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Strive to be different then the rest

Strive to be different then the rest


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Jeanne Ann Kenning hosts the Beauty Pro Elite Podcast to help beauty business owners create successful businesses. She interviews Karlie Wanchuk, a young entrepreneur who started her own beauty business after realizing her previous job didn't align with her lifestyle. Karlie offers various services such as microneedling, facials, LED therapy, teeth whitening, lash lifts, tints, and thermoplaning. She experienced growth in her business after moving to a new location and focusing on social media marketing and community involvement. Welcome to the Beauty Pro Elite Podcast. I'm your host Jeanne Ann Kenning and my mission is to help beauty business owners create a dynamic business they can be proud of with marketing, mindset, finance, and social health so you can start attracting those dream clients and building a brand you always wanted and deserve. If you are ready to explode your beauty biz then this is the place for you. It's time to get started. Well hello and welcome to another episode of the Beauty Pro Elite Podcast with Jeanne Ann. I am so excited today. Y'all I've been off the train for the last couple weeks. I apologize I haven't had a live podcast in two weeks. I've been crazy busy around here but I'm super excited to have Karlie Wanchuk Wanchuk. I just butchered it. She's been one of my a client of mine in our group program for about six months and I the reason why I asked her to come on today is I feel like she's so inspirational to all beauty business owners but also to young female entrepreneurs because she has been in her business for about a year and a half which is in the grand scheme of things a short time and we're going to talk about what services she offers and what she does but she's very focused, very intelligent, and I think you're going to find that she's very inspirational in what she has to say and how she conducts herself in her business and she's seen growth which is what everybody listening is striving to do. So welcome Karlie. So excited to have you. Thank you. Thank you for the kind words. You're welcome. So okay so let's start right from the beginning. So did you you went to school for something else right? Fresh out of high school? Yes I originally went and got my agribusiness diploma majored in marketing. Okay. So I went and did that for a few years and then was working at a trailer dealership doing marketing and kind of just wasn't fulfilled and that didn't really align with my husband's rodeo career. It was hard to get time off. Yeah. And then kind of always struggling with my skin. I found it very interesting when I went to get help so then I just decided to pursue a career in that. Okay so let's back up for a second. So Karlie's also newly married not even like in September. So how many months is that? Like eight months? Nine months? Newly married. So I find it so interesting. So how long how old were you when you decided to go from like you'd gone to college to university gotten a degree had a pretty good job. How old were you when you decided this isn't for me? Like approximately how old were you? I think I would have been 25. Okay so at 25 years old you were like this doesn't really jive with my life. I want a little bit more freedom. Her husband is in pro rodeo so for those of y'all that are not familiar with that it's a lot of traveling and it's a lot of here and there. So she obviously wants to be with her spouse right? Like that's how we get married. We don't get married to be by ourselves right? So if you were sitting in this job at a trailer dealership and you were like I'm meant for more. So you had gone and gotten a service and you liked it. You liked the industry. Yes I have always struggled with acne with my skin and then when I went to get help I found it super interesting and also when you go to get a service everybody who comes to you is happy. I think it's not a stressful situation. Yeah I know. So I was like I want to be the girl having fun in the salon not the one stressed out behind the desk at the trailer dealership. So did you so tell us about your certification like where you went what that process was like. Yes I went to the Aesthetic Institute in Calgary which was perfect. All their theory for most of the classes is online which is great because I'm about an hour and a half from the city and then you go in for your hands-on training. So pretty much just told my boss sorry I'm out of here. Really? Yeah yeah I think he was pretty. How long was it? It was a year. Okay so in Canada it's a lot different than in the United States because we have a little bit less restrictions but so you took it for a year and then did you know right away that you wanted to be like a solopreneur or were you like considering working for somebody else like how did you decide which way to go? Yeah that was kind of yes and no. I knew eventually I wanted to be on my own but right out of school I did want to be under someone else. But I went for a few job interviews and some of the ladies that were interviewing me were almost like taking notes. So I was like I feel more qualified than the person interviewing me. I'm like how much am I actually going to be working under someone which is why I wanted to do it versus just you know kind of taking a leap of faith and doing my own thing. Yeah so you because you have a marketing background too that also helped you to move forward but they were all just like envious of your