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Awareness of PMDD Symptoms and Diagnosis. Premenstrual Dystrophic Disorder of women.

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The speaker introduces her YouTube channel and podcast called "We Care," where she aims to make a difference by discussing important topics. She shares that she suffers from PMDD, a severe form of premenstrual syndrome that includes physical and behavioral symptoms that usually resolve with the onset of menstruation. She talks about her personal experiences with PMDD, including feeling depressed, angry, and irrational, as well as experiencing chest pain and tingling in her legs from medication. She emphasizes the importance of tracking symptoms and seeking help from a doctor. She also discusses the impact of PMDD on relationships, isolation, and the risk of suicide. The speaker shares some strategies she has tried, such as tracking her symptoms, avoiding alcohol, and taking B vitamins with ashwagandha for stress and anxiety. She acknowledges that different approaches work for different people. hello hello hello welcome to my youtube channel and my podcast this is the beginning of my podcast and I'm here because I was supposed to have been started this podcast and I'm late but it's okay so the name of my podcast is We Care and the reason why I named it We Care is because with everybody I would like to make a difference and so we stands for with everybody and care just stands for the fact that I care about certain topics and certain people and certain things and the certain things in the world and things that need to be talked about so today I'm starting my discussion with you guys talking about PMDD and the reason why I chose this topic as a beginning topic for my show is because I suffer from PMDD. PMDD is something that women get and it's severe and sometimes disabling extension of a premenstrual syndrome the definition basically says that it is severe form of premenstrual syndrome that includes a physical and behavioral symptoms that usually resolve with the onset of menstruation and what that means is you have it the first two weeks before you come on your menstrual once your menstrual comes on it kind of resides it kind of kind of goes away it's easily diagnosable and you diagnose yourself basically if you track it and you don't really have to get any test or anything to know what's going on but it can be lasting for years or it can be lasting for a lifelong time now I'm going to tell you for me it's been hell just being honest it has been pure D hell and I say that because I just learned that I had it I had a traumatic event that happened to me New Year's Eve 2022 before 2023 came in and I noticed that I was very iterable very mean very angry getting into it with police officers went to jail and spent my New Year's Eve in jail but to say the least it it messes with your mental and it messes with your mental capacity to think and concentrate and make vital decisions that are that are good basically you're like irrational at least for me that's what it's been doing to me and alcohol does intensify it and so I noticed I had it because when that happened a couple days later maybe about three four days later I came on my menstrual and I felt like a totally different person and I just did not understand what was happening to me I was like wow just yesterday I was depressed I was down I didn't know myself I was crying and then here come my menstrual and I felt like I was me again so that made me start to research and see what was going on and so I just noticed that I had been having it for some time and now and at that point I thought back to other incidents that had happened that caused me to be so angry and so iterable and I said hey something's going on with me let me figure this out so I started researching and I found out and learned about PMDD so I went back to my doctor and I told her about it and she looked at me like I was crazy and I looked at her same way like why you didn't tell me about it you know you the doctor but any who to say the least of that you can still talk to your doctor about it at that point when I started talking to her about it and learning about what women were taking she prescribed me some medications and I'm not good with medications so I'm just gonna be honest that's up to you you do what you have to do but for me uh-uh because I just know so I tried them though and they they made my chest hurt and they made me tingle in my legs I couldn't still sleep and I was like no and so I just didn't do it but that's not to say they won't work for you so I'm not trying to discourage you it's just that you know different strokes for different folks but any who moving on a lot of things that I've been doing to help myself with this is I've tracked it for one so I kind of know when it's coming when it comes to me like I say it's two weeks before your menstrual so if you track your menstrual then you'll know if your menstruals are regular like the next month you'll know when it's getting ready to come because you do the two-week thing before and you start to feel it and if you last you if this goes on with you for about two months after you track it and it keeps going on then you know that it's PMDD now it does make you very depressed it makes me very depressed it makes me tired um I'm like I'm very I have brain fog I have all the symptoms of it basically and so that's another reason why I started to figure out things I was crying all the time I was angry iterable frustrated my moods was was very up and down all the time headaches extreme low energy I mean bloating and then I also it gives you really bad anxiety so I have bad anxiety sometimes you can have a panic attack it either makes you sleepy or it makes you not sleep so