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The speaker is introducing themselves as a new podcaster and shares their email address for contact. They mention various topics they plan to cover in their podcast, including paranormal, imagination for children, food preservatives, aging, honoring parents, world views, sleep, self-help, surviving suicide, dysfunctional families, surviving Fitbit, helping depression, laziness in society, genealogy, and stories. They also mention that they have written and published some stories and poems. The speaker talks about their involvement in paranormal investigations and shares a personal experience in a cemetery. They invite listeners to email them with suggestions and ideas. They also mention being related to famous people and provide a long list of names. Hey, hey, good morning, good afternoon, or good evening, wherever you are and whatever time you may be listening to this. I'm a new podcaster and I wanted to give you a little insight into what I will be bringing to you before I actually start giving you subjects. And let me first tell you, anytime you want to get a hold of me, you can email me at MasterPodster67 at AOL.com and I'll keep mentioning that through the podcast so you don't forget it. I'm going to drill it in your head. But anyway, what I'm going to do is give you a list of things that I may be speaking on and at some point we will have a guest speaker, so-called, and let's start with the list I have of things so far. Now, I have paranormal, which I absolutely love and I hope you do too. There's nothing to be scared of. Then the way it used to be, where's the imagination for children? I mean, the parents are going to sit aside and worry themselves to death. Okay, food preservatives, or food and preservatives. Being old but still feeling young, I'm sure I will have somebody on here with me at that point. Honor thy mother and father. Some of them are real stinkers. The world views. We may be talking about subjects going on in the world or actual views or news, stories we're hearing. Sleeping, how are you sleeping? Do you sleep good at night? Do you toss and turn all night? Do you have something on your mind? We'll be discussing that. Self-help, anxiety and panic attacks. Now, I used to suffer from anxiety and panic attacks years ago, probably 30 years ago and I stopped having panic attacks 20 years ago because I read up on it, studied up on it and I learned a basic concept of all the books and commenters and TEDs and I finally got the gist of it and I have not had a panic attack in 20 years. Surviving suicide for those survivors of the family. Dysfunctional families, I love them. Surviving your Fitbit, mine drives me crazy so I'm sure some of you it drives you crazy. My son has one and he actually took it off and threw it across the room and that was probably six months before he picked it up and put it back on again. It aggravated him so bad. Helping depression, not only is it medication, it's also an attitude in the mind. Society becoming lazy or are they fearful? Searching your generations. Now, this is a genealogy forum and I've been doing genealogy for over 30 years and I've come across some really hard stuff and it is extremely interesting and if I have time I might read you a list of some of my famous relatives. I have like at least 30 presidents I'm related to and that is the truth. Stories, we're going to be doing reviews on movies, history or a connection therein and stories that I have written myself. I will give you an idea of the titles of the stories that I have written and I have a couple that are published on Smashwords. The first one we got here in the pile is Secret Agent Mother and that is a true story. Tot Espionage, that is a very cute story because everybody when they were growing up at some point had a witch in the neighborhood and that's what it's about. Mine lived next door but actually she was a very nice lady. Ty, a story of a little boy who is so adorable. The Lost, that was my actual first story that I wrote. A Mother's Lament, that's about just those wonderful things and little tricks that our children play on us. Where's Jesse, that is a story about a grandmother who had a grandson. And then Fun with a Mad Woman Poetry and I'm going to read you one of the poems. Let's see, how about Funny Animal. I found a funny animal. It has two heads, not three. It is hiding in the backyard beneath the willow tree. It has such pretty eyes, I say. It has not three but four. I know it's true because I saw it peeking in my back door. I ran to tell my daddy and he thought I was being dumb. I ran right to the back door and offered it some gum. I saw a little paw reach in and grab it. Yes, I did. As soon as he had snatched it, he ran away and hid. I thought that I could trap it. I had to be pretty smart. I figured out how I was going to do it. I was just missing one single part. I almost got it put together. I just needed one more nail. I was sure this trap that I had made really couldn't fail. I finally got it all together, a trap to catch this thing. When I was outside whistling, I heard this animal sing. I thought it was a miracle, so I ran and told my mother. She told me to stop being mean and quit picking on my brother. Thank you. Thank you very much. I thought that was cute. A lot of people liked that one, but I have a whole book of just different poems. Some are funny. Some are angry. Some are just out there. But again, MasterPodster67 at AOL.com is where you can contact me if you want to give me some ideas or if you have questions or anything like that. I would be more than happy to answer your questions. We have all sorts of people that will be coming on with me. We have a minister, a paranormal investigator. Her and I have a paranormal, not business, but we will go and if anybody is having problems in the Missouri area, we will go investigate. What we try to do is debunk things. We've come across some that we have debunked, and then we have some that we cannot explain. In fact, one day we were at a cemetery. We