positioning right? Yeah yes just some questions I wanted to be under someone to learn more and if the person interviewing me is taking notes I'm like I'm not what why would I do that you know. So then you decided to go on your own and then so yeah so your business is in a small town now so tell us about your business like where it's located how you decided to pick that location all that fun stuff. Yes so I originally opened in one building I'm from a small town called Manton and it was kind of dead in there and then I don't know you're a product of your environment so you need to be in a space that feels good and all that rest of that. So I kind of seen that things weren't going to work out in my first building so I actually moved directly across the street into another building and it was great the foot traffic was great the owner of that building really wants everyone in her space to thrive and is well connected to the community so she got me into all the different events that sort of a lot of fashion shows and just ladies nights so it was really great to be able to be a part of the community because I didn't grow up where I live now. Okay there's so many you just drop you're like dropping gems everywhere okay so number one you went into a building and you knew like this isn't the space for me and you said something that was like a massive bomb drop you are a product of your environment so I think that's like a really big like key point to make is that if something doesn't feel right for you a lot of beauty business owners will drag the process on for like years they're like oh I've been in this space for two years and it's up and I'm like why are you still there like if it doesn't work for you other places that you can be so you moved across the street now I know you love the environment and it's just like I was talking to a friend last night about this you are the sum of the your actions are the sum of the five people that you spend the most time with so you're in an environment that's positive and great and everybody's uplifting each other then you're going to feel great going in there and therefore your business is going to grow right yeah tell us about your business like give us tell us the name the services that you offer all that fun stuff so I decided to call my business the parlor aesthetics I love old vintage stuff so when I was thinking of a name I wanted it to have like a vintage feel so that's why I went with the parlor aesthetics and then we're actually in the middle of doing renovation right now so it's going to be a whole beauty bar in the back and we're having so much fun picking out the decorations for it so that's going to be super cool I personally offer microneedling advanced facials LED therapy teeth whitening lash lifts and tints and I think that's all thermoplaning that would be the last one so now tell us like let's have an honest and real conversation so you move into this new building you open up your business how was it in the first six months what was it like for you um I noticed growth as soon as I went from to my new space that was a that was a smart move and then I got an influx of clients right after I did that but then it kind of plateaued a little bit um also didn't help summer rodeos wasn't as focused on my business as I should have been I was on the road kind of just enjoying life and then it was about November your ads kept targeting me I was like you know what I'm gonna give this a chance how many how much percentage would you say that you were booked approximately like in that first six probably like 20 to 30 percent like I have some be very clear what you just again you just dropped another gem you were there it was summer rodeo you were traveling you were not focused as much on your business as and you were also getting married so there's also that yeah that was big like right yeah that takes time too so but you you dropped a really good gem there like if you're not focused on your business it's not going to grow right if you're not doing the do it's not going to grow and I know you know that so then you and I met about before Christmas time last year and tell me what you feel was the shift for you to have the business you have now what was it that you think not just because I'm so awesome but like what do you think the shift was um learning more about social media obviously I'd taken marketing classes and was very comfortable in my graphic design and whatnot but Jean Anne knows all there is to know about algorithms and whatnot so there's a lot to be said about that being consistent and not just posting to post you got to post with some reason or background behind it um that made a huge difference for me I'd say and then another big one would be just being involved in the community it's like all the ladies events or sponsoring things different stuff like that Nantons a very small farming community so it's kind of like if you support others we'll support you hundred percent you're like just dropping them everywhere okay so when she got a coach I always say like if you're suffering don't suffer alone like being an entrepreneur is lonely like you know I did it for 13 years doing services and it's hard like when you're by yourself and I've always had a coach because I always just the accountability is so important but to knowing like like you said not just post to post like knowing what you should be posting when to post it like why to post it but you dropped a massive bomb which is something that I've been preaching the last six weeks everything's shifting a little bit away from