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What happens when we trust in the LORD

What happens when we trust in the LORD

Frampton PaulFrampton Paul



From Isaiah 12:2, Frampton Paul begins the teaching series What Happens When We Trust in the LORD. Notice, there're several things that happen when we put our confidence in the LORD. One such thing is salvation—deliverance from the enemy.

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Trusting in the Lord means putting our confidence in Him and relying on Him. It is not just a simple expression, but a decision that is backed by the power and ability of God. When we trust in the Lord, we experience deliverance, salvation, and the removal of fear. God becomes our strength and our song. Trusting in the Lord brings about a different perspective, a change in outlook, and a shift in outcomes. God never makes a promise that He cannot fulfill, and when we trust in Him, He will make a way and bring about victory in our lives. When we trust in the Lord, we place our control and our confidence in His hands, and He will show up in ways that we cannot even imagine. So no matter what we are facing, let us learn to rely on God and trust in Him. Here we are going to Isaiah 12 and verse 2 the Bible says, Behold God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid, for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song, He also is become my salvation. As I think on the word trust, the question rises, what happens when we trust in the Lord? Perhaps you've heard it over and over again, somewhere in your life experience that you should trust God, you should trust in the Lord. One of the things I've noticed is that the expression has become so cheapened, it has become so flicker, so many people throw it all over the place. But there is so much depth, there is so much wealth, there is so much wisdom that we can learn from trusting in the Lord. Because trusting in the Lord is not just a mime thing, it's not just something that we think from the top of our heads. Trusting in the Lord is not just an expression, not just a beautiful expression that we can just throw out and say to someone, trust God. The word trust appears over 130 times in scripture, and there is a reason for this. The bulk of the times of its appearance is in the book of Psalm, where the psalmist seemed to wrap himself in the whole concept and idea, the whole thought, the whole experience of what it really means to trust in the Lord. So as we dig into today's lesson, I want us to learn a few things that we experience, or someone will experience when we trust in the Lord. The word trust means to have confidence, to put confidence in, to rely on. So, in other words, when we say we trust in God, it means that we are putting our confidence in God. When we say we trust in God, it means that we are relying upon Him. It's an expression of faith. It's an expression of hope. It is the idea that I have placed my total confidence in God. It's not a question of, I wonder, or I hope, or I wish, or maybe. It is a decision. It is undergirded by who God is, because you and I know very well, it is worthless to place our trust and our confidence in people. As a matter of fact, scripture tells us that it is not good to put your trust in man, or your confidence in man, or even your trust in princes. But when the prophet Isaiah opened his mouth and he said, God is my salvation, I will trust, he gives us a hint of one of the things which happens as a result of our trust in God. One of the main things that jumps out at us when we trust in the Lord is that there is salvation connected to our trust in God. I'm going to say this again, because I want us to remember this. There is salvation connected to our trust in God. But what does that really mean? Throughout scripture, the word trust seems to be embedded in the experiences of those who were in dire situations, those who were in conflict, those who were surrounded by the enemy, those who perhaps were afflicted, those who had trouble on every side, those who found themselves in certain things that if God did not deliver them, if God did not show up, if God did not give them the victory, then they would not have been able to talk about the victory that God had secured for them. So when we read of God as salvation, that means God as deliverer, that means God is the one who executes deliverance for us, God is the one who allows us to come out of things that we got ourselves into, come out of things that came upon us, God is the one who pulls us out, God is the one who defends us, God is the one who speaks on our behalf, God is the one who as it were brings us out of dark, deep places and brings us into a place of light and glory, brings us into a place of satisfaction, brings us to a place where with the danger that we are facing, we are no longer surrounded by the danger, we are no longer covered or encompassed round about by the enemy. So when scripture say God is my salvation, it talks about God is the one who stands on my behalf and defends me, God is the one who stands on my behalf and delivers me, God is the one who stands on my behalf and ensures that whatever that I am going through, whatever I am dealing with, that I will not succumb to it, but His power will be demonstrated, His strength will be strong, His hand will be strong and we will see, we will see the goodness of God because of His ability, because of His power, because of His loving kindness towards us. Hence the Bible says because of that magnitude, because of that demonstration, because of that quality of God being able to deliver, I will trust. In other words, I cannot trust in a God who is not able to deliver, because the word trust as we have learned