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Episode 1 (raw recording)

Episode 1 (raw recording)


Nothing to say, yet



okay what's up oh she's gonna be 20 no she's 19 Maya just turned 20 oh that's yeah okay is that gonna okay I don't I don't think that even maxed out cool I don't think that even maxed out cool I don't think that even maxed out cool I don't think that even maxed out cool I don't think that even maxed out cool I don't think that even maxed out cool I don't think that even maxed out cool I don't think that even maxed out cool I don't think that even maxed out cool I don't think that even maxed out cool I don't think that even maxed out cool I don't think that even maxed out cool I don't think that even maxed out cool I don't think that even maxed out cool I don't think that even maxed out cool I don't think that even maxed out cool I don't think that even maxed out cool I don't think that even maxed out cool I don't think that even maxed out cool I don't think that even maxed out cool I don't think that even maxed out cool I don't think that even maxed out cool I don't think that even maxed out cool I don't think that even maxed out cool I don't think that even maxed out cool I don't think that even maxed out cool I don't think that even maxed out cool I don't think that even maxed out cool I don't think that even maxed out cool Where's my lid? Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Then you made lid lid Very good. Yeah. Yeah, that's perfect. Yeah. Snuggie up. Snuggie wuggie Was a Josh Snuggie wuggie Ate some squash Yeah. Yeah. Oh my god. That's beautiful. Snuggie wuggie was a Josh Snuggie wuggie ate some squash It wasn't as funny the second time? Yeah, it was still good though. It's fun to say. Say it. Uh. I just said it the second time because it was fun to say. Oh, oh. Snuggie wuggie was a Josh Snuggie wuggie Ate some squash Isn't that fun to say? That is pretty fun to say. That's why I said it the second time. It probably wasn't going to be funny, but I said it. I got a new backpack. What you got? This one. That's a nice backpack. Have you ever heard of Swiss? Um, yes. Like Swiss Alpine? Yeah. The cross on it or whatever? Yeah, yeah. I think that's what that is. Yeah, yeah. Isn't it? The Swiss flag. The swish flag? It was the swisher flag. Sweet. Where am I? Okay, yeah. That's a tactical backpack, isn't it? Yeah, it can fit so much more. Oh, wait a second. I'm getting a little hint of of where I got a picture of putting it in a way at one point. I'm looking for these things called oblate discs. Um, like I think they're I think they're produced in No, that's not it. In Japan. Japanese oblate discs. And they're really good for like it's like a capsule basically for powder, but you fold it up. I think you've probably seen it. It's like made out of rice paper. Oh, yeah. I think I've seen that. Yeah. Is that it? That's it. I found them. Yeah. But what do you use them for? I don't know. You can put any type of powder in there really that you can I'll take one out and show you. So there's just the regular paper on top with this one included. A little stand like a little paper stand so you can fold it up and well, like on the directions there so you take like the sheet of Yeah, exactly. You fold it up Yeah, people use them for like pre-work and stuff. Oh, yeah? I don't know if they use that exact one but they use something similar. I've seen people take paper and funnel it in. Oh, okay. Well, so it's not for use as a funnel. That's how you get the powder in. So this is how I do it. Well, actually there's a couple ways but if I'm not doing something that I need to precisely measure I'll fold it up like this and in half again so it just looks like a little triangle and then pull it out so that it's a funnel and put the powder in there and then you can like start kind of twisting it up Oh, like a dime bag. Yeah, yeah, exactly. But the rice paper sticks to itself when it's wet. So you just lick it or some people I think run it under water. But it works for pre-workout or what. It'll work for anything. Cocaine. Yeah, wasting perfectly good cocaine that way. Milk. I don't know why I folded this one up but I'm having some fenobute today. What's fenobute? It's kind of like a really long acting benzodiazepine but it doesn't have like there's not really blackout potential with it. You can't, well I mean I suppose you could but I don't lose memories. It does lower inhibitions a little bit well if you overdo it but it's like just an anxiety reducing thing so just like that's good. Makes you calmer throughout the day. It's sold on a website that sells a lot of like workout type stuff. They're called Lift Mode. Okay. It's a website? Yeah. Yeah. And I have spent so much money on that site. So it's like your GNC but like online? Yeah. Yeah kind of like that. It's more towards like they have all kinds, it's not just workout supplements. But it's a supplement store. Right. I got you. They have Femmue and like well actually that's where I got my agmatine from the last time. And they have like black pepper extract. That's the primary things that I've gotten from it but you can get the ovulate discs like along with your order. Okay. Yeah. Nice. It is. Do you know