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Diligence by Pastor Charles

Diligence by Pastor Charles


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Hey, you are Yahweh, you are, you are Yahweh. Hey, you are Yahweh. You are Yahweh, Alpha and Omega. You are Jesus, you are Jesus. Oh, you are Jesus. Oh, you are Jesus. Hey, you are Jesus. Oh, you are Jesus. Alpha and Omega. You are Jesus. Alpha and Omega. Oh, you are Jesus. Oh, you are Jesus. Oh, you are Jesus. Oh, you are Jesus. Yes, you are the Lord. Yes, you are the Lord. Yes, you are. Yes, you are. Yes, you are. Most high. Yes, you are the Lord. Most high. That's wonderfulness. Jesus. That's wonderfulness. Jesus. That's wonderfulness. Jesus. There is no other name I know. That's wonderfulness. That's wonderfulness. Jesus. That's wonderfulness. Jesus. That's wonderfulness. Jesus. There is no other name I know. Eternal Rock of Ages, we bless your holy name this morning. Be exalted, be magnified, be lifted high. Thank you, Lord, for bringing us together into this sanctuary this morning. May your name be honored and glorified, Lord. We thank you for your preservation and protection of our lives. We thank you for bringing us together between last week Sunday and this Sunday. You've done some mighty things among us. You didn't allow us to be put down to the grave, Lord. You didn't allow us to bury any of our family. Even the devil threw several stones. But to shield us against every arrows of the enemy. We have gathered here today to praise your name. And also to say thank you. Thank you, Father, Lord. Thank you, Jesus. For every soul that is present here this morning, we say thank you. For everyone watching online and flowing along with this service, Lord, we say thank you. Because we know only the living can praise you. There is no praising of you in the world of the dead. According to Psalm number 6, Lord, we say thank you. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me. Bless his holy name and forget not all his benefits. Lord, I appreciate you. I think of what to give to you. There is nothing to give to you. Everything belongs to you, Lord. But I know you can't praise yourself. So we are here to praise you, to adore you. You can't worship yourself. We are here to worship you. Everything we do here today may be acceptable unto you, Lord. In the mighty name of Jesus. Thank you, Holy Spirit. Father, use my vocal chords today to minister to your children. Like the microphone in my hand. Let me be in your hand, Holy Ghost. And use me to minister to your children. Let them hear only you, not me. Let them hear you, Lord. Let your word go forth with power. In the name of Jesus. If there be any presence of principalities and power. Uncalled spirit. Unwanted agent of Satan. We stand here as children of authority. And we take total authority over principalities and power. We crush them. We trample over them. That they have no part in this service. In the mighty name of Jesus. That every word I go forth from my mouth shall not be perverse. It shall mean to your people what it meant to me. In the mighty name of Jesus. Lord, I humble myself in your presence. May your name be honored. Be exalted, Lord. Thank you, Jesus. People are here today with diverse situations on their mind. You see our hearts. I don't know what is on everyone's mind. But you know, Lord. Let there be a word for them today. In the name of Jesus. Thank you, Lord. In Jesus' glorious name we pray. May we be seated in the presence of the Lord. Praise the Lord, church. Can you look to your left and to your right and say welcome to church. Thank you, Jesus. So what a mighty God we stand. Help me not to sing this morning. What a mighty God we stand. Hallelujah. Heaven and earth adore. Even angels bow before you. What a mighty God we stand. See, while the hymn was going on, I felt in my spirit that the ministration of this song is ministry to some people in this church today. And I want you to draw strength from it. Hallelujah. Pastor, I may not know what is going on in your heart. Even the best of the prophets cannot prophesy if the Lord does not reveal. Hallelujah. So God is the king of all prophets. Hallelujah, somebody. So there is no way I can know what is on your mind, but God knows. So look at the song. He said, you do not have to worry. And you don't have to be afraid. Joy comes in the morning. Troubles, they don't last always. That is good for someone to hold on to. Praise the Lord. There is a friend named Jesus who will wipe your tears away. And if your heart is broken, just lift up your hands and say, oh, I know that I can make it. You are surely going to make it. Oh, I know you will make it. The scripture says, joy shall come in the morning. You will make it. Thank you, Jesus. We serve the Lord who has been through the same situation. They spat on him. They lied on him. They crucified him. They killed him. Hallelujah. So he knows what you are going through. Hallelujah. And he is going to minister to your heart in the name of Jesus. You know, I told you last week that even when your heart is heavy, there is no medication for it. Hallelujah. Doctors have been able to come forth with so many medications. If your heart is heavy, heartbroken, disappointed, there is no medication. Because it is different from being depressed. There are medications for depression. Medications for disappointment. Heartbroken. His only sweet words. Word of courage. And the power of the Holy Ghost, the Comforter. Coming upon you and giving you peace that surpasses every understanding. That is the only one that can heal you. No wonder the word of God says the word of God is like two edges to a piercing. Into the soul, the marrow, and into the spirit. Only the word of God has the capacity to go into where medication can go. May that word come unto somebody today in the name of Jesus. So I just want to use that to encourage someone. That is not actually my message this morning. Throughout the week I have ministered on the word diligence. About three times. Maybe this is going to be the fourth time. And as a lot of you know, we are always online 6 a.m., 12 p.m., and 6 p.m. May the Lord continue to help us. That thing is not easy. Daniel did it throughout his life. In the Babylonian Kingdom. We are trying it now. We are in it about a year and eight months now. But I can tell you it is not a joke. Praise the Lord. To seek the face of the Lord three times daily. Average of an hour. May the Lord continue to strengthen us. It is not fun. Because there are times of discouragement we come. There are times of activity we take you away from the prayer line. Thank God we schedule it among