is to rely on, to put one's confidence in, to be secure, it carries the idea of safety. So it is not just about putting confidence, but it is having faith in the Word and in the promises in the works of God. Isaiah tells us that trusting in the Lord ensures that we are delivered, trusting in the Lord ensures that salvation is our portion. Trusting in the Lord brings us to the place, not only that we are delivered, but it takes away the element of fear. And I know someone may be wondering how does trusting in God take away the element of fear? Because let's face it, sometimes we are going through certain things in life and the fear is real, the fear is strong, the fear is actually extended, it is for a long period of time. But when we trust in the Lord, what happens is that we are able to come to a place to rely on Him so much so that we will not be afraid. The prophet continues and says when we trust in God, something happens and what happens is that we experience the strength of the Father. Not only have we experienced the strength of the Father, but we also experience a song. There is a song of deliverance that encompasses us about. So the next time you find yourself in a situation, you are wondering is this going to work out? How am I going to go through this? How am I going to get out of this? How am I going to literally see light at the end of the tunnel? How am I going to be able to break through this situation? It comes when we learn, when we come to the place in our minds, in our hearts, in our spirit that I will trust in the Lord. I want you to think about it. The next time you find yourself in a situation that is overwhelming, the next time you find yourself in a situation that you really don't know what to do, what is going to be your response? How will you respond when things are not looking up? How will you respond when the result that you expected did not quite turn out to be the result? How will you respond when things seem to be taking a turn for worse? That's when we must learn to put our confidence in God. That's when we must learn to put our trust in God. That's when we must learn to rely upon Him. Because when we rely upon Him, we know that fear has to go. When we rely upon Him, we understand that salvation, deliverance, security and safety will be the outcome. When we rely upon Him, we know that the strength of the Lord will be made perfect in our weakness. When we rely upon Him, we know that even when we are not able to glory to God, to manifest things or to make things happen of our own, God will make them happen. And I know for some people this may be difficult to wrap your mind around. Because some of us, let's face it, we love to be able to control everything. We love to know that we are in charge. We love to know that we have our hands on the steering wheel. We love to know that we have our feet on the brake when that is necessary. But the truth of the matter is, there are situations and there are circumstances in life that will literally bring us to the place where we are hopeless, where we are helpless, where we do not control anything. And when people realize that things are out of their control or no longer under their control, it's very easy to panic. It's very easy to go into a place of fear. It's very easy to go into a place of anxiety. However, today I want you to hear and remember this word, that there is salvation, there is deliverance for those who trust in God. For those who trust in God, fear exits your life. Fear will leave. For those who trust in God, we will experience the strength of the Lord. For those who trust in God, we will experience the joy of the Lord, the Son of the Lord. So these are some of the things which happen when we trust in God. I want to say this again. These are some of the things which happen when we trust in God. There is deliverance. When we trust in God, there is salvation. When we trust in God, fear disappears. When we trust in God, we experience the strength of God. When we trust in God, a moment you might be weak, a moment you might be overtaken by emotions, by all kinds of sadness, all kinds of things that you may not even be able to explain. But when we trust in God, when we trust in God, hallelujah, when we trust in God, things take a different turn. When we trust in God, it's no longer our strength, it's no longer our hand, it's no longer our own doing, it's no longer our ability to network, it's no longer our ability to speak, it's no longer our ability to show up, it's no longer our ability to pay, it's no longer our ability to transact, but it is the ability of God that comes forward on our behalf. It's the ability of God that shows up. It's the ability of God that allows things to happen. So what are we to learn? What are we to walk away with when we trust in the Lord? When we trust in the Lord, we will understand that God delivers us. When we trust in the Lord, we'll understand that there is no situation that is so deep, that is so strong, that is so mighty, that is so powerful, there is nothing, there is absolutely nothing that God cannot bring us out of. There is absolutely nothing that God cannot defend you from. There is absolutely no one who can have power over you. There is nothing that can literally put you to shame. Because the Bible says in the book of Psalms, that they that trust in the Lord shall be as among the Zion that shall not be moved. There is stability, there is security when we trust in God. When we trust in the Lord, not only there is deliverance, but that deliverance is secure. That hope is secure. God does not do things halfway. That is why the Bible tells us that when we trust in God, there is a stability which comes into our lives. When we trust in God, there