something I'm thinking about trying? What? Alphabrain. Oh yeah. That's like the Joe Rogan one. Yeah. I've heard the advertisement enough and it's been like well if they're like they're giving out samples I'd like to try it but I did see reviews that maybe it like wasn't as good as some of the things that you get but I don't know. I mean there's no credibility to that. Yeah. Exactly. I know there's pre-workouts with nootropics in it. Oh yeah. I think Bucked Up has nootropics in it. I'm taking nootropics. Nootropics, yeah. I don't know if that... Nootropics, yeah. I'm taking Pyracosam. Phenylpyracosam. Oh, Noopect. But that's like a little bit older of one. I think it might even be like a combination or not like a something mixed or a blend of something. Yeah. Why can't I remember any nootropics in it? I used to actually like actively... That's what you do when you try to sit on the wind blanket. Yeah. Okay, so I got I got a CBD cartridge from the store but it does have 5% THC and it's well, it still works. There you go. Are you still trying to get off weed? That's not like my number one thing. I quit vaping nicotine. Oh, that's what it was. Yeah. I thought it was weed, sorry. No, that's okay. But I haven't like I didn't even bring a vape here that has nicotine. Yeah. Do you have any nicotine on you? Yeah, I do. What are your smaller doses? I have the pouches like the... Yeah, like Zin or whatever. Yeah. Mine is on brand and I actually know I think I have one pack of Zin in there that's like really old but I just like just in case. Yeah, I think Gatorade is filling up the side of this. Uh oh. Well, not very fast. It was just like it trickled out. I just want to get it. Thank you, buddy. New furniture. Oh, yeah, no. It didn't even get my clothes. I know. I'm just messing with you. You're just being smart. Thanks. It's been a while since we've had one of these docs. Yeah. It's been a couple weeks. Yeah. Gotta get the brain muscles going back up. We had some good ones the last couple times. We have some good ones every time. True. Unless I'm not feeling well, neither of us are feeling ourselves. Well, we're usually feeling ourselves. A little bit. A little bit. Oh, yeah. Pasteurization. Yes. Okay. So, pasteurization was a method developed by Louis Pasteur to like he figured out how to keep milk for longer because normally with fresh milk straight from the cow's teeth it goes bad rather quickly. Yeah. And what he did was he figured out if he applied heat to the milk, he just like boiled the milk or whatever got it to a certain temperature then it would keep for longer. I think it like boils off the bacteria, maybe. Something like that. I had a book on when I was a kid. It was like a pasteurization picture book. Yeah. But I don't know. I really liked that book as a kid. The art in it was really well done. And they made it almost kind of like story-like. Oh, really? While still educating the kid. I love that kind of thing. So, why would a lightly pasteurized milk be better than... Because it does strip away some of the flavor and texture of... Milk? Yeah. And the nutrients at all? I don't know about nutrients. I would say probably. Probably, but it's... But nutrients can give it flavor. Yeah. But texture. The bacteria that... I think it's the bacteria that makes it go bad. Yeah. What's like burnt off. Yeah. Yeah. That milk is really good. I think it's Milbrook Fogs. It's really good. I have... I don't know if I've even had that, but my parents had that um... continue. And I didn't even know that that was one that you go get refilled. Yeah, so you know, you like return it and they give you a discount. You don't pay for the glass. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah. It's a pretty good deal. Yeah. Did you say $5 to get that filled? $5 for a new. So the first jug you buy is $5. Once you buy it, they're like $2. Really? Yeah, so it brings it down to a regular price of a half gallon. That's awesome. Trucks. Oh, like trucks produce? Yeah, trucks produce. You can thank Nike for that one. It's okay, it's Jew approved. Um... Yeah. Because I have that power. What power? To Jew approve something. Do you? Yeah, no, my family, I have Jewish heritage on both sides. It shows in your hair. Yes, it does. I almost said something on a Easter this year. You look like a Jew or something. They're just looking at you like a hit or like Christmas or something. You're looking like a Jew. Yeah, I've kind of... I thought that my whole life until like before I figured it out. I think I've known for a while that I was like coming out or something. I've known for a while that you're a Jew. I've always had a feeling, but this proves it. Yeah, Jew approved. What's new, Eli? Oh, yeah. Did I tell you anything about the Restrict Act? I think I saw you sent me something or you posted something on Facebook. So, it's... I don't remember. Oh, the VPN thing. So, it's not actually... Nothing is specifically written in the bill about like they want to block VPNs or they're going to block VPNs. It's just the bill is written in such a vague way that it leaves so much room for interpretation. And what you need with laws to not have them be abused is because it's just a natural human inclination to take what you've