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Q4-20080627-Larry_Rosenberg-IMSRC-taking_a_fresh_look_at_life_on_retreat_part_4-3767 Leandra Tejedor

Q4-20080627-Larry_Rosenberg-IMSRC-taking_a_fresh_look_at_life_on_retreat_part_4-3767 Leandra Tejedor




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Talk: 20080627-Larry_Rosenberg-IMSRC-taking_a_fresh_look_at_life_on_retreat_part_4-3767 Leandra Tejedor.json Start_time: 01:02:09 Display_question: How would this practice apply to someone who has doubt or a mental barrier? Keyword_search: doubt, mental barrier, Buddhist, Korean Zen, mind, schizophrenic, meditation, Buddha, Ram Dass Question_content: Questioner: (inaudible) I have a question. How would this practice apply to someone who has doubt? Larry: I don't know if it can. It would be a pragmatic answer to that question. Sometimes people become fall in love with this practice, and they want to spread it like peanut butter, everywhere. The Dharma is going to bring mindfulness into every nook, and cranny, of the planet. If a person can't do it, they can't do it. And my first Buddhist teacher was this Korean Zen monk. And he had about 20 English words, which he used brilliantly. And he really was very, very compassionate, and kind, and loving person, and tried to help, whoever showed up. And it was amazing. It was much crazier when this first started out, than it is now. And every now and then it was rare. I remember one time in particular, someone kept coming to the... this was a Zen center again and again. And I was his attendant, the Zen master. And he looked over at me, about this person. You can see he was in pain, and he had a very pained look, on his face. And he said, “sometimes maybe fix not possible. Mind too broken”. Break_line: If a person can't do this, like if somebody is chronic schizophrenic, and in a locked ward, they don't even understand, perhaps what's being said. So, I would say the answer is pragmatic. First of all, if a person's… interest is, step number one. If a person is not interested, you can lead a horse to water, or you can't make the horse drink. Why waste your time, and the poor person? We do this to our families. We come home, and there's always some... very often one partner meditates, and one doesn't. You got to start meditating. Why? And then back, and forth, or with our parents. And then we drive them crazy about how they got to do it. This is the most fantastic thing. And then we get upset. They don't understand what I'm doing. And it goes on and on. At a certain point. Don't preach Buddhism. Be a Buddha. I think Ram Dass said that. He's right. Just drop it. If someone's interested, then something can happen. If they don't have the mental capacity look, I would like to be the world's greatest basketball player. What do you think my chances are? Professional. End_time: 01:04:51

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