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Nothing to say, yet
Dr. Jewel Tanney is promoting her book on bringing out the best in yourself through life challenges. She emphasizes that going through tough times is temporary and can lead to personal growth and helping others in the future. She discusses her own experiences growing up in a strict Pentecostal household and facing bullying and teasing. Despite these challenges, she relied on her faith in God and the support of her family. She encourages readers to stay focused on their vision and mission, not make decisions based on emotions, and seek help from God. She believes that all things work together for good and urges people to embrace their purpose, destiny, and greatness. Welcome to Dr. Jewel Tanney's Know Yourself Word. I hope you haven't heard from me for a while, but I am back to motivate, empower you, and to talk real. So I just want to share with you today one of the books I wrote on bringing out the best in you through life challenges. It's your time to achieve. You can find my book on, Barnes and Noble, and wherever books are sold. It's a powerful book because why? We all go through things in life. And when we go through something in life, always remember, what you're going through is not for you. It's for hearing you, for where you're going, as well as for those that you're going to help in the future. Because if you do not go through any growing pains, you cannot grow. So it's important that we understand that what we're going through is only temporary inconvenience for permanent improvement. So we learn not to temper ourselves when we go through something. And say, okay, what am I supposed to learn from this situation? Now let's be real. When we're going through something really, really tough, we want to automatically look at what did I do wrong, what did someone else do to me, or we start pointing fingers and we start trying to wonder why me, why me, why me. But I'm going to tell you a secret. I've learned myself that it's how I handle a challenge which determines my outcome. And as I read my book on bringing out the best in you through life challenges, It's Your Time to Achieve, you're going to learn a lot about me. And you're going to learn that I did not get to the place where I'm at today on a bed of ease. I had to go through some tough situations, some tough things in life to really be the woman I am spiritually, personally, and professionally. And I'm going to talk real. And if you have any questions, please feel free to send me an email at That's I am also a pastor at Tabernacle of Life Ministries located at 1 Sopac Way in South Orange, New Jersey. And my husband of 36 years is my bishop. And we pastor together. And sometimes you wonder, you know, how did you get into this position of pastorship? Like I said, I'm going to be honest with you. I'm going to be real with you, and I'm going to talk real. Like I said, my goal was not to be no pastor. You know, I had no desire to be a pastor, and my husband had no desire to be a bishop. But not knowing that what we were going through and growing up as going up in the church, because I grew up in the church. And I didn't know that God was preparing me for pastorship because that was far from my mind. Like I said, I had no desire. You know, all I wanted to do was please God, because like I said, I think many of you may have heard my story. If you listened to a lot of my podcasts earlier, I'm one of 12, and I grew up in the South Bronx, in the hood, yes, right on Washington Avenue. And I was invested, you know, in projects. Yes, I did. So my mother was a very strict Pentecostal. My father was a very strict Pentecostal. So therefore, we grew up in church where we couldn't wear pants. You know, I mean, I didn't start wearing pants until I was 25 years old, and I was already out of my mother's home. And us the two, my father also was the same way. We grew up very, very, very strict, okay? And we couldn't wear no makeup. We couldn't braid our hair, you know. And so, you know, we were teased a lot. I know I was teased a lot. Growing up in school, they used to call me germs, you know, used to call me weird, and they used to beat up on me. Because, you know, when they would go to gym, I couldn't wear pants. I couldn't even participate in gym because you had to wear, you know, a jumpsuit that was pants, and we couldn't, you know, wear pants. So therefore, we couldn't enjoy gym like everyone else. So I grew up very strict holiness, you know, back then, and that was called the Pentecostal religion. You know, as I know better now, Pentecostal is not that's, you know, it's a way of life. It's not a religion, you know, and it's an experience that, you know, God allowed us to have experience with me, with the Holy Spirit. But I'll get into that later. However, but I just want to let you know when I wrote this book, this was based on my experiences growing up, you know, and not knowing that what I was, you know, from what I've been through from a child, you know, from a young child, that I was being prepared for leadership, and I didn't know it, you know. So leaders are not born, they're made. The real life challenge, again, is how you handle the challenges which determines your outcome. So when I would go to, you know, and I'm just going back to when I went to school, kids used to beat up on me. They used to spit on me, you know, they used to bully me, you know. I mean, you know, sometimes I would go, you know, ladies' room, and, you know, they would just pull down my clothes and pull down, you know, my panties. And I've been through a whole lot of stuff that I did not tell anyone, and I wouldn't tell anyone because of what I've been through, and I was embarrassed. You know, I didn't even tell my parents and my sisters, you know, what some of the kids didn't even do to me. You know, however, but because I grew up in church, and my mother always taught us how to pray, my father always taught us how to pray. That was a way of life for us. So if I didn't know how to do anything else, I knew how to pray. I would cry to God, why everybody's picking on me, and also because, again, too, and growing up, you know, I was very cocky. You know, yes, I was cocky. And because when I was a baby, the doctor dropped me, and when they dropped me, they put a cast on my – on my