given all of what you've been given given all the power that you have to take it, you know. Or to feel like you should control an aspect of someone's life or you would know best for the world. But the law is written really vaguely so essentially if they see any piece of software as a threat, especially like foreign developed or hosted software like IE from China or Russia, you know they can just ban that, like just a sweeping ban on that software. And like if a piece of software facilitated you like while really doing anything that they didn't want, there is a way that you can be like, that those actions can be criminalized even if it's you know it could be benign, it could be anything but they are able to ban VPNs like if that was passed it would be very easy for them to just be like, okay you don't get to use VPNs anymore, you get 20 years if you use one. 20 years in prison if you try to protect your privacy from anyone, hackers, whoever if you use a VPN you could get punished. And yeah it's being pushed as a like I don't really know that this is directly coming from, because I don't think the bill says anything about TikTok specifically, but it's being pushed as a bill so that they can ban TikTok which I mean, yeah TikTok is very damaging and yes it's foreign owned, or at least mostly foreign owned, like I mean, China a Chinese company I think the name is ByteDance like BYTE they own TikTok in part so all Chinese companies are required to report back to the government about their user data, so you know that your data with TikTok is going straight to the Chinese government, which you know be that as it may your data is going straight to the US government you know if you're on a US based app or platform like we already know that this happens because Twitter you know, like the Twitter files we already know that social media platforms they're the people in charge of them are in direct collaboration with the government on you know, like really messed up stuff behind closed doors I don't want to get too much into that right now because it's like 7 or 8 but yeah if you haven't checked out the Twitter files it's like 10 oh really? wow you talk a lot. We got here at 9 oh really? yeah. Oh I thought I got here much earlier than that nope. Well I woke up at 6 no just before 7 um yeah what's going on with you? I don't watch very much we're working and um looking for a job oh yeah I um I had an interview yesterday no the day before yesterday um but I already know I didn't get the job oh. Yeah. It's alright how do you know? I know cause they sent a message saying that they'd be moving forward with other candidates um so yeah. I put a lot of a lot of effort into like studying up on the company too um but it is what it is and I'll just continue you know doing the work that I'm doing now and looking for something else that is more consistent and pays hopefully better have you ever thought about doing your own business? oh yeah I have I have but that takes that takes time to start I mean I already essentially run my own business. It's just not a very successful business but and it's not not very pointed either cause like I do random computer stuff and like some web design stuff and then I also do yard work like it's just I haven't settled into one thing I think I put all my eggs in one basket and just like did did one thing then I'd have more of a chance but that's impossible I used to think it was impossible to put all my eggs in one basket until I finally did but you have different baskets you have your hobby basket your passion project basket right and then you have your business basket your income basket then you have your family basket then you have your friend and free time basket what you do in all those baskets is up to you for me my basket for my career cause my career is woodworking I want to do that and I'm pushing towards it but with work right now I want to work summers hard time to get enough money to keep funding for materials and paying rent and all that but then lifting weights is my free time basket and rocking and hiking and stuff is also my free time basket and educating myself is in my free time basket my family basket is Thanksgiving Christmas holidays Easter right all that stuff spending time with you right it's all family basket helping my brother helping my dad you know just miscellaneous whatever anyone needs then my friend basket is going out to eat going to the movies hanging out going on hikes whatever right and you can have a lot of different baskets and a lot of different eggs to put into each basket that's I guess that's why we're such basket cases I mean when you really think about it it is so much like just bare minimum aside from like not even talking about work stuff like there's so many baskets you gotta fill them all though yeah you get all those eggs though a lot of energy sleep well get 8 hours every night I know that can be hard but do whatever you gotta do to get 8 hours every night take care of your body exercise and workout regularly eat right and remain educated on things you're doing that's good stretch make sure you're mobile so you can help people yeah and then make sure you have some sort of income because a lot of these things take money yeah and so