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cover of how many rooms are there in your house
how many rooms are there in your house

how many rooms are there in your house

Teacher Kendy AugusteTeacher Kendy Auguste



rooms at home

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There is a discussion about the number of rooms in a house and the floor a bedroom is on. The person's bedroom is on the first floor of a three-story house. Their room is not very spacious but it is painted pink, their favorite color. They love their room because it is their private space. The furniture in their room includes a bed, desk, and clothing closet. They spend most of their free time reading and sleeping in their room, about ten hours a day. They do not share their room with anyone else as everyone in their family has their own room. Okay, we start again. Let's talk about rooms in the house. How many rooms are there in your house? How many rooms are there in your house? How many? Combien de? How many? Combien de chambres? How many rooms are there in your house? How many rooms are there in your house? How many rooms are there in your house? Combien de chambres qu'il y a la caille? Or there? Combien de tels bagailles qu'il y a un tel côté? How many tels bagailles are there in tels bagailles? How many rooms are there in your house? How many people are there in your house? How many people are there in Canada? How many computers are there in the table? How many telephones are there in the pocket? How many shoes are there in the bag? How many clothes are there? How many pair of pants are there in the closet? How many? Combien de? You say? How many rooms are there in your house? The second one is, there are six rooms. A living room, two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a kitchen. There are six rooms. A living room, two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a kitchen. Combien de six chambres? There are six rooms. Let me ask you the question, guys. Stover, how many rooms are there in your house? Take your time. Which floor is your bedroom on? Which floor is your bedroom on? Which floor is your bedroom on? Which floor is your bedroom on? Dans quel étage sommes-nous, Henri? Which floor is your bedroom on? Which? Lequel? Qui est-ce dans qui? Depuis, on a parlé de plusieurs bagailles. On a parlé d'un choix. Dans plusieurs bagailles, on dit which. On utilisait which. C'est pas what, okay? Mais on dit, qui est-ce dans which? Which floor is your bedroom on? Which floor is your bedroom on? Which floor is your bedroom on? Which floor is your bedroom on? Just listen to this. My bedroom is on the first floor of a three-story house. My bedroom is on the first floor. Bedroom, moyen, les noms, first floor. What is first floor? C'est premier étage. Eh bien, les y, chaque moyen d'un premier étage, là, n'a aucun qui gagnait trois stories, là, dans les y. Story, S-T-O-R-E-Y, qui veut dire étage. Un three-story house. Là, il y a un mot qui est composé, okay, de, par exemple, si, par exemple, m'a dit, y'en a trois étages, un three-story house. Je ne vais pas mettre S dans stories, je vais dire stories, parce que y'a un autre nom qui vient après les deux. Et surtout, je vais considérer-les comme un nom. Si m'a dit, y'en a cinq ans, comment pensez-vous que m'a dit, y'en a cinq ans, en anglais? Y'en a cinq ans? Hum hum. Y'en a cinq ans. Y'en a cinq ans, en anglais. A five-year kid. Je ne vais pas mettre S là, je vais dire a five-year kid, non. A five-year-old kid. A five-year-old kid. A five-year-old kid. Je ne vais pas dire a five-year-old kid, okay? Si m'a dit, y'en a cinq ans, she is five years old. Mais si m'a dit, y'en a cinq ans, a five-year-old kid. Five what? Five floors. Quatre étages. You can say five floors. Mais ils ont utilisé story en tout pour traduire étage. A four-story house. A three-story house. Y'en a quatre étages. Y'est S-T, il va écrire le même genre. Il va écrire le même genre, c'est S-T-O-R-E-Y. C'est ça que l'on va apprendre, okay? A three-story house. Y'en a quatre étages. Of a three-story house. Of a three-story house. Okay, let's go. Let's listen to the next clip. Is it big or small? Is it big or small? Est-ce que Kaila est big ou Kaila est small? Is it big or small? Is it big or small? It's not very spacious, just enough to put necessary furniture in. It's not very spacious, just enough to put necessary furniture in. It's not very spacious, n'est pas trop spacieuse. It's not very spacious, n'est pas trop grand. Okay? It's not very spacious. Is your room very spacious? Or, is your room big or small? Is your room big or small? It's not very spacious. It's not very big. You see? It's not very spacious. Or, like I said, it's small. Okay? But, like I said, it's small. This is the example when Sarabdiab just articulated the word. He said, it's not very spacious, n'est pas trop spacieux. It's not very