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RobinLJPodcast#3 Keep your mind Part B

RobinLJPodcast#3 Keep your mind Part B

L JordanL Jordan



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The enemy of our soul is not our friend and is only capable of stealing, killing, and destroying. Satan's plan is to attack our spirits with trials and tribulations to steal our peace and joy. Doubts and fears don't come from God. In the story of David and Goliath, David faced his enemy with God's help. We must face our enemy head-on with God's help. David had confidence in God's victory. We must have a disciplined mind and counterattack the devil with God's word. Our covenant relationship with God allows us to seek Him for rewards. We should keep our eyes on God and guard our minds. The battle of our minds has already been won. Thank God for a good day and let your light shine for Him. Did you know the big secret is out and everybody needs to know that the enemy of our soul is not our friend? Think soberly and be always mindful that he is only capable of stealing, killing, and destroying. Satan has a plan of attack on all our spirits which come in the form of trials and tribulations and the thoughts thereof to steal our peace and joy in this life on earth. The doubts and fears that you are not going to succeed and make it are not from our Father God, as we talked about before. Only God is for us and Satan is definitely against us. As we reflect on the account of the story in 1 Samuel chapter 17, now all the men in Israel were in a battle against the Philistines in the Valley of Elah. This story talks about a youth named David who was from the house of Jesse, an Ephrathite of Bethlehem, Judah. He obeyed his father, Jesse, instructions to go take aid and food to his three older brothers and to the captain of the army of Israel. David was not afraid to meet the challenge and was compelled to join the army of Israel to defend his people. Ultimately he faced the Philistines army's greatest weapon, Goliath alone. David was small in stature and Goliath was great in the eyes of men. When the spirit of fear grips our hearts, it paralyzes us to move forward. We must face our enemy head on with God's help no matter what comes our way. The enemy will attack our minds and if we listen to him, our minds will go through mental gymnastics. King Saul had his doubts if David was strong enough to face the enemy. He offered David his military armor to protect his body and head. David was a man after God's own heart. He knew his God and had a covenant relationship with him. He meditated on his victory through God. Even before it happened, Isaiah 46 and 10, the Passion Translation, I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say my purpose will stand and I will do all that I please. From the east I summon a bird of prey from a far off land, a man to fulfill my purpose. What I have said that I will bring about, what I have planned that I will do. David held firm no matter how he was made fun of and even cursed. Verse 33, we reflect, David said to the Philistines, thou comest to me with a sword and with a spear and with a shield, but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel whom thou hast defied. He was confident and declared, this day will the Lord deliver thee unto my hand and I will smite thee and take thine head for the battle is the Lord's. Ask God to teach you to have a more disciplined mind. Don't let the devil drop off any smoke bombs of hopelessness, defeat and fear thoughts which will cloud our judgment. You counterattack, beat him down with God's word, read it out loud, confess it, let it find a lodging place in your mouth, ears, mind and heart. The Holy Spirit in you will recall it any time you need it, what God's promises are. With my imagination I can just see the evil spirits putting hands over their ears because God's word tortures them. Since we have that covenant relationship with him, according to Hebrews 11, 6, he is a rewarder to them that diligently seek him. Amen. Let's pray today. Father God, we thank you that your word is true, that we are covenant people when we make you Lord of our lives. We make the decision to keep our eyes on you no matter how hot and hard the battle is. We ask for wisdom in keeping our spiritual armor on and today especially guarding our minds. Teach us to continually learn to make your word final authority in all things. The battle of our minds has already been won. Amen. Praise God. Let us know how God is blessing you today. Are you ready for your healthy tip for today? Sit down in a well supported chair. Eyes closed, both shoulders down, arms and hands down at your sides. Close your mouth and inhale through your nose. Clean air to the count of three. Exhale the count of three. Repeat three times. Thank God for a good day and let your light shine for him. Our Father is ever present. This is Lucretia Jordan. We thank Robin and Matthew Anderson with prayer and share, invitation to intercede for prayer for our nation on Facebook and New Generation Christian Family Matters podcast for making again our presentation to you possible. God bless you as our prayer.

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