different people. Hallelujah. I can't be there three times a day. Praise the Lord. I am not going to lie about that. Hallelujah. Even if you are single, you don't have children, you don't have family, you are by yourself, won't you feed? Hallelujah. So it is not easy. But we are pushing through daily in the name of Jesus. And we are saying the hand of the Lord. Praise the Lord. All we are trying to do is not to give excuse, not to do it. Because they say excuse is worse than lie. Hallelujah somebody. Thank you Jesus. The word diligence is a principle that the scripture says that it guarantees success. And that is why I am going into diligence this morning. So Holy Spirit will help me to break it down. Some of you that have heard it on the prayer line maybe twice or three times, don't be tired of it. Because the more we talk about it, the more the Spirit of God ignites it inside of us. Hallelujah. The scripture says nobody can succeed without diligence. Diligence guarantees success in one's life. Hallelujah. The scripture says diligence guarantees success. But what is diligence? Diligence is a quality, characteristics of being diligent. Hallelujah. Which refers to the careful and persistent efforts. You are careful and you are persistent. At whatever you are doing. Or whatever you desire to do. Whatever you wish to do. Principle of diligence. Hallelujah. It says, whatever you persist on. Diligence is work put into a task or endeavors. It involves being attentive, one. Thorough, two. And industrious in one's action. Industrious. Industrious. Diligence is no respect of persons. You don't have to be educated to be diligent. Hallelujah. A lot of our parents who were not educated, trained us by their trading. Whatever they were selling, they were diligent. They would wake up in the morning, four, five a.m. in the morning. They have to be at the market before eight in the morning. They are back with their stock and they place it on the street, wherever they sell and they begin to trade. And they do that daily. And before you know it, they now rent a shop from where they've been saving from. From now, they start having big shops. Yet, they didn't go to the school for economics or business management. They were just being diligent in what they do. So, diligence respects nobody. I'm teaching this today because I need it in my life, too. Hallelujah. Somebody. Because one thing I've come to understand about teaching the word of God is that the more you teach, the more the power comes into you, even as you're doling out to the people. You first receive of what's your ministry. Hallelujah. Somebody. One of our brothers in the Lord, I will not call his name. All of you know him very well. But there was a time. We're still in the smaller part of the church there where the ministry started from. And one day, he was supposed to teach from the school. And he was still single then. Hallelujah. Single but living with his girlfriend then. Praise the Lord. They say single people should not teach on marriage. But I heard in my voice, in the spirit of the Lord, say, allow him to go teach that topic. Since you've given it to him, don't stop him. When he finishes teaching it, he's coming to tell you something. Hallelujah. Before God and man, when he finished teaching that topic that day, after the service, he came to me. He said, Pastor, Mr. Sid, that message today is actually talking to me. I'm going to marry my wife. And the rest is history. They are married today, living happily. When he taught that message, the power of conviction came upon him. Whatever has held him down to make that decision, he knew he had to make that decision. So, from then, I knew that whatever topic, it doesn't matter if you are good at it or not. The Lord will give you power from the Lord. Hallelujah. Somebody. So, for me, personally, I need some diligence in certain areas of my life. That's why, diligence, I'm teaching you. Until I see you working in my life in some areas. Because you can be diligent in certain areas and be weak in other areas. Yeah, you can be jack of all trades anyway, but there are some significant things that you can neglect. Praise the living Jesus. So, I hope somebody is going to get it this morning in the name of Jesus. You can never be too old to be diligent in certain areas. If you are not diligent in your marriage, there will not be fruitful in it. If you are not diligent in relationship, it will not bring any results. Anything God put in your hand, if you are not diligent about it. So, somebody, what is this diligence now, Lord? Praise the Lord. Listen to it very carefully. Diligence implies a strong commitment to achieving goals. A strong commitment to achieving goals. You may know that you need to achieve this particular goal, but you may not really put your heart to it. Forget it. You procrastinate from now till tomorrow, nothing will happen. You can be praying or you may be on prayer line three times a day. But it is the person that is doing it that will see the results. Hallelujah, somebody. So, he said, diligence implies a strong commitment to achieving goals. Paying attention to details. And persevering through challenges. It doesn't mean challenges will not show up. But you will always find a way to carry out that activity. Because you know there is success ahead of it. You think if Jesus was not diligent about his activity, his calling, his ministry, you think he would have gone to the cross? No. He had several opportunities to give up. Especially at the last moment when he was in Gethsemane. He had to specifically pray that prayer. Lord, I wish this cup would pass over me. But let your will override my will. Hallelujah, somebody. And angels were there to strengthen him. So, who told you you don't need... So, sometimes when we are praying for success... Because I'm teaching this. I came from a background of a church whereby I prayed a lot for many years. I prayed looking for success. I was even living in the church. I didn't go back to school on time. I was there praying every day. Nothing happened much. Praise the Lord. Spiritually, leave that one alone. If I decree your life, you will see the result in one week. Praise the Lord, somebody. But we are all sleeping on the floor. We wake up every day. I go to the golf course to go hustling. I come back to the church. Thank God for the wisdom of God. You may be doing the right thing the wrong way. The prayer is not bad. It's just that God is looking for something to bless. There's nothing to bless. Hallelujah, somebody. God is looking for something to bless. There's nothing to bless. Holy Ghost minister to me. God, you better wake up. Thank God for