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EP 9 Getting Hitched

EP 9 Getting Hitched

Gentlemen's Agreement



The boys are back after vacation! We cover any and every topic. Be sure to tune in to the instant classic between Jake and Jared!

Audio hosting, extended storage and much more

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A group of friends discuss their experiences attending a friend's wedding in North Carolina. They talk about their road trip to the wedding, the kickball game they played, and the wedding ceremony itself. After the wedding, some of the friends stayed in North Carolina for a week and enjoyed activities such as hiking, whitewater rafting, and golfing. They also discuss their own recent golfing experiences back home. Overall, they had a great time celebrating their friend's wedding and enjoying their time in North Carolina. Welcome to another episode of Gentleman's Agreements. We are back with episode 9, Getting Hitched, and as always, we welcome recurring permanent guests. At what point does he become a member? I don't think you have to introduce me anymore. Yeah, he's a member now. We'll just skip that. Welcome to the family. You're a member. Up and stronger than family. When you get 33% of the profit, heads up, we have no profit. We're negative. But yeah, Creature's back. Yep. Today on the episode, you're going to make me do the intros since apparently I'm getting some of the profit now. We talk about Cliff's wedding. Dee's brother got married over the weekend, that's why we didn't do an episode last week. So we talk about that and everything that went on. We do a review of golf. We all went golfing as usual last week, so we got to talk about that. Jake updates us on our softball league. We go over the NHL and NBA finals that are heating up and then Dee cooks up a little game for us, a little rapid fire, and talk over some movies and the CDL. And then Dee rages a little bit at the Tigers, but doesn't go full out to close the episode. So you know what we say, sit down, grab a bite to eat, maybe a Zard drink, grab a drink and enjoy the episode. All right, gentlemen, first order of business, Clifford's wedding. Let's give a little recap. You two drove down together. Yes, we did. In the wee hours of the morning. Yeah, it was very wee. I got through the first, what'd I drive, the first six hours or so. Yep. My wife was just staring at me, knowing my eyes were slipping, and she was watching me like a hawk. So I literally blinked my eyes, and she'd be like, you okay? Yes, I'm fine. Holding for a little longer of applause, she courts the wheel. Yeah, exactly. So she was watching me like a hawk, so I was like, all right, it's probably a good time to take a rest stop. So then we changed out drivers, Jordan started driving, and she clutched up the rest of the way. To give the audience a little bit of an idea of what we did, we decided to leave Michigan at seven o'clock at night, and just drive all the way through the night. To North Carolina. Yep, North Carolina. Specifically, the wonderful city of Charlotte. Charlotte. Charlotte. Where our boy Bryce Harper is. Yeah. Bryce Young, excuse me. I was about to say. I just saw something, Bryce Harper, because we are watching the Tigers. And he hit a moon shot to the morning track. But we showed up at like, what, four? No, five something in the morning, and we were just dead tired, and we were starving because we hadn't eaten anything since before that. So we got like a real twilight diner that we went to. We were so tired that when we were walking into the diner, we looked at it, and we were like, oh, that's where the Charlotte Hornets play. That's kind of nifty. Yeah, we were right next to the stadium. Didn't even realize it. I know. But it was a good car trip. A good car trip. Jake got some sleep. He probably got some better sleep while Jordan was driving. Well, I would like, I would fall asleep for like 20 minutes, and then when it started getting later into the night, I cracked a Red Bull at like one in the morning. And I was like sitting there watching Jared, and I would like sit there, and I was like, if you need anything, just let me know. I would close my eyes for like 10 seconds, and then I'd open them. Caroline was just straight up passed out, just sawing logs next to me. But, yeah. No road rage incidents with anybody? No, I almost got merged into a couple times. Just these giant semi-trucks hauling cars, hauling food. At three in the morning. Yeah. And they just start swerving into me. I'm like, dude, I'm here. My legs are on. So was the diner good food? It was pretty good, yeah. Or was any food good at four in the morning? Yeah, really. Any breakfast, like diner thing at