hip, between my hip and my shoulder, on my side. And what happened, so one hip grew larger than the other, so I used to walk with a limp and walk with my head to the side. You know, and they used to always tease me. I was teased so much, but I didn't realize that, again, that was all part of my development. You know, I learned how to – I became a loner, you know, and even though I grew up in a big family, you know, I still felt lonely, because I was number six of 12. I was just smack dab in the middle. I was too young to be with the older ones and too old to be with the younger ones. So I grew up lonely, you know, and by myself, and I just seemed like I'd never fit anywhere. No matter where I went, I just never fit. So who became my best friend? God. God became my best friend, and I used to talk to God like I'm talking to you, you know, and just be real and, you know, and just, you know, God – you know, I got to find a better life, you know. When I grew up, I used to see – there was a woman that I grew up in church with. Her name was Gladys Woodley. She used to take all our – all the young kids, you know, to our house in Mount Vernon. And, see, I never seen a house before, because, remember, I grew up in the Bronx. So when we used to go to the house, she had this beautiful house and cars and everything. I said, I want that when I was a little girl. So, therefore, there's certain things I kept focused on, and I was always told when you pray and believe that, you know, God's going to do something, God's going to do it. And my mother used to always tell me, because everybody used to tease me, you don't worry about it, you know, just pray and let God, you know, and talk to God. And I used to – and that's what I did. Even when my brothers and sisters used to tease me and call me retard, stupid, you know, you're cock-eyed, you're ugly, they called me all kinds of names. You know, you're dumb, you can't learn anything. And, like I said, I remember a time when my mother went to, like I said, an open school night, and one of the teachers told my mother that – and I was sitting right there, and I understood what was going on. She said, we want to take your child and put her in a special ed class, because she's slow and she has a comprehension problem, and we think she's on a special side. And my mother refused. My mother said, no, there's nothing wrong with my child. No, you will not put her in a special ed, you know. And they tried to tell my mother I was retarded back then. The word was retarded back then. It wasn't handicapped. It was retarded, you know. So my mother said, no, she's not. So my mother used to – every day my mother used to annoy me with all and pray over me and just kept telling me to believe God. My father used to always tell me, believe God. Jewel, you are okay. Jewel, you are okay. They spoke like them to me, even though my brothers and sisters always teased me. They spoke like them to me. And because I went to – we were raised in church, I was taught faith. I was taught who God was. I was taught if nobody else loved me, Jesus loved me. Jesus was the one that was able to help me. He was the one that was able to make my wrong right. He was the only one who was able to give me favor. You know, he was able to work things together for my good. You know, I was taught the word of God. And there was one scripture I grew up on and I still use to this very day. You know, Philippians 4.13, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. And because of that, that's what I stood on, the word of God. So therefore, it's very important to understand that when people are going through things, you know, you don't know what they've been through to get to where they're at. And when people have achieved things, you don't know what they've been through to achieve what they have achieved. So this is one of the reasons why I wrote this book. And it's an easy read because, you know, some people like to read a lot and some people don't. So I wanted to make it easy for individuals who do not like to read. And I thought it was important to read so that you could understand how to handle certain life challenges and understand you got purpose, you got destiny, and you got greatness to achieve. And use what you've been through. Build on it. Don't throw it away. Build on it to be all that God created for you to be. So I understand now what I've been through as a child was prepare me for my adulthood. Okay. So I'm going to get started a little bit. On one of the charters that I wrote on bringing out the best in you through life challenges, and like I said, feel free to please send me any questions that you may have about life challenges and how to handle it. You know, because otherwise, especially if you do not handle life challenges, life challenges will handle you. Otherwise, also, you'll become a people pleaser. And when you become a people pleaser, you will never fulfill your purpose, destiny, and greatness because now you're trying to please people and not you or God who created you to be all that he wanted you to be. Then why was I born? I've been going through all this and going through all this, going through all this. Sometimes it's the choices we make. We don't make good choices, especially when we try to make choices on our emotions. You know, the best time to make a decision is never when you're emotional. And because I grew up in church, I learned how to lean so much on the word of God. Let me tell you, the word of God has saved my life. He has saved my life and really allowed me not to make some bad choices, spiritually, personally, professionally, you know, because I've seen a lot of choices my brothers, my sisters, and friends made, and a lot of them regret it. You know, I had one of my sisters tell me last week, I want to marry someone like you. And a lot of people tell us that they want a man like us, my husband and I, because we're best friends. Have we gone through a lot? Yes, we have. But we're able to make it because why? I prayed for my husband before, you know, he found me. Let him find him, he found me. Because the Bible says he that finds a wife finds a good thing. But I went to God for my husband. I said, God, I need you to send me my husband. Okay? I wanted a man after God's own heart. Because even though I grew up in the church, okay, and my mother and