Holy Spirit. Wake up. Go back to school. And I went for accounting, which benefits me in America today. Praise the Lord, somebody, as a tax consultant. Now, I know some people here. Can you imagine, as a tax person, when I see the income some people are making, it does not correlate to the effort they're putting into the career that's producing that income. They themselves never anticipated they would ever make such money. But they were diligent to go into that particular career, those certifications. They put time into it. Just to make ends meet. Just to make at least good income. Probably six figures. But one thing about the mystery of life is that when you are diligent about something, you don't know what God has in store for you. Because He's ready to just surprise you. Hallelujah. The Scriptures say, I wish above all things that you prosper and be in good health, even as thy soul prospereth. In other words, to the extent to which you desire, God is ready to give it unto you. Praise the Lord, somebody. So, I see those things and it surprises me. I say, wow. When they were diligent those days, I know a couple of people, even among us here, when they were going for their certification in certain kind of field, the income they see now truly is not what they anticipated. But that is what God does for you. So, do you think in that kind of blessing waiting ahead of you, you think the enemy will want you to actually do that thing that will make you such? No. He won't want you to. He will not. The enemy will not want you to do what you are supposed to do. So, I'm going to show you from some Scriptures. But let me finish with this diligence. Hallelujah, somebody. He said, in essence, diligence is the opposite of laziness or negligence. Why do you neglect things you are supposed to do? It's because you are not diligent. You always have excuses for reason. Hallelujah. You get home now, where you put your shoes, where your clothes will be till tomorrow, or the day you wash it. You pass by it. You enter your kitchen. Your dish is packed full. I'll wash it later. Later, roaches begin to roam around in your house. The things you didn't bargain for, they start growing in that area. Because negligence is lack of diligence. Praise the Lord, somebody. Somebody say, negligence is lack of diligence. Hallelujah. Somebody is laughing. I know a lot of us are guilty of that. Thank you, Jesus. It involves taking responsibility for one's work. You have to take responsibility. Some people, they start business. Clients, we call them. They will not answer. Clients, we call them. They will be arriving here and there. Why are you in the business when clients cannot reach out to you? You promise your client that their job will be ready on social day. They are there waiting. You say you forgot about their job. What? Seriously? Hallelujah. A lot of us are immigrants in this place today. Do you think America, if they are not being diligent and wise, this country will be the way it is today? Go to Africa and see where people are not diligent with their work. They are diligent at sharing money. Diligent at wasting resources. Hallelujah. They are very diligent, but in the wrong thing. Praise the Lord, somebody. They are so diligent in the wrong thing. And that's why a lot of us are here today. And you now come to a system that works. What are you learning from the system? Praise the Lord. The Bible says, does nature not even teach us? Nature does teach us. When you look around this country and see where you are coming from, you know that the people who are directing those two places are different in their thinking. Hallelujah, somebody. Some are patriotic. They love their nation. They don't even say it. They act it out. Some shout it. But there's no result to show it else. And when we leave nations and come to our personal life, some of us, we are acting that way. And that is why diligence is needed. Hallelujah, somebody. Because I was a prayer warrior. I didn't see much result. Not because God... I was... Spiritually, God was blessing me. That's why I can preach. I can sing. I can revive. I can do many, many things in the body of Christ. But one day Holy Ghost wake me up and said, Guy, I love you too much for you to remain this way. Oh yeah, wake up. Now you need wisdom. And diligence is a product of wisdom. The Bible says wisdom... It is a prayer. Wisdom is the principal thing in all getting... Get understanding. So Holy Ghost gave me understanding. This ministry you see here today has been bettered in my spirit. I'm here in America 20 years now. It has been bettered maybe 27 years ago. It just came to pass in this country. I have always known that this is what I will do. Spiritually, spirituality in the work of the Lord... Oh, we grew up in it. Hallelujah, somebody. I know many broke prophets. They have gifts. But no wisdom. Hallelujah, somebody. I'm telling you the truth. I'm telling... You can be praying. Because what we used to pray in those days that God send somebody to come and help us. Send somebody. If we want to build, God send somebody to come and help us build. Send somebody to come and help us build. We'll be waiting for politicians to come to church. We can pray for them. They can put money in our hands. What a mindset. What a thinking. What's wrong with you? So Holy Ghost has to open my eyes. Ah! Put yourself... Can't God use you? As long as you never think that God can use you, you're already taking yourself out of the equation. God has to take me out of that thinking. So that I can also be used. There was a time when people come, we pray for them. Maybe deliverance section. Some people will bless us. Put money in the envelope. I will take mine and put it in the tight box. And say, God, this is not what I'm looking for. Hallelujah, somebody. Even when I finished the school, I didn't even do much with it in Nigeria. Still, God brought me here. And one of the problems is that when prophet is coming telling you that you are not going to live here. You are living abroad. If you are not careful, you wait for abroad and you'll be growing old. Praise the Lord, somebody. That is one of the disadvantages of hearing what is to come. It's good to know what is coming. But if you don't know how to manage the information you are hearing and mix it with wisdom... Are you hearing me? I have a friend that one day he looked at me and said, Charles, do you know that the money I spent in trying to travel could have built me a house? He has multiple passports. Been to several nations in Africa to go fly from there to America. But it didn't work out. By the time he counts all the money he has wasted, his younger brother has