some ridiculous hour in the morning always slaps. Live update, Tiger's already done one muffin. It is nice for breakfast. The South has grits for all breakfast meals. I'm one of the few that actually likes it. I think Ben was telling if he likes them because it saved his life or something. Yeah, Ben was telling the story that he owes grits his life, essentially. I've never heard this story. I'll have to ask him next time he comes on the podcast. I don't know it well enough to tell it. I'll let him cook. Get the information from Paul one way or another. We do need his dad on the pod. Oh, that would be insane. Talk about his golf game or something like that. But moving on to the wedding, I mean, it was fantastic. They had a kickball game before the commercial dinner. Let's be honest. We all didn't know how to feel about a kickball game. Yeah. But we don't know her family. They all live in North Carolina, and we're all from Michigan. I thought it was a perfect icebreaker to kind of just learn some names. What did we do, play for 45 minutes? Yeah, we did. It was just a quick kickball game, but what did happen? Our team lost. Cliff thought I was far more athletic than these two, so he handpicked me onto his team. He picked none of the homeboys. He, like, perfectly steered clear from his bachelor party. That was ridiculous. But Cliff did draft a better team, and sorry, Emma. Just, we did lose. The reason we lost, though, gentlemen, who are the Malt 2 MVPs that we are donning on the pod? Father Boo Boo's. Father Boo Boo's one of them. He was turning up on defense and just cranking home runs left and right. He should have gotten a home run in his defense. And Brandon, the co-MVPs, in his Red Wings jersey, turned a triple play. Insane. Pretty clean. I've never seen worse base running in that game. We had some pretty bad base running. Oh, yeah, it was atrocious. But, I mean, overall, I mean, it was fun, and at the rehearsal, Derek got to wear our jerseys and get some pizza, some local flavor. Very unique, but it was very, like, it was relaxed, but it was also good. What jersey did you wear, Jake? Oh, so I was, like, I was one of those kids growing up where it was, like, I had a jersey for, like, every single sports team. Yeah. And I, like, looked at them in my closet, and I was like, this wouldn't even fit my left thigh nowadays. And so the only thing my hand gravitated to was my high school powder puff coaching jersey, which, happy to say, still fit me. So that was at least a bonus and a positive. But, yeah, not much jersey selection for Jake over here. It was a good jersey, though. We appreciate it. It was the best jersey there, no doubt. It did look kind of stellar. Turned out the Red Wings, vintage Red Wings. Vintage Red Wings. So moving on to the actual day of the wedding, it was so funny. So, okay, for reference to the podcast listeners, Dee and Craich were actually standing in the wedding, and your boy Jay was not. I went to the bachelor party and everything, but when it came time the night before the wedding, Dee and Craich actually went to the hotel. What you're saying is you got to be in the fun bachelor party, got to avoid buying the suit, and actually got to sleep the night before the wedding. I did. The only downside was the night before the wedding, I had to stay with all of your wives in one Airbnb. I apologize. It was me and four women, and I'm trying to lesson plan, and they're watching Life Swap behind me, and somebody lights off firecrackers, and Caroline jumps up and is like, they're gunshots. I was like, nobody's screaming. I don't see people running. I don't see bodies on the ground. I don't see police cars. I think we're fine. She was like, no, no, no. I think it was gunshots. I was like, no, no. Overall, good night. It did take them for absolutely ever to actually get changed the next day on the day of the wedding. You were telling us, what time did they start getting ready? We actually went out to a breakfast place in the morning, and we got back around 11-ish, 11-20. They were changing and doing their hair from probably 11-15 all the way until the moment we left. What time was the wedding? The wedding was at 4. 