the main thing is sleep food, exercise what you do in those three is the most important because if your physical body is doing well your mental is going to be doing well yeah and if you're not taking care of either one of those and then you can't serve anyone because you can't serve yourself okay that is fantastic advice like that's you summed up what I feel like would change most people's lives like if they could just put it into action sleep, eat workout doesn't have to be 2 hours a day 30 minutes to an hour and even 15 minutes to an hour get some sort of exercise even if you just go walk on a treadmill for 15 minutes because that's all you have time for or run on a treadmill because that's all you have time for then do it because that's better than spending those 15 minutes doing nothing yeah or even swimming go swimming for like 30 minutes and then sit in a hot tub for 30 minutes that's a reward reward yourself oh wait my parents have a hot tub but reward yourself for the things you do, don't just go sit in the hot tub all the time like go to jiu jitsu and when you get home, go sit in the hot tub for 30 minutes or 45 minutes and then go help your dad with whatever he needs or whatever your next task is but I kind of look at it as do something for myself and do something for someone do something for myself and do something for someone else do something for myself but I always start with myself because like in an airplane you can't help anyone unless you've helped yourself and if you're dying you can't revive someone else you can't help someone else survive yeah I don't maybe take care of my body as much as I should my sleep habits are wild and erratic at best um and my eating habits are um I mean I eat I would say mostly natural foods a lot of the time are you getting protein? that's one thing that I miss a lot sometimes I just like sometimes I just get my own fruit and vitamins because protein is going to help with your muscle and physical development which is going to help with your brain development yeah sometimes I just forget to eat like yesterday, I didn't eat anything I have alarms on my phone for eating so I remember to eat I have like my calendar full of everything I do every day same thing every day I wake up every morning feeling like P. Diddy I wake up every morning I meditate in the shower and then and then I get up get out of the shower, get dressed, brush my teeth all that stuff right, get ready and then um I want to get to the point where I'm rocking after that but that's going to come later um but uh um I make a protein shake or some sort of breakfast even if it's small, like another morning I had almonds and black tea protein, little bit of little bit of herbs and a little bit of or not herbs, a little bit of black tea and then a little bit of caffeine just to get going and then I check my emails for 15 minutes and then I start my day by applying for jobs for two hours, but my goal is just five, either if I can do five jobs, I set a goal for myself, if I can apply for five jobs cause I'm ADHD and it's really hard to sit at a desk for that long, if I can apply for five jobs I can go for a walk or I can go straight to woodworking or I can relax for a little bit cause I've reached my goal but I have two hours to apply for those jobs usually between 8 to 10 am 10 am I go to woodwork and I have an alarm for all these, so five minutes before each event I go and it says, okay, get ready to go woodworking, so I go to the shop and woodworking can be I go to Home Depot or whatever lumber store I go to typically not Home Depot, but I'm doing that right now cause I'm doing beginner pieces for not too expensive prices but when my price comes up it's like, I have to block out an hour to drive to Portland to go to a hardwood supplier, you know but wait, isn't, there's a lumber place here, right? It's not hardwood oh, it's different? No, there's like good thing in Sherwood I'm not sure which one I'm thinking of there's a lot of lumber places but not many of them are hardwood okay oh, you know what, I think I know the one you're talking about I know, I'm thinking the one in Washable they're not hardwood either, they're just like framing supply so I go that hour to two hours that I have in that time frame can just be getting material to build with and then alarm set is lunchtime, so I have my own alarm for breakfast, and my alarm for breakfast just says protein, cause I want to start my day with a high protein and high carb if I can hash browns, eggs chicken, whatever, not chicken though sausage, steak, whatever it may be even just a protein shake and hash browns is a good one and then hash brown patties are a good way on the go to get carbs I can eat while I'm at my desk that sounds so good but then I can, so I eat lunch, I have an hour block for lunch so now it's like 1pm 1.30 actually is when I get back to applying for jobs again, I set myself a goal, I have two hours to apply for 5 or 10 jobs whenever I choose cause I gotta be realistic I can't push what my dad can say or someone can say you gotta do this and this amount of time but I only know what I'm capable of because I only know where my head space is and it doesn't mean say I want to apply for 10 jobs in one day, I