finished his building. One day he just said, I'm not traveling again. Even if the opportunity comes, I won't. I want to build now. Why? Because lack of wisdom. Lack of understanding. That's what prophecy does. Prophecy doesn't give you time. It won't give you date. It won't give you anything. So you are thinking... Because it's a good word, you want it to happen tomorrow. And if you happen to meet a prophet that knows how to exaggerate, it will make you look at... Ah! Don't do anything again. It's tomorrow. That tomorrow is ten years. If you are not... That's why some people just got angry and said, I'm not serving God again. Because they said they were confused. No. You are not confused. It is you that lack wisdom. Praise the Lord. You can't come and tell me now that a prophet deceived you. If you have read your Bible, the scriptures say, test all spirits. Hallelujah, somebody. The scriptures say even the angels of the devil disguised as the angel of light to deceive man. So Bible warned you. Even though Paul said, convert the gift. There is still warning. It is a two-edged sword, the word of God. Don't read one side and ignore the other side. So we are dealing with diligence this morning. I will show you the other side of diligence. Somebody say praise the Lord. Thank you Holy Spirit. That's why I'm passionate about this teaching this morning. Because it's going to be a light unto somebody in the name of Jesus. You will know that even though you are saying you are waiting on the Lord, the Lord is actually waiting on you. Psalm number 1 says, whatever you do, verse 3, He will bless you. Hallelujah. Any industry you find yourself, if the grace of God is upon your life, you will be blessed. Thank you Holy Spirit. Diligence is an important virtue in various aspects of life. In various aspects of life. Diligence. Praise the living Jesus. Including personal pursuits, professional endeavors, relationship, spiritual growth. Any area of your life, if you apply the principle of diligence, you will see the result thereof. Thank you Holy Spirit. You will see the result. Practicing diligence often leads to favorable outcome. Which means that it's a character that can be practiced. What is diligence then? So the opposite of diligence is laziness. The opposite of diligence is negligence. Hallelujah. And laziness comes with excuses. Praise the Lord. Go to work today, oh the sun is too hot. Oh the rain is too stormy. What else? Ice. Ah. You know what our fathers they say, if the rain does not beat you, the sun does not beat you, and the ice didn't ice you, hunger will beat you. You have to make a choice. Praise the Lord somebody. Now we understand you could be looking for something and not finding anything to do yet. But that's not the issue. What we are saying is that once you find something to do, don't let anything stop you to do it. Just go for it. Do you know that sometimes the job you don't like are the one that gives you the main promotion you're not even expecting. That is what the grace of God does. You see the beginning of the package, you don't like it. Ah, what kind of income is this? This, I've earned more than this before. But right now you don't have anything. Go for it. Oh, this is more harder than before. Go for it. Especially if you have been praying, just go for anything. You will see the hand of God. As a matter of fact, the information for the better job may come from somebody you will meet at that small job. But one thing I know is that God, somehow, someway will show out in your life. Hallelujah, somebody. That is why the scripture says in Psalm number one, it says, Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of discomfort. But your delight is in the law of the Lord. It says, In the law you are meditating day and night. You shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water. You never have a dry season. Information you will not lack. Hallelujah. Connection you will not lack. Grace you will not lack. Energy you will not lack. Because you are connected to the source. Hallelujah, somebody. God will not leave you idle. He will not leave you, He will not disappoint you. He will not shame you. Thank you, Holy Spirit. It says, Diligence. Practicing diligence often leads to favorable outcomes, personal growth, and fulfillment of goals. It is a quality that is highly regarded and encouraged in many cultures. And is seen as a key factor in achieving success and making a positive impact. You can't do anything positive in life without being diligent at what you do. Praise the Lord. So these are just some definitions of diligence. Now let me take you to the scriptures of diligence. Praise the Lord. Proverbs chapter number 10, verse number 4. The word of the Lord says, A lazy hand makes poverty. But a diligent hand brings wealth. Somebody will receive the grace to be diligent in the name of Jesus. You see, when Solomon... I read a book one time, Stephen Scott. He was explaining diligence. He said, Diligence that Solomon is talking about is not just hard work. It's actually smart work. Hallelujah. He said, Diligence that Solomon is talking about is people doing things one particular way. You coming up there and finding a way to do it easier for more productivity. Like China is doing today. That is diligence in the highest level. Everything we do in the house domestically, China has found a machine for it. Hallelujah, somebody. China has invented a machine for everything. Why? Because they are being diligent. Finding the way to do more. Yes, they have the population. If they have to do it slowly, they have enough population to do it slowly. They have enough people. But yet, they put their mind to work. But yet, they don't pray like us. Hallelujah, somebody. I'm not against prayer. Don't get me wrong. What I'm saying is that there was a time I was hiding under prayer. I said, I'm working hard. I was working hard in prayer. There's time and season according to the scripture. You must know how to balance your time. The time for prayer and the time to go do what you are supposed to do. Hallelujah. You can't even be doing what you are doing and be praying along at the same time. Hallelujah. So don't live one for one. Don't make excuses. If you are a mother, if you are a parent, you love the work of the Lord, you are in the ministry, don't put all your energy in the ministry work and neglect your children. You will not regret in Jesus' name. It must be balanced. Because there's a way we do things. We do the right thing but we hide under that right thing and neglect other good things. It will show for two. Praise the Lord, somebody. Thank you, Holy Spirit. Proverbs 13 verse 4 