4? I mean, they were in there for a solid couple hours. You got there like a half hour early. Yeah. It was probably 11-15 to 3. Yeah. So they were getting ready for that long, and the entire time I sat on the couch watching It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and as soon as I saw Alexis doing her hair, I was like, hey, would you mind stepping out for just 10 minutes? She was like, yeah, sure. I hopped into the shower, jumped out, did my beard, did my hair, just quickly threw on a suit, and I went right back to the couch watching It's Always Sunny, and I was ready and out the door first. That's hilarious. We had a little different morning. We watched the NBA Finals. Jake had to watch a wife swap. We watched the conference finals that night, Celtics and Heat, Game 6. It ended up being a crazy game. Cliff actually was a responsible groom and wanted us to go to bed before midnight, so we actually did, and then we got up a decent time and played some games, did the typical workout in the hotel. Krejci's sister ran 11 miles that morning? She did. We wanted to heckle her a little, but she had just gotten done, but we made sure to pump some iron. You've got to be looking good on the wedding day. I don't care if you have a suit on. You've got to be looking huge. Yeah, you've got to be popping all that. So we did that, and then it was pretty much wedding time we had over there, and the funny part was, we got there and we turned on the Tigers and tried to get ready for the game. Well, what happens? It's a beautiful, blessed wedding day. The Tigers have to win. Akeel Badu hits a grand slam. Vibes are high. We're winning 4-1 going into the seventh inning, but going into the seventh inning, it's time to finally go to the wedding. So all the groomsmen line up, got the bridesmaids, yada, yada. Our boy Jake, remember he's not standing. He's sitting there just in the ceremony. So what can he do? He can keep track of scores. So we all waltz on up. We'll have to confirm, Cliff, I know you're listening. Were you paying attention to Jake as well, or were you paying attention to the flower girl? Essentially, the flower girl was this cute relative of the brides, and she was very young and very, essentially the perfect baby flower girl, and she was taking her sweet time. So I looked over at Jake, sitting kind of in the back right of the ceremony, and he is giving me Tigers, like, non-audio updates, telling me they're losing. We were up 4-1 going into the seventh, and he told me we were down 5-4, and I just wouldn't believe him. But that is while, like, during the actual ceremony. I hold up 5-4, and I lift up my pant leg, and I point to my stock, and Danny, like, gives me, like, this look, and then afterwards, I make my way over to where the reception is being held, and I get a text from Daniel, I thought you was capping. Nope. You text him during the ceremony? No, after. But during the ceremony, the whole time, I was, like, contemplating, like, are we actually losing? Is Jake pulling my leg? Yeah, I was watching Jake, too. I saw the same thing. It would be awesome if they would have gotten a picture of the groomsmen during that moment, because we probably both had just, like, disgusting looks on our face. Well, there's a cute little flower girl coming down the aisle. We look terrible. They have, like, a picture of, like, behind, like, the bride and, like, the groom, and as they're all walking down, they see me holding up a 5 and a 4 to the groomsmen, and Daniel and Jared are cocking their heads. But overall, you know, fantastic wedding. Congrats to Cliff and Emma getting hitched. It rained the entire weekend, and we were bummed for them, but it ended up being a beautiful wedding, good reception after. I think we all had a good time there. Yeah, yeah. Lucky weather, but we made the best of it. It was a good time still. Music was bopping. I'll tell you what, the dance floor didn't stand a chance. We were all out on the dance floor. That was good. Once Mr. Brightside came on, it was GG. Oh, we were screaming. It was awesome. So that was a good time. I think they took off a little early compared to most weddings, but I couldn't complain because I had a headache, and it was a long weekend. So we kind of split. They got hitched. Once again, congrats from the gentlemen on the pod. Absolutely. Indeed. And their honeymoon looked really cool. They went to Banff National Park, I think it is. Up there in Canada. Emma just posted some pictures of it, and all the pictures looked really cool. That's awesome. I'll have to check them out. I have not seen those yet. Yep. Yeah, it looked like they were golfing and hiking and other stuff, so maybe we'll get one of them on the pod to talk about it. But after the wedding, you guys actually, so I went home because I had to teach some kiddos that following Tuesday, but you guys actually took some time off and decided to enjoy the beautiful state of North Carolina for an extra week. Tell us a little bit how that kind of trip went and some of the fun things you guys did. Yeah, the thought behind that was my wife and I got married last year in June, and obviously Memorial Day is right around that, so we wanted a little mini anniversary trip. Had some friends come along, Ben, Jared, and