apply for 5 in the morning and 5 in the afternoon and then I go to woodworking so then I have an alarm set for woodworking and I get done at like 5.30 with my work and all that, it's an alarm set for working out 30 to 45 minutes it's actually 5.30pm to 5.30pm to 6.15pm is working out and then taking care of my body and all that, and this stuff I'm still trying to take action on but I have the alarms I need some equipment to work out with so when I get my tax refund I'm gonna buy some workout equipment but you can do most you can do what you need to do yeah, exactly but it's just more motivational to have the equipment and be able to do it I can do a bench press and know I'm getting the right motion I can do a deadlift also just investing money in something, it makes it more likely that you will use it or not use it and then yeah I have to use this now or I made a bad purchase decision yeah, and then after 6.15pm R&R until 11pm so that's 3-4 hours no, 4-5 hours of watching TV relaxing, setting my schedule up if there's anything I need to add for the next day these are all things you can do somebody looped to start putting things on the calendar it helps, like a lot a lot it's like the best choice I've made it's been a while organization like organization to get stuff done no, it's like organization like I would point to specific tutoring for organization because my organization was so bad as a kid and I think that might have been one of the things that was recommended to me planners yeah, and I don't know why I stopped doing that so much I do a to-do list put your to-do list on a calendar because if you do it on a calendar on your phone your to-do list is going to do an alarm which holds it accountable every time like today, I'm not going to get as much done because I'm hanging out with you which is fine, but I've done pretty good this week considering my past of not doing anything in the past I've taken action on some things I'm almost done with this for this lady I've applied for several jobs I've got some interviews I'm winning right now so now that I'm winning, I'm spending time with you and I'm going to spend time with Michael as well so, I appreciate it more helping you? no, I'm just spending like you're winning and then your first thought is spending time with family yeah, that's how it is it's God, family country friends God, family, friends, country, something like that and then money or something like that that's what it should be there's a lot of things you need in life that you need to take care of but that's the ranking of them and you need the last one, money to take care of most of them but the main one is God, family country, friends or country is other friends so God, family, country there's a list on it, but it's a typical standard for a lot of people whatever your God may be for me it's Jesus and that's when just what higher power you have or whatever your higher power is for no reason before yeah, that's kind of a Christian thing too because the Bible tells us to worship God before anything else take care of our family and take care of the people around us so that's kind of like where our priorities lie as Christians but it's just it's just it's good to have priorities like for me when I do something this is another thing I've learned lately is when I do something I have to have non-negotiables so my end goal is non-negotiable for example, how I'm going to get there there's certain steps that I have to take and there's certain steps that I can work around like building this bench for this lady she wasn't she didn't care really what it was she just wants a beat up rugged bench you know so she didn't say what type of wood because she knows I'm new to woodworking so what type of wood she didn't say a time limit she lives several hours up north from us she's going to come down here when it's done and pick it up and pay for it because I'm new and I can do good work but people really like handmade stuff they do because they saw the one I sold the other day and I got 17 people interested and like the lady that bought it said did you build this I said yeah she goes well it's beautiful I said well thank you very much I really appreciate that but this lady that's buying this saw the bench I posted and wanted one similar but a different size I'm so happy that you're doing that that you found this passion yeah it's really cool to see and it sounds like you're proving people wrong too like who? maybe your dad yeah he said you can't build this bench I did the hardest part of this bench in 15 minutes maybe he thinks I'm stupid maybe he was doing that to motivate you too yeah I think I thought about it too like you know I'm not going to think too much that he's trying to motivate me because that doesn't motivate me I want to think that he's being a jerk to me and I'm just going to power through like I'm going to prove you wrong that is the perfect way to handle that that's like 5D chess on that whole situation 5D chess is how you said ok maybe like 4D but I was like it's good to think positive sometimes thinking negative can drive you in the right direction and so that's what I did I mean I worked with guys when I was framing they were like you're not going to be a carpenter you're