says, A sluggard's appetite is never filled, but the desire of the diligent are fully satisfied. The desire of the diligent is... What is sluggard? That's where the word sluggish comes from. What does it mean to be sluggish? Have you ever driven a four-legged car with three tires before? I even saw one in Nigeria, three-legged tires. And that one is not even sluggish. It was even overtaking. Praise the Lord. What am I saying? Hallelujah. Have you ever seen things be sluggishly done for you before? That is somebody that don't want to do it but they're forcing themselves to do it. You know, if you have to force yourself, force yourself, just do it. Just do it. Praise the Lord. But you see, the appetite... Have you heard people that say, I want to build... I will build a house. That business, I will start it. Oh, they have plenty of ideas. I will do this, I will do this, I will do this, I will do this. But you never start one. Even if you start one, you've never taken it to the highest top where you're supposed to take it. So you are jamming too many stuff together. Eventually, one will drop. That one, you may even have the spirit of diligence but you are not balancing with wisdom. Hallelujah, somebody. So Solomon said here, he said, A sluggard's appetite is never filled. A sluggard's appetite is never filled. Which means, they desire many things but they can't work for it. That's not supposed to be a child of God. He said, but the desire of the diligent are fully satisfied. Somebody say amen to that. Proverbs 25, 21 verse 5. He said, the plans of the diligent lead to profit. The plans of the diligent. So diligent is what? Not just hard work. Persistency. Consistency. Hallelujah, somebody. Innovation. We can add it to diligence. Thinking. Meditation. Hallelujah, somebody. Drawing ideas. Thinking through situations. How can we do this thing better? It's part of diligence. Being innovative, being creative. It's part of diligence. But being consistent. You can't take, you can't say diligence and take away consistency. Hallelujah, somebody. And the scriptures say that if you are diligent at anything, you'll be good at that thing. Praise the Lord, somebody. Which means, if you are consistent, whatever you want to do. If you are consistently improving and improving and improving. Either you have to read more books. Either you have to practice more. You will get better at it. No matter what. It's the principle that works. Hallelujah, somebody. If your desire is to get better at anything. If you put in the time. The result will come forth. Hallelujah. That is what diligence is saying. That if you put your energy at it. The result will come forth. Praise the living Jesus. So Proverbs 22, verse 29. 22, 29 says. It said, do you see someone skilled in their work? They will have, they will serve before kings. Before kings. They will not serve before officials of low rank. Hallelujah, somebody. Do you know how much they brought mercy now to America to come and pray for Miami? 150 million. Praise the Lord, somebody. Am I wrong or right? Because he refused to go to Dubai. He refused to. It's more than that, right? I thought it's 150 million. He refused to go to. United Arab Emirates. Where they were. Maybe they were. Why? Because he's a skillful guy. If he's in that field. You will know his guy is in the field. How did he get there? Because he was practicing from childhood. Praise the Lord. I know somebody's thinking. Pastor, I know people who practice more than that. They never made it to where. Mercy is. Hallelujah. That is where prayer is needed. Because you can be diligent. That is the other side of the sword. 150 million. Praise the Lord. Just two years. Just take it. He said I want to be with my family. He rejected maybe 1 billion thereabouts. He rejected some of the millions. I want to be with my family. He has money already. We're talking of skill. Don't envy him. He does his own calling. Praise the Lord. Whatever your calling is. Do your best. And leave the rest. Somebody shout hallelujah. I can't go and join soccer now. Because somebody's breaking my leg. They will break my leg. I can join maybe to lose weight. Not to make that kind of money. Everything has time. Don't be diligent at soccer. When you're already 50 plus. Thank you. Thank you for answering me. God bless you all. Hallelujah. He said do you see a man skilled in their works. They will serve before kings. They will not serve before officials of low rank. The first day we stepped on the pitch in America here. All superstars were there waiting on him. When I know them I don't know them. They were all just there wanting to meet him. Hallelujah. One of our best basketballers was there to meet him. He's a billionaire himself. Hallelujah somebody. Diligence don't care who gave birth to you. Hallelujah. Diligence does not care your background. When you take to the place of diligence. Those who don't know your father and mother. They will know them by force. Because diligence will expose you to the world. In other words. If it's one thing you are called to do. And you are diligent at it. The scripture is saying that kings. We do not know the Bible says kings. We know presidents. People of high rank. Hallelujah. What do you call them? The princes and kings of the world. They will want to meet you. But when you look back where you are coming from. Who am I? Thank God for diligence. It is just skill. One time they were looking for someone to play music for David. For Saul. They said David. David is not only anointed as a shepherd. Or as a warrior. He is also a skillful player. A composer. The guy is loaded. Praise the Lord somebody. And everything he does. He does it well. He is an outstanding human being. Excellent human being. Hallelujah. In the place of war. In the war front. He destroys. Hallelujah somebody. He is a shepherd. Which means you have to protect your sheep. He was an awesome shepherd. Because he said he killed a lion and a bear. When they tried to take one of his sheep. He is an outstanding guy. May we receive that grace today. In the mighty name of Jesus. Thank you Holy Spirit. Diligence. I was talking earlier about the way we pray three times a day. That is the lifestyle of Daniel. Look at the way he was. Look at the way he ruled over the people. In the Babylonian kingdom. Over all those four kingdoms. Only him. By praying three times a day. Even when his life was threatened. He didn't stop. Can you imagine? People are die hard at what they do. That is diligence. Diligence at its highest level. Diligence at its highest level. That this is what I am called to do. See the problems we have is that we want to do plenty of things. It