social media like social media is great and you're gonna get clients and you're gonna get followers but you also have to have a mind for how else can I get clients that are outside of social media now your client age range is vast it's like 22 to like 70 right yes so you're 70 year olds are not coming to you from social media right they're coming from the events that you've done and supporting in the community and having so that was is definitely a great piece of advice I think people are so focused on I have to post on social media that's where I'm gonna get the clients and it's so different now you have to think outside the box so I know you do the events you have great success from that I know you've tried different things and getting to know the community and the people around you women want to support other women but they also want to know who you are first right yes I've made a massive difference okay so tell us about your business now like on average how much are you booked I'm about about 80 to 100% most weeks okay and it's great I love it yeah 80 to 100% so she went from like 20 to almost a hundred percent booked and like six months which is amazing what so the other thing I want to talk about is you not only are learning about focusing on your services but you have a knack we're gonna I'm gonna put all your stuff in the show notes people can follow you go visit your store all that but you have a knack for retail and I feel like I don't know why I've talked this is all I've talked about all week is retail adding retail into your business is a common misunderstood and overlooked thing that people are like I gotta focus on the services I gotta focus on the services 50% of Carly's revenue is retail so think about that for a second it's Matt that's massive so 50% of your business is retail so so for Carly she has so what we've done is she's created a store to help to create in the future she decides to you know take a break or maybe she's rodeoing or on the road she has the store to help fulfill the financial parts but having that retail in her space so tell us about the retail you have in your space and how you sell it to your clients because you do sell a lot I bring in products that resonate with me more than anything I don't bring in something that I personally wouldn't use myself also I just like to wholesale products because it's cheaper for you like why would you pay full price to go to support when you can have that on your shelf that's just silly so yeah I have the notice hair co bars I love them because I travel a lot so those shampoo and conditioner bars you can take everywhere with you which is great yeah yes you know I bought some I love them yeah and then all their skincare that I sell I use a medical grade line called serene I like that they're very inexpensive products for medical grade they're not the prettiest but they sell for a lesser price because the packaging you're not paying for the packaging like some of those other brands that you're going to pay $200 a cleanser so I like that about that product and then color science would probably be my other biggest one um color science is not usually small sell to small folks like me I emailed relentlessly until they finally excitedly yeah yeah um I was like this is perfect all my ranchers lives you don't get that up to go do your chores but they want to have SPF on because they're always in the Sun and they want to you know a little bit put together that's their everyday life so my products are so perfect for my demographic yeah so oh yeah it's all probably your client how do you incorporate it into your business you have a child kind of sell sell the experience I would almost say it's not like you need this is this would make your life easier or I think this would be right for you because you know I always tell people I'm like if you won't use this don't buy it or if you have products at home finish them and then come to me I don't want you to spend money on something you're going to use yeah I think gain a lot of trust with your clients over just like pushing products and you're a salesperson which nobody likes hundred percent and you're incorporating it into your service that's not like gross and salesy you're like already kind of like talking about the product but you also have a beautiful display of products in your space so that's a conversation starter too as well and you have so many amazing products right so it's like you know bringing the conversation to back to it so what would you say you hope to achieve in the future with products are you going to continue down the path are you looking to grow a store and just you know really have that like where do you hope to take with the retail um with the beauty bar going up we're trying to bring in more natural products like not just in care and whatnot but more for your home and we're noticing that push and everybody's loving that and realizing how the chemicals are this can affect your whole body and which in turn affects your skin so that's why I'm interested in it yeah so we're definitely looking in more stuff like that and then we're kind of at the age of thinking about kids so it's gonna be great to have the online store up and going and then still have some income if I do go on a maternity leave or something like that yeah okay boom boom boom okay so she first she said I will not bring in a product that I personally wouldn't use right how many times have you heard of people they have all these boxes and they're like oh it's not really that great well why are you carrying it right it has to be