is a movement, there is a balance that we experience. When we trust in God, when we trust in God, we no longer do things from our own mind, from our own insight, but we do it from the insight of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Think about it. The next time you find yourself in a situation that is just too much for you, that is overwhelming, that you cannot explain, that you don't know how to bring yourself out, you don't know how to turn things around, remember, remember this, that they that trust in the Lord shall be as among Zion. Remember this. That when we trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not unto all our understanding, in all our ways acknowledge Him. Oh glory to God. Do you know many times the scripture talks about, but my eyes are unto thee oh God the Lord. In thee is my trust. Leave not my soul destitute. When we trust in the Lord, we are able to have the answers that we need. When we trust in the Lord, we have the answers that we need. That is Psalm 118 verse 9. I mentioned the scripture earlier in Psalm 118 verse 8. It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. It is better to rely on God than to put confidence in man. Let's face it, people will tell you, people will say things that they are going to do. People will make promises. People will make promises. Your friend may make a promise. Your family will make a promise. Your spouse will make a promise. People that we know will make promises. What is most important is that when we put our trust in God, nothing can trump that. Nothing can overcome that. Nothing can overpower that. Nothing is more powerful than trusting God. When you don't know what to do, you can trust God. Even when you think that you have figured things out, you can trust God. When things are not moving or looking the way that they ought to look, you can trust God. We can trust God. There is nothing that the Bible says, and I want us to pay attention to this, in Psalm 115 verse 9, O Israel, trust in the Lord, for He is their help and their shield. It references the fact that Israel was surrounded by so many enemies, so many people who came against Israel. So many things stood against Israel. So many hardships Israel had to face, yet they put their trust in God. What are you facing today? What are you dealing with today? What are the hard places of your life? What are the difficult things that you are dealing with? What are the things that seem to be challenging that you have got to overcome? What are the fears that seem to be lodged in your heart, that you wonder, will things ever change? What is it that you are confronted by right now, and you are saying, I wonder if things are going to be different next year, this time? The truth of the matter is, while we may not have all the answers to these questions, one of the things that we can be assured is that God never leaves us. One thing that we are assured is that the Lord will never leave us in the situation that we are facing. Amen. Because there that trust in the Lord shall be as among Zion, that shall never be moved. So what did Isaiah really have to say to us? He said, because of who God is, because Jehovah is his strength and his son, he will be his deliverer. He will set him free. He will bring him out. He will turn his situation around. And this is what God does for his people. You say, what happens when we trust God? When we trust God, we can have a different perspective. We can have a different outlook on life. When we trust God, things may appear to be bleak and gloomy and dark, but when we trust God, there is the assurance that things will turn around. When we trust God, there is the assurance that things will change. When we trust God, there is the assurance that there will be day. When we trust God, when we trust God, when we trust God, the realities of life is not the final stage. The realities of life is not the final stage. So what you may be burdened with, what you may be dealing with, what you may be in doubt about, what you may be uncertain about, what you may be trying to figure out, these things will change. You say, how do you know that these things will change? Because that's what the strength of the Lord really means. When God showed himself strong, when God showed himself mighty, he did not leave the people of Israel and Egypt, but he brought them out by a mighty hand and a stretched out arm. Beloved friends, I want us to remember that God is not like a man. God is not like humans who will give you a word or give you a promise. That's not how God operates. But the way that God operates is that we can trust his word. We can rely on his strength. We can rely on his power. We can place our confidence in his promises. Because we know his promises are yea and amen. Because we know if God said it, he's going to bring it to pass. We know if God spoke it, it's going to be made good. We know these things. And as a result, this is what happens for those who put their confidence and their trust in God. Beloved friends, I do not know, perhaps you place your confidence in systems, perhaps you place your confidence in others, perhaps you place your confidence or your trust on your own self, perhaps you have learned, you have mastered the act of relying on your own ideas, on your own mindset, on your own ways of doing things, on your own interpretation. Hear this word and hear it well. When we put our trust in the Lord, he not only delivers us, he not only brings us out of difficult situations, he not only breaks the barricades, he ensures that we are secure. He ensures, glory to God, that his word is fulfilled. Listen to this, beloved friends, God never starts something that he is not willing to finish. I want you to hear this