 7 days, you will anoint you with one demon of the other. You can't manifest. How can you, how can you? You have been serving God for years, and there is no proof. Number one proof is about your spiritual life. You can't study the Bible, you can't pray, no fire in you. I pray for you. You will contain fire on this mountain. You will contain revival in this mountain. One day, now let me tell you, if you must enter rest, you must be positive with yourself. What you say concerning yourself matters. Those of you who are saying, where am I? I don't finish. You will surely die, because as you speak to my ear this day, what will I do to you? You are the one that killed yourself, not God. The last time I checked, God does not kill people. He is not a killer. Daddy, one day, let me close on you, I want us to pray. I was very, so frustrated. I was asking God, take my life, as a youth, take my life. I heard God clearly say, you will not die, I don't kill people. Imagine, imagine, a child of God praying that God should take him home, and that is the kind of prayer some of us pray. God, don't blow the trumpet, make all of us go. Make him never blow the trumpet. Now here is your day. You can't be born again in heaven. You can't condone healing in heaven. If you fear, we are to manifest. Telling God to come and take you, you want to run away from your responsibility. Tell your neighbor, you are not dying now. Say, neighbor, neighbor, neighbor, neighbor. I am not going to bury you, I am not going to bury you. Hey God, take me home, me, they go where? You don't see my wife? How will I leave my wife to go home, go where? How will I leave my family, who I want to live with? God, take me, take me, I want to go, go where? Lazy people, fear me. Wait, I am not the one, I am not the one to go and feast like that. After all, there is only like time, there is no darkness in heaven. I am not the one going there to do anything. The Bible, Jesus said, in my Father's house there are many marshals. I am going there to prepare a place for you that where he will be, there will also be also. So I am not rushing there. My people do say, where you go sleep, you know they rush over there. Heaven is my destination, I am not rushing to go there. It is here on earth that God has put us to manifest his presence. I pray for you tonight, in the mighty name of Jesus of Nazareth, anything in your family, anything in your house, that for you will not enjoy rest. Lord, open your mouth and cast fire. Tell your neighbor, you are not dying now. Say neighbor, neighbor, neighbor, neighbor, neighbor. You will not die now. You will fulfill your purpose here on earth. This song we normally sing this song. Tell my member, don't sing that song here. Amen. We don't fly private jet in heaven. I am not talking to somebody. We don't build houses. Everything is already designed and made for us. You see this meeting, somebody has started testifying, you will be the next person. The miracle that will hit you is the miracle you never expect. Stand on your feet, stand on your feet. You will lift up your right hand. Lord, anything in my life that said I will not enjoy rest, this is it. In the name of Jesus, I put there to rest. Holy Ghost, lay ghostly to rest. Believers, here, we are coming from Bible's Tucson, D.C. That's Ogere Bridge. So we normally go there, stand along the road to enter bus going to Obega. Something happened that day. I was in the bus. The guy wanted to make a U-turn on the express. There was a trailer coming from Ogere. You know that place is a slope. I was at the back. The guy was saying, hey, hey, Jesus, Jesus. I said shut up. Don't confuse the driver. I am here. Nobody died here. The man looked at me. There is a level you get to where you are, where you enjoy rest, you speak with audacity. You command things to happen. What killer that cannot kill you? All of us must not die through accident. Now this is the key people for my family. You see here, I will be here for a very long time. Tell your neighbor, I will sit here. Say neighbor, neighbor, neighbor. I will sit here. Today, when people die, we say God, God give, and God take. You better shut up your mouth. How will God take a baby? What is he using it for? Jesus said, an enemy has done this. How will God kill a child? How will somebody marry the next day and die? If you are my member, you say that thing around me, I will suspend you. God doesn't keep people untimely. Tell your neighbor, I will not die before my time. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. So, to enjoy life is God's will. Everybody, everybody, everybody, I want to pray for you.