something that you will generally use too and to she's creating something passively that while she has the time now will benefit her in the future if she has a child or whatever if she takes out the service services excuse me she will have the option to still make money right and I'm going to link in the store so y'all can you know see it shop there because it's like the products are amazing so tell me about what where are you going to go from here so we talked about the beginning the middle what is your hope for the future for your business it's funny I do quarterly planning and I was reading what I have set out for myself last year but my goals were and they're nothing what they are now it's funny how your goals shift I was like I want to have lasers when I do the big fancy spa and I'm like no I don't want any of that I see the value in it but I just I'm starting starting to actually shorten my hours and up my prices just slightly I don't want the clients who are I don't want to say cheap but the people who complain about everything or penny-pinching or things like that I I don't want it I don't care like to have it I want the people who come in and are happy and I have genuine conversations with and it's just it's crazy how kind of shortening up your hours you can make the same money if not more just kind of value not only that you're attracting people into your energy that like I would rather work an hour for 200 than 4 for 50 right because the energy that you are bringing in like you learned a valuable lesson doing that when you have the penny pinchers that are maybe don't identify with your energy as much or maybe aren't even going to be a repeat clientele the energy that they consume from you is wild like it's so much compared to somebody who comes in who pays top dollar appreciates you and literally feeds you energy it's unbelievable the difference it makes yes that's right so you're gonna shorten up your hours you're gonna make more money which is you know a lot of people out there listening are probably like wow I would really like that but the problem is how you position yourself with what you charge if you're charging $50 for a facial versus $200 worth of facial that's who you attract you can change your pricing right and you're going to attract the right people okay my last question see I told you this was easy it's fun I love doing this is if you had one piece of advice for somebody who was out there who is either just starting or struggling in their business what would it be ask for help don't try and do it all on your own do you know I do Nan and I've talked a little bit I'm thinking about doing some sort of program that kind of gaps the step from when you finish school to when you start your own business so I'd say do something like that for sure it's crazy but a difference it makes just having someone in your corner that's like no you're doing that right um honestly getting a coach is huge it's at the start it's a scary investment but you'll see the money back yeah and I I appreciate that response and I do think it's a valuable even if you're like just like you said just fresh out of school and you're like on a budget there are people for every in this industry in the coaching industry our programs because even just the accountability like I have coaches like plural like this kid needs a lot of coaching everybody has coaching it doesn't matter what level you're at and it's having that accountability to end the belief and that when you hit a bump in the road like Carly comes to the cause and she's like okay so next week my bookings are low what should I do right and it really helps to just have that accountability to be present in your business and take action instead of coming to the end of being like oh well that's knocked down they made $2,000 you literally can take action right then and there to change it right and it's also nice not being stuck in your own head like I'm not you know when ideas just aren't flowing I'll be like okay well I'm gonna do what I can and then on Thursday I get to bounce it off ten other ladies and we're gonna come up with something that's that's why yeah even for me like sometimes in life we get barred down with like personal business you know kids whatever and then you have to talk about your think about your business and what you're going to post it's just nice to have that community that you can be like yeah that's a great idea or no we're not doing that I'm not going to make any money type thing right so I agree with you 100% so thank you for being here I think you're going to fire actually I'm gonna ask you one more question because you I decided I was gonna let you go on then I'm like no I got something else popped in my head um I think that for your how old are you right now 27 oh she's just a baby okay so for 27 year olds you speak very confidently and you speak very thoughtful in your business so like you said quarterly planning and everything what is one tip that you can give people about your daily habits that you think help your business strong morning routine I am selfish when it comes to my morning I wake up I usually I have this app that's awesome she gives you like three different workouts you can choose from every day whether you have five minutes or half an hour so do whatever your body feels like it wants to do and then a coffee have to have a good coffee first thing in the morning chores and then I start my day and I have to do those three things or else my eyes that's important to your business I think how do you feel in a day or just kind of starting it off on