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Nothing to say, yet
The speaker, Guy Lagloire, talks about the consumption of alcohol from a biblical perspective. He discusses different passages from the Bible that touch on the subject, arguing that drinking alcohol, even in moderation, is not encouraged by God. He emphasizes that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and that alcohol is incompatible with the Spirit of God. He urges listeners to abstain from alcohol and seek the guidance of God in prayer and fasting. WELCOME TO OUR WEEKLY EXHORTATION Thank you for joining me. Thank you for your time. My name is Guy Lagloire, Servant of God, Servant of Jesus Christ. Today, the voice of Jesus is coming to you, saying, Be filled with the Holy Spirit instead. The Lord, Creator of the heavens and the earth, is a God of love. He never hides His intention from His children. Sometimes, He allows us to do certain things, but sometimes, He forbids them. However, there are some commandments which give us the choice of action and where our freedom and our responsibility are confronted. One of the examples I will highlight in this message is the consumption of alcohol as the Bible addresses it. Praise the Lord. The fact is this, there are many Christians who engage in alcohol. According to them, God is not against it. You can drink alcohol as long as you don't get drunk. Just drink in moderation, would people say. They base their arguments on some Biblical verses. In 1 Timothy chapter 3 verse 8 and in Titus chapter 2 verse 3, the apostle Paul is calling respectively and all the women not to be addicted to much wine. In these verses, the apostle Paul talks as if it is allowed to drink some alcohol. Before the end of this message, we will see if these passages give reason to those who cite them to justify their behavior. In fact, the producers of alcoholic beverages recognized its consumption presents a risk of harming oneself or others. In Romans chapter 14 verse 21, the apostle Paul seems to answer to that warning by telling the believer the right thing to do. He said that the right thing to do is to avoid drinking wine or doing anything else that causes another to fall. In the Bible, the word wine is used for both fermented and unfermented juice of grape. You know, God is jealous of his children and does not want to share them with others. He says, Know ye that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own. 1 Corinthians chapter 6 verse 19 Friend, if it is true that the believer does not belong to himself, why should he do something God forbid? Wine is tempting and that's the reason why God warns us not to even look at it and not to even try it or taste it. He says, Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his color in the cup, when it moveth itself aright. Proverbs chapter 23 verse 31 So tell me, why do you even want to drink it in moderation? When we read through the Bible, we can notice that God does not encourage his children to drink alcohol, not even a few drops, because there is no way to know how much any alcohol is going to affect you. Praise the Lord. The Apostle Paul continues saying, Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, which is in you? If you are a believer and have professed faith in God through Jesus, then you are a son of God. As such, your body is the dwelling place of God. According to a drunk alcohol, alcohol is detectable in the blood for about 6 hours, then detectable for 12 to 24 hours in breath, urine and saliva, and up to 90 days in the hair. According to the same source, for a 100% detox, it will therefore take about a month and a half without alcoholic beverages. So, if a single intake of alcohol can be detected in the human organism for 90 days on average, how will the Holy Spirit continue to dwell in you? Because, a single drop of alcohol in your body is incompatible with the Spirit of God in his temple, which is your body. I can assure you that just one drop of alcohol is enough to get you drunk. If you don't drink the Holy Spirit as described in Ephesians chapter 4 verse 30, as a result, the Holy Spirit will leave you. And why so? Well, because you brought into the temple of God bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking. We all know that all these are peculiar to alcohol. For example, in the Old Testament, the priests are to abstain from any intoxicating liquor when performing their sacred functions. In Leviticus chapter 10 verse 9, it is written, Do not drink wine, nor strong drink, thou nor thy son with thee, when ye go into the tabernacle of the congregation, lest ye die. It shall be a statute forever throughout your generation. Praise the Lord. Consequently, the Apostle Paul enjoins that a bishop must not be given to wine. That deacon must not be given to much wine like we mentioned it earlier. The truth is that today, this is not restricted to bishops and deacons only, but is extended to all followers of Jesus. For, contrary to the Israelites, we are the permanent dwelling place of God. Secondly, we are the living sacrifice to God. As such, you must be a sacrifice without blemish, pleasing to the Lord. We must be the temple of God free from any evidence of intoxicating liquor. Otherwise, you will be just a dying sacrifice, rejected by God, the Holy God. Hallelujah. Let us go back now to what the Apostle Paul tells us. Let us weigh this out. If we consider the infinite greatness of the grace of God that is in us, we should not want to drink alcohol, not even a few drops. First, because you are the temple of God. Secondly, because you are a living sacrifice to Him. When Paul said that deacons and old women should not be addicted to much wine, he knew very well that he was talking to knowledgeable people like you and I who know how to handle their freedom and their responsibility in Jesus. Remember what he said about his life without Jesus. He said that he had confidence in the flesh and the flesh was a gain to him. But now, he counts all things to be lost for the excellence of Christ and that he doesn't count them but dang that he may win Christ. Hallelujah. What about you, friend? Why do you still develop a craving for alcohol? Why not stop having that desire that you may win Christ like Paul did? It is possible if you ask God. Let us not forget this. Paul's instruction in 1 Timothy chapter 3 verse 8 and in Titus chapter 2 verse 3 apply to him as well. I strongly believe this. If the opportunity is given to him today, he would not drink alcohol. Why? Well, because he has done with the last of the flesh. Tell me, are you still looking back after putting your hand to the plow? Listen, may no one deceive you. Alcohol is about the act of the flesh like it is written in Galatians chapter 5 verse 19 to 21. A question for you. Do you think the Spirit of God will cohabit with a scoffer in the same house, in the same body? For the Word of God describes alcohol as a mocha. One is a mocha. Proverbs chapter 20 verse 1. Friend, if wine is a mocha, why, as the temple of God, would you want to make company of a mocha? Why would you want to taste alcohol? Why do you want to try it? This is what the law says. Blessed is the man that sittheth not in the seat of mochas. Psalm chapter 1 verse 1. This passage is calling the faithful children of God not to join the company of mochas. You know, mochas are people who are not teachable. They can easily lead you astray. Isn't that what alcohol does? Isaiah says, Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink. Isaiah chapter 5 verse 22. Conclusion. I would like to tell you that once you enter into a covenant with God through the blood of Jesus, you become a slave of righteousness and it is your duty to crucify the flesh and its desire. Since you have made a commitment to submit yourself to the authority of Christ, there are certain behaviors you must give up no matter what. Like Samson, the twelfth judge of Israel who was to touch no grape or wine during the time of the vow and abstain from alcohol. Judges chapter 14 verse 10. And like John the Baptist who was to drink wine John the Baptist who was to drink no wine or liquor. Luke chapter 1 verse 15. The believer should be filled with the Holy Spirit instead of wine. He should be completely yielded to the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah. You should know this. For one who wants to worship the Lord God with all his soul, with all his mind and with all his body, it is not difficult to understand what the Lord is telling us regarding alcohol. For the law of God is not meant to be undertook by our mind but for our hearts. Just understand this. By taking a sip of alcohol, Satan can cause you to compromise the law of God. Yes, God's will for us is to abstain from alcohol. If you really want to give up on the idea of alcohol, please just ask God in prayer and fasting. He will help you and you will glorify his name. Well, this is the end of today's message. Thank you for your listening and thank you for your time. If God wills it, we will be together next Sunday. God bless.