spacious, just enough to put necessary furniture in. Il suffit pour mettre un meuble moins haut là-dedans. Just enough to put necessary furniture in. Necessary furniture in, c'est des meubles qui existent. Temps pour bed, table, knife. Okay? A closet, just enough to put necessary furniture in. Just enough to put necessary furniture in. It's not very spacious, just enough to put necessary furniture in. Next. What color is your bedroom painted? What color is your bedroom painted? What color is your bedroom painted? Quelle couleur est mon peinturier? What color is your school painted? What color is your house painted? What color is your office painted? What color is your church painted? Quelle couleur est mon peinturier? Vous l'avez demandé, quelle couleur est mon peinturier? Je vous dis, what color is my peinturier? Inside and out. Deuxième commande. Okay. It's painted. It's, listen. It's painted pink, my favorite color. It's painted pink, my favorite color. It's painted pink, mon peinturier est rouge. It's painted pink, le peinturier rouge, my favorite color. Absolutely. All right. Do you love your room? Listen to this. Do you love your room? Why? Do you love your room? Why? Do you love your room? Why? Do you love your room? Why? Et so on et même, c'est la même chose. Pourquoi? Why? Do you love... Ça, ça, ça. Why? Do you love your room? Why? I mean, he's going to give the answer. Listen. I love it very much because it is my private space whenever I go home. I love it very much because it is my private space whenever I go home. I love it very much. Moi, je m'en empile. I love you very much. I love it very much because it is my private space whenever I go home. Whenever, n'importe l'heure, m'allez-là quand même. Whenever I go home. Whenever I go home, I will call you. When I get home, I will call you. Whenever. Whenever, n'importe l'heure. N'importe l'heure, m'allez-là quand même. Whenever I get home. Whenever I go home. Whenever I go home. Home. I love it very much because it is my private space. I'm sorry, what does it mean? Private space, c'est espace privé, moi? My private space. My office. My office is my private space. My office is my private space. Vu ou moi, c'est espace privé, moi? Okay. Let's listen to the next part. What furniture does your bedroom contain? Contain, c'est gagner. Contient, gagner là-dedans, les features. What furniture does your bedroom contain? What furniture does your bedroom contain? What furniture does your bedroom contain? What furniture does your bedroom contain? Qui meurt, qui gagne? Non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non, non. What furniture does your bedroom contain? What furniture does your bedroom contain? What furniture does your bedroom contain? You see, guys? What furniture does your bedroom contain? Yes. Furniture, c'est meurtre. It contains a bed, a desk, and a clothing closet. It contains a bed, a desk, and a clothing closet. Liguez là-dedans. Lui, il contient une cabane, un bureau, avec une closet pour mettre des rats. It contains a bed, a desk, and a clothing closet. What furniture does your bedroom contain? It contains a bed, a desk, and a clothing closet. Mm-hmm. Listen. What do you do in it? What do you do in it? What do you do in it? What do you do in it? Qu'est-ce que tu fais là-dedans? What do you do in it? What do you do in it? What do you do in it? What do you do in it? Qu'est-ce que tu fais là-dedans? What do you do in it? What do you do in it? Uh-huh. What do you do in it? Well, I spend most of my free time there reading books and sleeping. I spend most of my free time there reading books and sleeping. I spend most of my free time there reading books and sleeping. Moi, je passe plus de temps là à plier livre. Mm-hmm. Et dormir. How much time do you spend in your room? Combien de temps vous passez dans chambre? How much time? Combien de temps c'est? How much time? How much time do you spend in your room? Combien de temps vous passez dans chambre? How much time do you spend in your room? About ten hours ago. About ten hours a day, sorry. About ten hours a day, especially in the evening. Les patients vivent environ dix heures par jour, spécialement le soir. About ten hours a day, especially in the evening. Ten hours a day, especially in the evening. Do you share your room with anyone else? Do you share your room with anyone else? Do you share your room with anyone else? Do you share your room with anyone else? Do you share your room with anyone else? Est-ce que ou pas par les chambres avec ou sans? Ou a qui est-ce qui domine la chambre là? Do you share your room with anyone else? Aucune autre personne? So, everyone in my family has their own room. So, he says, no. Everyone in my family has their own room, so I stay there alone. Ma yete la poukot kopan. So, I stay there alone. I live alone. Ma yevive seul.

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