right now I'm going through the sleepy phase before I was going through the not sleepy phase but I do get night sweats so I still kind of have off and on nights where I don't sleep and I have some nights where I do sleep but it makes your appetite changes sometimes but the main common thing that it makes you critically critically depressed and for me it makes me so depressed where I'm like you know what I don't even know if I really want to live like this because it it comes and you probably only have one week out of the month I mean one good week out of the month not only that it messes up your relationships with people I've isolated myself from everybody because I started to get into it with everybody you know it makes you sensitive to rejection you're sensitive you just you don't like to take stuff you think people are talking to you wrong and it's just it's really really overwhelming so for me to save me and to keep them getting into it with everybody or just getting frustrated and all of that and being overwhelmed I'm already that enough by myself with this condition so I don't need other things and other people pushing that for me so I isolated so I've lost all my friends I'm in the house most of the time and I don't drink alcohol anymore I let go of that and because that intensifies it and so it's just been it's been hell for me I'm not gonna lie and I'm letting you know this because it's serious and people have really committed suicide behind this condition so I want women to be aware of it because if you feel this way and you don't know why you're feeling this way and you just been working through it working through it and that's exactly what I was doing I was just working through it working through it and if I didn't start giving myself the break I mean it was gonna take control over me and it still kind of does it's just that I'm learning to take control of it now I was having blackouts and I never had blackouts I was starting to have them so now certain things that I eat makes me so sleepy because you crave certain foods and it says for you to not eat a lot of sugar with it because sugar kind of gets you anxious and it makes you you know like so jittery because the sugar but if you have anxiety behind it it kind of pushes that anxiety to a whole nother level and and I do I have anxiety and so but you have to really really track it and and if you have to take time away from people take the time because people don't understand a lot of people don't understand first thing they say oh you mentally crazy you got mental health issues and now everybody got mental health issues let me just be honest everybody got mental health issues it's just all about how you handle them and all about how long you live in that state because if you live in that state it becomes the illness mental health is just mental health but it can be a mental health illness if you let it live there too long and you don't do anything about it that's when it becomes an illness for you but it does give you self-critical thoughts it makes you feel like you're hopeless like you just don't want to live like you just it's overwhelming I mean it really is and I mean I barely talk to people on the phone when I'm going through it like I just want to ball up on top of this condition I have fibroids that's a whole another ballgame for me because after I come out of this condition and go into my menstrual I'm still down for three to four days because I'm cramping real hard I'm in the bed I can't walk you know and it's just more depressive even with that so I mean I'm telling you I got one good week out of the month just one good week and this is like today I'm going through this this stage right now I'm in my two-week period right now and you wouldn't think it because I'm here talking to y'all I've been on tik-tok making some great videos smiling and laughing but I'm gonna tell you why because the fibroids that I suffer from sometimes causes you to have a early menstrual that's not even really a real menstrual so I noticed I had some spotting and here I am I'm like oh okay that's the reason why I'm feeling better because I have a little bit of offset of it because I'm coming on my menstrual but it's not a real menstrual and I don't know how long this gonna last but I'm happy about it because it makes me feel happier but if it goes off tomorrow I may be back to the depressive state I don't know but I hate it and I'm just be honest with you because I'm trying to control it control it and it's been hard so I've researched things to figure out what else can I take to help me and B vitamins is is what I saw on there I looked up herbal things because again I just I'm not gonna take that medication that they gave me I'm just not I just don't like the side effects of it again you do you and if it's for you take it try it if it helps you then hey that's good but it does not do it for me so B vitamins is what I've been taking and I noticed I have to take B vitamins with ashwagandha in it which helps with stress and anxiety I have to take two of them a day instead of one because one I'll take one and by the three o'clock I'll take it in the morning the one in the morning about three o'clock in the afternoon I feel it wearing off and the reason why I know this is because I can see the shift in my mood and then any little thing irritates me I get frustrated over the very smallest thing if I drop something on the floor I'm frustrated and then I'm feeling hopeless and I'm like no why I do that why I can't get stuff right did it it just goes down and down and down and down and you find yourself spiraling down and down and down another thing that's helping me is I'm getting more of the word in me I'm feeding my spirit with so much and I'm telling myself I'm enough I'm giving myself ways