the women, and essentially Monday, kind of a slower day, but we got going. We ended up hiking. There's a really cool place called Chimney Rock. Good views, good little trails. Lots of stairs. A little expensive on the parking, kind of ridiculous. Four people, it took $79 to park. Holy smokes. So we made sure to spend our time there, but it was kind of cool. Good little rock. Got to see a cool waterfall. I'm sure you saw pictures if you follow any of our lives. Day two, what did we do, Craig? Day two was whitewater rafting. Yeah, we had a fun guy. He made it fun, telling all sorts of jokes. The views were beautiful on that as well. Believe it or not, told Jake about his drive. He has lost his license several times. Our water guy was telling us he had gotten his license taken away several times. Are we talking DUIs? No, just speeding, I think. He's like way over. He was warning us about where not to drive fast in Asheville and all that. Lost my license multiple times at DUIs, but... I mean, I wouldn't believe it because he told us essentially his life consisted of drinking on the weekends, going on trips, and just bringing alcohol only as their way to survive. Yeah. It was a pretty epic life. It was a good little trip, though. What class did we hit? The biggest one we did was a class four. They go up to class five, in case you're wondering. It wasn't the most intense whitewater rafting ever. If you want to do that, you've got to go to West Virginia or out in Utah or out west or somewhere. But it was still good. We had three ladies with us that definitely did not want to fall out of the boat. So it probably was for the best that it was not too insane. It was a good little trip. Yeah, the views were nice. And then Wednesday morning, the important part, we went golfing. Yes, we did. Golfing in the mountains. Always have to give a review. He wasn't kidding. When he says mountains, they were in the mountains. Yes. This was the hardest course we all had ever played. Dee and Ben actually did pretty good considering how difficult the course was. Ben with a 98. That's right. Dee with a 103, I believe. That's right. And your boy with a 116. But what he's leaving out is you can do the math on his 116 and my 103. On the front nine, Jay and I were completely abysmal. And we improved by 12 and 11 strokes on the back nine. So we were glad we paid the extra penny. Did 18 full holes. I mean, how often do you get to golf in North Carolina? Right. No, not often. So we were glad we did it. Ben was OP at golf, so we needed to catch him. Yeah, he did really good. I think we also, those are probably favorite part of the trip. Yeah, the view is really nice. And the hardest part about the course with the mountains and stuff, I can't tell you how many times I was swinging an iron at like a 35 degree angle. One foot is like a foot higher than the other foot. And I can't even hit irons off of flat ground. So I was in over my head for sure. It was, you learned a lot though. Like you had to chip. If you didn't know how to get your drives up or get your chipping, even on your seven iron up, you were in a world of pain. The second hole, I think, Creature cornered me. I duffed it into the hill like four straight times. Just making my way up. I mean, 30 yards, 30 yards, 30 yards. Finally, I eclipsed the top of the hill and got past it. All a part of our great front nine. Beautiful. You went golfing back here, did you not? Yeah, give us a little weekend review Fellas, your boy is addicted to golf. At an unhealthy level. I went golfing on Friday. Went golfing on Saturday. And I had plans to actually go golfing on Sunday, but I got preoccupied with some other stuff that I was doing. But Friday, I went out with my coworker and we did actually pretty well. We, the drives were, I've been making some adjustments. I have a whole note section in my phone where I have wedges, irons, and woods and all that. I make little notes on things I've been doing. And overall, my drives, I'm no longer just shanking them. I'm hitting them relatively straight. But I got a new thing of clubs and I've been trying to figure out how to, I've only golfed with them two, maybe three times. But there was one where, on one of the holes, I duffed this thing four straight times directly to the right in the weeds. And I just grabbed another ball and I chucked it down. And my coworker, Greg, who is like two times my age is watching me and he is crying laughing. But, he has a, we have a text thread with all of the guys in the school. And he posts an update every single time that he goes golfing with me. It's like what I learned about Jake today. And this was his synopsis. What I learned about Jake while golfing today. Long V-shirts