is not that you are not diligent. You are very diligent at the things you do. But you are trying to do too many things. Not one thing. And back it up with prayer. And see God lift you up to the highest level. In the name of Jesus. Thank you Holy Spirit. Colossians put it this way. He said. In Colossians 3.23-24. Whatever you do. Work at it with all your heart. As working for God. Work at it with all your heart. As working for the Lord. Not for human masters. Since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord. As a reward. In the Lord Christ you are serving. Not only the ministry work. We Christians. Anywhere we are working. One of the outstanding character we must have. Is to work as if we are working for Christ. Whether your boss is difficult. Holy Ghost will give you a way around it. Hallelujah somebody. Whether your boss. Whether people around you they are not doing right. They are not living right. Holy Ghost will separate you. If you can put your heart. That Lord I am doing this unto you. Even though you are getting paid. But you are doing it unto the Lord. So you do it with fear. You do it with respect. You doing it with dignity. And you doing it with reverence to God. Hallelujah. I will say it quick because. A wicked boss suddenly will notice that. I have tried to intimidate this person. They refuse to be intimidated. Hallelujah. And before you know it they can't do without you. As a matter of fact. The people that are ahead of you will leave the place because of you. What you are tolerating they will not tolerate it. And as they are leaving. Your hard work will begin to promote you. Those who don't like you. They can't do nothing without you. They have to just put you there. Hallelujah. Hallelujah somebody. You are not like somebody that sang the song that is not available. You are always available. Praise the Lord somebody. Somebody said I am not available. Where did you go? Praise the living Jesus. Hallelujah. Pastor you listen to those songs too? So? Even if I don't listen. Everything is popping out everywhere these days. You are sleeping. Your phone is sleeping. You are always going to hear what is going on in town. Praise the Lord somebody. Hallelujah. So 2 Timothy chapter 2 verse 15 says. Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved. This is for kingdom workers now. Hallelujah. For those of you that work in the kingdom. That work in the ministry. This is for us. He said do your best to present yourself to God as one approved. In other words by God. Even though God called you. I am called I am anointed. You still have to be diligent. With the scriptures. Praise the Lord somebody. He said a worker who does not need to be ashamed. And who correctly handled the word of truth. May the Lord grant us grace to handle his word perfectly. In the mighty name of Jesus. Let us quickly look at Ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 11. A lot of us know what is there. Ecclesiastes chapter number 9 and verse number 11. This is where your prayer is needed. Pastor said I should be diligent. Pastor you don't know how I have been diligent. But I have not seen much success. I have a scripture for you. Praise the Lord. Ecclesiastes chapter 9. Verse number 11. The scripture says. Thank you Holy Spirit. The race is not for the sweet. There is something I see under the sun that is baffling to me. Verse number 11. He said I returned and saw under the sun. The race is not for the sweet. Nor the battle to the strong. Hallelujah. Who is the sweet? Talking in the place of race. I mean there is a lot of racing going on these days. I think it is the racing season. And we have some stars. We have some stars in Nigeria. So it is the racing season. Go and check their level of practice. Their level of diligence. The effort they put into practicing in order to achieve being the best. And winning the gold medal. Or being the best in the world. They put in so many efforts. The scripture is telling me here that. Don't forget there is still another part B of diligence. That you can still be diligent. Be the swiftest. And yes. You don't win the race. He said you don't win the race. You are diligent. You are swift. If you hear that one you may be discouraged. No don't be discouraged. Your own case will be different in the name of Jesus. He said the battle is not for the strong. Sorry. His Bible I am reading now. Praise the Lord somebody. I am not reading newspaper. His Bible. Thank God for the word. Hallelujah. We have to balance the scriptures. Because you can't go and say you are practicing now. You are in the gym lifting weight every day. You are going to Olympics. Hallelujah. Pray along with it. Does that make any sense? This is what I want to bring out from this scripture. This one is telling you that be mindful. You know the scripture says by strength shall no man prevail. Hallelujah. As you have been diligent don't take God out of your equation. Because you can put in all that same effort. And you still won't. Hallelujah somebody. I haven't seen it that way before. Praise the Lord. Maybe somebody is going through the same situation right now. You put in so much effort. You are so diligent. They will bypass you like you are in Nigeria. Go and promote somebody else. Hallelujah somebody. They will just bypass you. Go and promote somebody else. Not that they didn't see your effort. They just don't care about you. Hallelujah. Their effort will be recognized. Hallelujah somebody. Do you know how many African children came here and became part of the NBA basketball? Making millions now. Those ones they will have been on the street playing. They will play till they grow old. Nobody will recognize them. Because when they want to pick the team that will play for Nigeria. They will pick those who are able to pay the coaches. Hallelujah somebody. They will pick those who can afford to pay those who are picking them to come and play. They don't care about the best. Because if they care about the best. They will pick whoever is the best. And because you are putting all your efforts. You know you are going in. But in that situation those kind of countries they will abandon you. If you don't pay something. There are some guys. Those who play more than Messi. They are there they have grown old now. Those guys were always on the field. We know them very well. Every day you see them on the soccer field. They will not eat. But the race is not for the swift. The Bible says time and chance happen to them all. I pray for you today the enemy will not steal your time. The enemy will not truncate your chances. In the mighty name of Jesus. Because God often times gives us chances and opportunities. Not