the right foot almost like you kind of you have to fill your own cup before you're gonna do anything for anyone else so I yeah I'm selfish about that I will admit it but I'm a better person because of it so that's all that matters yeah so one of the things that they say is like some people will be like you know they'll come to like dinnertime and they'll be like super anxious and they're not feeling well they're like I don't know why I'm anxious like I had I wasn't even thinking about something and all of a sudden I was anxious or I was in a bad mood or I was feeling frazzled how you set up your day in the first hour is how your whole day will come so if you're a mom and you literally jump out of bed when your kids wake up you're literally like Defcon 20 like running around like a crazy person that's how it's going to transmute through it the whole day whereas like you were talking if you take like Lord knows Jeanette is not a morning person and I have for I've been in the self-development space for probably 15 years like working on myself and every person's like you got to get up at 5 you got to get up at 6 and I'm like that is a bunch of I'm like I am NOT doing that but even if it's like 45 minutes before your children wake up or 45 minutes before you start your day um Carly hit it on the head moving your body one of the biggest also the other big thing is not touching your phone your phone can deplete your mental awareness very rapidly because it's never anything positive on there it's always like something negative um something that is good for your soul for her it's coffee oh I have to try that match it at you I gotta write that down um that she gave me I gotcha so cuz I'm off the caffeine but and then she does her chores and sets the day up for success right that will lead you into walking into your space or your business feeling strong it's also been proven that even if you only walk for 10 or 15 minutes the endorphins and what it does for your brain is mind-blowing like it's so yeah you don't feel the same we don't do it once you get into a routine yeah and so then she's doing like quarterly planning and being you know so okay this is I swear the last question because I could like literally talk about this so how do you what would your tip be about staying positive in your business because like you're doing quarterly planning you post beautiful social media so it's like how do you stay motivated and positive in your business is it also the morning routine is just something I I truly love it after working in a job that you don't like and you have to drag yourself there every day you kind of give it your all to make sure you're never going to go back to that that would be one thing I'm not sure in all honesty I you get what you you get out of it what you put into it so I I don't know I set up I kind of make a plan for the week I make checkpoints for every day get them done and then you have more time and I talked to my husband at night sometimes I'm like what do you got plan for tomorrow he's like I don't know yet we'll see how the morning goes and it just like almost pisses me off yeah like you're gonna waste your whole morning trying to figure out what you want to do like think about it now type deal so what you're talking everybody yeah it's intentional action like you take intentional action like I'm the same way I plan my whole week on Sunday I know it's exactly what I have to do every single day and yeah that focus intentional action that will you know I always tell people like think of it like a ladder each day you're just taking one little step forward and sometimes maybe you'll fall down three steps on the ladder but you're still moving forward every single day but a little bit a little bit that's how you see growth right yes being positive and doing that thank you so much for being here I loved this conversation I know you're going to inspire so many people so tell the people your Instagram handle first I'll also put it in the show notes but if they're listening what is your Instagram handle my Instagram is parlor aesthetics websites the parlor aesthetics pretty much you can find me at the parlor parlor aesthetics yeah yeah just parlor parlor aesthetics okay I'm going to also link in your store so y'all can go and check out her store and look at her products those all the products are amazing I'm obsessed and thank you so much for being here taking the time to share your inspiration and your wisdom with everybody and I know that you are going to inspire women to you know just keep pushing forward and just keep striving for like you said you had a job you don't that's my motivation I was like Lord knows I will never go back for somebody else ever again and the same way and that's what pushes you have to find in your soul what pushes you every single day right like that's gonna make you pick up your socks every morning and go okay I'm gonna do it right thank you Carly thank you thank you for having me hey thanks so much for tuning in today it means everything to me to have your support my mission is to help thousands of beauty business owners grow as big as they possibly can so if you found today's episode valuable the best way to share the love is to screenshot this episode share to your socials or even better share with another business owner perhaps you could leave me a review however you're listening to this podcast and if you are looking for additional support please reach out to me at beauty defined coach on Instagram can't wait to see you next week

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