going to be stuck in labor and I was like no just wait to see because I'm more of a creative than a back breaking slave you know and I'm proving people wrong and I'm getting comments on stuff left and right on Facebook and Instagram and my work is showing for it that is cool and so when I did the firewood thing I was like puffing my chest out but I had nothing to show for it I just cut firewood with an axe but now I'm like I can use metal and wedge it between wood yeah right but now I have like no there's nothing wrong with it no there's a lot wrong with it the trade no but the way it's going about it oh there was a lot wrong with that but like now I feel like I've really humbled myself and people say well now you're being cocky you should see me two years ago that was cocky but now I have something to back it up and I can take pride in my work you've humbled yourself quite a bit thanks buddy yeah you've been putting a lot of work in and just yeah you surprise me man I love you buddy almost weekly I don't have chills I'm a little emotional but you told me I think it was when we were snowed in here together with Maya but you said you told me I'm getting chills all up and down that line but you said whatever credit you're getting Josh you're not getting enough and so it was and you said it and I was like man it's the first person I've said anything anything at all about my progress oh yeah I feel good about well you said that and I was at a point where I was just kind of starting to better myself and I've been consistent with it now and I'm choosing things to even better myself even more like lift weights instead of sit on the couch and do nothing or eat healthy instead of go to Taco Bell every day or drink water instead of soda or watch the way I talk to people instead of just talking and not worrying whether or not I'm going to hurt someone's feelings and I have never been more proud of you thanks buddy it's funny how like a little spark like that can make all the difference for someone you don't even realize it well like it was just I think about it all the time and it just helps it gives me wanting to be like because you saying that and the beef that we had when we were younger not really beef but like the things I said to you and the things I said to people and the disrespect I gave you I remember that message I sent you but I don't hold a grudge for that at all I look back at that stuff and I'm like you being the one that I hurt a lot during those times a lot but that was a pretty low blow is what I'm saying that was a really low blow and when I started to realize those things like I don't want to see Eli over this and I really realized how much I value my family because I always have family I can even be keep progressing and then tank and be a jerk for a while you guys will all still love me again and still because you know who I am not saying I've been a tank but if like some crazy life happens or whatever like what happened back then I can always know that you guys can always be there because you see this in me and knowing that you saw it the most and first you probably still see it the most like that just shows a lot to me like Michael tells me all the time he says dude you're still super cocky like what are you talking about you don't even like you're not around me enough to see how much I've changed there's a difference between confident and cocky exactly and I'm more confident now than I am cocky yeah I think you're more confident now than you were when you came off as cocky yeah when I was cocky I was not confident at all insecure and scared of where I was going to go I didn't have any direction you might have just been compensating with the cockiness I sure know I've done that I think most people well I was definitely doing that because I didn't have any skill and my dad always told me you need skill in life you need to be a carpenter not a wood splitter and firewood core seller and and now I have a skill and people look at my pieces as art people even tell me like dude this is art this is beautiful this is and it's a lot better to be like hey thanks for the wood I'm going to go burn it now but then like this is something I'm going to have for a very very very very long time and I'm going to sit on it my kids are going to eat dinner on it you know or my family is going to set their plates at Thanksgiving and I'm going to start making big tables and all these things that people are going to have a piece this thing is going to have a history one day exactly and that yeah those pieces have a history and someday that piece is going to get sold to someone else and that person is going to get downsized their kids are going to move out their family is going to move somewhere they're not going to have big Christmases and Thanksgiving so they need a smaller table so they sell that table but someone else has a table with my stamp underneath of it yeah I didn't know you had like you have a stamp no I'm going to get one I'm either going to burn it in there or stamp it in there probably burn it we'll see but like people just like like this is something I can be like happy and tell my kids someday hey your dad is doing something real he's not trying to half ass it and get by it's