because God has not blessed you. You see there are many factors that can affect your being diligent. But scripturally diligence is supposed to open doors for you. It is supposed to promote you. Hallelujah somebody. When I was in school in those days. I remember one of our students. When we finished our WIAC exam then. A1, 9 subjects. Everything A1. He has even made it when we were in form 4. Before we got to form 5. He has made it in GCE. So by the time we are in form 5. They are already giving him addition to the University of Lagos. Hallelujah somebody. Then down the road one day I saw him on the street. Walking with slippers. Guy what is going on? No excuse. Nothing to say. Smart guy. You know those that have been marked for success. Forget it. Only Jesus can mark you for success in life. Hallelujah. Maybe for the sake of those that could be online and watching. I will not say what happened to him. But time and chance was against him. Praise the Lord somebody. Time and chance was against him. So if you are favored to be diligent. And you are enjoying the reward of your diligence. Don't be haughty. Don't be arrogant. Because we live in an evil world. And the enemy. If you don't pray along with it and have Jesus in your life. The enemy can bring you down. The world will know you as a talented person. But the talent will not bring anything to you. Because they will cap you. Praise the Lord somebody. What am I trying to say? You must be prayerful. As you have been diligent at your skill. Be diligent at praying. That will lead me to a particular scripture. Genesis chapter 24. Let's look at it quickly. And I will close with that one. There is a guy in Genesis 24. He is a servant to Abraham. I love that guy so much. And I will tell you why I love the guy. Because father Abraham gave him an assignment. And when he was going for that assignment. The guy was smart enough. You know. He was going to go get a wife. For his master's son. And in verse number 10. Look at what he says in verse number 10. He said then the servant took ten what? Ten of his master's camel. And departed. You know ten is the number of supernatural increase. Ten is the number of supernatural increase. That is why God gave us ten toes. Ten fingers to make wells. Ten toes to take us to a place of wealthy ground. Praise the Lord somebody. And that is why the Lord demanded the tenth from us. That our works may be blessed. Praise the Lord somebody. So this guy went with ten camels. Which is an evidence of wealth. Hallelujah. Somebody like this does not need to go and look for a wife. And be begging that wife come and marry us. Because we will have what every woman wants. Good life. True of false. If a man come to you now. And the man packed ten jets. Hallelujah. Maybe the man met you at the airport. He is a young man. Say hello sweetie. I like you. He say okay. I don't know how rich he is. He say can I talk to you. Then he escort you to the tarmac. And you see bodyguards following him. You too you will be afraid. Even if you are there with your boyfriend. You will walk away for a minute. Praise the Lord somebody. Then the guy took you to the tarmac. And he show you some jets. Let me tell you something. Let me tell you the truth. You will be tempted. True or false. If you are not careful. No matter how Christian you are. You first of all say yes. Even if you go and pray about it. You first of all say yes. You go and pray about it. Maybe you are even coming from a night vigil. Maybe they even told you that one blessing is coming. You will be confused. Because you don't know which one is the blessing. Hallelujah somebody. This guy showed up with ten camels. They were carrying gold. They were carrying silver. When they see the wife of Isaac. They will first of all bait that lady with gold. Hallelujah somebody. So a guy like this. I will tell you that he has been diligent. And be skillful. In the things he wants to go and do. Hallelujah somebody. But he did something that impressed me. When he got to the place. Where he is going to get the wife. The Bible says he knelt down. Hallelujah somebody. Does that make any sense to you? Because suddenly a lot of you say. I am looking for a wife. You want to flaunt with only the material things you have. You will make mistakes. Hallelujah. Your materiality will buy you lies. Only Holy Spirit can lead you to the truth. Praise the Lord somebody. So don't depend on that things you are flaunting. If you want to be truthful to yourself. If you want to lie to yourself. That is fine. But if you want to be truthful to yourself. Single. Praise the Lord somebody. You got to be truthful to yourself. You have everything. That will impress a woman. Or you have everything that will impress a guy. You better put it in the hands of the Lord. You have done everything career wise. You have done everything. You have done very well for yourself. You have been diligent with yourself. Don't use that. When it comes to the issue of marriage or relationship. Don't use that. You need God. Because time and chances. Happen to them all. This guy did not depend on the 10 camels. He did not depend on the gold. Those things were enough to impress any woman. He does not need to pray. Any woman will fall. But he wanted the will of the Father. For his master's daughter. For his master's son. The Bible says he knelt down. Let me look at that verse there. Praise the Lord. Thank you Holy Spirit. Praise the Lord. The God of my master Abraham. Please give me success this day. Every single Shulman this place. Genesis 24.12. That prayer that man prayed. He said give me this day. He said. Oh Lord the God of my master Abraham. Please give me success. This day. And show kindness to my master Abraham. Behold here I stand. By the well of water. And the daughters of men are sitting. Are coming out to draw water. Now let it be that the young woman. To whom I say. Please let down your pigeon. That I may drink. And say. And she said drink. And I will give your camels a drink. Let her be the one. Who have appointed. For your servant Isaac. And the church say. Amen. Amen. Let me tell you the truth. If I'm in that guy's shoe. I will not pray. Praise the Lord. I'll just wear plenty of the good. And sit on one of the camel. Praise the Lord. Somebody. I'll be showing off around the street. Because somebody will fall for it. Praise the Lord. That's what a lot of us do. When it comes to religion. That's what we do. Praise the Lord. The people will go home and say they want to go and marry. They will go and flaunt their citizenship. And carry their pallet everywhere like this. I'm sorry for you. They will first kidnap you. Who will now