no longer require an undershirt because I had my three-quarter zip and I had a butt all the way unzipped so the chest hair wasn't flowing. He said, he said number two, putting with a three-wood after watching a guy on TikTok do it is okay. To give some backstory, I was on the green like, I mean this green was huge. So I was like maybe 20, 25 yards from the actual pin that was on the green. And I had to get it over this hill. So I took out a three-wood because I saw this on YouTube. And I saw this guy just take a normal putting stroke with it and sure enough, I got it within just a couple feet of the pin. Had you ever practiced that before? Nope, never practiced. Straight off YouTube. And as soon as I saw where I was placed, I was like, hey Greg, you want to see something fun? And he was like, no way. And I had to grip it all the way down because it's such a long club. It looked so wonky. He says, number three, it is possible to hit four balls out of bounds on the same hole in a row and not break a club. And then also swiping some range balls to use in regulation. That's hilarious. And then I had to put the icing on top of the cake after the 17th hole and duff in four balls. I went to throw my seven-iron back into my bag and I realized I left that three-wood back on the putting green. What hole was that on? It was on like 15th. So you had to backtrack to a hole. Oh my word. But went golfing on Sunday at a place called Brookwood around here up by Burton. And that course was really, really nice. I got my first birdie. So that was one of my goals was to get a birdie and then also to break 100. That's the summer goal? That's the summer goal. With the amount you're golfing, that should be your June goal. Yeah. I actually went to the driving range before I even came here. He is not kidding. He is addicted. But I am here for it. I love being addicted to gambling. Am I right? Absolutely. Absolutely. You got your first birdie too. Up in the mountains. I did. There's a reason I got a 103 off of 57 because my back nine was a 46. And I actually hit my irons pretty well after the first six holes. Nice. And I had two birdies actually on the day. One birdie was the 17th hole and another birdie was on the 7th hole. So something in the number 7. And he kept the scorecard in case anyone was wondering. Just because proof I've been to Reims Creek. There you go. It was a good time out with the guys. Craig hit his first par on the last hole. He could have gone another nine I think and he would have been right there. It was a par 5 and he just dropped it right on it. I mean overall we're all fully into golf now. We're happy to go this week. I officially finish up for the summer with my job on Thursday and my schedule opens up quite a bit which is also not healthy for my addiction right now. But if you ever want to take golf lessons with me I've started a golf lesson with the Amish man. That's what they call me at the school. They call me they say I'm Amish and they say add Jacob on the green. That is hilarious. So you're giving golf lessons this summer. Is this a thing? I helped Dee with the irons a little bit. He did. I did thank him the other day because I was hitting my irons wrong. That's all you got to know. But Jake did help me out. I don't know if he learned that enough for you too. I think he told me. Oh 100% I did. As we said we were on vacation last week but Jake was here. Give us a quick softball review for the people that care. Oh my word. So I was not there on Tuesday. I was working and then I had I had coaching duties. But Thursday I was actually able to make it and we lost. Second L of the year right? Second L of the year. No longer undefeated. I did well. I went 3 for 4. I grounded out for the first one but it was a nice little ripper. I was an absolute stone wall on third base but sadly in the bottom of the seventh the last inning gave up two runs. Not going to point fingers at anybody but there was one person on our team that was extremely heated for church softball. But other than that Was there a couple in the E column in that box? There was a couple. Yup. The errors is really what killed us. It was not that they were better than us. It was purely just errors. But I heard in front of the pod Boo Boo's got a double. Boo Boo's did. He had the best base running of the night. So he absolutely it's so funny because I had Caroline come over and I was like watch this. He's going to smack his bat twice and then put it on his shoulder. And he walked up left hand brought it up smacked his right hand smacked his right hand again put it on his shoulder and sent an absolute rip right down the center. And their right center fielder was not really all that great. So he's hoofing