were going by people we knew, and we had our recorders and our meters on. This was in the daytime, and I'm sure people are going to say, oh, spirits are not in the cemeteries. Well, yes, they are. Spirits like to hang with their bodies. They're lost. They don't know where to go. They never saw what they call a white light. We have the minister on the team, and she's good, but she was standing over my daughter's headstone and talking to her, nothing. She tried a couple more things, you know, like, do you like puppy dogs? That was my daughter's big thing. She loved animals, and she wouldn't answer, and I told my friend, I said, let me try. So we had the recorders on, and I said my daughter's name, and I said, do you know who this is? No answer. So I just looked at my friend, and I said, let me say it a little louder. So I said her name again. I said, do you know who I am? And we have it on a recording where she says, Mom. And I about fell over. It wasn't the wind or anything. The wind was still that day, and I was so surprised and shocked, but I was so happy. And so we've been to several cemeteries. We've been to people's houses and apartments, and it's really in-depth what we do. I mean, we have all sorts of equipment. The minister I was telling you about, she is extremely good with our equipment, and she's the minister, so if we come across a begrieved soul, she can help them. Me, I'm just the brawn. I don't know how else to say it. I'm the one who will stand there when people get this look on their face like, oh, my Lord. And I just look at them like, calm down, you know, because I want to debunk stuff so they don't feel scared. So we have that, and we'll have stories about the paranormal and things that have actually happened and things that people have told us. So I think that'll be an interesting one, but first I have to be able to get her to have time to help with the podcast. I don't know what order. I will do all the suggestions, but once again, MasterPodster67 at AOL.com. We'll get you connected with me, and oh, yeah. We also have a website called CPI, which is Celestial Paranormal Investigations that you can check out if you want to. It introduces myself, the minister, and we have a third person recently who has joined our club, another paranormal investigator who is so compassionate. So I guess I'm about done. And again, MasterPodster67 at AOL.com, I'm excited on hearing from you, so please let me know what you think or any ideas, and I hope you'll hear me soon. Before I let you go, I almost forgot, I was going to say a couple of names of famous people through FamilySearch that I am related to. We can't let that go by the wayside. Let's see. I have 31 leaders, which is majority presidents, and Massa Soet was a Native American chief, and the Pilgrims, when they came over to America, met with Massa Soet. He was the chief of the Indians at the time. And I'm also related to Wilbur and Orville Wright, Princess Diana, Marilyn Monroe, Dean Crosby, Elvis Presley, John Lennon, George Harrison. Now I think that's interesting. I did, when I first found out I was related to them, I checked all over and there is some inkling that John and George are related in their Irish roots. So that could be where the connection is with them, although a lot of people aren't sure that they are related, obviously they are. Okay, back to a couple of presidents. We have George Washington, John Adams, Ulysses S. Grant, Thomas Jefferson, Harry Truman, there's Winston Churchill, let's see, Theodore Roosevelt and his brother Franklin D. Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, sorry if I've already mentioned him before, let's see, who else, John Browning, the inventor of multiple firearms, which is funny, I'm related to him through my mother's side, but my father was big into match shooting. Okay, entertainers, Shakespeare, Henry David Thoreau, Charles Dickens, Buffalo Bill, Mark Twain, Agatha Christie, Catherine Hepburn, which is very interesting because people have always said that Audrey Hepburn and Catherine Hepburn were not related, which obviously since I am related to both of them, they are related through a connection somewhere and that could be me and they don't know about it, I mean people don't realize it. Okay, Walt Disney, Lucille Ball, I said Marilyn Monroe, Edgar Allan Poe, now that one's kind of creepy, Bing Crosby, okay, trailblazers, we've got Helen Keller, Amelia Earhart, Neil Armstrong, Baden Powell, athletes, there's Gordie Howe, the great hockey player, is there anybody, oh yeah, Agatha Christie, I might have mentioned her, John Wayne, Shirley Temple, Lucille Ball, Marilyn Monroe, Buster Keaton, Mark Twain, Buffalo Bill, so I mean all total that is like, let's see, 42, 68, 78, 79 people that are famous that I'm related to, but it's really fascinating that it depends, the majority I believe are on my mother's side that I'm related to these people, but there are some that I'm related to on my father's side, but not nearly as many I don't believe if I remember correctly, but genealogy is a fascination with me because I want to send my grandchildren, my great-grandchildren this information because just think of it, they're in school, when I was in school, nobody really knew that far back on genealogy and it was like, oh God, we've got to do a book report on George Washington, but now if kids can know I'm related to him, he may be my 14th cousin, but I'm related to him, I want to know more, so that's like an inspiration in my mind for my great-grandchildren, so I hope that, you know, it'll work for them and they'll do really good in school, in history, I love history. Okay, well, I think I'm done now, I hope I haven't bored you too much, and MasterPodster67 at AOL.com, remember me, give me a hoot and a holler, and let me know what you think, any ideas, everything will be accepted and read, and I might reply back to a few of you, or a couple of you, or all of you, who knows. Okay, well, good evening, good afternoon, or good morning.

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