the easiest way to get money that's awesome that's perfect I thought for or I thought maybe even for the stamp you could at least for a time use what are those it's almost like a soldering iron but for um no for like drawing on wood like burning an impression it's a metal iron it's a metal iron and it's got a stamp on it no so not the one you just like have have the stamp that's pre made I mean the one that allows you to like draw no draw on wood by burning like the tip gets super hot but it's electronic oh I've seen those the other one's an H and like metal yeah I've seen those they're like a pen right yeah it's like a pen but it's like it plugs into the wall oh soldering iron it's not a soldering iron soldering iron is for soldering like you use or the metal that melts at a really low temperature yeah I think it's a metal or it's a metal based compound or something but I don't think I have it it's like you can draw heat like burn words in red yeah I figured I would get one of those I really just want like the same stamp everywhere oh yeah so I want to get like a metal logo or whatever my name cut into metal and then put it up and clamp it with wood clamps too a piece of furniture and then just torch it right you could do that you could do the stamp and then like for special edition pieces you could burn a name in yeah that's a cool way to thank you thank you but yeah thanks for helping me with organization I got off the top of it for a long time definitely that happens yeah but like I have that's why we're so good at talking together because we both do it but what happened was so it's the like like setting the time to do things like going to get wood is like it can be the whole hour block but at least I did something there you know and meeting with a client to build something for them that can be it's all about what's productive and using your time yeah and so if you have like a category basically think of it like apply for jobs it doesn't say what jobs you're applying for it just says 8am apply for jobs 8.30am apply for jobs whatever your time may be and you just set an end timer and it lets you know when the next one starts because your schedule is always flowing yeah yeah my schedule is not like that get it like that I can help you with it if you want to do that today or something next week whatever works thanks my schedule is highly inefficient right now but also a lot of it has to do with I'm kind of stuck because not this is something I can get around but the people anywhere that I stay but especially the people in my house are daytime people yeah and there's something just so valuable to me about the the the night the solitude the solitude the long night the quiet you don't have any obligations to other people like real world in person obligations to other people there's no distractions and I get work done so much faster like I can not sleep the night before or like I can just go all night and and then still like I'm even more productive the next day after a night of just working and not sleeping up until a certain point like I don't know I had a day recently where I didn't sleep at night and like I tried for a little bit but I guess I might have given up pretty quickly but that was the day after that was the most productive day ever I started going like at night and I didn't want to stop I'm like I'm in a rhythm now yeah whatever they call it the cool thing is though like like your body needs rest so you're talking about working overnight and into the next day it's best to either sleep in the day or sleep in the night as long as you just get 8 hours of sleep and buffer it in between like I buffer between like sometimes I'll go to bed at like 7 or 8 pm and wake up at like 5 or 4 am sometimes I'll wake up or go to bed at 11 and wake up at 6 or 7 and so but as long as I'm within that like 4 hour window of a buffer and I'm getting 7 to 8 hours of sleep I'm fine and that's what you need you don't have to be going like if you're going to be a night time person go to bed during the day everyday but buffer within a couple hours if you need to but like don't sleep in the day one day and then the night and the next day and the day one day I think they call that like a circadian rhythm or whatever you need to like be in the dark or you need to be laying down with everything turned off and like your circadian rhythm has to do with like the production of the hormones which would lead to and help with sleep or just related to sleep and awake your sleep your awake sleep cycle yeah and you need to get that figured out because your body wants that consecutive it wants to know when it can rely on getting rest and if you're not able to do that that's probably the first thing you want to do and another thing is if you're going to be learning anything you want to make sure to get enough sleep too because so I'm going to really screw this one up but it has to do with dopamine, your dopaminergic system and the there's something that builds up in your body called adenosine and it I forget if it like prevents the reuptake of dopamine or what but it gets in the way of like proper dopamine function which has to do it's all kind of in that vein like it helps with sleep and with I think even your