father were in the church, you know, it was still somehow, you know, it was an abusive home. Yes. I've seen my father beat my mother. My father dealt with a lot of mental illness. You know, there was a lot going on. So, therefore, I said, God, I want a man after your honor. I want a true man of God. You know, and I didn't want to have to go up in a, you know, I didn't want to live for a man that was abusive like my father verbally or physically. You know, not knowing until years later that my father really had mental issues that was happening because it was hormonal, you know, the unbalanced hormones and things that were happening. And, you know, many people didn't realize until nowadays, you know, we know better. Back then, we didn't know better. Okay? So, I'm just going to start off and read this one, you know, I'm going to read this one page because I want to take time and I'm not going to, you know, well, let me see. Yeah, this one section. I'm going to read this one section, okay? And this one section talks about in order to bring out the best in you through life challenges, you must stay focused on your vision and mission. Life challenges do not come to destroy you, but it prepares you for your destiny. The only challenge is how you handle the challenge, the situation, which will determine the outcome. That is why you should not make any decisions based on your emotions or mood. Always remember you are a diamond in the rough. Therefore, look at yourself as being that ugly, hard hole before it is made into a beautiful diamond. The coal is heated to a very high temperature and then undergoes external pressure. So, what you may be going through is maybe a lot of pressure right now, okay? But remember, you're beautiful. It's going to turn out all right. It's how you handle your challenge. So, you can't give up. You cannot give up. This is a time for you to understand I'm going through a process. Winners never quit and quitters never win. So, let's continue. The process of the coal being heated and the pressure continues until the coal turns into the beautiful diamond it was intended to be. So, this is what happens. When I went through all my challenges growing up, people making fun of me, calling me names, not wanting anything to do with me, you know, and being rejected, okay? Being called ugly, being called stupid, okay? I, you know, I always never wanted to get left out, you know, because why? I had, you know, I was so used to people telling me I was stupid and stupid. I said, no, I'm going to prove them wrong. I used that scripture. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I used to pray, God, please don't let me fail a test. God, please don't let me get left back, okay? And let me explain. I worked so hard to make sure that I would pass the test and sometimes fail the test. But I believe God, God, I believe you're never going to let me get left back. I did my homework. I did everything. But sometimes I just would still fail a test. Sometimes no matter what you do, things don't turn out the way you want. But one thing, because I always prayed to God for help, he never allowed me to get left back. You know, even so, but I didn't realize that because I never, you know, I worked hard, you know, to make sure that I was passed, okay? So it's always understand what you're going through is preparing you for where you're going. Then it says, Thus you are going through the same process of being made into that beautiful diamond. Your situation is that the fire is purifying you. So what you're going through is purifying you. It's preparing you for greatness. You are like a clay that's being molded and shaped right now for your future. Because the hotter the fire in your situation, the more unproductive characteristics in you are being burnt out so that when you are taken out of the fire for a moment, new characteristics are being created in you. Again, it's how you handle your challenge which determines your outcome. You must not allow what you're going through to control your thinking and your emotions. As a result, you must go through the process of being made before you can achieve the destiny God has planned for your life. And this is why I encourage you as a leader to allow life challenges to bring out the best in you instead of the worst. Because God has given you every tool you need to win, to succeed, especially when you ask him for help. According to Psalms 121, verse 1 and 2, it states, I will lift up my eyes unto the hills from which cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord which made heaven and earth. My husband, Bishop Keith Kenny, he just preached a series this month. I think it started last month and the last three Sundays, I believe, last Sunday, September, the first Sunday in October, the first two Sundays in October, my help is on the way. All your help is on the way. All your help comes from God. And this is why it says, I will lift up my eyes unto the hills which cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord which made heaven and earth. Always ask God for help. And because we're human beings, we need sometimes to really pick somebody to reflect on. And God has sent you help. So always ask God for help in every situation and you will win, no matter how tough, rough, or manageable it may seem. The key is that since he made heaven and earth, everything and everyone is under his control. And he will work out the situation for your good because God made a promise to you. And that's where in Romans 8 and 28. And we know that all things, not some but all things, work together for good to them that love God and to them who are called according to his purpose. What does that word all mean? Includes everything, excludes nothing. So always ask God for help no matter what. Why? It's your time, it's your turn, and it's your season to make it happen. Stay blessed. Be encouraged. Because why? God loves you and I love you too. Again, see you next Wednesday. And tune in. And remember, you got purpose, you got destiny, and you got greatness to achieve. Allow life challenges to bring out the best in you. Visit us at or come and visit our church, Tabernacle of Life, at 1 Sopac Way in South Orange, New Jersey. 1030 AM. You'll hear the power of God move. Because why? God got a word for you. And he loves you. So don't give up. Stay blessed.