Puyallup PD's new crime-fighting camera system.
Puyallup PD's new crime-fighting camera system.
The host of Keep Alive, William Lee, talks about two main topics. First, he discusses a new system called F.L.O.C.T. that helps in identifying stolen cars in Puyallup. It uses stationary cameras to read license plate numbers and quickly identify stolen vehicles. The system is not a surveillance tool and is compliant with data retention regulations. Second, he announces the 7th annual Wheels to Prosper event sponsored by Center Collision. The event aims to give away a car to someone in the community who cannot afford one but makes a positive impact. The winner will receive a refurbished car, three months of paid insurance, and a gas card. Registration is open until June 30th. Finally, the host expresses his frustration with corrupt politicians and urges citizens to stand together to protect democracy. You're listening to Keep Alive, let's talk, with a man with a loud microphone, here he is, your host and mine, William Lee. Let's talk. Let's talk about what's going on in the city of Puyallup, it's kind of an interesting change of things going on. They've just introduced a new way to pick up information and visual information on stolen cars by solving a new system called F.L.O.C.T. We'll talk more about that and how upset I am with the constant haranguing of politicians in one side arguing with the other, coming up right after this, pause for the cause. I'm thrilled to announce the 7th annual Wheels to Prosper event sponsored by Center Collision. This will be the 7th year that Center Collision has sponsored an event where they give away a car to someone in our community. Now this event is all about giving back to our community heroes that go above and beyond to help others in need. We're looking for somebody who gives their time and effort to make a positive impact on our community, but currently, unfortunately, cannot afford the car of their own. As a token of appreciation, the lucky winner of this year's car giveaway will receive a refurbished newer vehicle, three months paid insurance, and a gas card to help them get around without a hassle. It's our way of saying thank you for those who make a difference every day. To participate in this incredible event, all you have to do is register by visiting the website that's and simply filling out the form. The deadline for this registration date is June 30th and it must be in to their office by 630. For more information, go to Center Collision at the top of the website page. Click on About and you'll find more information. Now here's a few words from one of the winners of Wheels to Prosper. Hi, my name is Maliki Ortega and I just won a car today here at Center Collision. They get together with a bunch of folks here in the community and decide on who is worthy of a new car, someone who's in need and does a lot of work and volunteer work for our community here. They put wheels on there, car insurance, even gas money, and it's an amazing thing. I just would like to say thank you to everyone, big and small, who was part of this. Thank you so much. I appreciate it. Puyallup PD gets flocked. New technology is going to be available for the Puyallup Police to utilize to combat stolen vehicles and to keep our communities safer. What kind of technology is this? This is stationary cameras that read license plates, numbers only, of vehicles. Someone, through the magic of technology, checks out that vehicle's license to find out if it's a stolen car or if it is a car of interest to the police investigations. Now this is not facial recognition. It only faces and looks at the license plate number. The camera will take a picture of the vehicle and the license plate number simultaneously, giving them the opportunity to recognize this vehicle on the roadway by patrol units, which aids the officers in apprehension of the vehicles. The thing that we need to understand also is that this camera system actually will help promote to the community as far as safety is concerned. Much of the time, when we stop and think about it, cameras just themselves can be a deterrent. What they don't do is the following that people are going to have questions about. Number one, it is not a system of surveillance of citizens. It is not a facial recognition system and it is fully compliant with the data and records of retention. Now that's the data stored in FLOC's database and is automatically deleted by the system after a 30-day period of time, unless it is invaluable information regarding evidence in a crime. This is basically the same technology that's already in the patrol cars for the Puyallup Police Department. The difference is that it is stationary and gives them the opportunity to look at several points of entering the city at once and having the information downloaded immediately into a network which broadcasts to the patrol cars information of interest concerning the vehicle being stolen or in a situation of a crime. This is a very valuable tool for the police to utilize. I know as a taxpayer, I'm getting tired of the fact that the courts have locked down the police to the point where they put handcuffs on them. Nowadays, the criminals know that it's really difficult to get caught because of the factor that we do not allow good police procedure in hunting them down and putting them in jail where they belong. This system will aid in the time it takes to locate these individuals, find out exactly what is going on in an investigation base, and make a decision by the patrol officer to be able to apprehend the suspect. As I've said so many times before in my podcast, it's about time that we open up the courtroom doors, give the police officers and investigators an opportunity to walk through those doors and get convictions on these criminals who think that they are untouchable now with different laws and regulations that have been put in force. Just because a series of misinformation or laws that have been changed to protect individuals who have now decided that they can profit being criminals doesn't mean that the rest of the citizens in our communities should allow this to continue on. We need to be protected. Stores need to stop this shoplifting situation. Cars that are driving and racing down our public streets and jeopardizing the safety of our children and walking along on sidewalks, etc., has to be stopped. And the only way we're going to stop this is simply by giving the tools to the police department organizations, such as this new technology that PEOLV is utilizing, to actually speed up the investigations and help take these individuals off the street and put them in jail where they belong. This is, without a doubt, the first step for a safer community. A special thanks to all those that are involved in policing our cities. Thank you so much for reaching out and finding a better way to make our communities safer. Yee-haw! The old man, writing from the kitchen, live podcast. Hello, everybody. The old man, writing from the kitchen, is returning this season with a whole bunch of new information concerning what really upsets him in our communities. It's the old man, returning to the kitchen on Sundays on your favorite podcast platform. Well, once again, we talk about candidates. We talk about elections. We talk about what's going to happen to this country. It is, in my mind, so hard to believe that there's so much skullduggery, corruption, and absolutely foul play going on in this election. If we do not pick up and start conversations and move in the action of protecting our freedoms, this democratic organization that's running this country at this moment will eventually take away our freedoms and destroy this country. As far as democracy is concerned, they don't have the definition. They have greed lining their pockets and making decisions for betterment of their own personal satisfaction and wealth. This is not what the forefathers of this country designed when they laid out the structure of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We Americans need to stand together, citizens of this country, start a conversation and those that are in the swamp that are destroying democracy, force them out of office. If you'd like to discuss what we've talked about today on this program, please do me a favor. Let me know your feelings and your ideas simply by emailing me at keba, that's K-E-E-B-A, kebaagency at Check out our new website. We're putting together piece by piece and that's Until we have an opportunity to talk again, remember, put a little love in your heart with a helping hand up for others and keep a positive thought in your mind focusing on building a better America tomorrow. Have a great evening and hopefully we'll talk again soon.