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cover of Meditation: What should be my Practice? (Magdi 08-13-2023)
Meditation: What should be my Practice? (Magdi 08-13-2023)

Meditation: What should be my Practice? (Magdi 08-13-2023)

Holger HubbsHolger Hubbs



Awakening reveals that there is no one that awakens and that all is the Self. Live Satsang 08/13/2023 MEETUP/ZOOM/MP3 Please visit Magdi's website: https://CauselessPeace.com for information on how to join free live sessions and to download MP3 files. #nonduality #advaita #spirituality #happiness #peace #freedom #teaching #meditation #GuidedMeditation


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The transcription discusses the idea of being present and aware without attachment to outcomes. It emphasizes the experience of undivided consciousness and the recognition that there is no separate self. The contemplation of being is highlighted, as well as the freedom to identify with the body or let go of such identification. The importance of returning to the understanding of being the knowing aspect is emphasized, allowing knowingness to unfold naturally. And where is the one? Lovely to see them, lovely to be with you. So she could relax. Allow things to be as they are. Without being interested in any outcome. Simply being without a need to know. Notice the sensations in the body. The warmth. Sensation of your feet on the ground. And this effortless presence. Which is so simple, so effortless, so natural and yet mind blowing. The fact of awareness. There is this magical unfolding and your knowingness, this awareness. Permeates our entire being. Such a mystery. And we are that. All of it. There is no personal entity. No limited selves, no limited consciousness. Anywhere. That is our experience. Undivided, indivisible being, not knowing. And yet knowing I is I am. And knowing that this I is not an object. It is not a female or a male form. I is itself, it is what it is. And knows that it is. And knows that it knows. And that it is the only knowingness. This invisible presence. Which perceives. Knows it perceives. Which we refer to as I. Such a wonder. That there is a body mind form. That there is a world where there are perceptions. Infinite. To realize the potential of the absolute. Of the source. Which is your very being. The freedom of being. Irrespective of what happens at the level of the body mind. Being remains as it is. Untouched. Unaffected. Without any issues. You are that. Boundless awareness. And in that simple recognition all is well. There is nothing you need to do. There is no separate you anywhere to do anything. Within that understanding. There is no one to practice anything. And there is nothing to practice. So the contemplation is the contemplation of being. Which already is. Without any personal doer. Without any personal goals. Or personal achievements. It is the contemplator who is contemplating itself. Unveiled itself. Via the simple understanding. That there is no separation anywhere. That there is no other reality. Outside the reality of consciousness. I. Boundless awareness. The one and only sense. Which is God's freedom. Your freedom. To identify yourself with the body. To identify yourself with a bundle of images and sensations. To imagine yourself. To be somebody who is within a cocoon. Existing in time and space. It is your freedom to do so. And it is your freedom to let it all go. To stop the veiling. To stop the charade. In the simple resting as being. Resting as presence. Without trying to change anything. Without attempting to reach any goal. Or any state. Once you know that you are not an object. A form. Which is born in time and space. You can always return to that understanding. Understanding that you are the knowing aspect. The formless, invisible, perceiving element. And that there is nothing which exists outside that. That reality. You can return over and over to not knowing. Being not known. And known to know. Allowing knowingness to unfold by itself. Whichever way it does. Allowing knowingness to unfold by itself. Allowing knowingness to unfold by itself. www.mooji.org

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