sense of time and it's not a lot of people mistake dopamine for just like the pleasure chemical like people say it's like the pleasure chemical or whatever feel good but it actually has a lot more to do with motivation it's true you get a stronger release of dopamine before a pleasurable activity in anticipation of it that's why evolutionarily it came about I mean the people that the creatures that are able to get motivation to do the things that they need to do are gonna survive better if they have an incentive yeah I think I think you said you were gonna mess that up a little bit you messed it up a little bit I think because what I heard is if you're very close just the wording is wrong I'm probably gonna butcher this too but it is the end goal that you're going for and if there's no reward there's no dopamine basically yes yeah if there's no reward there's no dopamine and so if I'm building this bench for this lady and I I'm just building it and then she decides she doesn't want it anymore and I can't sell it to anyone else I'm just gonna stop building it but I know that someone else is definitely gonna buy this bench because it's of good quality and it will be definitely a nice bench when it's done but that's what's keeping me going if it gets tough if it gets to the point where she doesn't want it and I have to sell it to someone else it's still being sold and I can finish it and like if you don't have that payload in sight yeah exactly and then like another thing is too if I sell it to someone else I get off the price and this is I'm giving her a really good deal like cause I just gave her I guess an $85 bench but it's probably like $150 or $120 so but I thought it'd be nice cause she's never really had anything built by me I've never done anything custom so but yeah so yeah that's the thing is that there's no reward there's no dopamine and that's the way I'd put it and you do get dopamine though after you achieve it too but you feel that drive of dopamine when you're starting and there's a task that has a reward in it like lions that get food and other animals that have to hunt and stuff they have that dopamine cause they have that drive to get it and they know it's gonna feel good when they have food in their stomach and then once they eat it they feel even better cause food also gives us dopamine releases right and that's why social media can be so damaging and just media in general but it's a dopamine yeah anything that's just instant gratification it can hijack your whole dopamine system and other neurotransmitters too but it's scary like I mean food is like a drug media is like a drug like especially I mean we all have this experience of just like being in a haze on the couch watching that it's like being in a drugged out state and you're in a trance and at that point why not just do real drugs so you can get some work done true yeah um often I actually feel like that kind of stuff can be more damaging than many illegal drugs like it can have more of an effect more of a negative effect on your life like if you're addicted to Netflix for instance and it's taking away from like actually a lot of the same things can happen with med addiction to Netflix addiction um cause like if you're if you're binging shows and you've sucked all your your dopamine away and you don't have the motivation to go brush your teeth your teeth will get old and fall out and uh you know it makes it harder to go to sleep so so you're staying up late to sleep another similarity with meth addiction or amphetamine addiction um yeah I mean that's I guess the only two similarities off the top of my head but it's um in short it's very damaging I don't know can you think of any other things that Netflix no not right now but that is okay I can't either I think yeah there is that always you're feeling like you gotta go do something but like like meth heads are always doing something when you're watching Netflix you feel like you always have to do something cause you're not doing anything but like meth heads aren't doing enough it's true that the drive to feel or like no the feeling like you need to do something um that's definitely I didn't even think of that but that does come together I need some water alright I think this is a good end for our first like actually full length podcast yeah I was able to talk a lot more freely this time and like like so much you'll get there you'll get there like you'll like get there man but I was I was able to talk without thinking consciously the whole time oh there's a microphone sitting over here and I have to say things right at first I was kind of like getting in the flow but it's just like ignoring the microphone like when I was looking at it it was like I knew it was there when I was looking at you I didn't know it was there I totally forgot it was there so wish the light could be covered up somehow I mean I guess we could do that but yeah it's just like looming over there yeah I can't hear you laughing alright I'm going to shut this off do you want me to say hi to Mikey with me? maybe I'll see if he means me or not is there anything you want to say to the camera? uh like uh yep I love you man I love you buddy

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