it to second base. And then the very next at bat so Boo Boo's is dead tired. This person hits like a small like joinker to third. And Boo Boo's is like shifting off the bag. And the person turns rather than going to first they gun it to second to try and get Boo Boo's who's off the base. So Boo Boo's gets back and steps on the bag. Well the person it hits their glove just barely pops up and drops to the ground. And Boo Boo's is like that's the signal. And I mean this ball is not even six feet on the ground from second base. It would take any of us maybe three steps to go grab it. But he takes off running to third base. And they actually they actually they throw to third they beat Boo Boo's there but the third baseman bobbles it and Boo Boo's like hits the glove on his way through completely blows by the bag. Does the split and like has to reach back around and grabs it. It was so funny. But he was definitely MVP caliber much like his kickball skills. Right. MVP of the week. Looking forward to getting back tomorrow. We got another game tomorrow. I was about to say the Dubs will start picking up. We have our full team. I have no idea. I don't even check the schedule anymore. I just show up and who's busting ready to kick this game. I invited Craig though. Maybe he'll show up to that. He certainly didn't show up to the pod tonight. No he didn't. And we did invite him again. But we'll give we'll give a review next week on what happened in softball. We got one game this week so be rooting for us. Do you guys want to do the NBA slash NHL finals? Or do you want to do game time first? Let's do NBA and NHL. Yeah. Start with NBA. Start with NBA. It's been the series is now tied up 1-1 which is good because after game one I don't know if y'all were thinking the same thing but I was like Nuggets in four or Nuggets in five. At least with the the win by the Heat we should hopefully get a game six maybe even a game seven if the Heat turn up. Hopefully it goes a little bit longer and there's a little more drama because I really like both teams in it. I don't even care who wins. I'd say I'm rooting for the Heat because I like Jimmy Butler. But I won't be mad if the Joker wins it either. It's not Jimmy Butler. It's Himmy Butler. Pardon me. Himmy Bucket. I personally I want the Nugs to win so bad. Really? I want to see For Rex? I want to see if for Rex George but I personally want to see Jokic go back to Serbia and get carried in by horse and buggy or donkey and cart. Ain't no buggy holding that man. There's a video of him getting carried through Serbia and he's in the back of this cart and there's this mule pulling him through town. And he's going to the local pub and he throws the doors open and there's like I don't know like German folk music going on in there or something like that. But it's a hilarious video. I haven't seen this video in a while. It's hilarious. But I personally I just want to see the Nugs just because I like Jokic and I think it would be fun to see but Robinson kind of turned up last night. The Heat feel like they just have somebody that can step up because I don't think Butler's really like popped off a crazy amount in Game 1 or Game 2 and the people like the Heat have just a roster that is able to pick up the slack where need be and I think Duncan kind of did that last night even mean mugged a guy after he dropped a dime in his face. So that was nice to see. You know he's feeling himself being mean mugged. Oh yeah. He is the skinniest white boy out there. Hey who would have thought that Duncan Robinson and white boy Jokic were the two most dominant people in Game 1 and Game 2 of the NBA Finals. Little side note of betting for this game we were on our way home from our vacation and we were cooking cooking up on DraftKings right? We were. And what state were we in? We were originally in Carolina which didn't let you and then we drove through Tennessee and Tennessee allows you to gamble on DraftKings and then we ended in Kentucky. Yeah. So we were looking at it in Tennessee and we're like okay we will do something. Forgot about it. Got to talk and whatever. Because it's quick. Yeah. A couple hours later we get to Kentucky and we're like oh let's place that bet you know. Let's see. What was the bet? Let's see what we can do. And the bet was first basket score. Plus discussion Jamal Murray. Plus 450. Yeah. Plus 450. So that's not good odds. It's likely not going to happen. We go to place the bet since we're in Kentucky. It stonewalls us because you can't do it in Kentucky so we're like oh that sucks but you know we probably saved ourselves some money. It's all good. We turn on the TV and we watch the game. 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