again. God never makes a promise that he is not able to fulfill. God never speaks something that he cannot back up by his power and by his confidence. God never goes, points a way that he cannot go himself. God never opens a door and leaves it just to you to figure out your way. Instead, when we trust in the Lord, glory to God, he will make a way. When we trust in the Lord, darkness will become light. When we trust in the Lord, there is assurance of every moment. When we trust in the Lord, there is victory on every side. When we trust in the Lord, the enemy cannot overpower us. When we trust in the Lord, the outcomes are different. When we trust in the Lord, our perspective will change. When we trust in the Lord, we will see the hand of God in every area and every aspect of our life. When we trust in the Lord, things that we never thought were possible will become possible. When we trust in the Lord, God will make things happen. On our behalf, when we trust in the Lord, when we trust in the Lord, it will cause people to marvel. When we trust in the Lord, even if for a moment it may seem like we have gone under, when we trust in the Lord, there will be a lifting which comes because God cannot lie, because God cannot fail, because God cannot, in no time, no shape, no form, God cannot be overpowered. And hence, that is the reason why I am sharing with us today what happens when we trust in the Lord. When we trust in the Lord, things may not look wonderful right now. When we trust in the Lord, things may be hopeless at the age or the stage that you are in. When you trust in the Lord, glory to God, no matter how things are at this time, they will shift, they will change, they will move, they will shift, they will change, they will move. Things move because of our trust in God. Things move when we rely on Him. Things move when we place our confidence with Him. Oh yes, lives are transformed because of our trust in the Lord. Listen to me, sisters and brothers, as you go through your day and as you go through your life journey, remember what happens when we trust in the Lord. You may say, there are so many things that I am dealing with and they are coming at me faster than I can even breathe. Put your confidence in the Lord. That's right. Not in your own efforts. You know, it is very easy for us to rely on ourselves. It is very easy for us to rely on our own efforts. And we continue, many times we continue in that vein of doing and trying to make it happen. But listen, when we trust in the Lord, the Lord will do for us what we were never able to do for ourselves. When we trust in the Lord, God will give us answers that we never thought about. When we trust in the Lord, He will show up in a way that is totally amazing to us. When we trust in the Lord, when we trust in the Lord, glory to God, things will happen faster than you can think or imagine. When you trust in the Lord, things will happen at a speed that you will not be able to explain. When you trust in the Lord, there is going to be compounded greatness and goodness and kindness and mercy. When we trust in the Lord, we will see the favor of God in ways that we had never experienced in our lifetime, if we had done things on our own. Hear this word today. No matter what you find yourself, no matter what you're facing, learn to rely on God. Whether you're in the office, whether you're at home, whether you're on the roadway, learn to put things in the hand of God. Because that's what trust really is. It means that I am no longer responsible for what is happening. I am no longer in control of what is happening. I have given control over to the King of Kings. I have given control to the Lord of Lords. I have given control to the one who is mighty, the one who is all-powerful, the one who is holy, the one who is faithful, the one who is true. I have given him total control. Listen to me, beloved friends. Scripture tells us, God is my salvation. I will trust and not be afraid. I will trust and not be afraid. For the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song. He also is become my salvation. When we trust God, God becomes for us everything that we desire. When we trust God, God becomes for us everything that we hope for. When we trust God, God becomes everything that we prayed. When we trust God, He defends. When we trust God, He delivers. When we trust God, He secures. Today, trust in Him. Today, place your confidence in Him. Today, rely on Him. Today, take your hands off the controls and give the control back to the one who is all-powerful. Trust Him. Father, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, let your people discover the blessing. May they discover the good that comes from trusting you. Lord, we have trusted ourselves. We have trusted our own ideas, our own thoughts, our own ways of doing things and we have been disappointed. We have been left to ourselves. I pray in the name of Jesus, the Christ, the Son of the Living God, you will teach, you will show, you will help us to find new men in trusting you. I pray today that as someone relies and places his or her confidence in you, you will show yourself strong, you will show yourself mighty. They will experience the God who never fails. I thank you for doing it. I praise you. As you continue to speak to hearts, minds and spirits, speak to your people. Teach us how to trust you even when we don't understand. Teach us how to trust you even when we are left in the dark. Teach us how to trust you because we know that salvation, deliverance, security and so many wonderful things come out from our trust, our reliance upon you. We can trust you. Teach us how to do it. In Jesus' mighty name, Amen.

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