contribute from here to bail you out. That is if. That is if your friend they pick your call. Hallelujah somebody. It's joking. But we are laughing. Is it true or false? Praise the Lord. Praise the living Jesus. Many things we do we deceive ourselves. The Bible says by strength shall no man prevail. It is the blessing of the Lord that maketh riches and adds no sorrows. After you have been diligent. Don't depend on your energy, your strength, your hard work. Go on your knees. And tell God. Father grace my efforts. Praise the Lord somebody. Father grace my efforts. Holy Spirit grace my efforts. Help my efforts. Help my skill to find relevance. Help my life to find relevance. Whatever you have called me to do in life. Father help me to find relevance. Help me to flow in the path. Help me to excel. Hallelujah somebody. The people you see that are very successful. That don't pray, don't seek the face of God. They don't earn. Often times they don't earn well. Hallelujah somebody. Because there is no God in that equation. God has anything to take his place. Ecclesiastes 9. Compare Ecclesiastes 9 and see what this man did. He knew that all those things he is going with may not give him the right person. You see a man standing. Whoever sees him will believe that he is the owner of all the camels. Of course he is the one directing them. Convoy. Camel in those days is like somebody driving convoy. Convoy. Igwe 1, Igwe 2, Igwe 3, Igwe 4, Igwe 5, Igwe 6, Igwe 7. You know our people how they do it in Africa. Hallelujah somebody. It is what it is. Once you see that Igwe follow. You see the plate number of the Rolls Royce. You know it belongs to one person. And this is the man standing here. He will never pray to catch any woman. And that is foolishness. So what he did there is that having all those things with him. Just to impress the woman that if you follow me to that long distance you will not suffer. Because it is a long journey. Any woman that will make her say they want to follow you. They have not seen the guy before. They do not know who the guy is. It is a blind date. Not even a blind date. Blind marriage. Those of you that say I must know her. Praise the Lord. Somebody. Blind marriage. But the wealth is enough to convince the woman that she will not suffer. But what if she is not the right woman for the man. Praise the Lord. So he knelt down. And in chapters verse 12 he said God the master of my father. My master the God of my father. Or my master Abraham. Give me success today. If you read that place so interestingly. He was so impressed that before that guy finished that prayer. Rebekah showed up. I pray for you today. You will show up at the right place. At the right time. In the mighty name of Jesus. As Christians we say time and chance happen to them all. The man prayed God let Rebekah there. At the right time. God gave Rebekah that chance. Somebody your chance is on hand. And you will not miss that chance in the name of Jesus. After you put all the efforts. So you have double prayer to pray. You pray for God to give you the grace to be diligent. Then know that you have received that anointing to be diligent at whatever you do. Tell God to crown your effort for you. After God not crown your effort for you. Tell God to give you time and chance. Let the chance favor you. Let the season favor you. Let the opportunity. Some people are blowing out there today. They don't have what you have. They don't have anybody. But time and chance has fallen in a good place for them. Hallelujah. Some like you say the line has fallen. For me unpleasant places. Hallelujah. Let's rise on our feet. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Jesus. Father Lord beyond. The way this message is being communicated today. Let your children understand it. Hallelujah. Let those that really need this message grab it in the name of Jesus. Thank you Holy Spirit. Let me just take a minute and pray in your heart. Any area you know you need to be diligent about. You know some people they are always diligent. They have the grace. They were born diligent. But some of us we need to pray for it fast to be diligent. Because we can easily be distracted in some of the things we do. Even the things that will turn us to millennia we ignore it. And we do things that will not praise the Lord. So pray. Pray. Maybe you are the type that procrastinate a lot. You will have been far away. But there is always procrastination. When you say I will do this thing you will not do it. And you announce to the whole world but you will not take any steps. Pray. That Father I want to start taking steps. Hallelujah. I want to start taking steps Lord. I know you will bless the work of my hand. That means. Thank you Jesus. Go ahead and pray. Thank you Jesus. Hallelujah. My Lord my God. Thank you Holy Ghost. Thank you Jesus. Talk to God. Talk to God. You have been a diligent person. You have been a hard worker. He has not given you much result. Pray that your time and chance will come forth in the name of Jesus. Pray that God will give you time and chances will fall for you in the right place. The time will favor you. Chances will come for you. Maybe you have lost several opportunities in the past. God that redeemed time will redeem time for you again. We give you another chance to do better. Pray for the grace of God to abound. Thank you Holy Spirit. Yes. Maybe you are negligent. Usually in everything you do you are so negligent. You neglect things. You don't take things serious. You take things passive. You want change. You know yourself that you need changes. Hallelujah. Thank you. You have been doing that career now since five years ago but you have never started. You started you could not finish it. Not because you can't finish it. You just neglect it. Your heart is not in it. You need the hand of God to help you out. You are not a bad person. You just need grace. You need grace. You need the grace of God to help you out. Hallelujah. You don't know what is waiting for you on the other side. On the other side of that success God is waiting to bless your life. He is waiting to surprise you. Hallelujah. Thank you Jesus. I receive it today. I receive the grace. I receive diligence today. In everything that I do God I receive today in the name of Jesus. It concerns the ministry work, my business, my family, my children, my life, my health. Lord I receive the grace to be diligent today. By your wisdom I will properly plan my things. Prayerfully thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. I give you all the glory Lord. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Holy Spirit. 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