to feel better and I'm doing positive affirmations you know I'm journaling and I you know I'm praying a lot and I'm just I'm trying to work on me so much because this thing here will take control over you so I'm telling you find you somebody who understands and ask them to please help you during this time let them know when you'll you'll offset or your onset is coming so they'll know what's going on help them to learn you so that they can help you through it I don't have that person I suffered through this by myself I'm alone and that's why it's important for me to try to turn it around because who do I have to call I don't have that person so it's hard I cried so much and I mean I go through stuff so much by myself but I always have so I think for me that just that's just where my strength is I mean I've always known that I've had to so for that matter I don't let that part get to me as much I just kind of go through what I go through and handle it but it can be a downer on you it can make you so mean it can make you so iterable you know and and man you don't even you don't even understand why so I wanted to just bring it to your attention like I said it's called PMDD premenstrual dysphoric disorder look it up I recommend you looking it up doing the homework on it doing the research on it it is a real thing people are truly diagnosed with this and like it's it's more than three million cases a year in one year three million cases of this that women actually get I don't know what age it starts I can't tell you that but I know mine just you know it's been going on for probably the last two years for me and I just didn't know it I didn't realize it until that in particular incident made me realize it and I had to pay attention to my body so now I am like hey you know and it messes with your career I didn't say that it messes with your career because again I'm only getting one good week out of the month so I'm having to really really learn to push through because I worked so far so much through it to the point where I didn't know I had it and it can burn you out and stretch you out even more because you're not giving yourself time and what you need so that's very important with today being National Mental Health Day I thought that this would be a good topic to come and talk about it and just put it out there for the most part because it needs to be heard a lot of people need to know about it women need to know about it men need to know about it because they're dealing with it too when it comes down to relationships with their wives and their women and and it's not okay you know that they don't know because a lot of relationships break up behind it I lost my relationship behind it because I didn't realize it well of course there were other things going on too but I think that that probably played some part in it you know now that I've learned about it so oh well it is what it is at this point because now I don't I don't even really want a relationship no more I'm actually a feared to have a relationship and I know that that's not okay but that desire will come back to me it's just that right now I need to work on me I need to get this under control because I don't want to go into another relationship and lose another relationship behind it so it messes with your career messes with your relationships and messes with your friendships I mean it is it's a destroyer but it's real and that's the most I could say about it it's real it is truly a real thing so if you know about it I hope I was able to help you through it like I say the the things that can help you is to track it take some B vitamins take talk to your doctor let them know what's going on exercise I love to exercise that has helped me so much our exercise is a great great stress reliever oh my god it helps me tremendously so now I'm like I can't live without exercise because it really really helps me so exercise is a good thing to do again the B vitamins you know caffeine can can boost it up because it's a stimulator and sometimes it doesn't do good with caffeine so I'm not going to tell you to drink any caffeine or coffee anything because that you know that's not good for your anxiety anything that can trigger your anxiety is probably not good for you in reference to this condition but exercise and I drink tea I drink coffee too I drink a B vitamin energy drink that I got from Sam's it's called fizz biz and it's really really good but that's really helpful because it has a lot of B vitamins in it so and I do a B vitamin supplement that I get from CVS and that's been helping me so I'm just telling you the things that can help if you don't know that you've had this pay attention to your mood pay attention to the two weeks before your menstrual when you come on your menstrual if you feel different pay attention to that and talk to your doctor about it do your research track it because I can't say it enough it's a real thing and people are literally committing suicide about this so women you need to know about this and hey I'm all for y'all that's why it's called we care that's why this podcast is called we care I have more topics I'm going to be bringing to y'all to talk about but this was my first one because it was dear and heart to me because this is what I've been suffering from and I wanted to put it out there and let people know about it so I pray that you all have a great day a blessed evening drink some tea feed your spirit body mind and soul and hopefully you all come back and listen to some of my talk here on we care because I want you to know that with everybody we can make a difference so with you me in this world and bringing topics to you that we can talk about we will make a difference because we care so thank you

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